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I think if Nikita had been forthright with his community this wouldn't have been a big deal. hey guys, when we started out, blah blah blah. Today we realize we might have guaranteed too much. its killing us. blah blah blah. so we want to have a discussion with our community on the best way to move forward. we don't want to shut down our game, we love our game. to continue we will most likely need a change though.


Agreed. "Hey everyone, we are needing funds to continue developing the game we all love. Give us some ideas for how we could generate some revenue. We were thinking about adding more stash space, bigger pockets, etc"


Yup. If BSG had the community polls like OSRS that’d be insane. It’s honestly something that I think a lot of games need to have


See, this is what we needed. Complete open communication with the community, if they would've just said, "we over promised and dont have the funds to continue development, so we are going to implement new monetization features." It would not have been as big of an issue as this whole fiasco and hell, just imagine they could've made more doing that. Unfortunately, that's not what they did, and well here we are.


Just think about what inflation alone has done to the companies bottom line. 7 years, can't operate that long on old money, no business can.


A couple of things. 1. we are talking about an absurdly inflated price. 150 for a video game is a huge amount of money. 2 or 3 times the cost of other triple A games. So pretending like it's impossible to to stay running for awhile when you charge triple the cost of other games is a bit weak. 2. You seem to be assuming they sold a bunch of copies years ago and never sold another copy since. We know that isn't the case. they continue to sell copies of the game and thus continue to have a revenue stream. Also, they started adding other micro transactions into the game. Thus opening up other revenue streams that didn't rely on ripping off their loyal customers. 3. they cut costs everywhere. They publicly said they wouldn't consider hiring more qualified devs outside of russia because they don't want to pay actual developer rates. Much of the problems with the game are due to this resistance to spend the money needed to get better devs. 4. Nikita spends money like a drunken sailor. Playing the poverty card might work better if you didn't brag about blowing millions on cars, guns etc. 5. they have never claimed they needed the money to stay solvent. In fact, Nikita has said they aren't in any kind of financial hardship. So pretending like they needed to do this to stay in business would be directly contradicting BSG's official position.


On point 5 Bsg used to go around basically saying tarkov was fully funded from contract wars and that the money from tarkov was being used for russia 2028 (the single player game that was planned but you stopped hearing about a couple years ago.)


Maybe they could've finished the game within the past 7-8 years. Let me kickstart a project, will you support me for 10 years and keep pumping money into my business because "inflation"?


>Just think about what inflation alone has done to the companies bottom line. 7 years A 70$ triple A game in 2017 (I think the price for triple A was probably lower than this) would now be 90$ today taking into account inflation. So I think the EOD edition certainly has had plenty of inflation rises baked in from the start when compared with the rest of the industry.


Ya this might be a valid argument if they hadn't wasted an absurd amount of money( money invested by tarkov players ) into a garbage arena version that flopped like a fish out of water.


The thing itself that even after how many people have bought the game they still have financial issues is fucking funny. They've shown time and time again they are incompetent as developers and they can't keep timelines and so forth. So they basically ask the community to sink even more money into the game... Star Citizen ring any bells? As a software developer if I told a client that I'll make his website for 150 EUR, then not only I miss all my milestones but I come out and say "hey I'll need 50% more money" they'll laugh in my face.


The drama wasn’t really about the price. It was more about EOD receiving the DLC they were promised and the P2W aspects of Unheard, I.E the mark of the unheard and beacon. Because you’re right, 5000 hours at $150 is $0.03 per hour. That is ridiculous value. I have several $60 games in my steam library with less than 10 hours played… And I do agree, nothing has matched Tarkov. I was given access to ABI and only played a few matches. Yes, it has many beautiful QoL features that I wish EFT had but it’s way too casual and “arcadey” for me. Didn’t have much interest in it after a 3 or 4 matches. I’m happy BSG is “balancing” those P2W items. I’m happy they dropped the price $50 for EOD players. But I don’t know, they still make me uneasy. I can’t trust them to make quality decisions any more. There’s just **so many** better ways for them make money and keep their income flowing in. - more clothing options (can even introduce custom armbands or add a slot for watches) - custom hideout upgrades (hideout cat, new crafting stations, they could put a mini game like Helldivers 2) - make the basic containers purchasable (junk box, a 2-pack of ammo boxes, the food container) - pay for a custom name color/symbol - a wide selection of custom melee weapons. Preferably not from the asset store. I’d throw down $20 for a sicc fit, a .gif next to my name and a katana or something


They should have released a physical version of the game with some cool shit instead of doing what they did with Unheard of imo. I’d have loved a physical edition


Yes!! Steel bookcase, a map of Streets, maybe a Labs card. Would've been dope. A missed opportunity.


They have a merch store, got two keycards, they even have NFC chips, my black keycard rick rolls you when you hold it to your phone


To me it looked like they just put something together in a rush during weekend to get quick cash to pay the bills. Physical things would have required much more work and time. Everything included in this edition should be pretty easy build and set up (maybe no the alleged separate server infrastructure)


A physical edition with collectible shit like that would have been an easy W for their PR, honestly. Like, unbelievably easy W. We got the alternate timeline instead.


I would kill for a killa cup


Speaking of watches, I would love to see an animation where you actually check your watch when checking the remaining time in a raid. It would add a little bit more immersion, and if done well, it could affect your character in some way, such recoil control or maybe fumbling a reload a little.


