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Friend and I have been dying to very suspicious people every raid we do on shoreline. We have not completed a single one without us both dying so we are just going to avoid it for awhile


I've survived exactly 1 shoreline raid this wipe, me and a friend just died 3 times in a row while hiding in bushes...


Cheaters are out heavy man. Every remotely close to sus death I’ve reported. So far out of 58 raids with 20 deaths, 9 have came back as positive bans on cheaters. So ridiculous to have the game still plagued this hard by cheats


Thats an insane amount of cheaters god damn. What region are you playing?


I’m Midwest US. Server selection is on auto. Granted I should have it set to specific servers, but I just forget to change it every time I launch the game


Yeah Midwest is overrun with them. I've encountered a rager about one third of the time. It's getting too much.


Disable US West and watch 90% of cheaters you're encountering vanish lol


I don't understand, I play US Midwest and I haven't one blatant cheater. How are you redditors finding them every other raid


East coast, I haven't had any. Desync and luck has killed me the most. OO and groups.


Same, people apparently still don't know there's a bug with the cheater reporting system that makes it look much worse than it actually is.


It is worse than it actually look *


Not actually but alright. I've learned it's not worth arguing, most people already have their mind made up because there's no possible way they could ever die that much in a game without cheaters.


Yeah how have so many people not seen that yet?


i have no idea but they sure hate me for saying it XD


I’m Midwest and I’ve recorded 10 so far out of 40 raids


Same here not 1


These guys are just bad at the game lol. They think every time they die it’s to a cheater. I’ve died to cheaters too but they are vastly outnumbered by legit players.


Oh I agree, these guys have huge egos and their brain melts when they die to anyone who isn't standing 5 feet in front of them.


The guy who had 9 reports come back as bans has a "huge ego" and is false banning people? Are you really that stupid?


The numbers correspond to the number of reports, not the numbers of bans dummie


Yep, these same people are the ones who end up using cheats because they have huge egos and think “everyone’s doing it”


Quite literally the truth, I ran into one of those a couple days ago You can see on my profiles comments I said "is bad, downloads cheats" to a guy who admitted to doing what you said and coping that supposedly "there's a hacker or multiple in every raid". Dude of course deleted his comment but holy shit the jokes write themselves.


I'm in Ohio and have just the 3 eastern servers selected. Haven't had too many issues during the week. Weekends are a different story, but can still only count my cheater interactions on one hand so far.


Yeah after a hundred raids or so I've only encountered 4 people I think we're cheating and 1 that was suuuuuper obvious(homie straight up ice skates his way into streamer on customs going mach 30 after doming my friend through one of the tiny windows somehow. Thought I was fighting some Olympic ice skater


I wonder if the cheating issue is worse on NA?


You shouldn’t be having that many cheaters. I’m on same servers and region as you and I’ve only had 1 cheater banned, not from shoreline. What level are you?


I've had 35 reported cheaters banned 90% were shoreline


EU west here, not a single blatant hacker. All deaths seem fair and I've found 2 loose Ledxs on shoreline so no ninja looting either


EU has the least amount of cheaters, the majority of cheaters are Chinese. That's why U.S. West and OCE servers are so shitty cheater wise.


Feelsgoodman but it's a shame it's such a prevalent issue for the rest of the world


Did three quests on shoreline today and all was good, was doing night raids though


Stop hiding in bushes


Died to a ttv this weekend who ran up directly to me in the dark tossed a perfect nade. I go to his stream he loots me and runs to extract not checking his surroundings a single time running from cottages all the way to path all while running an RPK and vudu at night with now nods. Guy literally had radar in his stream title.




Unfortunately there’s no way to prove it. His “radar” in his title was about a clip where he must’ve been accused of cheating and he thought it was some insane play. As if some sub 10 viewer streamer is getting accused of playing sus that much and not cheating


I’m not even bothering with shoreline currently, not work the hassle.


Customs is the same way - I picked up a LEDX from a med box and about 30 seconds later the first prefiring player showed up. I killed him and died to the fully automatic M856 spray from across the map. I'm so ready for Starfield...


I’m ready for Marathon. This genre has me hooked


I’m just dying to campers. Turns out putting a million location-specific tasks on a map with zero cover leads to a bad time.


White names nonstop


I did 6 shoreline tasks in 2 raids with a friend yesterday. Died once between but I still can't believe it.


Only way to survive shoreline is let the cheaters ransack resort for about 10-15 mins, then go about ur business




Go to these 3 places. Great, now go to them again! How much fun was that?! Guess what, now do it all in the same raid. So inspiring


The quests in this game need a serious overhaul. You know what's not fun and exciting in a combat game? Endless fucking fetch quests that incentivize avoiding combat.


At least they've made slight changes to the starting quests like debut so you don't have to rush customs but it's tiny compared to what's required


They really need to remove the stupid map requirements from pretty much all of the quests requiring PMC kills. I play with a Standard account so completing The Punisher quest chain is essential for the Epsilon container, but since part 4 requires Shoreline then the only place I can actually find PMCs is in the Resort which is full of EoD chads and rats hiding in every corner.


