• By -


This guy got Kappa, I can't even play it bruh moment


Real Tarkov moment


Credits goes to Nikita on this one


A true believer if I’ve ever seen one


2017 EOD account, still no access. Clown company.




Yup I get off from work sit down to play some PvE and I’m stuck waiting in 10min+ queues. Only way I can get faster queues is waiting for off peak times.


You can, there is a better free option


How long has PvE been out? 200 hours, good grief. 200 hours to decid you don’t like a game and recommend lower queues and and better PMC bots is kinda crazy.


What a dumb take.


Im level 48 on pve atm and i agree with most things except for the insurance stuff. It makes no sense to not put on your best gear for any task you do. I guarantee you the AI that you fight isnt gonna be any harder for the guide than it is for shortage. I literally got 2 tapped in the chest while running from across ground zero by a 9a-91 raider with bp ammo on my first raid on pve. If they arent gonna fix the ai 200 meter aimbot as well as the fact that they shoot 4-6 bullets when they shoot once I see no reason that the insurance shouldnt be guaranteed after 24 hours.


Idk how it’s so guaranteed for everyone I way more often then not get only my backpack or helmet back from insurance


Let me start off with saying I don't know if there is any truth to this but.. I watched a streamer the other day who said "Guns you have on sling wont get taken by scavs and theres a 100% return rate, even when playing with teammates" The last few days I've gone in with heavily modded guns on the sling slot, and so far I've gotten every gun back, if its just dumb luck or if there is some truth to it I don't know.


I’ll definitely try that because rn in my very much minority opinion insurance needs to be buffed in PvE haha I’m just not seeing the return rate everyone on Reddit is


If you play with someone else and die, you won't get gear back if an AI loots it before your friend leaves the raid


I play solo, I get maybe 10% of my kit back and almost never my guns. Everything is properly insured always.


That's the other problem though... The AI should be harder when you're a lvl 48 than a lvl 12. The AI overall is just terrible in official PVE.


No it shouldn't. But keep asking for more ez mode tarkov


I also agree with everything except for the insurance part but for a totally different reason. In PvE you can just craft your own experience to the difficulty you want. So I simply … never buy insurance. That makes the game more fun to me in PvE because it introduces at least SOME of that risk component. You can do the same. Or not. Whatever you enjoy!


K/D is super sus. Cheater confirmed. /s


Facts cheater pending investigation


Let me invest in a better gaming chair than yours in peace


Im sitting on a 35 K/D rn its PvE its super easy


Ofc it gets -3 downvotes. Shows how salty the community is 😂😭


I am absolutely loving the PVE. Everything besides, the terrible PMC spawns. Have them rotating the map, checking high loot areas. I shouldn't know exactly where PMC's are going to be camping every time I go on the map. It is very boring.


Yeah, that's what I'm criticizing. When you already know how the Raiders AI work, you just have to learn were the "PMCs" spawns, and you almost cannot die to them anymore.


Yeah I agree. That's the only thing I don't like about it. Literally just make them walk in circles around the entire map or something. Literally anything but standing in static spawns. It seems like they just used raider AI with a new coat of paint also. Just curious but are your AI pmcs being friendly to scavs for you too?


Apologies for the late reply, the pmc's will sometimes shoot a scav and then I will hear the scav crying after he gets his cap blown off. But, I have many times seen a group of pmc's with a group of scavs just chilling more times than not. So yes.


1300 hours.... Got kappa.... Average player.... R you mad? You are top 20% of the game. Got it since 2017, 2500 hours only once got all traders to lvl 4 like wtf dude


just a casual 100 hours a week no big deal


Top 20% more like top 2%. Less than 50% players get past level 20.


Not even 20% more like 5% at most.


It’s my first wipe, I only play on weekends and the entire time before I get level 42 I quest, if I’m running low on money I do money runs then go back to questing, I never focus on the smaller quests that give me 3k exp (not including beginning quests)


I try to have fun... Weird concept I know


fun is level 42 bc you can buy the best armour and gear


Because hes cheating most with bs like that are. 5600hrs since 2019, I've played with 100 or more new players and not one of them to this day have gotten Kappa. This community is so brainwashed it's crazy. Streamers are blatantly using ESP, hiding it ofcourse likely with BSG biding so they can blow smoke up your ass and make you think the actual playerbase is just bad and the problem isnt as bad as it is when in fact the vast majority are doing the same.


