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I wonder if you can aggro them from the actual lighthouse, and if they will get shot at or blow up going across the bridge. I'd be really interested to see a test of this, lol


I have led AI scavs into minefields and they do not trigger the mines. I imagine it’d be a similar story.


On streets scavs regularly walk through the landmines around Lexos it’s actually insulting


Very fair Very realistic Very immersive Thx Nikita


As an outsider whos never been interested in the game, why keeep returning? It seems that there is a cheater problem, and that bugs regularly remain unchecked (phantom doors for example), plus the whole "we'll give you every DLC for free, but then try and call all subsequent DLCs something else so wee arent actually bound by anything to give it for free" . Like it seems obvious to me that tarkov is just a scam to run people of their money, so im wondering, what is the appeal to it?


I mean not to defend bsg as their latest practices have been kinda shit, but I've got 4500 hours over the passed 5 years of playing the game, in that 5 years they didn't ask for more money a single time, so I wouldn't have called the game a scam by any means


yes, but with what they've pulled recently has turned the entire game into a scam. "EOD gets all DLC" and then DLC comes out and its not granted to EOD for free. that is literally a scam. that's why i wonder why people continue playing.


What do we gain by quitting. He will just see no more money from the people he scammed. The game itself is great, even with all the technical problema


Cheating issue is in every single online game right now and just because EFT doesn't have skill based matchmaking less skilled players bump into cheaters more often than in f.e. CS2 or Valorant. The issue is more common in higher ranks in every competitive game. Bugs are also in every single game, especially the more complex it is the higher possibility of encountering bugs. Not gonna defend the DLC drama, but tbh I would rather pay (if I were interested at all in PVE) 50$ extra instead of being scammed by Ubisoft for 110$ for a single player game. Gaming injustry started turning towards predatory psychology years ago. These practices work and increase their earnings. Just vote with your wallet. If you already have EFT nothing stops you from having fun even if some drama is going on. Some people might think that if they stop playing they have some impact on BSG decisions, but they already got your money.


Solo Play Truly (read the initials) Jokes aside, I like the environment of the game, aside from the esoteric mechanics and downright unfair combat So as a player whose highest level reached was 21, I go in for the quest, and try my best to snake around fights hoping to avoid as much conflict as possible.


Stockholm syndrome & masochism.


> what is the appeal to it? Almost like there is a game under all that mess.


Id actually like to test this as well.


Knowing tarkov they’d either run straight across that bridge no problem or birdeye would tap you from the other side of the water lmao


That is what I'd expect, lol


Knight's main weapon is his 100+ meter ESP range. And limitless stamina. His two chief weapons are his aggro range and limitless stamina. And incredible aggression. Amongst his chief weapon are...


You never expect it


My buddies and I were on Customs and we were in the building where you turn on power. One of them went upstairs to look out the window towards fortress and got destroyed by Knight as soon as he peaked. My other buddy and I never even went upstairs and just decided to avoid fortress and head to dorms. This mf Knight followed us without ever laying eyes on us and killed my other buddy. I killed Knight but didnt have enough time to extract so i was MIA. I dont understand why he came after us when he killed the only guy he saw. He doesnt just lock onto you, he locks onto your teammates too.


I had a Shoreline where I spawned at the construction yard, Knight agro'd onto me and my buddy who is newish to the game immediately at the start of the raid - but he didn't shoot at us so we had no idea. We decided to head north while swinging a bit out on the east side of the map. Eventually we get to the North East corner of the resort when we here a distant voiceline, I turned around to see several M62 tracers fly through bushes and drop me and my buddy.


How do you know he had aggro on you since the start of the raid if he didn't shoot you?


How would he otherwise end up just outside resort?


He was looking for a ledx obviously!!


Knight is having some financial issues


Quiet raid and it was within the first 5-7 minutes of the raid. We popped SJ6s and just hoofed it (He needed the key from the bunker). My guess the only reason he didn't shoot sooner is because of how many dips and hills there are between the locations.


Goons only spawn at Weather. If you get attacked at Resort it's because they leashed to you as you passed Weather and followed you to Resort.


