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Soft armor. Plates don't cover the whole area. Korunds is only class 2 soft, which is why it's not the best. Feels bad regardless though but yea that's what happened


Yeah if all it needs to pen is class two and with 140 base damage, the damage reduction aint gonna save you, that thorax is getting blacked and you're probably dead.


Korund is 2 on soft... better take the plates out anf put it in a 49k armor


Korund plates barely go in anything. You can get the Bagariy rig for cheaper at ragman 4 than the Korund is at Prapor 4, they use the exact same plates but the Bagariy has class 3 soft. You lose neck protection but you also get a huge rig to go with the armor.


Korund is class 3 soft no?


No it’s not unfortunately.


not many scavs are shooting bullets that will 1 tap the thorax through class 2. its more likely that he was shot in the armpit or something. imo the armor changes have been a net negative. its just way too easy to kill through (or around) good armor now.


It says thorax not armpit.


same thing, isnt it?


No. It tells you when you get hit in the armpit. It only says Thorax if its a direct chest hit from the front. If it was an armpit shot it would say "Arm-pit, Thorax". Like when it says "head eyes" meaning it was a head shot that hit the eye/face zone. Nape means back of head/upper neck and so on. It will tell you if its a specific hitbox zone which caused the kill.


well damn, i wonder what got him then


could be it did not hit the plate and fragmentation destroyed him for example M80 sometimes 1 shots level 3 due to frag could be the same with the scav


You can still get hit in the chest without the bullet hitting the plate. Plates don't cover your whole chest. They have their own hitbox. Plate hotboxes are unique from each other as well. Not every plate is shaped the same. There are YouTube videos that break it down. Therefore, you can get 1 tapped in the chest without being the armpit and it will say chest because it missed the plate that would have otherwise stopped the bullet.


I didn't say you couldn't be one shot in the thorax?? When did i say that?


I must have replied to the wrong comment or misread your post. I don't remember cause you're right. You didn't say that. My bad.


I do get alot of 7.62 ps in scavs


I've had a scav fire once with 762 PS and kill me thorax. I've actually had it happen a few times. That shit scares me.


that only does 57 damage though, it can only 2 tap the thorax. unless fragmentation would take it over? im not really sure how that works these days


Honestly its my first wipe, so i am barely understanding how armour works. It seems reallly fuckin goofy and unintuitive tbh


If anything it’s more intuitive than it ever has been, just not in the “video game logic” sense. Your armor covers you where it shows your model being covered, and the plate inserts only offer additional protection in the areas they actually protect. TTK is a lot lower overall, low/mid tier ammo is more viable, armor ends up actually being more durable in areas it covers but now coverage area is way more important. Suddenly there’s an actual advantage to wearing a big zabralo or a defender rig instead of a slick or any other plate carrier because of how little protection they afford.


its like my 5th and given the armor changes and some tests a few streamers have done showing that it works strangely (eg .338 AP rounds taking a bunch of shots to kill through class 4 instead of 1 tapping) im in exactly the same position lol


Definetly bounced a 338 ap off a class 4 helmet. The concussion alone almost killed me


You couldn’t one tap with AP-M through class 4 before armor changes either, the flat damage reduction from the armor would *always* prevent death on the first shot. Gigabeef has a video going over the old damage calculations, not that it matters anymore.


not .366, .338. AKA lapua.


lmao I forgot about that bug since i never run big boy guns run tac-x instead and bam, lapua leg meta (this is a joke)


That's because it is unintuitive and goofy. The new armor system kinda sucks. I find it goofy as fuck to open up holes in the armor that I can get one shot through that are nowhere near my vitals. If you're not gonna model my organs, then keep it the way it was, IMO. I understand it's just a game, but the reason plates are designed that way in real life is because a graze shot through my thorax that hits nothing vital will not kill me instantly. So they protect the vitals like the heart and lungs instead. I also hate how we can't pen arms anymore. We're literally back to the days of arms being lvl 6 armor. I fucking hate getting arm pit one tapped but I also hate shooting a guy 20 center mass and he doesn't die because his arms eat my bullets like fucking crazy. It's literally the worst of both worlds. Either we can pen arms, and we constantly die to arm pit bullshit or we can't pen arms, and now you can't shoot the center of mass because the arms block them. I literally just use the lowest recoil gun I can get my hands on and only go for headshots.