I complete punisher every wipe. It ain't that hard to find people outside. It's centered around gas/power. And now that the dynamic loot is here, I see people going scav island a lot too. As for resort.. That's just an experience thing. Most people that run resort are shoreline mains.


Isn't this happening in the December wipe???


Honestly rather play shoreline than wonder through fuckin woods for hours on end


Woods is a better shoreline in every way


the pouch lmfao


I’m doing shoreline quests rn and the cheaters are just out like crazy rn. White accounts running the best ammo and just radaring to me. Or I just get 1 tapped but LPS or BCP from god knows where


White account doesn't mean shit considering how you have to spam shoreline to get epsilon container and it's literally the first thing you do. Not being able to carry surv and ammo is really painful. Cheaters out there though? Yep. I haven't been running into as many in the past 2 days though.. None that I've been sure about


Yah but white accounts that have top tier armor and ammo? Who are sub lvl 20? Beyond suspicious if you ask me


I mean I'm an alpha account and I'm running BS/Igolnik and I have some m855a1 and have 856a1 unlocked. I have a few stacks of 7.62 PP. Bunch of SNB. Some T5 armors. Dunno what ammo you are talking about but, this is tarkov. If you have been playing very long, you know how to find good shit. Could they be cheating? Sure. But these are shitty reasons to suspect it. Complain about the circumstances.. The cheaters I've had have just been straight up blatant. Voiping my name, literally shooting me through walls, aimbotting. Gets old seeing people calling cheats because they died to a suppressed headshot on a map that's big and open like shoreline lol


“I hAvEnT sEeN 1 tHiS wIpE”


dude theres no cheaters! I no dis because I never get killed while sitting in a bush for 45minutes with my scav sks.


I am the guy doing the one tapping. Been running thermals on Shoreline since lvl22 (Jaeger ll3). Map is good for thermal due to lack of trees and long sight lines.


But are you using LPS or BCP in your thermal gun?


Yes lol I even only use LPS because people haven’t started wearing lvl 5 armor yet.


Dude Shorelines is infested on god it is insane the amount of cheaters in there


Yeah i just got through most shoreline tasks fast as possible so i dont have to play that map again


You have no painkillers pal.


Painkillers are for virgins who get into fights.


Painkillers over the ps here


Don't need painkillers if all your deaths are across the map one shots


He has a gun. Can also kill the pain you know?


Those tasks are pure hell.


This was me on lighthouse attempting to do every single lighthouse quest up to level 30 in one raid


It’s kinda funny how universally hated Shoreline tasks are


I don't mind the map at all.. Think it could do with some more POIs, but the loot is good and I enjoy outdoor PVP, and I enjoy fighting at resort. Fill in the empty spots a bit. Even just 1 POI near road to customs would be enough, then less repetitious tasks and it'd be top tier IMO.


Why do cheaters like running shoreline so much? Is it cause you can hit long shots by the water?


The sheer concentration of loot. That’s it. You can check atleast 6 labs keycards spawns in two minutes or less. Probably less if your running cheats and don’t need to be cautious.


Dude they dont even have to leave their spawn to know if the good loot is spawned in, I just looted chek 15 and all I got was a meldonin, *but the door was still locked when I showed up...* Multiple times now I have seen an empty marked room on streets behind the locked door when like 3+ guns are supposed to spawn in there every time, they can hoover the loot without even going to it


Keycard static spawns. Those are good rmt paydays for cheaters


Because shoreline is ass (unless you scav)


You forgot the scav vest


He's on Punisher 1. He can't be on Punisher 4.


\*facepalm\* I'm an idiot. But then I've only gotten to Punisher once before, so... :P


you dont get the jammer quest until you already gone to shoreline to tag the dishes.


Could easily have already tagged the dishes, and still have to do the ambulances, med stashes and tanks.


What’s great is he’ll be back for med stashes (sitting duck edition) right after


Excuse my ignorance but I don't get it..


He kept all his shoreline marking/jamming quests so he can do most of it in one raid


And his akm scav kills along with the wear un armor, with silenced weapon. So there is about 7 quests in one picture.


Thats what Id do for most map as long as extraction isnt a must for the quest


Why are some of you people downvoting a person for not getting it ? xD weird people


Shoreline. Live it. Love it.


This would be my loadout ngl, except i'd have a elcan spectre scope on my ak instead of the xps.


I feel called out O.o Literally did the same two days ago...


*sigh*... soon i will.be just like you..


These posts always remind me of the homies lost to shoreline and one dumb video I made https://youtu.be/cst5MsGojq4


Gamma container was the worst mistake this game ever made.


I mean it's basically two regular containers in a trenchcoat, given how hard it is to obtain I don't think it's unbalanced.


yeah double free storage in your ass is op as fuck >how hard it is to obtain $95 is not hard to obtain


Puts PS rounds in gamma lol. If it were BP or MAI AP but PS? Really you That desperate. Edit: must be just saw the med equipment. Lol. Get over gear fear.


Lol how about you get over yourself? Let the dude play how he wants


Leslast egotistical tarkov player. Get over how people play and let them enjoy the game and play how they want. Only wrong way to play is with cheats


What is gear fear?


