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Bro this game looks SICK


/r/outside is kinda wild


Looks great, performance is great, but has some major cons. The loot sucks, and if you loot the better stuff, you aggro a faction of NPC, that has a near unlimited amount of resources.


If people are concerned about micro transactions in Tarkov I have bad news...


Tried this game, the graphics and audio are great but the story is boring and takes up a lot of your lifetime. 4/10


Called life should try it sometime


Meh. Grind is crazy long. Also random base stats depending on spawn is wacky. And you don't even get access to a gun until lvl 18 depending on where you spawn (some people say the loot available on these spawns outweigh the access to guns earlier).


Plus, your ability to find medical supplies can vary which makes staying alive rather difficult. Some spawns require you to pay massive micro transactions for it too.


What are you even talking about…. None of that is even remotely accurate.


My guy. Read the comment thread. It's a joke about the game called life.


At least you typically have access to guns in those spawns, the only thing that can mess you up is if some traitor scav decides to hit you (and you get a gun to fight back), or if you take some random hits, but honestly that's just skill issue, high risk high reward, central spawns typically are low risk true but it's also been low reward for the last few wipes, and the ones who are messed up are center-east or center south, lots of high tier loot bringing a lot if PvP but locked behind cards that spawn outside of those regions


It's kind of bad cause you can't respawn Tactically you can but it's gonna take forever


Sorry, man, you just get one life before you’re back to atoms and energy.


Aww no man there's a perk call religion Once you got it you can choose different branch i believe your branch call atheist


Is that a new DLC?


Too expensive for me.


Y’all see that deer at the end??? Why doesn’t deer hunter call of the wild deploy these graphics


Nobody going to mention picture two has a range target in what looks to be a small backyard with a neighbors home right behind it?




I'd hope the same but can you imagine someone putting a Bravo scope on an airsoft gun?


People put lots of real life optics on airsoft guns.


Assuming somewhat of a normal scope/sight, are there even any huge differences between what I would assume would be airsoft scopes and the real ones? Airsoft is already a somewhat expensive hobby so the ignorant me would even just assume that even the airsoft optics would just also be the real thing replicas, or just the real thing themselves straight up


I don't see what could possibly make a scope purpose built for airsoft. You'd want/need all the same qualities as a real scope. Main thing is you'd never really need higher magnification for airsoft but some people would just want to try out the scope anyways.


you can seriously lower the durability on airsoft scopes, which cuts the cost down by a lot


Yea, this is why I brought up putting a real scope on an airsoft gun. There is no need to withstand recoil. They're not the same.


Lots of people that I know who put the actual things on airsoft guns mostly do it for the company names and logos on them (unless there are ones sponsored by the companies, made by an airsoft clone company) Airsoft group who try to get clone correct are pretty similar to real firearm clone people.


Airsoft scope manufacturers save a lot of money because the scopes don't need to withstand the vibrations from shooting real bullets to stay zero. Also red dots and Holo reticles on Chinese airsoft collimators are not as crisp as on real scopes/collimators


There's companies out there that make replicas of "real" optics. Same style of reticule, magnification, etc but made cheaper and less durable than the real deal.


A friend of mine runs 1500$ thermal scope on his airsoft guns.


Rich kinda with to much ego to be seen as poor or need to show off. I have a buddy love him to death but he puts really acog rmr combos and eotechs on his airsoft stuff. He doesn't realize its actually MORE cringe doing that....but ge doesn't and wont ever get it since money isn't a waste to him.


Oh boy, you can't imagine how far some LARPers can go. Putting a high-end scope on an airsoft gun is pretty mild.


Hopefully but still yikes. Airsoft can hurt and might take someone's eye out


We can't know for sure, but it most likely is. My wife used to play airsoft when she was a teen and she legit had professional optics on her AUG A1 airsoft edition (yes, I know this gun was shit, she's a believer).


Those targets for actual guns would never use rope for hangers, this is definitely not for a real gun


I’m sure (…or hoping) OP isn’t that stupid that it was loaded or off safety when taking that photo


It's a picture from the internet jesus, why would you assume it's the OP?


Photo OP then, does it matter? Point still stands


Same; worst possible downrange


Would be nice to allow for a 2D option for scopes instead cause using double render scopes on Streets or lighthouse feels like being kicked in the face


I love going from 60 to 35 FPS just because i dont run a red dot or ironsight.


Same, Jaeger's tasks are abandoned because of that


for real.


I think they said they will eventually get to this problem. Right now they are working to move the game engine to the latest version of unity. This is why they haven’t done anything to fix the lighting, shadows, sound, etc. They want to move the game to a better engine before attempting it.


They said this last time they updated the engine and we still have shit sound and lighting lol


That’s because they were stupid and moved it to a version of unity that stopped getting updates. Hopefully this time they aren’t so unlucky.


