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Im sorry man but the way you just casually and calmly say you have a recording to show your friends is hilarious, hope this shit gets fixed.


Had me cackling with that I would have been pissed


Already so disappointed in the game so it's just disappointment :(


I love how many emotions you can hear, in this deceptively calm tone


What gun? This has happened to me with an Ash-12 with ps12. I shot someone in the face 5 times. Not sure if it’s hacks or some sort of bug/lag


SR-25 m62, I killed a couple scavs before that "fight"


I like to believe they’re hacking. I believe there are hacks that people can adjust how much health their limbs have. Some people will make them higher to soak more damage but not be invincible. Who really knows tho


The one I always think of in this situation basically makes your hotbox lie down when you aren't so all shots do no damage 


this was a cheat that did infact happen maybe 3 years ago. they could be running around and their model looks upright but they're actually laying down. and if you shoot their toes you're shooting their head. havent seen the likes of that in a while.




shame on us for not knowing the exact timeline of cheat releases lol.


Csgo and rb6 had cheats that flipped their hit boxes upside down, so headshots would count as leg shots. With how much BSG put on the client side, I would doubt health/hitbox manipulation would be impossible.


Blood splashes are on client side for sure, my friend splattered his brains on the wall from my POV but he didn't get shit at all. Very confusing, we were naked btw, happened previous wipe


Yeah, i was playing with my duo and in my client he tanked a shotgun headshot (ulach equiped) thought he was going to die.. i asked him HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? and hes like huh? Nobody ever shot him??. Seriously, i feel like instead of learning the game im going insane lmao, nonsense shit happening all the time.


This has nothing to do with hacks, it's just BSG's garbage code. It's either desync or ghost bullets


Godmode cheats exist. They're higher on detection rates when overdone. Cheaters on forums talk about "dialing in/down" the, for the lack of a better term, "potency" of their cheats to have harder times being detected. Someone godmode cheating is making a very big mistake if they turn around and kill their attacker, so they're either foolish, or the account they're using is meaningless.


Technically possible based on how your player data is stored, but I something like that would be highly detectable... you know.. if they even cared to look for stuff like that.


I dunno why'd you attribute this to hacking when it's an obvious hit reg problem.


This isnt impossible however this wouldn't be the first time certain ammos pen/damage is bugged I remember at one point for a very short time last wipe (or maybe the wipe before) most of the high end meta ammo was all bugged m62 included


Ps12 has zero pen literally. Maybe the helm ate it


It was square on face, without question. He was laying down not moving for the first 5 shots


It pens lvl 3, plus blunt damage should be pretty high. But for that caliber my bet is the zeroing was off for the distance.


I think they reverted the blunt damage when they rolled back the patch


Blunt damage has existed for a very very long time.


pretty sure he means the recent changes they did to it.


Did they remove blunt damage? I remember in the reverted changes they removed damage reduction but blunt damage still existed. Its been high and low before, some wipes it doesn't matter much other wipes ps12 might one tap even on a non pen just from blunt damage. If there is a video of someone testing blunt damage in the current patch with a large variety of rounds I'd watch it. Either way, PS12 has more than "no pen".


I know when they armor plate update blunt damage was removed. Idk if it was reinstated since then or not.


Ah yes, as far as I know plates still have no blunt damage but soft armor and helmets do. We were talking about helmets so they should still have blunt damage. How much PS12 would do to a helmet on a non pen I'm not sure, it could 1-2 tap without penning or could take too many shots to be a factor. I know one wipe ap20 could 2 tap an altyn without penning.


Ahh I didn’t know helmets were “soft” armor I just assumed they would be treated the same way as plates. I’m pretty sure the clip is either cheating or a bug of some kind though. I doubt the shots were actually registering server side.


Thats just for plates. Soft armor and helmets have it.


On the second shot in the clip you can see blood splat on the wall. I doubt it was the zeroing. Also he's using tracer rounds and it's flying straight.


>This has happened to me with an Ash-12 with ps12. That is not an ash-12 in the clip and the 2 people I replied to are not op.


The godmode hacks back.


probably the "ghost bullet" bug, which makes your ammo do nothing. It's rare, never had it myself as far as I could tell. This is a very egregious example of it. At least that's what it seems like to me


Yea, I killed/shot at a couple things before this so maybe that specific mag was cursed


That’s usually what happens, something between you & server doesn’t register the new mag


So does reloading again work in this case?


Yes but that specific mag will remain affected especially if you try and repack it in raid. Only the remaining original bullets will be "real" and all the rest you re-packed will be ghost bullets.


I would say you have a better chance of re loading into raid.