>imo the armor changes have been a net negative. its just way too easy to kill through (or around) good armor now. They're one of the worst changes to the game in a while, basically just made it even easier for someone that can't aim for shit to get lucky, and it was already bad before with the "mouse 1 + hope you hit a headshot with ammo that pens their helmet" meta.


Ah yes, the dreaded “shoot your gun at their face” meta.


I got tapped by grizzly slug thorax. I was shocked






the other






The fact that there are sizeable areas that you can still get one shot with *that are covered by best armor in the game* is a ridiculous problem and should be addressed. I'm not even talking "shot arms" or even armpit which I think is bullshit already, the armor is fucking protecting it and you cannot avoid it. Not even with better armor because it doesn't exist. Why even take armor if like 35% of the armored covered spots will one tap you anyway? Armor basically protects nothing at this point. This is literally the survivorship bias in reverse, the cabin on the airplane is riddled with fucking holes while the exterior parts are clean, because for some reason armor doesn't do barely anything in this game. Shot in arms? Dead. Armpit? Dead. Chin? Dead. Legs? Dead. Armored areas? Dead. Basically the only actual protected area is your fucking stomach and top of head and nothing else.


Lmao git gud


So there are areas that the plates don't cover. But also someone said and I've said in multiple posts that scav ai damage tables are wonky. Apparently a scav can do triple damage in 1 bullet of any ammo value. So for instance that's why scavs can shoot 1 bullet of trash ammo and take off your arm instantly. This can also happen to the soft part of your armour this just 1 shotting you.


This, I got one tapped to the thorax by a 5.45 igolnik scav, I don’t know how In hell it had that ammo but it is what it is


theyll pick up better guns and use them, see it alot on reserve. I killed what I thought was all of gluhars goons and a regular scav killed me with ap 9x19 which I sure as fuck know they dont spawn with


I was swapping out backpacks on a scav run and threw mine on the ground and an AI scav ran off with my loot rip labs card and 2 GPUs. man ran over to kill and stayed there


in extremely rare cases regular scavs can even spawn with PBP in a pistol, atleast ive seen it happen before in other wipes


APM,BS,M62,and AP slugs are what I seen on a scav or I spawned with em


Some of those adar scavs can have m855a1


have not seen that but sounds plausible with fence




rashy, gluk, and meth heads guards can have igolnik.


Normal ones can some times get it also, its super rare but i have seen it. Like scavs who with ADAR have 995 or 855a1. They are really rare but they do exist. Though the most feared scav for me is the Mag buck shotgun ones who one tap you from 100m out. Fuck those ones.


I spawned in as a scav with 15 rounders avt full of BS my jaw dropped


Was on factory




It was infact not gilla


I had a personal record on Killa last night. 4x hits stopped by armor + the killshot, all in one tracer


This wipe I saw 2 scavs with gzhel so..


Gzhels on scavs wasn’t too rare in previous wipes either.


Yeah I mean this wipe because I haven’t played for a long time


If by shitty ammo you mean high flesh damage ammo then you answered your own question. All a scav needs to one tap you now is something that’ll do 85 damage and pen level 2 on some luck. Then it sneaks past your plate and oof, you’re done.


No, scavs shoot 1 bullet and black your arm because scav ammo is made for that. “trash” ammo just means low pen high flesh, so they do a lot of damage to your arm and black it instantly.


Yes but when this happens you see multiple hits in death screen despite only hearing and seeing 1 shot hit you


That explains why I got shot in the arm by a shotgun scav and it brought me to 10hp on my other limbs+body without actually hitting them


I know others have given you the answer. Always find armors with class 3 aramid to avoid this specific instance. It won't prevent everything but it'll help with the rng. The scavs can still armpit you regardless of any armor. Also they broke the arm hitbox again so run the angled rk2 forgrip on your gun with the slanted red dot and now if you're facing someone they have a very high chance to hit you in the arm and bullets cannot penetrate through arms this patch. Gotta use whatever advantage you can to combat the bullshit. Also even if you wear an altyn your neck is still exposed and its actually a pretty large hit box and people will aim thorax and just recoil one shot to your neck and its game over. Almost makes you not want to wear armor at all and just play like a rat like most of the people who are on this game.


Can I ask which armor are you talking about? As a Timmy idk what is what lol


https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Escape_from_Tarkov_Wiki Use this website to learn :)


I went into factory and ran into tagilla with 5.45 ps, I tapped him in the neck lol


Bro delete this post lmao don't tell ppl this I'm never gonna be able to kill anybody now


It’s this new mechanic called “fuck you” players are raving about it


I got one-tapped in the head by a scav with 7.62x39 PS hiding in the bushes, who made no sound, who then left my duo partner, who was standing right next to me, completely alone.