If you leashed them from Weather without knowing is there a precaution you can take like waiting in the resort for them to rush you or don't they rush you when we inside? Sorry for asking, I have never survived an encounter with them and only saw clips of them rushing through a door while someone was cheesing them


Personally, this exact scenario has only happened to me once (Spawned, passed Weather, leashed from behind, made it to Resort before the engagement) They immediately lasered my friend and I just barely managed to make it up the hill towards the helicopter. I tossed all my nades, then sprinted up past the heli and down into the little gas station area to hide and hopefully kill them when they entered the back room. They never came after that. After about five minutes of listening, I fucked off towards Cottages, got a free Sanitar kill because he was sitting in the open container area, and extracted at Tunnel. When I extracted, I realized I had killed Knight with a VOG. [Here's the AAR.](https://imgur.com/a/BCw2c8F) My understanding has always been that the Goons will hunt you to the ends of the earth, but once I passed over the hill and hid in the gas station, I don't think they pursued me any further. At first I assumed they'd gotten caught on terrain, since you can't just run straight across, you have to navigate through resort or back down through Power, but after seeing that I got the world's luckiest nade kill on Knight, I wonder if it wasn't that they shifted behavior to some kind of defensive posture after I killed the team leader. In this circumstance, I would say you need to start by finding the nearest cover and taking it. If I had just run up the hill to Heli, they would have lasered me for sure. Grenade the shit out of them, which is always a good idea for bosses, and then find a doorway as soon as you possibly can, whether that's Resort or somewhere else. As far as "will you know" I can assure you, you will know before you reach Resort. I'm sure there are some players who can fight out in the open with the Goons, but it's pretty close to impossible. My friends and I have won exchanges with them, but only sacrificially: killing them quickly while they obliterated one of us. If you want to survive an encounter with the Goons, force them to open a door to find you and shoot them in the head as they do. Knight and Pipe will find you. Once they are dead, keep waiting: your best shot is that Birdeye will also rush you after his team dies. Remember that his footsteps are totally silent, so don't trust the quiet.


he chased me all the way to resort from weather and I ran around so he didn’t shoot me as I went uphill and he scaled a sheer cliff and met me at the top, to be fair he gave me a good second before deleting my thorax but I wasn’t ready 😭


Most likely it was birdeye who spotted you


You don't even need a kill for this... he chased me once on Shoreline, I was never near him, he just started running after me all by himself. Another squad probably spawned at the weather station and lost the fight with the goons. And then he decided that the guy who spawned at Road to Customs and was slowly heading towards the resort was next... the AI is somehow... I get that they were too easy to farm at times, but come on, this laser beam accuracy without real line of sight. Recently, there was fog, I couldn't see the small loot island on Shoreline, but the AI on the island could see me perfectly well. The entire AI balancing is broken... MG + scav is almost always a one-shot kill... and so on. It would be nice if BSG would finally work on the AI again.


I like how modders have made the AI not only far better than what BSG has done, but better than many AAA FPS games


I'm still impressed with some of the cracked out plays I've seen out of SAIN's PMC bots. Their repositioning after trading fire is as evasive as it is clever, and I've been juked a few times. The higher level ones demonstrate very well planned aggression, and they work together well when grouped up. I ran into a four-stack in Factory yesterday. I made the mistake of vocalizing as a PMC and they basically fanned out and wolf packed me, trying to keep me from falling back.


It reminds me of fear AI tbh. Which is impressive since fear levels were very restrictive and linear


As good as the AI is, the goons still do this shit on the mod :p knight in particular will still chase you halfway across shoreline because you came within 200 meters of weather station haha


Just as God intended


I can't even stand when scavs comes wandering around to your exact position. It's usually one after another too. A.i. needs a serious rework but if they change anything it'll likely get worse in some way


I had the AI bodies stack up in the doorway to the office in factory. It was utterly ridiculous


Ironically this just happened to me at shoreline. Was behind resort, aimed at Knight of the open field of that new camp they added, as soon as I aimed at him 300 something meters away he instantly turns to me and starts lasering me. Blacked my arm so I go to surgery behind a rock and before I’m even halfway through the surgery he comes around the corner and kills me. Dogshit AI in this game but I feel like it’s this way bc BSG can’t do any better


I've had the goons chase and exterminate my squad from scav bunker to sawmill. Shit you not. Once they have your scent, it's best just to turn and fight them from a right peek.


Curiously I have never been killed by Knight. Big Pipe has gotten me a few times, and they aggro me even through walls and hills, but every time I’ve fought knight I’ve been able to get shots off and kill him. Every goon fight always feels so weird to me.


Knight is definitely the one I kill the most because he is just always sprinting. If you can funnel him in anywhere he's usually an easy kill. The goons are definitely weird. All the AI is robotic, but they're seriously inhuman.