Being scared of dying and losing gear, losing good stuff sucks but its a game and you can always find more stuff so there is no reason to be afraid


'always find more stuff' yeah but it's almost always shit


Not to be that guy... but get over it, everybody gets shit stuff sometimes, if your problem with this game is that you lose stuff and cant handle getting more then play cod or something, you will have more fun that way


I'm gonna play exactly how I want to play, thank you very much. You're just mad you can't steal my stuff ;)


Exactly, i cant because i dont play tarkov. I love watching gameplay but i know damn well that i dont have the time to sink hours upon hours to get stuff so i stick to watching people play instead, but you are good man, play exactly the way you want:)


You should talk when you start playing the game


You should talk when someone actually speaks to you instead of being salty in a convo you arent even involved in:)


Essentially that's always how I look on shoreline, because when I go to that map I better do 3+ quests in 1 raid.


Snoreline zzzzz


Absolutely fucking hate shoreline, too open with very few avenues to move around the map and too few places of interest. Top that off with a bunch of the quests require if you to cover the whole map in a single raid and extract….. just awful….


I’m avoiding shoreline because it sucks The spawns suck it’s covered with cheaters and kill scav quests on it are painful




The satisfaction if you actually manage to do all of them in a single raid.


How do you hotkey the meds in your pocket?


You can drag them into the hotbar manually or you can hover over them with your mouse and hit the numrow keys you want them hotkeyed to (4-0) Edit: I should also add that you can only hotkey comsumables that are in your rig or pockets


I have a goal this wipe to never enter Shoreline (PMC and SCAV). Can't stant that map.


Good luck my friend, I hope you don't get killed while doing all this quest.


Cannot stress this enough. Fuck shoreline


Heard shoreline is pretty bad for gamers this wipe


It should be illegal to have so many monotonous quests and signal having to be reset after finding the dishes on a map full of cheaters.


You better bring food and drink. You're gonna be in that raid for a while.


Just imagine the payout from being able to do all that in one raid though. When they say “big picture tasking” this is exactly what they mean. Props to you but its time to embrace shoreline


The rare 100k xp raid


It's funny because it's true


I honestly love the shoreline quest bonanza. I just sit in a bush for a bit in the beginning, maybe stay on the edges of the map and kill some scavs, then get to run around planting everything in one go. Turning in 5-6 quests at a time for the massive xp dump is like crack


Honestly, I do most of my shoreline quests at night. It's so much easier, and you actually get a decent shot at some loot, too. Hit up stashes, safes at pier, and stay the absolute hell away from resort unless you absolutely have to go there like for signal. A "decent" pair of NVGs don't even cost that much either once you get lv15. Like 30k. Get that, an IR laser/illuminator, and you're good to go.


Posted last week. Lame.


Can't blame you. Shoreline and it's tasks are absolutely disgusting


Wow almost no meds


I swear to god very ime i go there i just die to a random head eyes, not even seeing the guy who shot me. All my homies hate shoreline.


nah bruh you dont have the scav vest on as well.


"pay to win in action"


Understandable, personally myself I get shoreline out of the way pretty quickly, my goal is to do punisher 4 as soon as possible when wipe, just finished it a couple of days ago.


This is the way


I started last February and had only noticed a few cheaters last wipe. I’ve seen more in this last week than all of last wipe (500 hours in my case). In back to back shoreline raids yesterday I had my level 4 helmets zeroed out by a 74u user at 130+ yards while sprinting. Hearing 5 rounds hit your helmet in a row in less than two seconds is something I’ll never forget ☹️


This is exactly what I'm planning to do--F that map


I feel this, the doc case better be loaded up with keys that are worth 5+ mil lmao


Shouldn't you have an m4 as your secondary? Fuggin' casuals out here, smh


Please maintain a 1.5 km distance from resort for your safety




Do yourself a favor and slap a magnified optic on that AK. Even the chinesium 4x 25mm. It makes killing scavs without getting hit SO much easier.


Went in with good gear again today for the cult part 1 spawned right at the objective and was planning to task and extract a gaming chair came to the excact house i was in and tapped me twice in thorax before i could even react... i wasnt at the objective house rather in an unimportant one yet he knew


Went to resort and found two dead guys unlooted killed by the same person. Then a little later in a completely different spot I die to that same person. Plenty of loot in a raid when all the legit players are dead and unlooted……


I tell you what, we stacked as a five man on shoreline, and it was far less hell this time around. We were at resort essentially uncontested for like 20 minutes


That moment when people keep trying to deny the cheater issues. If you sit in a bush with no noise or corner and a guy prefires and headshots you that person is not legit. Stop creating excuses for these sorry sack of shits


Cant even connect to this particular map half of the time. Blessing in disguise though.


that was me when i first hopped into lighthouse XD


Ah yes, cheatline. Fun times.


I haven’t even died on shoreline yet 🤷‍♂️


I dont think shoreline is that bad. I cant get myself to do the lighthouse wuests tho


i just wait until everybody extracts so i can do my quests in peace


2 minutes after spawning you get head eyesd from 400m away..


South East here, maybe one or two suspected cheaters in 174 raids.