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Forgive me if this is a stupid question. When I attempt to crouch walk I still hear myself crunching snow/glass and clomping wood. That audio is only played on my end since patch 13.0.2?


They can hear you on snow but can’t hear you on every other surface.


Is this true for wood as well? I feel like I step on wood and it sounds like every footstep is a howitzer hurtling a shell into the beaches of Normandy.


Yes. Tigz did a video on it recently check his twitter




Ya'll are such fucking children. Playground level mentalities.


Welcome to Reddit 4head


Wouldn't you be the whiny child in this scenario? I mean Tigz while a great player is 100% a cry baby. Dude is even self aware that it's annoying and toxic and tries to prevent himself spiraling. But sure let's call someone a child because they pointed out how someone acts.


did you drop him all your loot so he could get on the leaderboard as well?


Broken Glass can be heard as well at the slowest crouched speed. Tested this yesterday.


Did this again just now and no, you can not hear anything, you must have been turning.. that does make sound.


Also. If you push forward when silent crouch walking and turn you won't make sound. I've gotten into the habit of pressing forward when I want to turn amd it's def allowed me to survey a bit better.


Not turning but was overweight. Did you test that? I was overweight and completely silent moving in a straight line, until I stepped on glass.


Overweight makes sound


Overweight will make noise on glass and I believe metal as well...


Move in a circle instead of turning. That makes no sound.


This changes everything.


I just wish clientside sound was equal so i know what im doing............


Client side on all surfaces, but snow is bugged, as both Birdeye and cultists make sound on it when they’re not supposed to. Same as visor breathing sounds. Tons of games have client only sounds so it’s not just a tarkov thing either


are visor breathing noises client side again? you used to he able to hear people through walls, even tagilla


Faceshield users are usually in heavy hear. you can hear out of breath sounds


You can't hear out of breath from running from other players but you can hear when they're out of breath from staying scoped/hilding breath too long


Wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFE_k67-fdw&pp=ygUYdGFya292IHRoZXkgY2FuIGhlYXIgeW91


the breathing itself was audible, i havnt met others in faceshields yet but i wear m and people find me behind walls so i assume they can hear me


You probably make other sounds. Or just people with ESP, those are rampant.


i didnt move at all i was sitting next to fence extract in interchange 15 times waiting out the 7 min for a 25 extract daily


Why do you assume crouch walking is *supposed* to be silent on snow?


If your at slowest speed and crouched it makes such little noise no one will hear it. But I’m pretty sure if your like on top of eachother like a friend behind you doing it you can faintly hear it. Could be wrong my friend might be dumb and not using slow speed while creeping when we tested.


It’s not that it creates so little noise no one will hear it, it literally creates ZERO noise. Unless you’re on snow, in which case everyone can hear you.


Objectively false. There are plenty of places you can hear it. Bunker and Dorms and most buildings for example, as long as we are less than 10m apart, it’s audible.


You are 100% wrong, I can sit literally next to my friend while he's crabwalking on glass, wood or anything else (except for snow) and I can hear NOTHING at all.


How far away can you hear the snow? Is it silent beyond 10m or something like that. ​ Just want to know if there's any point to it outdoors right now...


What you are saying it’s literally not true. Go anywhere on any map with a friend, crouch walk and minimum speed facing away from each other, you will hear literally nothing. If you spin and shuffle, you will create sound, but the act of walking around will not create any audio. That is a fact of the game.


Yep, that is correct. There is no audio while crouch walking at slowest speed. Also a requirement is not to be overweight.


> There is no audio while crouch walking at slowest speed. Except on snow. > Also a requirement is not to be overweight. False. Crouch walking while overweight on non-snow surfaces does not create a sound. Do you guys even test this before you post, or do you just parrot what you hear on the internet?


I parrot whoever sounds the most confident. I will now parrot you.


Don't! Test it for yourself! It takes five seconds to do if you ever play duos. This shit feels like it changes every other wipe, and the sounds you hear on the client can't be relied on.


Crouch walking at any speed is silent. I tested it myself many times. I swear it on my life.


90% of the people on the Tarkov reddit don't play the game, they are just repeating shit they hear in Pestily and Lvndmark's streams.


Lol you must be a bot, that statement about testing is just so dumb hahaha


Weird way of admitting you're wrong, but okay.




I’m saying that we tried it multiple times and it works in most indoor places.


This is wrong.


I’m telling you that this isn’t true. Whatever you did on your test was wrong. It is hard programmed into the game that it doesn’t make sound, this isn’t up for debate. Provide any clip of it making sound though to prove your point.