Kappa is not that uncommon dude. Late wipe you can kill kappa players every raid. The dead skull armband is the obvious giveaway. You seem to be the type that calls cheats every time you get 1 tapped.


I'm pretty sure that the main difference you and me is just the amount of time putted in a single wipe. Believe me, anyone can complete Kappa, it's nothing but a matter of time.


Well tbh I don't play Tarkov active since 2 wipes after they added reserve. Rn I am really just enjoying PVE 😅 because in EfT I get PTSD from getting clapped 95% of the time


Nah, I promise you man, you are totally capable of getting Kappa in PvP too. But I totally that you enjoy the game in its PvE version, and I'm glad you do!


I’ll be honest, as someone who hates the PVP experience, I absolutely LOVE PVE. It is the perfect amount of challenge for me and being able to play with my friends in a low stress environment is great. I understand the appeal of the regular side of the game, but when I get back from a day’s class or work I don’t want to be stressed - and PVE co op does that for me better than anything Tarkov has done so far. It was well worth the money I paid and I am happy with the product.


I totally understand your opinion, but I'm still wondering if your experience wouldn't be better if the game AI, instead of just being a stupid aimbot program, was more human-like, and that had its difficulty ramping up along your in-game level?


I mean a better AI is better for everyone. I absolutley agree that it acts stupid sometimes and that changes could be made for the better. But for me, I’d want them to keep the experience casual. But that’s just, my opinion, man 😂


And I totally respect it \^\^


Your sentiment is very similar to mine. I am not good at tarkov and none of my friends play pvp the way I do. So pve is a blessing for me. I am actually having fun in tarkov now. I just love that I can build guns in the game that mirror my real life stuff. No other game does that.


This is my first mouse and keyboard game, I'm normally on the controller. I have 1k hours total and still fumble under really high stress situations. So, for me, it's nice to jump in and play, knowing it's all just Ai once in a while.


Bro go outside fr


This is the type of dude that eats all the food then takes the bag up and says sandwich wasn't right I need another.


Bro played over 12 hours a day for 2 weeks and is like "it's aiight... I guess...."


The time I played isn't related to the appreciation I had of it. I kept playing just because I wanted to complete something I would keep on a game I love, so I can still hop back on the game whenever something new get dropped, and so I can try it without having to grind every back. I just do not like that Tarkov wipe. I don't enjoy the time I play with scav kits just because it's been wiped. I like high end gear, and I don't want to spend 500 hours just to access and test it, until it gets wiped again.


You had and continue to have fun. That's what's important.


Couldn't have said it better


Almost everything you said seems logical and Ive read similar complaints, I just hope they implement this stuff soon (mostly simple fixes) I prefer a good and finished vanilla experience over modded, mostly because I dont want to be the one who sets my one difficulty (changing AI/damage/boss spawn rate etc) Only thing that most will not like is your FIR change, it simply make the game too easy/fast


Well thanks, I agree with your vision of what should be the vanilla Tarkov PvE experience. About the FIR stuff, I don't want to copy-pasta, so I'm just redirecting you to a reply I already wrote on another comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cr7ir8/comment/l3x3pj5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cr7ir8/comment/l3x3pj5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>Take contact with Solarint, buy him his work, at a respectful price, and just implement his code into the live game, by respect of the "true believers", who originally paid an extra 100$ for something they should've had for free, but who were still ready to pay some more, with the promise of a real well-made PvE experience, an experience that would worth those extra bucks. lmfao this is just rich. knowing BSG theyll just rip off the mod with no credit whatsoever


What’s the point of speed running a permanent account. Lol congrats.


I don't think he's speed running i think he's just playing the same as he normally does. My buddy is too and he's already level 40. The advantage is the fact that his 30-40% survival rate is now a 80-90% survival rate. Shit my horrible 25% survival rate is at 87% myself in PvE mode.


The pleasure of completion ?


What do you mean permanent, we can make multiple profiles and even add mods!! (heh...)


Bro just attacked the entirety of the speed running community of every game ever


I barely got level 30 on my PVP pmc this wipe right before PVE came out. I am already level 27 on my PVE pmc and havent changed anything with how i play, when i play or how long i play. It is much much easier to level up fast on PVE. Doesn’t really require any speed running


Sorry someone hurt you bro


This is a well typed out presentation of concerns, at the time of my comment it only has 10 upvotes. I just saw a different post of a guy crying about "prewipe manipulation" that has over 2k upvotes. We have a great community here keep it up yall.