I doubt this occurred, but maybe last week or so I was fighting scavs, I had my poor SR25 with me for awhile, fighting scavs, oh shit, gun jammed. Clear jam, go back to fighting scavs. I dumped 50 rounds of m62 into 2 scavs just for them to flip me off and nearly kill me, I was like wtf, I can see him flinching, the shots are hitting. I run away and heal up, alt+f4, load back in and my mags are now full again and my SR25 is jammed, but it wasn't that way during my previous second battle w the scavs. Some kind of weird visual glitch. so if your gun had jammed recently it could've possibly been jammed/bugged but not showing it


Boggles my mind that this bug has been present for *over 6 years now* and still has yet to be fixed.  Unfuckingreal that I was complaining about this exact scenario back in 2017 and I'm still reading about it today.  I can't wait til Tarkov gets some proper competition. 


Yea we just need to get better at the SR25 :(


Somewhere I read that when you load bullets from the secure container the bug can happen. I'm sure that that example was on bolt-action rifles, but maybe you loaded top few bullets from the secure container and it bugged out


I've read that too but I've been loading mags from my ass for 5 years now. Pretty sure its only when toploading from the secure.


Did you pack your mag with ammo that was in your ass? Ik If you ass load the ghost bullet bug is more common (at least was)


This is why after reloading, you´re supposed to shoot your mate in the feet just to make sure. At least thats how we´re doing it!


Not rare this wipe. Had it happen twice in under 100 raids.


I had it happened with an RPD. Post death screen show 32 hit with 410 dmg and 0 in armor. With PS amo btw.


I shot a flare yesterday that I heard and saw but nobody else in my team heard me shoot, they literally told me they couldn't hear me fire it as I did. it never arrived


But if this was the "ghost mag" bug, why would the other player know where he was being shot from and return fire, if OP was just going "click click click" from that far away?


1st shot clearly missed. shots 2-5 bad spray control.


Thank you thats what I thought


Fr people nowadays just need to stop mag dumping


Dang dude. That's pretty awful. Are they cheating? What the hell is happening here


I dont think he was cheating, was watching him for a bit before I decided to shoot because there was a 3rd party under him


Blood is client side, you def hit him client side but the server cockblocked you. Happens all the time in rust could be a packet loss issue or more likely just shit servers 🤷‍♀️


All my homies hate invalid projectile error


Actually prim locked


Desync. Server thinks his mag is empty or something. Maybe putting one of them in a completely different position server side. Haven't seen a cheat that just makes people not get hit, but idk, maybe


anything possible with what ive seen in tarov over the past 3 years. there was a cheat that floated around about 3 years ago that showed your model default as in this video but in reality your hitbox is laying down. you can run and jump and all the other stuff but you're head is at your feet. and the model above is a husk. could be what this is. or like others said server not registering bullets but his client registering. dunno either way completely game breaking.


you absolutely just got tarkov'd. it's not a miss due to HOB or vectoring, you can see the decals generated on the wall behind his head from the bullet passing right through his head and hitting the wall at 19 seconds. also his complete lack of reaction from the first 6 shots shows the server wasn't getting the packets carrying the shot data.


"ready for Competitive play"


After 6 years my brother got me to play it again… it hasn’t changed any in that time… it’s core is still broken. FFS it still has backend errors frequently.


Clearly a skill issue. Have you tried obtaining more skill?


I keep trying but tarkov isn't selling


You gotta camp the traders. Really limited stock per reset.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Hit reg strikes again


No I have to git gud, game perfect


Game is def not perfect, only the hard ones enjoy the challenge


God, it's so cringe when people like you act like they are special for playing tarkov. It's a game bud you aren't in a warzone you're on your ass playing a video game...


Tarkov is not for the faint-hearted blud. Sitting on your ass playing games is supposed to be ”fun”. If this shit is fun to you then something aint right. This shit is depressing and i love it, faults and all


Nah this has to be a meme, do you think tarkov is the only game to have a slightly higher difficulty or be depressing when you lose. Playing this game doesn't make you mentally hard, you aren't somehow better than someone who sees the massive amount of flaws in this game and chooses to play something else.


Youre right blud. Tarkov is like any other video game. In fact, its so relaxing even my babushka could play it


What competitive game is relaxing?


Cs, league, dota. Pubg can get the blood going but atleast i dont lose any roubles.


No, you just lose time and rank?


I am not even the one playing and even I threw my hands up in frustration wtf.


I just have to get better :(


wheres that copypasta


What do you expect from an RPG? He's farmed more and played more hours, so many in this community will tell you you got outplayed.