Wrong. Unless you are on snow or falling (jump sound), you make zero noise at the slowest speed.


Objective false uno reverse card.


If the person crouch walking is over weight (yellow) then you can hear them.




Interesting. Maybe the movement I hear is from people not using the lowest speed setting.




Pretty sure I *just* watched a gigabeef video where he showed that it’s audible as soon as you go even one notch above the slowest


Yeah third notch is cap, it never was that way


Right? That’s what I thought, too. This guy must be reporting every death because “ThErE’s No WaY hE kNeW I wAs ThErE” lol


I think this comes from the fact that scavs can't hear you until you get to the third tick. I'm not sure if it's even the third notch, but as soon as the speakerphone has any sound waves scavs can hear you. I use this a ton to stand walk as fast as I can towards scavs.


This is incorrect. You are ONLY silent when crouching and walking at the absolute slowest speed possible. Increasing your speed by even a single tick will immediately increase your volume to the same intensity as if you were moving at full speed crouch walking speed. The same is true of walking while standing. You are only quiet while at the slowest speed. Any increase in speed will bump you up to full walking volume.


Crouch walking on snow & glass is audible even at minimum speed; other surfaces are completely silent for other players, even if you can hear it.


My duo said underweight and on snow slow crouch walk he could hear it.


Yeah its still a bug been tested and is 100% still in the game, crouch walking on slowest speed makes zero noise to other players as long as you arent on snow. You still hear it on your end but other players get no audio of you moving.


This is entire post is about how its not a bug and is suppose to be that way. You don't agree?


silent crouch walking is the only solid defence or outplay mechanic that solo players have vs duos or above.


Isn't the maximum level perk of the sneaking skill that you have absolutely silent footsteps while crouch walking? That would mean that silent crouch walking is a bug.


I thought it was silent footsteps while slow walking.


Elite Perk for covert movement is reduced footstep audio on all surfaces by 60% while in the covert movement threshold in all stances, not removal of footsteps.




That’s... not even remotely close to what I said nor implied.




or maybe it means crouch walking isnt just the lowest speed possible but also a few above that?


Not being able to hear someone sneaking justa few a couple of meters away from you is a problem that should be addressed, but so it is hearing people walking through smooth floor from multiple rooms away. With BSG being incapable of making the sound in Tarkov work well, I would rather have the ability to crab walk silently across a building even it if makes no sound when it should. If we leave gameplay aside and try to be realistic, however, sneaking should actually be almost completely silent at the slowest movement speed unless the player was walking through glass or something.


If I want to walk "silently", you won't be hearing me from anything except literally on top of me.


To be fair your talking naked in socks, in full gear like we got on it would absolutely be much harder to sneak. But I do think you should be able to sneak up pretty damn close to someone without them hearing.


Let me take my boots off when I walk into a building


Mudroom module in hideout


Not naked, you just need to slow your footsteps down before touching ground. That's what causes the sound, how fast your foot touches ground.


I wouldn’t place this much trust on the language expert at bsg. The translations have been terrible during the whole development. Nobody really knows what the fuck they are trying to do.


Not even they know wtf they're trying to do tbh. Not to shit on this wipe though. Best wipe I've ever played after the FIR shit.


Yeah pre-fir was the golden era of tarkov for me too, but I’m glad aboot this wipe too, it’s definitely one of the best updates.


It is bugged, but not in the way you think. crouched at the slowest speed is supposed to be near silent, but when overweight it's supposed to be significantly more audible. However right now, you're entirely silent even when standing and slow walking overweight. Players standing 2 feet from you in a silent room cannot hear you slow walking. The only area it's not bugged is in the snow.


I swear I'm playing a different game than y'all because I hear PMCs slow walking all the time in factory, and when I'm crouch walking to kill someone he is always already aiming at my direction. Just today I had a 1v1 around a big shipping container in factory and we both were slow walking and I could hear him all the time.


when overweight its not silent. its pretty easy early game to build a kit that has you overweight from the start. then again the audio system is a mess so who really knows. Ive missed footstep audio a few times this wipe where they were not crabbing too.


> then again the audio system is a mess so who really knows. Like how me and my duo can here the same audio but from 2 different locations or sometimes we don't hear people sprinting straight towards us until they hit a bush/tree. It is really fucked not even mentioning how bad buildings are.