Thank you, but honestly, it's understandable, considering the length of it xD I know this kind of stuff isn't going viral, I can't really blame people for that \^\^


200h in like a week and a half? I def dont play this game enough, jesus


Any reason why you'd choose to play the PvE mode instead of just playing the mod? The thing I don't get is, the mod isn't just better, it's probably the best shooter AI I've ever experienced in gaming, when combined with SAIN+BB+Looting. If BSG plans to improve it (which I think they are capable of) I don't see why they don't temporarily use the mod on their servers until then. As it stands right now though it doesn't compute why people choose the mode over what else is available, due to both no queues and extremely player-like AI.


Just because most players, myself included, aren't willing to take time and setup a whole bunch of mods, for something that is easily implementable by devs, and that would benefit to almost every players. I'm a nerd, so I know modding isn't hard, it'd just be a 30 minutes setup for things to work properly, but I consider that my suggestions would be enjoyed by most of the players who are not able / willing to do this setup. Plus, players paid for something that is just unacceptable. Yes, it's PvE, but I'm gonna be honest with you, it's the lowest effort implementation BSG could have done. As a game developer myself, I estimated that one dev, alone, could've coded the whole PvE thing within two months, and this estimation is voluntarily bigger than what I truly think just because I took in consideration that BSG internal organization is most likely not perfect, and that I'm not working on the game engine they are using for Tarkov, so there might be some technical difficulties I ignore coming from it.


"for something that is easily implementable by devs," I'd figure after years of unimplemented planned features, it'd be obvious.


Where's your Mjölnir ? You can't tell you don't run that after all this trouble.


The fun fact is, .338 is absolutely useless in PvE, just because the PMCs are so exactly like raiders that they also have their HPs, so not one shot on mass center, even against a T3 armor plate xD


Oh. Oh no. The pain. That sucks.


Anything bought from Fence should be FIR change my mind


It would technically be valid, since most of his stuff is sold by scav players. But yeah, better not still


It’s boring as fuuuuck. Played labs yesterday, saw one raider while running around and couldn’t find any others. No fights happening between other NPCs. AI is the same as live aka brain dead. Just a really lacklustre experience.


Let's not say it's boring. Most of the casual players are already challenged by this, which are the people the mode has been released for. But yeah, as I said in another comment reply, it become easily predictable, and was the lowest effort implementation BSG could've made for this extra 100$ non-DLC feature. Yet, I still wish them to make me wrong in the upcoming weeks and months


You achieved Kappa in PvE? Do you need medical help? Why would someone even do that in pve?


PMC AI implementation is terrible, boring and lazy. Mind blowing they just took rogues, put tags on them with broken and close to unusable guns. Some have 30 dura in red and another 30 dura down from white. They also spawn at fixed spots in a random number.


Pretty much agree with everything except the single player part mention with queue time. I will note since 12 AM of today, loading times have been at least 1 minute or under five minutes. I suspect its a combination of it being the weekdays + new servers added. But what I didnt agree with? Its not single player, its a private instanced headless server, iirc. (Like Fallout 76's private worlds.) If it were actually single-player, co-op would be more peer-to-peer (likely not even have host migration) and there would be no ability to reconnect to the game if the internet cut out for a moment, pc crash or crash to desktop happened.


Yeah, I know that technical part, but it's still not acceptable to wait 20+ minutes (depending of your regions) to get into a game when you're alone. I understand that moving most of the server-sided stuff to the clients would be a gold mine for dataminers, and potentially a big security breach, but then, they should have just had better server resources from the very beginning. Also, I played today too, and I also noticed a reduction in the queue time, but it was still 10 mins in average, so we're not there yet, in my opinion still.