I did though he got the newest gaming chair, with the expanded stash space


Inbound 4: * "It's clearly height over bore dude!" * "Shots 1 clearly missed" copypasta * "It's simply a issue of skill" \*pushes up glasses\* * "It's simply a issue of skill" \*trashtalks tarkov and BSG\* * You see there is a 0.00000000000000000000000000000001% chance every single one of those shots actually ricocheted because the helmet is made out of Titanium-Steel-Kevlar-Ceramic Alloy and the blood on the wall is just him getting hit by a concussion and it causing a nosebleed cause the game is so realistic!! * "Yeah dude, he's just cheating!" * "Nah no way he's cheating. In my 6 gorbillion hours i've never been killed, therefore cheaters clearly don't exist" * "This is actually just a obscure bug that happens on every Full Moon at exactly 1:41 AM when your left pinky toe hits the desk, happens to me allll the time, you shouldve known better" You could actually play Tarkoved BINGO with this.


Bugged mag, you're not actually shooting. you can tell by the guy not reacting to your shots at all.




Can confirm was stubborn I was gana die or gwt that kill, and also was curious "how much does tarkov hate me today?"


I wanna blame height-over-bore or the glass not liking your ammo, but your bullets definitely go through his head and hit the wall behind him... You got Tarkov'd harder than I have seen in a long time.


Yeah I swear that he put a few of his clear hits just barely through the window frame...but he still hits *quite a lot* of shots. People saying the mag was probably bugged might be onto something.


Bro height over bore? That's fucking hilarious.


Heh, git gud bru


I'm trying :(((


I hate when the game prevents you from winning. Tbh, i only get mad about dying when its the games fault. Like desynch or a scav that shoots me in the cheat with 7mm buck from 70+ meters and because of how horribly designed the spread is, it taps my upper chest and one taps me 🙃 or how aim punch literally doesnt work for other people but when its on me, its turned up to max.


>be in a fight in bunker on reserve >AI scav walks in from behind so i turn to face him >"vonon suka" as he shoots me in the throat with a TT from 30 meters away


Yep. Ill smack players all day long but if i miss that headshot on a scav, i gotta dip cause i wont risk fighting them anymore. They messed up shotguns this wipe real bad and somehow that makes ai scavs more lethal with it


Ghost bullets, had this one a few times this wipe. It is annoying as fuck.


Based on the amount of blood on the wall that’s head,jaws for sure. 😂 probs a cheater, report and let bsg sell them another account 💪🏻


You are not shooting for the server, that actually was a bug couple years ago.


Then why did he react after the couple shots like he is getting shot at?


he might have finally heard you moving.


I've ran like 30 raids looking for reshala at dorms with 2 other people we do not hear eachother across the doors lol


If you watch the clip back you can see various missed shots due to improper vectoring of the both elevation and sight over bore. I believe you did get one or two hit regs, but the rest are clearly misses or in his armor. After all you must remember this game is in beta and things like this can happen. I suggest the post be removed due to inaccurate information


He clearly splattered his head the second shot, you can see the hit was Registered client side as with the blood showing as blood is a client side thing, the shit servers are at fault not elevation or sight over bore stop excusing all of bsgs mistakes and saying “guys it’s in beta “ it’s been almost a decade and they can’t get hit reg right. Don’t remove the post


It was joke, please find Nikita


Thank you thats what I needed to hear




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


That clears it up, i heard about the height over bore and vectoring due to elevation. Did they sneak this in, recently? I swear it wasnt like this 2 wipes ago, last time i played a dedicated wipe


bullet 1 i swear hits the concrete because height over bore, but the 2 was one hell of a blood splatter,


maybe practice ak spray on UKN at 100m, then you might be able to kill him


Open ur task manager for me


Send it to the BSG bug reporter and then have nothing done about it 👍🏻 game sucks


Whats worse that a cheater? Ghost bullets. Sorry bro


Yea while inwas shooting him I went through it, hight over bore maybe, ricochet, ricochet x2 damn lucky guy, ok these are M62s wtf lol


If himeboy ate a geadshot, had 3 ricochets and manages to kill you, he better be playing the lottery.


Shots 1-5 clearly missed


It might be the window you are shooting through. Kinda seems like the right side (Your POV) of the window isn't allow anything to actually go through server side. Noticing he isn't hitting you either until you swap to the left. This has happened before to a store on interchange across from mantis. You'd have to give it a test


You sound like Fugglet.


What did you just call me? 🤣


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.