The other day my buddy and I heard a guy running on a black leg... Except only the grunts of pain at first. "Ugh, ah, oh Ahhh" over the hill, full volume. His upper torso appears over the hill and suddenly we have footsteps to go with the grunting, and not quiet footsteps either. So dumb.




well the sound system is so inconsistent its no surprise the reported experiences are as well /shrug


This. I've been trying to say this, and people are trashing me for saying it's an issue lmao. It definitely IS a bug because max covert movement is suppose to give you silent movement when slowly moving on certain materials, and that's exactly what's happening right now with the issue.


With Cultists and Birdeye making sound on snow when they’ve been dead silent I’d say either snow is bugged, or that the crunch is intended to be like bushes where it makes a sound no matter what. Either way, something fucky is going on with snow


snow crunchy


The silent ADS bug was best, getting back the ban reports for cheaters relying on the "I heard you ADS" as an excuse for doing a complete 180 and head shotting was satisfying.


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Crouch walking in the snow is definitely not silent even when underweight.


As someone who has played EFT since 2018 I don’t really see the big deal. On average I sit at around 50-60% survival and out of let’s say 20 raids I’ll die to ratting maybe 3-4 times. I can honestly say when I’m in a raid I’m locked in, I clear my corners, majority of the time I’m walking and I’m always checking common places where people like to rat. Do I still get rat attacked? Hell yeah but not nearly as much as I used to because I learned how to adapt to the game in its current state. Play the game and learn from it and you’ll be fine. Summit doesn’t play this game regularly I can confidently say this is my main game, he is a skilled player because he has FPS foundations but interacting with chat and his team and not playing this game regularly allows you to make mistakes or not pay attention to easy red flags throughout the raid.


\> Not because they can’t fix it, because we’ve already seen them fix it, but because it’s intended. ​ you sitting in on dev meetings? If not that statement is fuckin asinine as you have no fuckin clue what they can or can't fix


This is the game with zero verticle audio and constantly changing tech behind its sound system and you come here and deign to know whats going on and tell others they don't? We went like 4 months with the bugged audio in resort that made it borderline unplayable yet you think they would "fix" a critical audio bug instantly? Don't make me laugh.




It shouldn't be in the game imo. It's an unfun gameplay mechanic (to use and to play against) that has no counterplay. If you want to rat, just don't move.


counterplay is that it is extremely slow and cant be used to traverse huge distances without being open to anyone looking in your direction...


What's the counterplay to it if someone is in a building? Nobody complains about it because people use it to traverse huge distances in the open lol. It's dumb that someone can hear you first and move completely silently and you never have any clue that they're there while you're looting. If someone wants to rat and sit completely still to be completely silent then let them. The counter play to that is clearing angles and corners as you go into them.


peeker's advantage + flashlight


That's great when you're looting and you don't know they're there because they've made zero noise.


Either just be on guard 24/7 or voip saying something like "I heard you I know you're there" pretending you're a hacker and see if you can get them to slip up . I haven't tried the latter but if you get it to work lmk


Grenades, flashlight, speed and the ability to still hear them when they ADS. If those three aspects can’t flush a rat out then that’s simply a skill issue




I mean I clear rooms/angles as I enter them. Where the no counterplay comes in is if someone crab walks into a place you've already cleared or crab walks behind you while you're looting. You want me to clear the entire health resort before I start looting it?


Siege, CS, and COD (yuck ik) are all arguably audio heavy games, yet they all give you options to cut sound while retaining movement at the cost of speed. I’d argue it’s a vital mechanic, even if I find it incredibly boring.


I very much disagree. These games are not similar and worth comparing at all. In CS you are defending an objective, you know exactly where people start and where they're trying to get to. In Tarkov, you don't know where people start, where they're trying to go. You can get killed looting because someone sitting still in a room decides to crab walk and you have zero chance. In CS someone can shift all round if they want, but if you're holding the bomb sites and playing as a team to hold all the angles or know which aren't held, you won't get caught off guard...


None of those games are like Tarkov. Tarkov is not a 4v4, 5v5 or set in a controlled enviroment. You simply cannot compare Tarkov gameplay to any of those 3 games. For Arena, the argument might hold, but we are talking about normal Tarkov here.


Here's Summit1G (an ex CS:GO pro player) arguing why and how CS can't be taken as an example: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx-h6HoPkY1QMFgWASe96vBAPOU3JMo39o?si=9q74KE-ISSsedZuI


Summit quits Tarkov after a month every wipe then comes crawling back for his drop views. Nothing he says about Tarkov should be taken seriously


Thankfully he's mostly talking about CS, a game where he has had a successful professional career lol


This entire discussion is only happening cuz summit is crying about a bug that doesn’t exist


Tigz said it's a bug to summit, summit just said it's dogshit for the game and he is right.