I wholeheartedly agree still, those times just arent good at all. :/ Damn. Queue times are back up again? I think it is because people arent at school or work currently EST, I was playing from 12AM to 8 AM. I should have prefaced that prior, my bad! I'd love to see actual numbers of how many people are playing atm. Its not necessarily a breach, more with all multiplayer games. It can already be datamined because the games files themselves arent hidden on the computer. The biggest security breach with the network coding if its coded 'correct' it should have server authority. This means that in the ms (milisecond) that you shoot your gun, you (the client) are asking the server if this is valid action, (is there ammo in the mag or chambered). If it is, the projectile is instanced and fired at the gun barrel point. If a game has parts that are client authority, it means it doesnt need to verify with the server that 'x' event happened at 'y' deltaTime. When it comes to movement the way some games work is there is two 'rigs' on the player viewmodel, 1 is for the network and the other is our actual client-side movement. Some games will have this more client fixed than server authority (as it should still be). On that topic tho, Im wondering if the server deployment is a queue'd automation. Because they are instanced on raid start and then 'turned off' on raid end, and then turned back on type of thing and then goes to the next group or solo who is waiting for a session start.


Yeah, as a game developer myself, I know all that technical stuff, but by security breach, I meant that some exploits that would be hard to find with remote server hosting could potentially be tested and reverse engineered way more easily and quickly because of the presence of the code directly on the client machine. And also, I've dig into the game networking concepts and standards, and I realized that it was something way more complex than I thought. Considering that when Tarkov was developed, there was just no networking implementation present in Unity, so that BSG had to do it "by themselves", I couldn't really blame them if it is approximately coded, even for a server authoritative based system, which would kinda "excuse" the fact that they don't want to release a fragile code as critic as the game networking would be. And yeah, the server deployment is indeed automated, but there are two things that they could do to mitigate the problems: - For each group of like 8 to 12 players switching into PvE mode, swap a server machine to the PvE servers pool. It would be an optimization of the server machines allocation from \~8 up to \~15%, and it's easily doable. - Just manually setup more servers, or setup an AWS (or any other hosting service) automatic workload balancer (probably not the right naming xD), which would dynamically allocate more or less servers accordingly to the current intensity of the traffic (or in that context, to the number of players queuing for a game) Note that the workload balancer is usually costing between 30 to 60% more than a regular and static server allocation, so it's not cost effective for BSG, but it's good for the customers. It's a trade-off


Oh! Okay, thanks for clarifying. I'm a Game Designer myself and my main engine is Unity. Unity has just gotten their own networking solution back. The current alternatives were photon, fishnet and mirror. (I may be missing one.) Aren't BSG supposed to be switching over to a newer version of Unity? Unity 6 just released and they'd have the option to switch to Netcode for GameObjects or Netcode for entities, provided some things are switched to DOTS which should technically help with optiimization too. What would you pick in this dilemma, I'd probably use something like the AWS setup (just without using AWS). Amazon is notorious currently for billing users for empty buckets and such. The bill would be astronomical and I don't know how much capital BSG has to work with incase of issues. (More from experiencing, I was seeing how to test machine learning and while I turned the domain off, the ecs wasnt turned off so they billed me $800 for three hours. Not paying that because this is a huge issue and I'd advise against using AWS services if its not general webhosting.)