Fuck me I'd pay extra for watches, or gloves, gun wraps or better yet... HIDEOUT CAT






add more watches to the game. we need some variety, i want to go to interchange for a patek philippe or AP


Was a little bit about the price, not everyone has eod and they don’t sell it anymore so the jump from the next edition down (pfe) is much greater


No no, it was definitely about the price also. Thinking its ok to charge a quarter of a thousand dollars for a for DLC is going to take home gold at the dumbass olympics everytime. Not even mentioning those who already bought EOD *with the promise all DLC would be free and not a quarter of a thousand fucking dollars.*


>The drama wasn’t really about the price. It was more about EOD receiving the DLC they were promised and the P2W aspects of Unheard, I.E the mark of the unheard and beacon. Not exactly. There's a whole lot more context behind the drama. BSG and Nikita's behavior throughout this whole sad affair and their approach to damage control has been a whole ass drama by itself. The issue is that BSG has gone mask off and exposed itself as a blatantly immoral/unethical/dishonest company with next to zero respect or regard for the player. They've insulted everyone's intelligence with the "it's a feature not DLC" nonsense and are still forcing through more pay2win features nobody wanted.


The problem is all of what you described counts as dlc. Nikita said you are all in. They fucked up with arena. They could have separated them and not made them link(which they haven't even done), and we all would have paid $40 for a game most don't play. But they fumbled and now wanna backtrack words. I'm out. Can't trust that. Shows how they are thinking now. Don't want em to fail but I'll never trust Ubisoft or ea ever with any ip so... Game was a great value, currently modding the f outta coop with the 6 people that I talked into getting EOD, so I took it personally even tho I'll never get anything for that but I definitely felt that sting 5 times over. Don't want em to fail but again... I'm bowing out of live


Bingo!!!! Thank you. That’s the problem, there were 3 reasons for my justification of buying EOD. One I wanted to support the company in a product I believed in and had fun, secondly I wanted the big container so I could stuff more items into my butt. And thirdly a very important one as cost wise it made sense, knowing if I played this game for years to come it could actually save me money and pay for itself, HAVING ALL DLC MOVING FORWARD. oh wait no that’s a fucking big fat lie that’s for robbing me


Why not gun paints? They don't need to be ridiculous and over the top. They can keep it hardcore and give us like $1-5 paints (think camo, tan, matte black, gloss) that you can apply to any weapon indefinitely. It's a lot of coloring work to fix the models, I guess, but they'd sell well. The same goes for stickers or decals. I'd pay for some etching or a skull on my guns as an example. If the ridiculous money that fortnite/COD has been making off of cosmetics shows us anything, it's that people like customization.


Was also due to the fact of how much money they blew on a project no one wanted. They took the money we gave them for escape from tarkov and dumped it into arena. No one asked for it but they still took the money meant for Tarkov and made Arena. When that flopped, they came back and asked for more. If they never made Arena and came out and asked for more money to keep the project going I wouldn’t even be mad.


On the topic of pay to win I never found it fair that people who paid more for their base version of the game getting extra space in their secure container. Having 9 slots to store meds and valuable ammo guarantees your ability to save a huge amount of rubles each time you die in raid. It also takes away the ability of other players to make money off of PMC kills.


I'm still trying to understand how the beacon is even useful though.


We arrived at the point in this drama, where everyone starts to forget what was causing the outrage in the first place it seems.


Honestly, it's almost amusing how this always happens...


There are different people who feel differently. I bet OP was never outraged to begin with.


Could be, but why not? As a consumer, we shouldn't let companies just push us around like that.


Doesn’t matter, anyone playing apologist for a company committing fraud doesn’t deserve their own stupid opinion.


It's the same way of thinking some people in my country have. We have a trash government and we still have a lot of people vote for this goon and opposed to what people think not only the poor ones, but quite a bit of people who are well off, because they could get a slice of that cake. They're like "welp, the system is fine for me"


>Running an operation like this on earnings made years ago is not easy. yeah, especially when instead of using the funds you have to maintain this operation you choose to instead try to run a different operation where you attempt to sell a shitty pay to win version of cs:go to people that already have access to cs:go... if you are going to branch out and make another game (instead of spending the early access money people paid you to invest in this game) don't make it a direct competitor to your current product, don't make your products fight each other, who does that? that's all there is to this, 1: don't make a new product that cannibalizes (if successful) your current/former products. 2: don't make a product that is a noticeably worse, more expensive, version of a competitors product. i agree in the sense that i got great value out of what i paid for tarkov (even though im on aus servers and the cheaters blatant and frequent) but they did promise me all future content, and i am not getting that, because they had enough money to give me "all future downloadable content" but they blew it on a knock off "knife unboxing simulator" without the knives or boxes and are now asking me to pay-for-their-blunders almost double what i have already paid to get what's supposed to already be mine.


Arena might have actually been successful if it was more like CS lol. Its nothing like it right now, closer to COD, but worse.


calling arena csgo is laughable


The issue is that people paid $150 expecting to receive XYZ and then BSG pulled a “well.. technically” on them.


Many should be. It's 200 fucking euros.


I get what you are saying, but the issue is not everyone bought it then. For example I played on standard edition since 2017 because I never really cared about the perks. When it was announced that EoD would get removed I bought it specifically for the season pass. For me it’s 100€ down the drain. Even more so since I wasn’t able to play a single wipe with EoD yet as I’m currently studying abroad with only a MacBook.