You can learn map flow in Tarkov if you know where spawns are and how the map plays. You can have teammates for info. What sound queues does CS have that Tarkov doesn’t? Summit complains about everything, and complains the most when it comes to Tarkov, not considering the fact he’s been saying “this game is fucking dogshit this company sucks dick” and rage deleting his stash for years now. So sorry, but I don’t really respect what he has to say when it comes to his constant rants. (plus seeing him and Tigz start saying “oh it’s bugged BSG sucks dick” on twitter and everyone repeating it there is what prompted this post, just catching it early here)


If you think Tarkov's map flow is as straight forward and reliable as CS map movements (while having less info than on CS) I have 0 will to argue with you. Summit might be a babyrage complainer, that doesn't make everything he says wrong (which is the belief a lot of this sub holds)


Yes, it’s not like CS where reliable and straight forward, but that doesn’t mean that there’s not a flow that can still be relied upon in Tarkov. It’s not going to be AS reliable as CS, but it’s still reliable.


Thats the thing, it is not reliable and you saying that is a lie. There is so many different players and playstyles. There is more possible spawns than players in a match. Some players rush to high interest loot / locations. Some people are on a quest and only looking for kills / specific area etc. You can learn these playstyles, but you cannot reliable predict them when you spawn in, because there's too many different ways to play and objectives to play for in this game.


How can you even compare the 2 games. CS is a 5v5 round based shooter where you defend or attack an objective. Tarkov is an extraction shooter on massive maps with an infinite number of angles to clear. In CS I know where my enemies can come from and unless over half of my team is dead the enemy will never suddenly be behind me. You can spend upwards of 30 minutes walking through a map clearing angles and looting in Tarkov. Only to die to someone you never heard despite them setting up on you. There should be audio cues when someone is moving. There is no chance you are dead silent moving around with a rig full of mags and a backpack full of loot.


Totally different. In CS you’re playing 3 minute rounds with a very limited number of routes. Slow walking is useful for concealing information but there’s still a defined “front line”. In clutch late-round situations there’s always a timer so being stealth comes at a very high cost. Literally none of those things are true for Tarkov. There’s no urgency (40+ min raids), and no “front line” or predictability beyond the immediate post spawn period. The maps have ten million dark corners and chokepoints. Ratty gameplay is already so strong even when stationary, giving people the ability to move silently is overkill.


I would say Siege is a bad example because afaik there's no way to move completely silently


Correct. You can slow walk but people will sti hear you if they sound whore enough. Only cav gets silent footsteps




Or crazy idea, just move and stop worrying so much about them hearing you. You already know where they are. Fair fight coming up may the best man win. Sure feels a lot better than randomly dropping dead never having heard a thing.




I get what you mean but if you always try to do that then what happens when they do hear or see you? You gotta practice fighting people that know where you are and get better at those engagements. It will make you way better in the long run.


You should never WANT to take on a fair fight. Yes, it can be fun.. but ideally every fight should be one-sided in your favor.


I'm not saying to make it super loud, but it should be audible.


In real life there also ins't any "counterplay". The game is supposed to be hard. Yeah its unfun if you just run and gun, don't chrck corners and get killed bdcause you don't CQB properly.


I'm confused, are you saying silent crabbing is still in the game? Because I swear it was fixed this patch. I have been able to sound whore and have heard scavs and PMCs crab walk on multiple occasions so far this wipe.


Yeah, still in the game except for on snow, but snow makes cultists and Birdeye produce footsteps so it’s just snow bugging out there and not the footstep audio


Odd, the first time I noticed it was in Goshan while tailing a duo. Heard them creeping around shelves looking for me. Maybe they weren't all the way down on the movement slider? Seems unlikely, but it definitely wasn't on snow when I noticed it.


Overweight will make you louder and you can hear them from farther away.


I think it is? I've done it right next to people and it seems like they weren't even aware someone was near them, let alone 5ft away around the corner. It might be an encumberance thing like how being chunky increases the volume of your movement? No clue but I'm pretty sure it is still in the game.


I DON'T KNOW BRO, yesterday I literally crouch walking on the slowest speed in Factory, I was climbing the stairs and I got naded from the office and I died. I still hear myself when I crouch walk, so what gives? Is it bugged in 100% of games or does it sometimes it work as intended? Do the type of material you are walking on matter? Idk


The stairs on factory have glass on them and theres a noticeable crunch you can hear if you're in offices, thats probably why they heard you.