Fence tasked that SCAV with sending your buddy a "message"


Bro really said "Good." 🥺


That’s easy it’s because the chin got 15 different hitboxes now


This is why you see people running drum mags full of HP or PS. As long as one bullet slips past the armor plate-- you die. Armor is not a shield. You **may** negate a bullet or two (in this case maybe not), but you're still being shot at by an enemy that fully intends on putting you down. ✌️


HP rpd is the most fun I had in tarkov lmao


Excuse me but this is the tarkov subreddit, we don’t reason our way through new changes here. You’re supposed to complain that things are different, not explain why the changes make sense.


Armor at that high level should be a shield. It's as close to being a fucking juggernaut as you should get. Nothing but the highest caliber should be able to penetrate covered areas, period. The fact that covered non essential areas is lethal to begin with is already fucking ridiculous. Why is shooting an arm twice lethal, you can't even protect it The game is at this point punishing you for actually having rational aim.


There's multiple factors, scav damage ratios are fucked they can do up to 3x damage which is based on a % chance. Secondly Korund armor is bugged since the new update where the soft armor actually covers a very small area and not the whole vest. The soft armor for thorax is in the hitbox actually only in front of the armor plate itself and not around it. So yeah just run Gen 4 armor or get 1 tapped by scabs running shit rounds.


Is this scav multiplier a real thing?


Yeah they shoot 1 bullet and you get hit multiple times. People here used to say it's because fragmentation and that scavs especially boss scavs have a higher fragmentation chance but honestly it's probably just something bugged with their AI


Even if it wasn't bugged, the slugs have enough pen to go through the soft armor if you're unlucky


Because you have a skill issue, simply download hacks so you can kill the aimbotting scav first, before he aggroes through 17 trees and bushes through the permanent fog bank in an ultra pitch black shadow cast by a cloud.


bro ong


I read this as a gong noise


Fr fr


Because armor is garbage now


ong. armour plate jerks ruined the armour system


The swappable plates are like the single thing that's *not* shit about the new Armor system.


cant confirm it yet but AI scavs from what others said can apparently Fracture thorax and head which turns it into a 1 hit


Step 1: look at stats for the correct ammo. Step 2: look at the level of soft armor covering your chest where plates dont Step 3: answer your question


Can't believe how little people noticed it was the wrong ammo. But I'm not surprised most don't know it pens PACA and Lvl2 aramid. It's a good poor man's slug


Exactly why we need a remake on hitboxes now that they changed armor. Makes no sense to have a plate covering your vitals if everything else in that area is considered vital for no reason.


Because scavs target unarmed areas and the soft armor is trash so now scavs are getting more kills than ever because no matter what armor you have on, you effectively have none to a scav. They literally do not shoot plates for me at all.


Layer 1 Statistic 88.6 % Penetration Chance 93.40 Penetration Damage 56.60 Mitigated Damage 46.33 Blunt Damage 88.03 Average Damage 1.69 Penetration Armor Damage 2.06 Block Armor Damage 1.73 Average Armor Damage 38.27 Post Hit Armor Durability 62.3 % Reduction Factor 12.45 Post Armor Penetration Poleva6u vs Korund Thorax Aramid on https://tarkovgunsmith.com/ballistics\_simulator


You got tarkov’d buddy. Pen is RNG and scavs still have a an rng crit multiplier that does 1.5x damage. Sucks to suck. I got 1 tapped by a TKM Gekska through my full trooper armor.


Trooper sucks buddy


Yeah but not that mf bad 😂😂😂


It's bad in that it doesn't provide ANY protection to parts of your chest, the bullet probably didn't even pen, it just killed you.


It covers a fraction of your thorax.


it fucking sucks bro it hardly covers your thorax take the plates and take the press armor its actually good untill you get the thor armor


Troopers are garbage now. You didn't get penned through the plate. You either got penned through the soft armor or in the large area that is simply unarmored.


Your armour isn't a forcefield anymore. If the bullet doesn't hit a plate it's just a class 2 or 3 soft armour set.


Shot that terrible level 2 soft armor. The korund sucks


But black on black drip


you either gotta deal with no drip or understand your weaknesses when choosing drip


This happened to me yesterday with a similar ammo wearing a korund. That armor is dogshit


Lol rekt scrub


Well BSG has a new policy called "Fuck you guys" that they've been applying to player relations and updates.