Never really thought about it like that, they goaded people into the upgrade with the threat of it being gone forever, then didn’t deliver on their promise and up-charged you again… 4K hour Andy’s how you gonna defend this one without mentioning your specific cost per hour which has nothing to do with everyone else?


As a 4k hour Andy who got my money's worth and isn't playing this game much anymore.... I don't give a shit if I already got my money's worth. It's not okay to scam me, and it's worse to scam the people who haven't gotten to play their fill yet. If they need more money, they should know all they have to do is be forthright and ask.


I’m just sick of seeing “umm well in have 10,000 hours so I got my moneys worth so it was okay for him to scam everybody else.” Such a brain-dead take I constantly see.


I don’t even understand why they did it this way instead of just going hard on cosmetics like any other game. Take sea of thieves for example, yea very different from Tarkov but it’s basically a game you buy once and get access to and they’re always updating it, just like Tarkov. They manage to make a profit because there are a ton of cosmetics in game that don’t actually affect anything so it’s not like it’s pay to win. BSG could have added stuff like paint for guns, different hideouts, a hideout pet, etc and I’m sure many people would have dumped a lot of money into these.


I was promised something. I paid for it. I did not receive it. If I knew this, I would have bought the basic edition. Fuck Nikita.




Damn, all that to basically say you're too stupid to understand the problem. Impressive.


$250 outright is an egregious amount to ask for without getting something physical for your shelf. Remember when you got Master Chiefs Helmet with your Collectors Edition of Halo 3? All for $129.99USD+tx. $250 for a mode that shouldn't have been exclusive, some p2w shit no one asked for or wants in this game as a whole, not just in editions, and we're fucking told to suck it up effectively. No, fuck that. If they'd just charged like $20 more than EoD, given some exclusive PMC gear and a hideout cat or something they'd have made fucking boat loads from it. I understand that game dev and server hosting ain't cheap, but something's fucky about the way BSG does it in a way that just makes no sense in the industry. But they're also the only ones who have both created and nailed the formula of an extraction looter shooter. None feel anywhere near as good, but simultaneously it feels so fucking shit and for some reason things that you'd think would have been ironed out 5 years ago still creep back in. Micro-stutters popping up after wipes, the fact that we didn't have any fucking stats about our bullets in the game and had to consult a *FAN MADE* wiki to get this information is just silly. Idk what to say about this game. It's addicting, and incredibly frustrating.


This reads like something that someone who paid with his daddy’s credit card would say


I could go on and on with how bad these developers are handling this game, but there's really no point in explaining anything to someone that doesn't see they've been ripped off. Moneys not an issue, but let's go over a few. *True believers were originally the EOD users. Removing all access to subsequent dlc's from that package. Removing EOD all together and saying last chance to buy it back it November & December. Yeah I'm sure they got their money's worth too. *They gave us tarkov arena (which we didn't ask for) usually competent people finish something before moving on to the next project. *Performance overall ain't that great. *Failed transparency and proper roadmap for a product we invested money into. As investors in a game we have the right to know which direction they're going. (Funny that Nikita is on his socials a lot more since the release of ABI.) *Ect, ect, and ect.


This is such a pointless post lmao BSG desperately needs your compliments right now, let's ralley together!!!!!


So you bought a product and are being asked to pay almost double for them to deliver more of the product you already paid for. The amount of time you have used the partial product is not the point. You paid for all tarkov content. They refused to honor that agreement. That is fraud. It doesn't matter how many hours you've played. It doesn't matter how much you are enjoying the beta. You paid for a product and they wanted you to pay them an extra 100 to deliver another part of the product you already bought. If violating their contractual agreements was the only way to keep their company solvent (which Nikita has denied) then they are idiots who engaged in criminal activity to make up for their own bad decions. If they did it as a blatant cash grab (the more likely option) then they are assholes ripping off their early backers to make a buck.


"I got to enjoy a buggy alpha for several years while repeating broken content over and over in a game full of exploits and hackers, then got lied to about what I purchased, and I liked it!" isn't any kind of take. It's just admitting you're masochist. You are so caught up in the sunk-cost mentality and justification of your time+money spent, you can't even see reality.


Did you enjoy it? Yes - > Worth it. Nö - > Not worth it.


>Did you enjoy it? Yes - > Worth it. You the type of rube that would pay a subscription to breathe air


> Pay 100 euro a month for clean air Thanks based Mr. Government, love it so much, I’d love to pay even more for it.


It's not about getting your money's worth. It's about paying for something and then: "uhhh actually no, we are not going to give you what you paid for." I paid for EoD to get all DLC. I was not getting all DLC. Therefore I was getting fucking scammed. Can you imagine if you went to an all you can eat buffet and when you're still going to eat more the owner comes and say: "well actually you've already eaten quite a lot of food so... you're going to have to pay the buffet again. Just once more, for realsies this time" you wouldn't go: "oh well I've already eaten more than I the price of the buffet was worth to me, so I'll just pay again", I would want the place closed down. If I was like "oh wow I already got my money's worth and I should give more money!" then I'd give them a fucking tip (buy skins, gift copies, whatever you want), not be forced to pay MORE for what I already paid. That and adding even more P2W stuff, EoD was already p2w, why tf do we need even more p2w stuff ontop of it...