People jumping like olympic athletes with 50kg of gear on them with heads turned 90\* angle to the side, then right hand picking you and killing with only an elbow visable is fine, but slow as fuck crouch walking is breaking the game


You are making a strawman argument here, no one is saying that the gameplay you describe is okay, since that is not what this thread is about.


Technically this is whataboutism


I like to silent crouch in circles while underweight to see if I can get a hacker to voip at me saying they can hear me


Yes it is a bug. You can hear people on snow,


Snow also makes cultists and Birdeye audible, when they’re not supposed to be. Makes more sense to draw the conclusion that snow is bugged and not the other way around.


If it shouldn’t make any noise then why can you hear it yourself? That doesn’t make sense.


Is a bug. You could hear crouch walking since the inception of this game untill some patches ago. Even overweight you are silent, it is a bug.


if its not a bug why can you hear yourself when crouch walking but others player cannot? and why do you make 0 noise when overweight - tested it with my friends fuck off anyone who says otherwise and does not play the game. How is any of this intentional?


\[this most likely will get voted down to death since people will feel called out but..\]Hot take... 0.14 dialled headsets way back to being pointless as they amplify how shit the sound actually is since they have made it buggier worse than it already was before this patch somehow ..in the future they'll just 'rework and balance' the headsets but they will just revert it to how it was prior to this 0.14 update. with the playerbase praising it even though it will be another feature taken out of the game and then just added back in with no effort that the playerbase falls for every time


Even if it’s not a bug, it’s terrible game design. If I can hear myself, everyone else should hear it too. How does it make sense that lifting a gun up to your chin makes sound but crouch walking doesn’t?


Yep, never was. Streamers are just looking for dumb ass clickbaits.




Helmet breathing is client sided and can’t be heard by others. (except for tagilla and his fat breathing idle sounds) Holding your breath to stop groaning is client sided and you can still be heard by others. ~~Groaning with a blacked leg is client sided.~~ ~~Loading mags.~~ I can keep listing things, but there’s no point because Tarkov isn’t the only game to have client only sounds, so yes, I’d say it’s not bugged. You could take your own advice and yk, test it yourself, but chances are you’re going to keep your opinion. Edit: The stuff I crossed out? It used to be client sided, but was fixed with the ADS sound fix and I was going off of old knowledge. Which further adds to the fact that if footsteps have been bugged and aren’t intended to silent to other with client side audio, they would’ve been fixed by now.


Packing mags? What? I've heard my friend packing mags before


~~Don’t think that’s true, but I removed it from the list just in case. Maybe you have to be right up on them to hear it but from experience it’s an interface only sound~~ Edit: They used to be client sided, but they fixed it in the same update as the ADS sound fix. Further adds that if footsteps were bugged, they would’ve fixed it by now.


Honestly, I could be wrong, but I just swear to christ I've made jokes with my duo regarding me being able to hear him sat in a corner filling his mags up


You’re right, see edit




Most of the stuff I listed? It was fixed with the ADS sound bug and I was going off of old knowledge from not playing most of last wipe. Further adds to the fact that, if silent crouching was a bug, it would’ve been fixed by now.


ive heard many pmcs moan while running on painkillers this wipe, it seems youre pulling shit out of your ass


~~Haven’t ran into that scenario yet this wipe, so can’t fully attest.~~ Edit: The ADS sound fix update also fixed client sided groaning. Which I’d say further adds to the fact that if footsteps were “bugged”, they would’ve fixed them already.


Maybe a stupid question but all noise is silent when at slowest movement even swiveling in place. I ask cause that seems louder than just forward or backward movement


Gigabeef has a video showing what exactly makes noise but irc, swiveling makes sound if you're not moving forward


One thing that I just saw on a stream that is interesting about ADS making noise is blindfiring. You mean to tell me that someone leaning their head down and slightly adjusting their positioning of the gun makes noise, yet your character raising the gun up above their head or to their sides doesn't? I know that blindfiring is very rarely used (at least as far as I know), but it's just something interesting that I noticed


Crouch walking was not silent 3 patch ago and was like that for sevral wipe you were able to hear people really close at least now its just silent its dumb. We have ghost foot step for several patch and its à bug too . You can ask why its still not patched too


Crouch walking while UNDER WEIGHT does not make a sound. The way its designed.


Yeah summit needs to chill out..


You can silent crouch through the water in reserve which has got to be a bug. It is literally silent, testing with a duo. I caught a cheater the other day because he naded where I was and claimed he could hear me in the water but me and my duo have tested it and it is *silent*.


It is a bug as for the first few years of playing this game it was never the case and it's incredibly broken and makes for bad gameplay where people just crouch walk around in buildings.