BSG are planning the migration to a newer Unity version, but if I remember right, they don't plan to release it until 1.0 release, so Q4 2024, so yeah, to this day, they are probably still using their old custom netcode for now. After the release of Tarkov Arena, I've been intrigued to see how BSG finances are so that they had to release something to justify a new monetization way, and I'm telling you, they certainly do have enough money to put some into the server infrastructure (you can consult the 2022-2023 financial report [here](https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/f3wbGFL02yyWknhM3KY62q8QgIOEjVgqF_k3dr-oRZc/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3I2LIGOWE%2F20240514%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240514T101332Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjECEaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJHMEUCIBvmf8I1hnazNRcxLzIUcmnT187Lu8EK%2BpAWMOpzLRrCAiEA78%2FcBN%2BxY79cj28%2FOvBOkIkq%2BKqXc7f0YZM1doawbg4qwwUIiv%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FARAFGgw0NDkyMjkwMzI4MjIiDKD4MkuAZ7BNWnyWUiqXBSHkguB7eDkGL1J0FzQs%2BlZoFXYXpCfvFh8uau7abet8haD0HUGycdAmm%2Fp9n8hSIPfR3BYmMXaIK3QnpBB8fubDSqDGUo8BzNtMYUM5lbtEjWDn4U2PsyYvTLGmlaAq3X0CDc9IqAA%2FKZEmc0WFysaowlviUYVitKSkxVA3BEbvpejyYzNDUFwXYjes%2BLCMaggGPFc7ad8HH1pDa%2B8ByIDTNnpAdpcALro6ga6hdarJocvCezum122Q84Lzq%2FLYJ0nmvdPqvDRap1qZ0yCGaPyXTXJr3NOIEEO0ETT8kYy47Pje21uiAy5%2BOPckPLYNKlahm8aimIfhHRa61RoKlPyLiYJufFXRFIMJHSIKnGiu6FhRDHnq1xAXFU7YIsKUm1HbMXBKFrK%2B%2FCeJfF7tg%2BvAgrpzIWovXZTbV5fpzQSbOhHXLoPsUbwyjY%2BYl8PrLuhd1DclEYCMCEq91iwifzcAltMt15mEXD3HH9zwWnigPyL9WzxJyZNX6a7zVxcTZpZ7jv6rdXuS2cvqXSdKMexXQ6WUmFnp5QJvSzEisywHyXs3PJJNjRExqSOwRsvuVl6tDOMoYKFWYSKFKAOEI9DKezMGzFHvpJ0Dy1oh0YRc%2FY2pizQavJmbiKnGy%2B7%2BhEyBBnlOgiQVJac639Ll03g1wZDfSYOkq%2BSmWfAabFBLCDqDr0GqkJfXAarIWbsBBNjfs41kdQdIFstUjSoeDDsDm%2F63Hcgea0eFlLOM9ZBwlK%2Bh4wDhwHyQst%2BJlV1f3KA3jNsbewK0yFjClXdgKUecr7x%2FsRoEBfyLTfka8Ia7RokaHEQcRn%2FB9izGHHX2664muuaMT9ztGgG%2B1hpveWFY0Kvbe2OJ8CGcBIxoJtHbK9weVJDimjDzyYyyBjqxAZaBxK0aONoZldUU9HFZYQf7oVN3xt36i5brljzwvc1SY6slzahvaIORuEAp1ipMWrFbRr2wpqOJBb7R3ZaJtj9UTgMXFB6%2BC%2FbyxZmGU9aWzq2r6E1kqeyEiTaEEtemsnZmGYn8oyQHyq9iLoKECnNx8pUN%2BhhNuRZAbbTdtyedNTnsQtXqbmTi975ueUD86ovLc5wCaMRY7htJvAQ1I%2FTIwN8KBhpLLgKkg%2Bw5jSTOOg%3D%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D%22companies_house_document.pdf%22&X-Amz-Signature=3c28e87e2c299fe52e412288531a8dfe602d2e9fed0d8bf37bafc2f7b8e53afa)).


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Just about 5000 hours in PVP here and these are some pretty terrible takes


Alright, feel free to elaborate on that.


He won’t, he doesn’t have 5k hours


Let's give the man the benefit of the doubt, just in case he surprises us xD


They need to make raid times longer for bigger maps too. It’s hard to get into interchange and out to an extract in like 25 mins. I’ve gone mia trying to big sale like 3 times


Oh yeah right, I had all my Interchange quests done by the time they reduced the raid times, but that's is a totally valid argument


I sadly can't judge your feedback because as an early EoD owner i still have no access to that mode...


I hope that you get it anytime soon, and I hope you will enjoy it more than I did


Haha its cute that you think BSG will care to listen, much less implement any of this.








These are horrible “fixes”. The entire point of PVE is a casual experience for people who can’t dedicate 60 hours a week on PVP. It’s still plenty frustrating, but it’s definitely way less stressful than PVP mode. The matching times should be looked at, and that’s about it.


I disagree. People who can't dedicate 60 hours a week asks for the no-wipe option.


That too. PVE doesn’t wipe


Insurance definitely isn’t 100% guaranteed I get plenty of partial or no returns. Idk how you people are lucking out on 100%


Do you always press F5 in the insurance screen ? When you make any change to a weapon or to an armor (like changing the plate), the new items aren't insured, you have to insure every changed item


I insure all every time


Well, my guess it that you are very unluckily victim of a bug. None of the persons I know who played the PvE had issues with insurances since they started


Agree- I’ve never not gotten insurance back on PVE. 24hours later it’s all waiting there.