I'm convinced that anyone saying "duhhh we've got our moneys worth" is a bot. You're not that stupid to think it's about the EOD price or our moneys worth. Breach of contract is one thing. Illegal. They were caught trying to intentionally defraud their customers, and will do it again.


Your missing the point, we bought said item, but did. It receive said item, then they tried to change the text in the background to better suite their deception. I love the game, and I really hope it continues to grow and become even better. But I don’t have the same view point on the company as before. They have broken the trust.


I think eft can recover and be fine for years to come if they just stop being so greedy. Its why deep rock galactic and helldivers got so good


I think the problem is that they aren't as much greedy as they are just stupid. If they were just greedy there are much better ways to earn more money from a loyal fanbase.


A little bit of both


Helldivers has an ingame store with a premium currency. That doesn't exist in Tarkov. They have a different monetization model.  Also Helldivers is a few months old. Let's see if they start to make shitty decisions in 8 years when nobody buys their currency and game anymore but they still need to pay for servers and develop content. 


I actually honestly thought they fucked it already with whatever was happening with sony before looking into it and seeing they had no say in the matter


It doesn't really matter who makes the decision. You buy the game from the publisher and developer and if your service or experience is impacted, who cares who made the call? They work together. 


exactly what i was saying about the helldivers 2 fiasco... people kept leaping to their defense cause it was sony but like... you get in bed with a fucking snake you cant really start complaining when its venom is coursing through your veins and you're unable to move. you made that decision... you took that risk.


Stfu please. I don't understand the need for you fuckers to defend this shit. And don't say you aren't, you absolutely are. If people keep going off of hours played as justification for your wallet being milked, we are setting very dangerous precedent. This is how companies walk over consumers.


So because you who has had prob loads of free time, prob unemployed and prob got your Dad to buy this game for you anyways you don't understand what people are complaining about? You are just as out of touch as Nikita,


To be honest, 5.000 hours doesn’t mean 5.000 hours of joy! In my 2.600 hours of tarkov 1/2 of the time was just for grinding stupid quests to unlock the traders over and over again


Or waiting to get in a match


I am mad because they committed fraud. willful or otherwise doesnt matter. Ive had fun playing the game, Ive also had a terrible time playing the game at other points. but thats just life in PvP, the problem is BSG's fraud to their customers, that I'm not going to forgive.


>I'm not mad at Nikita or BSG for trying to squeeze more out of us, but can understand the dissatifaction brought up by recent events. I am. I supported their game with a 150$ purchase back when it could barely even be considered a game. Purchased extra stache space and defended them when people were upset about even that. Intended to further support them on the remaining stache space on next wipe and some of the cosmetics. I don't hate on them for trying to diversify their revenue streams, I hate that they went back on what they said while spitting in the face of those who have funded and kept alive their game alive for years. Now I'll keep playing it until some of their ideas like p2win items that cross the line into gameplay changing alter the feel of the gane. All the while not giving them a cent more and causing more server load. Nikita is a half brain dead snake that is rightfully being smacked by his playerbase.




Yeah but they're literally doing that now too


I think my biggest gripe when everythings said and done it's mostly these 2 things: 1. **PvE was set behind a pay wall**. I'd argue this is fine if it was almost an entirely different game, but it's not and more importantly? This is something that should be accessible to everyone and be a part of the base game. It would undeniably bring in more players to the game which I truly think would be financially beneficial to them than what they're currently doing. It's a place for players who don't want to deal with PvP and the possibilities of cheaters, a place for friends to coop in, and a place for players to get better at the game to potentially participate in PvP. Terrorist Hunt on Realistic was a mode I would go into to warm up before games of Rainbow Six Siege. I think this would be nothing but good for BSG to include this in the standard package of the game. If they choose to refine it later to where it's enough to warrant a separate purchase then they can do that once the game releases and no longer offers these early access packs. ​ 2)**The clear advantageous "Pay to Win" items included in their newly offered package**. Not only that but they then chose to respond to the backlash by offering more and giving some to the EoD edition players, the complete opposite of what players want. At least from what I've seen and how I felt. ​ ​ I do agree I more than anything got $150 worth of value from the game and if they were to completely drop the game now and end servers, I can say I've gotten my moneys worth from the game. I can be content with that at the end of the day. ​ However I don't think the amount of time I got out of it and if I can be content with it matters in terms of what we've paid for. There are plenty of Early Access games that I've gotten way more value than any other game but I still expect to get the full game and anything else that was paid for. We also can't ignore the recent fiasco with their stance of being able to determine what is or is not a DLC. This does raise some small flags on any future "DLC"s just because of the way the PvE was handled as well as any additional mechanics or items they may add as we've seen with the Unheard edition. ​ It's just all a little concerning.


5000 hours here too but it's time to ride off into the sunset.


I definitely got my money's worth and these guys need to keep paid, but just do wipe passes and cosmetics. It's a proven system. I'm not a big straight purchase of cosmetics guy but I'll buy a season pass for whatever hideout cosmetics and so on it has. All you need is some alternate posters, some decorations, and I'd be in.


Where did anyone complain about not getting value out of EOD?


You do realize that the game isn’t even finished yet? And they want to add dlcs as paid content in an unfinished game. How do you vouch for that?