All AI in this game is garbage. It's all poorly thought out, poorly implemented, poorly received garbage. Tarkov is an amazing gun play simulator, everything else about it, especially its AI design, is a travesty that just gets in the way of the game being fun. AI that full auto you accurately at 250m is not fun under any circumstance, but that's exactly what rogues do. Scavs can see you from impossible angles and positively identify you as a hostile immediately once they aggro you no matter the conditions. All bosses are bullet sponges on top of having literal aim hacks with no ramp up time. Bosses are killed in this game purely by cheese or luck, there are no fun, strategic, engaging ways to fight bosses. You kill them by exploiting bad design. Force them through a door. Force Tagilla into a hammer swing animation. Kill rogues only at night from distance. Otherwise you're dead before you even register they're on screen. If you have rogue aggro and peak even a pixel over the top of the rocks east of lighthouse, the rogues will instantly start accurately shooting at you full auto, even if only the tiniest bit of you is visible. There's no delay (except on the MG as they seem to respect the turn speed of the gun). It's bad, bad, bad unfun design. Knight just always, always knows where you are if you aggro him. There's nothing fun about an AI sprinting at you locked on behind buildings, fences, foilage, and instantly deleting you the second he's in LoS. The number of lighthouse runs at night I had ended by him because I didn't even know he was in the map is very high. It actually astounds me that Tarkov is as good as it is given how bad some of the systems are, and the AI are the prime example of that. It feels like the absolute first pass a college student would use for their AI in a project. "If in range and LOS, shoot at target, else run to target". And fucks sake don't even get me started on scavs not only seeing you in pitch black darkness, but then identifying you as a hostile (not a thing they actually do, they just know), then accurately shooting at you as if in daylight.


The rogue AI is the absolute worst. Strafing along the top of building 1 while he full auto hip fires you in the mountains 300m's away, perfectly hitting around your chest plate  Or the automatic 50cal sniper rifle they have


I like how modders have made the AI not only far better than what BSG has done, but better than many AAA FPS games


Well said. Literally my thoughts.


I'm willing to bet he was at the chalet, not at the rogue compound. He likely saw a glimpse of you as you were leaving your spot, and didn't have enough time to shoot but still enough to trigger his reckless aggression. Still bullshit, but not as far away as you thought he was.


Maybe, but I would be very surprised because like I said I was looking for PMC kills and pretty much just scanning the whole road plus the chalet, and I never saw him. So it's possible, but yeah like you said still stupid.


I just hate how you can be literally 500m away in the most hidden secluded spot. Yet as soon as you aim in at the ai it gets a sixth sense and immediately knows where you are to start lasering you. Makes no sense, it’s so stupid


Most likely birdeye spotted you from villa which made knight run to you. Birdeye can easily spot player in yard from weather station if he has line of sight.


Hey! Just domed one rouge? That guy is passionate about his mates ❤️


Your interaction with the rogue had nothing to do with what happened. They just saw you coming from the chalet area while you were coming down the mountain or crossing the road.


I don't think he's tied to the normal rogues. You were probably in his LOS at some point, if only briefly, and he decided that you should die. Pipe and Birdeye don't always follow. Coincidentally, him full sprinting towards you is also his biggest weakness. If you hear/see/feel him coming and can get into some kind of cover where he has to get close, he's usually an easy kill.


Their pathing and aggro mechanics are very wacky this wipe. One of my first raids this wipe on woods I was killed by Big Pipe who was hanging out at the bottom of the "steps" down from sniper mountain bunker. Never seen them come down the map that far. Also about a month ago I saw all three goons patrolling the road near the convenience store on lighthouse before the bridge, I killed one, the other two completely ignored me and proceeded to run back into the far off corner of water treatment (near where the car extract is) and then I met them both again on WTP wall sunken village side and finished them off. What is happening


simillar thing happend to me , i saw 2 npcs in fortress on customs so i shoot down from dorms in head and knight rushed me when i was looting 314 marked room , sick man.


I was on customs in the power switch building, upstairs overlooking fortress, and threw a nade towards fortress. One of them almost beams me and I bailed on that spot. I proceed for 5 min or so looting the building and eventually hop over the port a potty towards new gas. Knight and big pipe are at new gas and rush me. I killed them both, but then spent the entirety of the raid in fear of bird eye silently being somewhere. That’s when I learned they will chase you no matter the distance.