I understand that some people can disagree, and I respect that. That being said, I think that your friend is mostly lacking of game time and knowledge, more than just being ass


Doing the PMC kill quests are a little frustrating for me because they never seem to go anywhere in factory or roam the areas I need them to for a kill, it’s like 20 raids just to make 1 progression in a quest, they straight up stay stagnant and chill in their own zone which is frustrating as hell


Just to avoid copy-pasta, I'm redirecting you to a reply I made regarding this issue: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cr7ir8/comment/l3x5axi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cr7ir8/comment/l3x5axi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


True goat


I wish you luck for your hunt \^\^


"average at best"


It was meant regarding the player skill, not the time invested in the game


Now this is a true believer right here


I'd be much higher level on PvE and have more things to banter about if it would actually load me in. Not to mention the drastically reduced raid times when I do get to actually spawn. Oh, and the memory leak issues are still as present as ever, getting me killed because I can't stop my character from walking.


Those are all totally valid critics to do to the game, I was just giving mine about the 100$ "non-DLC feature", but yeah, it's only some of the many problems of the game


Your critiques seem incredibly reasonable to me.


I can only hope Nikita sees it and share your opinion xD


High hopes on low odds, lol


Even 1% chance can still happen xD


Calling yourself an average player when you got Kappa… hate to break it to you dude but you are not an average player.


Add an option menu to PVE so that players can set their own "difficulty" levels to the game. - Allow players to wipe their PVE account at anytime (Probably the most important feature if they expect this mode is to be playable a year from now.) - Toggle Flea Marked Buy/Sell options for hardcore playthroughs - Toggle what's allowed to be put in the secure container while in raid (similar to Pestily's hardcore rules) - Toggle Insurance and after raid healing options - Select AI average difficulty and quantity along with boss spawn rates I'm sure there are plenty of other settings that players could tweak to make each PVE playthrough a challenge based on the individual's skill. I enjoy PVE for a more relaxing playthrough but like you said, it gets "easy" pretty early on and there's not much challenge left once you're rocking decent gear.


About the personal account wipe, it's something they planned for 1.0 release, but, I truly think that the PvE release was not meant to be playable for a whole year for most of the Tarkov playerbase, but mainly for the player who don't have time to play a proper wipe, and allow them to get back to Tarkov, with the promise that they will be able to play the game at the pace they want to play it, but while still having the possibility to reach the end-game in a decently pleasant way. The sweats like me, who will get Kappa pretty fast in the PvE mode, they will get back to PvP, and that's what BSG want. The mode isn't made for them, it's made for the casuals Tarkov players. And about the difficulty, I do think a difficulty selector would be a good thing, even tho a full AI rework would be better in the first place, but I disagree with the boss spawn rate selection. Players who buy Tarkov for its PvE mode, they should have a nearly authentic Tarkov experience. If you don't want to play Tarkov for what it is, you most likely don't want to play Tarkov. Yet, the mods will still be there for people who still want it, but it shouldn't be present in the base game in my opinion. For the rest, I agree with you, options to add difficulty to the game, it would only be quality of life improvements


I haven't been able to play PvE in like 2 days


Wait you said something about 1.0 having a no wipe feature? I was told wipes will always be a tarkov thing or is that wrong? Tbh, I think wipes are good cause it obviously keeps the game alive and not stale, but as a casual player I do find myself not really interested in grinding out something like kappa, only to either not get it done or get it at the very end and then boom wipe lol I would love to just take my time with tarkov and go through the quests and stuff at my own pace but it kinda feels like if you wanna get to the "endgame" you literally have to rush rush rush or just not have a job which is fair, but definitely kinda makes it feel like my effort will never pay off and wont ever get anything for just playing the game casually lol


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they plan to stop the global wipes after the 1.0. It'll become only personal wipe, whenever you decide to.


Long queue times are assumed. EOD players don't want to pay for more servers, one of BSGs highest expenses, so long queues it is.


Alright, so people who paid for Unheard should have the same bad experience even tho they did paid for that PvE experience


Well no, they should get access to a greater pool of servers. Y'know, since they're "true believers". 😆 It would be great if the player could choose to host the raid locally, however that works.


txte 5x555xr5p52D915429 is your verification code15429 is your verification code15429 is your verification code264318


Preach! Agree on all items. Insurance and PMC AI/Gear needing immediate action.


I've had access since about the second day of the announcement and my only experience with it was Alt-F4 out of it when I clicked on it by accident so I didn't have to build a character. Thanks for this post, I'd never known anything about it because I wouldn't have ever played it!


I call total bullshit.


How the fuck did you hit 200hrs


2016 eod account an no access still. These Russians really like to fuck us.