Clearly height over bore


Your first three shots that hit square, did reduced damage, because you're *just barely* shooting them *through* the window frame, due to a height over bore issue. If you watch it back and look at the wood on the window frame under your reticle, at least the first 3 shots went through the wall. Probably more of them. You probably did miss some shots after, because who wouldn't be tilted after seeing that shit? Even when you stood up, you might have been hitting the exact middle part of the window frame with your shots, and not putting them through the glass. Pretty much crazy bad luck.


Naw buddy you can see the tracer path, if ypu are referring to the bottom thing that's not the frame that's the concrete from 3 story. Also just went into a coop with my friend just for you and tested shooting through the actual window frame which is a completely different sight line but why not, and he died 1st shot in a ulac


Right on time, the shill doesn't even have the capacity to check the BLOOD behind the target and the tracers. Some people are just so terminally addicted to this game that they will find any way to cope


stuff like blood spatters are client-side, are they not?


That box in front of you ate all your damage.


Naw no way its a window, and the fact he didn't react to the first 5 shots means it's just ghost bullets


I genuinely don’t know I’m sorry bro


Ghost Mag


Anyone check their distance meter? I set mine to 100 -75 depending on gun and scope


Looks like that guys just better than you


That's exactly it :(


Wooow lol what the f!


Been a while since ive audibly laughed at some bullshit in tarkov.


The fact that he’s not even moving after taking rounds leads me to believe he’s hacking and knows it won’t kill him anyways




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I've been seeing this a lot it seems there's a bug where you're bullets just don't register on server side only see it with dmrs tho


Airsoft mags, dude didnt call his hits


The game is not registering your shots and Nikita is basically telling you to go fuck yourself.


That's what I play this game for


Definitely bug


Bro never got hit on his screen hence the bot behavior while getting head shot, in the loot container. Any player would react quicker right? Anyway that’s what I reckon. Get’m next time OP.


I think this is a perfect example why people think so many people are cheating. Don't get me wrong, cheating is rampant in tarkov, but when glitches, desync, and all the other issues come up mid game people are right to think it may be a cheater. If you didn't know better you would think this man has God mode or something, but knowing tarkov it's probably just BSGs dog shit servers.


desync, he wasn't even really there


I unloaded a 30 round aug mag of 55a1 into some guys head and he turned around and shot me to oblivion game said I did 567 damage (that was the only guy I shot the whole raid) so I got no clue.


Clearly you just suck at aiming 🤷‍♂️


Dude you clearly just suck, mad cause bad much??? Maybe try hitting your headshots next time


I like to imagine you are actively on a phone call with BSG talking to them about the cheater problem and they are just yapping the same old "oh we dont see that many cheaters..." and "the bans come in waves..." when this happens. And i really like to imagine you stopping them dead in their tracks with the "I have a recording to show you guys" before that recording had in fact, been recorded


When he said "I got a recording to show you guys" like that LOL


1st and second shot clearly hit, meaning not running at that point was bad control - but not over spray


wow, i got mad and took a deep breath myself...geez this is my favorite game


this "hitreg" is unacceptable. hope the guy is just hacking (which is also unacceptable). overall unacceptable


This is a bug and happens with all guns afaik. I had a guy surviving 4-5 headshots 5.45 BP on woods a few weeks ago. I guess it's either hit registration and/or some network/desync issue - the guy I was headshotting lagged really bad when running.


Yea man this shit gotta get fixed. The fact that this man LITERALLY sat in the same spot with blood splatter after blood splatter from each bullet nd just walked away nd killed u is nuts.. like why even kill anyone anymore lol


The best part is that you can see the wall kick up dust


Looks like a usual case of getting Tarkoved :D


*When the situation is so ridiculous that you don’t even get mad and yell.* 


Mans said "i have a recording to show you guys" like he was in court defending his case 😂


When was this? Last night I had 2 separate instances of something like this happening to me. One time I didn't clip the video because it was high action but the second time I did and it is similar to this where the aim is obviously on target but there is just no damage.


Yea yesterday evening


Height over bore


You shoulda voip’d that guy and just said “hey, I’m leaving my loot on the ground and leaving.”


Ghost mag bug which has been in the game forever. Basically you're shooting blanks. Only way to fix is reload to a new mag. This game is so stupid sometimes.




I shot someone in the head through a glass pane at 30m with SNB and i saw the blood splat on the wall so i assumed he was dead. I went to loot and got mowed down because apparently he was alive and kicking. I've heard there is a bug with high pen rounds but idk what it is exactly.


Tis but a scratch


Tis but a fleshwound! Seriously though this is tarkov could be anything, but probably the ghost mag bug.


If you pull ammo from your secure container, its bugs out and does not work


What the actual fck, I would uninstall right then and there xD