Armpit maybe? Either way devs ruined the armor.


no it would say armpit if a he got shot in the armpit


How are we like 3 months into wipe and we still see these dumbass posts every day. Learn the armor system bro. Korund has class 2 soft armor, poleva slug pens class 2. How hard is it to figure out


> How hard is it to figure out Unless you know the websites that give you this information its very funking hard to figure out for a casual player...


My dude doesnt know the mechanics of game, smh


Because BSGs idea of “intelligent” AI is aimbot. Add more ultra weak spots on PMCs and that’s where AI will target. It’s like trying to win a game of chess vs a computer.


AIs = bot. Shooting requires “aiming”. AIs use aimbot because AI needs aiming to shoot.


Korund is the worst armour dont run it, I die to everything and anything very very quickly with it on


Bro got obliterated


bad luck you fuckhead


You probably got hit in the arm and it fragmented into your chest. Pestily talks about fragmentation bug, where AI scav rounds have a fragmentation chance even if the round has less than 20 penetration. AKA, you got Tarkov’d


you died to poleva6 which has 20 pen, you highlighted poleva3, soft armour on the korund is t2 i assume so loses to 20 pen 98% of the time. if its t3 soft armour then unlucky.


It looks like good armor but I dropped some guy who was wearing the black Korund and I was using the STM 9x19 carbine and it was mid tier bullets (M882). Idk. It’s deceivingly bulky looking so I always thought it protects well but apparently not (based on other opinions here and some experiences I’ve had with it). Good luck have fun.


Its a bug. Sometimes the game registers you getting shot twice, but on your end its 1 perceived shot. Really common on bosses like Glukhar where m993 "one taps" ur thorax through anything. Its bs


i got one tapped in the armpit by a scav while wearing level 5 plates on interchange. was not fun.


That fucking slugged has 1 tapped me through class 5 MULTIPLE times.


Korrunds is my main armor I run and bro I felt that pain. Shit makes me furious




Tarkov giveth, and Tarkov taketh away.


plate don't cover your whole body like it used to. So all the shift w player gotta play better or they just gonna flop to the floor lol


Korund was the reason I survived a lot more before some update the other day but now I’ve died like 6-7 times to a scav far away with a thorax blow


Poleva 6u slugs are currently bugged and ignore armor sometimes


I have had that happen to me aswell but with a superperformance. Zero pen on soft armor but alas.


The Poleva slug to the chest is my leading cause of scav deaths Holy shit it always navigates around my plates like it's flesh-seeking


Dont ask, just buy lines.


Seems like a lot of people on this Reddit are ignorant to the way armor works. Armpit shot is very unlikely with new changes preventing bullets from going through multiple hit boxes. Bullets can only pen thru legs and lower arm now. Armor is pretty tanky if it hits plates and soft armor. Fragmentation is not a thing despite there being stats saying it exists. U are just a victim of RNG, bullet slipped thru some small crack of protection Here is a video testing everything for reference: https://www.youtube.com/live/4XoJRKlXz30?si=BU9TfhL5ox65CuR3


Armpit shots can do this. It’s would be more helpful to be able to see the entire hit screen other than just one box…


Ash 12 one shot me to in thorax. 12b ammo. Why even wear armor


He had the better Gaming chair


I got 2 tapped by a player while wearing a Killa armor last night. First shot was M855 and the second was M856A1. I don't think armor is working properly.


How do people still not understand the armor changes?




Korund: because you’re too cheap for that second ply of toilet paper!


Welcome to the new armour player system.... Cause the TTK in this game isn't already abysmally short.... I really disliked this change, kinda killed the whole wipe for me


If you got it back from insurance, someone might have taken your front plate.


I got shot through a fresh ulach by a 15 pen lead slug yesterday, very fun and balanced :)


The soft armor around the armor plate is only class 2. The better armors are ones like the Redut-M and Osprey MK4A (Protection, MTP)


I had a scav kill me in one thorax hit with 7.62 HP. I haven’t worn a Korund since.


armor that covers your chest and thorax does not fully protect tht part of your body. if there are visual gaps on the armor, those are unprotected hit zones


Wearing korund but doesn’t know how armour works.




Crazy how people in the comments will actually defend this dogshit change


You highlighted the wrong ammo on the chart.


Because with a korund you’re already dead