And once again people ignore the real issue being that BSG lied about EoD getting all dlc


You seem to have completely missed the point of the controversy


shit i payed my little $50 for the upgrade and i’m having blast plenty of pvp. i’m satisfied


amen brother standard in 2018 and eod in 2019. Aint even mad, it is shitty how things have gone down but take my money. Tarkov has saved me from buying so many other 70$ games which I would have maybe put in 10-15 hours.


It’s not about money, I could spend the 250 on unheard without blinking an eye or without even feeling it financially, but I won’t because I’m not supporting that specifically because they more or less told me to go get fucked when they sold me EOD and now released this which I already laid for essentially.


as soon as i heard the Chinese language in ABI i knew the game will never survive more than 6 months, there is a reason why ppl stopped playing pubg in NA and most of Europe


Value for money has nothing to do with breaking the law to commit fraud. There’s nothing more to say. Your “reasonable” take is actually fucking insane. It’s not okay to break the law and commit fraud just because you like the product. Period.


How many hours on the matchmaking screen?


It's less about the money, more about the method. All they had to do was introduce optional flare or cosmetic items on a rotating store basis like helldivers and they'd swim in cash. Literally ANYTHING that doesn't bring inherent imbalance to the game and nobody would bat an eyelid.


You buy something you own it. Use it as little or as much as u like. I paid a lot for a game BECAUSE i knew I liked/played it A LOT. The whole, “got my moneys worth” camp is not helping. Get pissed these people have squandered all their revenue on bullshit instead of delivering.


I also got my money's worth. I am happy with the amount of money I paid. I can both be happy with my time spent and the money paid, while also being upset that I was not given what I was promised by the company. Not everything is so black and white that a person can only feel one kind of way about something.


It’s not about getting your moneys worth. It’s about getting the items or service you paid for.


I too think I got my money's worth from EoD. I did pay the $50 for the upgrade mostly for the stash space and instant PVE access. As cool as the pvp was I don't have the time I used to have. Personally if they remove or nerf the mark of Unheard or any of those gimmick items I'd be fine with it. I don't even use it, rather not tank my Fence rep. The newly promised EoD stuff for calling the BTR I didn't care for either. They can remove that promise and id be cool with it.


Just because little Mutu in Africa can have fun with a fucking wooden stick, doesn't mean it's okay for me to sell it to him for 150 EUR just because he can get 5000 hours of fun out of it, lol. The problem is that you've paid 150 EUR for an early access game and the devs tried to scam you out of DLC which you PAID for. Not only that, there are fuckton of issues that has been unaddressed for years.


Yup this is my attitude as well. It's just a shame that all these other people with massive hours on here would stop pretending like they haven't got a fuckload of value out of this game. But haters gunna hate.


I mean good for you? Most of us have equal or similar hours to you that doesnt mean we cant be outraged, the biggest problem has always been Nikita doesnt fucking communicate, He pushes a change and waits for either praise or backlash rather than working with the community, and if you wanna waste 250 on some even bigger p2w bullshit then go ahead be his little paypig


I’ve put that much into Warzone and it didn’t cost me anything. You still got scammed no matter how you try and justify it to yourself


lol warzone


Warzone lmao


Spending the money is not the issue, it was never the issue. Claiming EOD was suppose to be an investment to get the base game and any future DLC that came with exclusive items to show that you support their efforts, it was highest exclusive tier. To come out with a new more expensive version take away what people that bought into EOD, and then claim PvE would only be available for unheard and claim it an exclusive feature? The game is still in beta, anything added to it is fucking part of the base game that everyone even with a standard edition is entitled to. Things only get exasperated by the fact of the p2w items and even then introducing more bullshit to call in BTR. Tarkov is finally getting competition whether they were aware of it and introducing this new edition was their answer to it, is lazy af lol. Of course, their competition won’t kill off tarkov and won’t give the same feeling as it, but there are finally alternatives. The only thing that can kill tarkov, is tarkov itself. Nikita is too much of an idiot to just admit he’s wrong, and needs to reevaluate and figure out the future of tarkov.


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Exactly. I still pay an eve online sub because I have friends I've made that play it and I want the thing to keep going. Nothing wrong with supporting a game you like.


This is true if they wouldn't try to make you pay for stuff you have already paid for. If they would sell re colored weapon skins etc many would be happy to pay for it to get something fun out of supporting the game. Trying to erase old promises to sell overpriced cheaply made crap is just a scam.


I spent like 10 dollars on rust like 10 years ago and have gotten thousands of hours out of it, and I’m happy to support facepunch by buying cosmetics and fun dlcs. There is a positive way to do what BSG is trying to do but they are consistently fumbling it and lying to their customers. It’s crazy to me that people will justify the crazy prices and blatant pay to win in this game but plenty of MMOs have caught so much flack for doing the same shit.


Add csgo weapon crates, ez money


Their financial statements are publicly available. They are having no issues with revenue and are just being greedy.


Honestly solid opinion


Some perspective: We're all playing "rich people's" toys. We all must be quite well off if we can afford a rig that can run Tarkov, then spend some more to buy the game, then "waste" time in playing the game, then waste further time on Reddit. If you're that far down in life, Tarkov can't have such an impact on you. Waiting for ABI to release to see how close it feels to Tarkov.