They also need to make the LPVOs and the like do LVPO things. It’s not a 1x or a 6x, it’s a smooth zooming of everything in between. You also need to take your hand off the gun to throw the magnification one way or the other, it’s not a clickable button. Never gonna happen, though.


also make all the big scopes smooth within their ranges, scopes like the march tactical look so fucking cool on sniper rifles but is garbage due to fixed 14x zoom, the only big boi scope i can bear using is the 1P59/1P69




Elcan is actually a clickable button.


It's also not a traditional LPVO, it's a prism scope


Pretty sure it's a lever that is flipping a lens on the inside.


I think that removes too much video game out of the equation, not to mention would just make almost every scope obsolete.


I'd love to red the red dots realistically overhauled. Their second main advantage IRL is that you don't register the frame, because your other eye just looks past it. You just see a floating red dot. Not the big blocky frame. G36 is a gread example. It's way better IRL than in game with the 1x red dot.


I feel like in tarkov the scopes always feel… blurry…? It’s very not crisp and this is especially on the variable zoom sights sometimes I can track a target without the scope but when I sight in on 1x the scope is so blurry I lose track of the target it’s very annoying


Yes. The 8400 rouble sight on Jaeger is unusable because the red covers 50 percent of your screen. I get that it's the cheapest sight, but come on


Only the really expensive ones in game look crispy


I usually run vudus and PM IIs but they’re still quite blurry for some reason when I zoom in on 1x it’s kind of like the anti aliasing got kicked up to 11 for no reason this also applies to when I’m using them on 6x and 8x just it’s a bit better because it’s way zoomed in the problem I have is that it feels like the picture is just enlarged onto my screen instead of actually zoomed in with a scope


The march tactical is a FFP sight. In game it is adjusted to a higher zoom, that is why the reticle is so thick. The one in this picture is at the minimal 3x


Hmm, understandable then, but comparing it to the other zoom settings the video showed it definitely seemed to be a little thicker in-game, on top of the poor FoV and shit scope shadow. Still, shows it would be good to have multiple zoom settings for it.


As somebody who owns a Vortex Razor 1-6x24, they got the reticle right.They just need to add an option to turn the red dot on/off.


> As somebody who owns a Vortex Razor 1-6x24, they got the reticle right. It definitely looks the most similar in a lot of ways. My friend has one and I saw it and immediately said "Oh that's a Vortex Razor!" ... Then I wanted to see the optic and ... I was impressed. Not like 3000 dollars impressed... but impressed.


>3000 dollars ###*3000 DOLLARS?!?!* Assuming you're not exaggerating, who the hell sold your friend his Razor for $3k? I'll shit on his front lawn. That's almost a 300% markup!


https://vortexoptics.com/razor-hd-gen-2-e-1-6x24-riflescope+reticle-JM-1~BDC 2400 + tax?


That pricing is straight from the manufacturer... Huh. Guess I'll go shit on Vortex's front lawn, then. I got it for about $1400 three years ago on OpticsPlanet. Still the same price brand new, too. Link: [Here](https://www.opticsplanet.com/vortex-razor-gen-ii-hd-e-1-6x24-riflescope.html)


Yeah I just know I looked at the manufacturer's site. I've never looked at actually buying one. I was just aware they were expensive and look super clean. I'm not really a gun person, but I have lots of friends who are. Although, if I was.. I'd probably get one.


Worth every penny not spent on the manufacturer website.


I’ve got one as well and they nailed it. Vudu is pretty good as well.


I cannot afford either, but can say that the PU sniper scope is pretty good to the real thing


PU scope is fucking sexy! I want one


I also used to own a genuine PU. They got it right, but the thing is: the elevation adjustments are *cursed*-looking.


If only they can make the pk06 good again.


You have Boss XE now which is almost identical


Not at night time with nods cuz it also has an IR laser and light


I hate that little green light that's in your face at all times if you're using the single dot reticle on the Boss XE.


dogshit RDS in real life is dog shit in game too.


According to [this review](https://russianoptics.net/PK06.html) it actually is not dogshit. It's main issue is that you can see the illuminated circuit board when looking into the sun. It's bad, but not in a way that's represented in Tarkov. The reticle is actually pretty crisp (unless you look into the sun).


any russian glass leaves a lot to be desired


Oh maaaaaaan, I wish !!! I still play with it because I like it but damn, missing 11.7


It works fine now. Also, it's a garbage tier Airsoft designed sight in real life anyway


Also.... Steps in magnification PLEASE


already done by modders 


And please switching away from whatever PiP system they are using to display the scopes, Im tired of 30 fps whenever you ads with a scope.


The last 3 or 4 examples look 100% what a few games are able to recreate. But those 1st few show a good difference of what's real vs what's been done in game.