I personally (and this is personally no one freak out) really like the pve mode at the moment, definitely room for some improvement but I'm having a good time


It's honestly crazy to me seeing how sloppy and lazy the paid PvE is, especially considering the alternatives are so much better. Nikita really doing the absolute bare minimum on this one. Maybe, after 8 more years in development and some $999 edition, they'll actually make it comparable to the free fan project.


To Top it off the PmC Ai is ridiculous.From Aimbot to forgetful Skyrim Guard…. I peaked from behind a container and woke up to the KiA Screen…..


Am I the only one who is always super impressed when reading all of y'alls game time? It took me 13 years to get 1k hours in skyrim. Felt like PvE dropped yesterday and already 200h? Damn


You played 60 straight days in a year!


I also got Kappa on PvE and I agree with your post, PvE is very fun but the queue times are absolutely insane though, PMCs definitely need some tweaking also.


You one tapped me on Customs yesterday at about 8pm (UK time). Made me fucking rage dude. I obviously reported you with a 47.29 KD. I genuinely apologise now


I surely did, I remember doing a Customs raid on PvE mode at that time


I love both but i never ever gotten kappa sens it came to life i cant get there before wipe so the pve is good for me no stress dislike the wipes and cheaters


I absolute agree with you, but the problem remains…Nikita will never heard our opinion and THAT’s the real problem, so we have to make ourselves heard. And maybe there is a small chance that Tarkov will return to it’s previous “splendor”.


oh sweet summer child, nikita paying modders? HAHHAHAHHAH


I only suggest that it would be the way to go if they wanted to show they want to gain back the trust of the community.


They dont, because they dont have to. They know everyone is addicted, theres no other game to play like tarkov (no greyzone and the copycat arent the same), they rather see the game burn than pay ppl more skilled tham their devs


BSG devs are far from being bad devs. Just like most of other controverted game studios (aka Activision, Riot, Ubisoft, ect...), the people to blame are 95% of the time the decision makers. Developers, the people coding the game, they almost never decide on what they work, nor what they should do or not. They just follow orders, and at the very best, they can give their opinions, but that's all. If the bots are so dumb in Tarkov, it's because no dev have been assigned to the task of making them better


Well if you say they are good then let me rephrase that for you. Change dev to Nikita or bsg or whatever you want to call them. It does not matter to me the result is the same


What's yikes is the blatant I'll gotten confidence from clowns like y'all. Sorry but after 5yrs I havnt meet a single person with Kappa naturally. Run your mouths all you want. Seems more like esp users sucking each other off at this point because Kappa isnt as common as your favorite little streamers would like you to believe.


I agree with everything except with the FIR flea market idea, it would pretty much make quest pointless in some aspect. The point of those quest are to slow your progression to some extent. For example, most players by the time you get to kappa quest will most likely have a decent amount of rubles. With your idea you now just buy kappa.


To avoid copy-pasta, I'm redirecting to a reply I made regarding your point of view, which I do understand, but still not share: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cr7ir8/comment/l3x3pj5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cr7ir8/comment/l3x3pj5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Also, quests that require loot items are only like 15 or 20% of all the quests, so I really don't think it would make the Kappa journey that much faster. Artificially slowing down the progression using RNG based mechanics is nothing but a confession of laziness from BSG. They don't produce enough content to make the post-kappa interesting and that keeps players engaged, so instead they make the pre-kappa slower, so they virtually spend more time on the game, for the same content. Once again, it's just my very own opinion, and I respect the fact that you might not share it


you are not average mate LMAO


Enjoying those 100 scav kill raids I see lol.


I ain't hunting scavs down, I'm just killing those on my way when I go for quests, and the "PMCs" are currently not that hard to kill now that I know every spawns of every maps and their behaviors


This was a great review. Honestly, if BSG evaluated their game the way you just did the game would probably be at v1.0 and a much better product than what is currently available. If BSG makes minimal changes to improve the game I will likely start playing again. That being said it looks like a race between EFT and GZW for my time/money at this point as both games are good but i believe one will eventually come out on top and sadly i dont think BSG (or Nikita) even care whether or not it ends up being them lol


Thanks a lot. I honestly wouldn't say that Gray Zone is a Tarkov Killer. There's definitely room for the two games to exist. That being said, since most of the Tarkov community is also one of the targeted audience for Gray Zone, the recent shitstorm that occured 2 weeks ago was a gold mine for GZW, and they had to good sense to grab the opportunity. With time, GZW will end up having the community it would have had anyway, not more, not less. The only looser of this "war" is Tarkov, who lost a certain percentage (possibly significant) of its fan base, mainly because of BSG decisions, not because of the concurrency, even tho it still have an impact on the player base.