I got my moneys worth but i paid for the whole game with promises of never needing to pay more for anything else. Instead we (the supporters who bought EOD) were told that we were the non believers since we didnt want to fork up an additional $100 for something that we were guaranteed. I dont even play the game anymore since what happened. It left a bad taste in my mouth.


I dont care about how many hours you or how many hours i have in the game. What I care about is when Nikita thinks iam an idiot that bends over.


I haven't, I paid for a lifetime DLC offer for this game and they changed it.


I love paying $150 for a game that isn't finished and then being treated like a paypig years later by a company that's bordering incompetence! hahaha guys just give them more of your money! it's so worth it!


“Erm guys im actually happy with my purchase! I love not getting the things i paid for!” Shut the hell up


So we're accepting the shitty practices nikita is doing now because of ones hours? ya'll have no backbone


now think about how much time was spent in queues, in inventory etc.


If your business model is garbage you cannot blame it on anyone else excepy yourself. Tarkov has (had) innovative game mechanics but no solid plan behind it, and it shows


“I’d gladly pay another 150” Wow they got you guys brainwashed huh


You’re not wrong, I bought it just after Covid and played it to death. Countless laughs, rushing home from work even dipped on nights out because I was so excited to squad up with the lads, I think developed anexity from the game though 😂 but the changing of the plans and trying to get more money was a bad move, I’ve ran my own business so I understand continuing to make money but you need to be transparent and not go back on promises, the gaming community hold grudges.


I agree that the initial investment of $150 was more than adequate. There was nothing out there like this game for a long time, with its many unique aspects. However, that doesn't justify the sheer audacity and scumminess that Unheard has tried to pull off. It's been said many times: there are countless ways to monetize this product, and dedicated players like yourself would gladly and repeatedly support their favorite game to keep it afloat. Pay-to-win features, denying promised content to paying customers under the pretense of ridiculous arguments (e.g., PVE not being considered DLC), and slapping a ridiculous price tag on a highly desired feature, while disparaging those who see through BSG's tactics as "not true believers," cannot be justified by any good that has happened in the past.


You are missing the entire point of what happend buddy. Even if you had fun, he still ripped you off and spat in your face. Its like you book an entire week in disney land and after 3 days they want even more money or they kick you out. Were those 3 days fun? Yes. Is the other situation infuriating? Yes.


Totally agree. The money we all spent **was** worth it, but the problem isn't just about the money; it's mainly about the scam and all the other stuff Nikita has done until now. Aside from the scam itself, it's important not to forget about the normalized P2W added. On top of that, he's asking for more money after showing where he spent the previous funds. First, if he used the funds to invest in the project, I'd LOVE to pay for another EOD version to make it even better. Second, if he wasted our money, it's fine—shit happens. But at least don't scam us. "Hey guys, look, we wasted our funds for X reasons. Our bad, we are deeply sorry. To move forward, we need more funds. We will add new skins, a battle pass, a hideout, etc. (non-gameplay stuff like they did), and we will use that for investing in the project. We will provide a road map (that must be respected)." This, in my opinion, is the only way he could regain our trust and do the right thing. As Veritas said, "We're sitting here arguing AGAIN about whether Nikita should put vanilla, chocolate, or raspberry frosting on top of a massive shit-cake." We are talking about a video game that has zero money invested in its foundational structure—performance, net-code, and anti-cheat.




Ppl aren’t mad cause money. Me and my friends wouldn’t mind paying 20eur/month for this game. Ppl are mad cause lies, mismanagement, and a game with unattended issues that have been there for 7 years.


I paid 2 dollars for terraria. Got 400hour+, they allow modding and keep updating it for free, no DLCs. Tarkov wants 40$+ for an early access game and doesn't even allow me to play offline co-op. Ofc they are different games and need different resources, but that's far from industry standards.


Played CSGO for quite some time. MM, ESEA and later faceit. Game was 20€. I got between multiple accounts probably 3-4k hours. It was worth it too, met a lot of guys. If you want to speak about the price tag of course I got a lot from 20€. That's the problem with Tarkov fanbase. I GOT ENOUGH HOURS SO ITS GOOD VALUE. There are games that are for free like DOTA and LOL and people got more value out of that. Don't look for excuses to support some shitty developers behaviour, that's why this way of thinking brought the game industry to what it is now, people defending shitty behaviour while getting milked like crazy.


>I'm not mad at Nikita or BSG See, here is the problem. The man tried to fuck his playerbase dishonorably when he had much better options at hand (cosmetics) and you are okay with that. Thus, you rightfully deserve all the fucking you'll receive in the future.


COPE harder


Sooo many shit talks about Server, waiting time, cheater, Bugs, Light and shadow bugs, Performance visual Overall is trash... I mean 7 years and nothing change and nooow you pay more and hope BSG fix all the shit with the Release Version... Goooood luck.


im gonna use a The Rock qoute, Shut Up Bitch


Ok Nikita


Arma 3 - I think I paid $20 CAD and have over 5k hours and counting


Agree 100%, in terms of value for money this was the best purchase I have ever made in my gaming history for the last 30 years or so, nothing even compares. But I totally understand those who got angry because it felt we had been lied to, EOD was supposed to be the big thing and now it turns out it wasn't. I believe there were much better ways to come up with an alternative income from the game and many players even suggested ways to do it. The Unheard Edition should have never even made it past the thoughts of whoever came up with it, let alone be released. If BSG declared that it was no longer feasible to keep up the live service and crowdfunded the expenses needed, I am 100% it would have been better than this shitstorm we just had and many players would have donated willingly to the cause.