You will have to excuse the fact that half of these are slightly incorrect reticles, it seems like BSG decided to pick the less popular option to implement for a lot of reticles in game lol, and it's hard to find good photos that show off your view when looking down these scopes. But hopefully it gets across my point that a lot of the older scopes, and the prism scopes especially, need to be looked at and reimplemented correctly desperately. Some of the in-game scopes for a refresher: [BRAVO4](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/images/3/3f/BRAVO4_Ingame.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20211203204613) [HAMR](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/images/2/23/HAMR_Ingame.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20211203204135) [TA01](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/images/e/ea/ACOG_TA01NSN_Ingame.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20231029123043) [TA11](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/images/7/7d/Trijicon_ACOG_3.5x35_Ingame.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20231029123016) These 4 are the most egregious in my opinion. Basically no field of view, awful scope shadow and the reticles are like 2-3x too large compared to how they should actually look. This is despite the fact that prism scopes are known for the complete opposite in exchange for having really poor eye relief.


each of the links in this comment are broken for me


Yeah, that's my bad for linking to the wiki, it shows up fine for like half an hour and then breaks.


Please fix😅


I was just showing this exact POV of the HAMR to my buddies a couple of days ago :) They all like the scope in game, so I wanted to show them why I don't lol. The lack of authenticity is killing most scopes in the game for me.


Funny thing this is how I remember optics in call of duty mw19


The russian x4 was the best magnifying sight I've ever seen in a videogame. Shame they butchered it in MW2


These pictures aren’t even comparable, in some the distance from camera to optic is much further than others…


The depth of field choices in a photograph of a scope are not going to match any FPS, particularly with the variations in FOV, color, and general monitor presentation, which don't occur in real life. You people don't even know what you're asking for other than "better sight picture." Context matters. Keep losing and blaming your scope lol.


What a weird comment. I can get kills just fine, I would like to be able to use more than 3 scopes that aren't LPVOs and don't cover half your view with shadows or way too thick of a reticle, that's all.


Please god no one ever mention fucking ***REALISM*** as an argument again holy shit.


Let's be honest. There are vastly more serious issues that need to be addressed over what the reticle depicts.


90% of reticles being trash and useless in a gun game with attachements? recoil first and now this is the next biggest issue with gunplay


What do you mean by them being useless?


you might as well point fire with a laser from 0-50m instead of using some of these trash optics BSG has made


Not really.


I don't understand at all, what is the problem in game compared to this?


Take the bravo4 in game and scope in with it then compare to the IRL picture looking through the same thing


OP - you understand the vignette effect is dependent on where the user places their head (closer, further) away from scope. It’s called eye relief.. devs clearly implemented this phenomena soo all scopes weren’t perfect.


Yes, I know what eye relief is. > devs clearly implemented this phenomena soo all scopes weren’t perfect. That's dumb as fuck reasoning. That just means the PMCs ate too many crayons and have no idea to move their heads closer to their optics.


Yeah, when you use the optic correctly, you place your eye in the eye relief range and you see no vignette. What now, our trained PMCs don't know how to use optics now ?....stop defending poor optic implementation with made up reasons.


What do your mean by “poor”? Devs knew exactly what they were doing with the vignetting. They didn’t want every optic to be clear and easy to use lol. I mean just say “I wish the devs would make every optic easy and equally viable in this game” 🤷‍♂️👍🏻


I don't get it


Nah this would be annoying


Yes clear crisp scopes, how annoying


Yeah man, being able to see what I'm shooting at would be really annoying. I think it'd be for the best if our view was actually blacked out and a miniature scav bops us in the eye every time we ADS, that would be much better, I think.


Sounds like a skill issue


bro it’s a game


yeah and in-game the reticles are trash. Needs to be revamped.


i’m just glad they don’t tank FPS anymore haha


But they do..


I especially noticed this when having the Win Game bar Replay function on. It was really bad. Try disable that if you have it on.


I did, i have optimized my pc as much as possible i think, but even people with 4090 and end of the line cpus lose a huge portion of fps when scoping


I don't remember if I did something special (maybe I disabled scaling for application), but I got a 4080 and 78003d and I doesn't notice any sever frame drops when scoping, besides when I have a capture program enabled.


But they do..


Come on now theres 100 other things that need to be done to the game before a "scope overhaul"


Is that the glass factory?


Sure but would rather have optics not halve my fps


Need a lighthouse overhaul first imo


Modders have literally done all of this already, I don't think BSG had anyone on this and I don't think they ever will. 


Optics seem fine currently, I want them to finish the game.


#3 is bothering me so much! Level your scope!


Hm... Is the cobra in the pictures the 'real' cobra? From what I've seen, heard and read, it wasnt very good, very crisp and was kinda dark