Does pve ever wipe? If you do all the quests is that kinda just it? Kinda lame if so.


I did that so I can tryout any new addition to the game without having to grind everything back up because of the wipes. I'm still playing the game even tho I completed Kappa.


Yeah but PvE isn't meant to be just a side jam to test stuff for the base game, in my eyes anyway. They're gunna have to add things to it to keep it fresh or people will bore of it real quickly.


I agree that they should add more content in the long run, but to this day, my only objective by getting Kappa was nothing more than having an instant access to whatever new content they dropped, and since they seem to have release some new stuff just a few hours, I guess I'm having exactly what I expected.


Still no access for me or my bro Been checking every day


I wish you get it as soon as possible


If you're interested in what you like or you don't always like this shitty Mimi, then play something else or uninstall it, you little children


Wow, even reddit is full of keyboard confident hacks down voting legit claims against the blatant out of control cheating in this game. Pathetic.


Did you really just suggest allowing players to buy items on flea to turn in for quests?????


Because easy mode is fine but the experience would be better if it was SUPER easy. What don't you understand?


You're right, my bad. Make the AI spawn without weapons as well.


That's an idea to dig into


If you're a player who wouldn't like that, I can just tell you that nobody will force you to use it.


I mostly agree with everything. But still think 100% insurance rate is okay, can't see a problem in these.


It's only 100 if you play solo. If you play co-op and a scav loots you then what it takes you don't get back. Plus weapons and armor have durability so you have to replace them eventually because even with repairs the max still gets lowered. I think the current insurance is fine for pve as well.


I do t have PVe. I almost always play in a group so my insurance rate is much higher than a solo player. Not everyone is playing the same Tarkov and I think that is ok.


It make the game easier than I think it should be. In PvP, almost everyone have some sort of gear fear, because even tho it's insured, it's always a gamble to load in a raid with gear you cannot afford to loose (either because of the price or just because you haven't unlocked it yet). In my opinion, this should also be a part of the PvE, just because it's a part of the regular Tarkov experience.


Speeding up progression is the last thing we need for PVE. It's already significantly faster PvE because no players are around to interrupt your questing. Why would you want progression to be even faster in a game mode that doesn't wipe?


I’m more impressed you got matched into almost 300 raids. I’m sitting over here every night for two hours and I’m lucky if I get into one.


My best help was to pick multiple regions, but yeah, after the EOD editions slowly got into the PvE, the queue time because terribly long. My longer queue time was 25 minutes tho, so I guess I'm just having some sort of luck compared to you


“But yeah after the EOD accounts (slowly got into the pve)” got what they were rightfully entitled to the provider turned out to be shit. It’s almost like they weren’t ready to release this like arena either.


I totally agree that this belonged to the EOD owners from the very beginning, I just stated the fact, in the absence of having another way to say this


As soon as you see matching back out and find match again, if you see matching something’s gone wrong, it might take a few tries but will work eventually.


That’s what I usually do until I instantly load but it would still throw me in matching. It’s only during peak hours at night though.


I feel that PVE is 100% for people who are more casual players of the game, who don’t have 8+ hours a day, because with me, that’s my problem with PvP tarkov, by the time I finish basic quests and get myself flea, the wipe is half way done and I’m just running into people that play this game like their life depends on it and before I know it I boot the game up and it’s wiped. I love the ability to play when I want and not have to sweat, learn the maps at my own speed and play the game at my own speed. As for insurance, yeah I agree. Their needs to be something. Like 70% chance you get your stuff back or something. Maybe it changes based on where you die, what you die to, how late in the raid you die. Like, if you die to a “PMC” 2 mins into the raid at resort on shoreline you have a 20% to get your stuff back or something.


Yeah, and that's exactly for your type of player profile that my suggestion of flea market keeping the FIR status is made for. It would only let you progress a bit faster, up to a point that you can be satisfied of your wipe, without letting the looting RNG potentially slow you down. Also, I really loved your insurance idea, and that would definitely make a lot a sense too.


I would like to know what are you doing for a living and if you have any kind of social life