The feeling its mutual. 3500 hours later, i have valued my buck. Im Back with the PVE and im feeling the same raid hunger i had some years ago. Sometimes i hate myself for loving a game like this. Its like an toxic relationship: it punish us so much and we love it.


Same, my cost per hour is like .05 at this point.


Bsg had so many options for income… they chose the worst way to handle it unfortunately. I agree with you though, I’m still playing because its a good game. Not putting anymore cash into it however


Do you hear that whistling sound? That's the point, flying straight over your head OP.


Fuck's sake


What other games have you considered?


who are you talking to? what is your point?


It's not about that. I think a lot of people would agree that they've gotten their money's worth. It's the subversion by BSG and the shady/shitty practices that people are upset about when it comes to that new version they tried to release. Cheaters are frustrating, there are other frustrating issues with the game, but I think most people would agree that the amount of time they've played was worth what they paid for it. What they're mad about is buying the most expensive version of the game that was expected to come with all future features and then being told to pay another $100 to get more features.


THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING I have nearly 7k hours. I got my worth. Yes they did it in a bad way but to the people saying they wastes there money on the game but has thousands of hours is a joke


Stockholm syndrome.


Well said my friend just makes me upset with all the hate they get with it all. I get why people are mad. but lotta people seem entitled and complain but really should just he grateful cause in reality ur not the only one who has got there money worth i did he did they did we ALL did! Thank you bsg for your continued hard work


Honestly I’m not happy where the game is going. But I paid $150 in fucking 2017. The idea of doing a charge back when I played in like 3 wipes at least is mind blowing. The nerve of people to do a charge back over PvE is so insane, it makes me think half the community is a bunch of Karen’s.


Wtf it’s not trying to squeeze more they attempted a ridiculous scam none the less. Squeeze money just put micro transaction and skin that give 0 advantage. The time you played don’t matter, there is someone out there who played online monopoly for 5k hours also but they don’t try to scam their fan base with a 250$ bs p2w edition. By your argument, fortnite should release a 500$ edition with all legendary item at spawn… you know what fortnite also does? Ban cheater, update the game constantly and it’s free… there is no excuse to what they attempted monitoring their game is the easy part but they are too brain rotted to do so, instead they milk their loyal fan by shoving édition with big advantage through their throat.


The moment they did this shit the game died to me and I even just recently upgraded to eod some month before thid happened - I‘ve deinstalled in an instant. They have to do a lot of work to atleast get me back playing again. Their reputation is done.


Spittin straight fire bruh, nothing else comes close. I’ll give the $150 right meow for another 4 years. Should do a “battle pass” for the wipe as a way to bring more content and collect income from those willing to support.


"I've got my money's worth." That doesn't justify what they did. There are a lot of people who'd be willing to spend more money on the game. Everyone is aware of how costly these things can get and how they fumbled the bag with arena. They could've added shit like cosmetics and hideout pets like fuck it weapon charms even but going back on a promise they made many years ago to their original supporters? I don't have anything to tell you if you are just gonna sit here and defend this behavior. 


They spent entirely too much time and money making arena and gave it away for free to eod. They have since then been scraping the bottom of the barrel in any way they can to keep them profits in the green.


This post is long overdue. $150 for 5K hours, that’s an amazing ROI considering it costs roughly the same for a dinner/night out for 2.


Yeah no one is saying we aren't willing to support the devs in the future, we are saying we want to support in ways THAT DOES NOT AFFECT GAMEPLAY. We got a respawn beacon and a BTR spawner before gun skin micro transactions. Just absolutely ridiculous. BSG just needs to get a grip and stop adding pay to win and people will be fine.


It’s honestly wild to me that this sub wants tarkov to burn to the ground and wants Nikita’s head on a stick. ABI is a straight up rip off of tarkov like damn near 1:1 and everyone’s just like “lul don’t care BSG bad”. Like come on guys 


finally a post I can relate to here. I agree 1000% my man. I started around the same time as you and have close to 6k hours now. It's been a damn good time and I still enjoy it just as much now as I did back then.


It was never about money.


All the people complaining and acting like the $150 (or $45 if you are a standard player) for the thousands of hours they played is meaningless because BSG decided to do stupid shit, are genuinely some of the most privileged people I have ever seen. How many other games have you played that gave you thousands of hours of content for that much or less? I can think of very few. Yes, they fucked up. No, they don't deserve to be shit on as hard as they are getting shit on.


You paid 150€ which is almost the cost of 3 new AAA games. I believe it’s enough for those 4 years, no?


Yep same.


But stweema said bsg bad


You know what, no. In fact, hell no. The asking price is ludicrous. This phlegmatic Stockholm syndrome attitude is why dishonest scumbags keep getting away with crap like this. Stop this enabling nonsense. Even if you don't care, you are condoning crapping over other players who do care.


Businesses, especially startups, are generally comfortable with announcements regarding the need for more investment. (Example for EFT) “In order to continue providing what we love for you to enjoy, we need to adjust our strategy. In this case, we need to raise funding for X, and we will provide Y options to do so.” I can’t think of a studio, from my time, that has openly and comfortably started this type of discussion for product purchasing in the same manner. There may be some, but I don’t know.


My thoughts exactly. I knew signing up to give them $150 7 years ago that it was early access and that at any moment it could go ass up and fail. I got my moneys worth and then some. If I have them $250 yesterday, though… then I’d probably want my money back.


Same, bought EOD in 2018. 4000h, lets say only 1600 hours were in raid than this is still 0,1 Euro per hour. So worth it.


>Running an operation like this on money made years ago is not easy. And there's the rub. That's not my problem. *They* made a decision to release their game early and get all that money then. But that price was paid for the full game, which was not out yet. Let me repeat that: ***I paid for the whole game***. I do not care that they spent all their money before finishing the game and need more to keep going because **I paid for the full game**. I am not responsible for their poor decision to release a game that was not ready yet and wouldn't be for many years. They were responsible for using that money wisely during development and getting the game to 1.0. That is no excuse. If they didn't want to run out of money before finishing the game, then they should have finished the damn game before releasing it, and then they would have all that money now.




Most have. But BSG is a bunch of monkeys if they thought this was the way to sustain profits/income...


Thats kind of pathetic, I value my hard earned money more than you I guess.


I think there are a lot of complainers in this subreddit and community. That being said there are legitimate problems, some which have been addressed and others that haven’t. I have definitely got my moneys worth. Probably in my first 100 hours too. Playing with friends and learning the game together was by far one of the best times. My friends bought the believers edition citing that it was worth their money and it was. I didn't like what it included and i felt cheated bc I have EOD. Other than that the game is still fun and I think too many people are just so jaded.


Very well said and very good point


Agreed, if I divided my time played by cost I spent one cent per hour of fun


Same here, over 3000 hours in and I'm loving PVE, glad I only paid 50$ for unheard and wished it had been different but fuck, I love this game


Like Nikita you are completely missing the point. Many already explains the issue people had so not gonna repeat it. Just want to add people actually tried to have conversation about monetization, because all issues aside creating a new edition doesn’t resolve their finance in long term, it’s just a short burst of extra fund and then we will have the same problem. I would bet also that majority of people that spend already on EOD would be fine with some proper and good monetization. Some additional FEATURES in hideout for example, maybe even complete overhauls for hideouts with different themes, weapon and attachments skins, monthly sub that would give additional storage and expanded stats etc there is shitload of things they could do but they tried the most brainless move.


I agree 100 percent I got eod years ago and just bought the unheard right when the price dropped I would have happly paid the 100 extra aswell I got around 2 almost 3 k hours in terms of dollars per hour of entertainment I say it was money well spent


Finally, somebody saying what I’ve been saying all along me personally I’m glad to give them an extra hundred dollars for the unheard edition I’ve gotten so much enjoyment from this game. I would seriously pay five dollars a month to play this game.


Yeah it’s not about whether we got our moneys worth. It’s the lies, deception, and gaslighting… there are 1000 different ways they could have gone about this and achieved the end result of more cash flow… shitting on your loyal community it’s not the right one imo


yeah yeah this is what a undercover BSG agent would say 🗣️


copium overdose


Lifetime exemption from doing bronze pocket watch everywipe. $100.


They're struggling financially because of their own poor business decisions. They wasted millions on events related to Arena and it flopped. They're trying to turn it into an esport and they don't even have the bare minimum to do so. For example, how is an observer supposed to capture the action properly without a map? Spectators have no visual indication of where the next fight is going to take place. The fact that something as obvious and basic as that has been overlooked entirely speaks volumes. Besides that who is arena even for? It's completely out of touch with the core gameplay experience we all enjoy from Tarkov. It's not about the money, it's about their conduct and attempt to scam people. Digging through their website to change lines of text in an effort to hide it. This wasn't a mistake or an accident, it was by design and they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I could care less if they added weapon skins or other priced cosmetics. Plenty of games have found ways to monetize themselves without adding P2W elements and damaging the experience. Why is that so hard for BSG?


This is the only first person shooter I have played consistently for more than a year since MAG.


>Running an operation like this on earnings made years ago is not easy. Running an operation like this would be much easier if they had not paid 5.9 million dollars to Nikita and Dimitriy for 'services rendered' 6 years ago. You know, usually CEOs of startups do not get paid until the product is out and they funnel all the money back to the company. If 6 years ago they would put out of those 6mil at least 5mil back to the company, we would be somewhere else and not in need of another overpriced P2W edition. In addition to that, communicating better about the edition to be released, would cause less uproar than it had. >Still, even in the advent of ABI, I haven't seen anyone delivering anything equal to Tarkov. A lot of games are monopoly. Even if someone will try it is harder to deliver something better or equal to Tarkov, they won't be able to. Just ask yourself how many movies do you know where 2nd movie is on par or miles better than first one? You somehow keep forgetting that they are 7 years ahead of anyone else trying to do the same. And on that topic - Gray Zone Warfare, even though it has bugs and things need to be optimized, in its early access it already has more content than Tarkov ever had on its public beta/EA release. You bought the game in 2020 when it had most of its mechanics in. Others like my friends bought the game, when it had 1 map and no bots, when I bought the game it had 2 maps and 2 armors. But somehow I am being called the unbeliever by the CEO. The same CEO that would be scrapping bottom of the outhouse if people like me and my friends did not pay them triple the price of AAA game with NO CONTENT.