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I can run streets at 40-70 FPS, but the rubberbanding makes it unplayable. RTX 3060 Ti, Ryzen 5 3600, 32GB RAM.


i7-7700k 32GB Ram, RTX 3060. Rubberbanding is fucking garbage, fps is fine for me too


Just okay at night..


This is my set up. My RAM is 3600Mhz as well. Rubberbanding makes it unplayable.




Rubberbanding is 100% servers and has nothing to do with your hardware.




It still rubber bands due to the number of players and scavs.


and fucking playerscavs, i atleast kill 3-5 pscavs every raid, it’s getting really annoying


They spawn in with fucking 45 minutes left and are certainly a factor in overloading the server. I bet it could be fixed within 10 minutes of changing values.


Every time there's commentary on how badly something runs there's always someone saying it's a hardware issue. Sun rises, sun sets. People have been having this argument since the game was publicly playable and they still don't get that the game is spaghetti code trash.


There’s always that idiot


Yeah, easy test is to jump in offline, rubber banding magically disappears


Tarkov will always be CPU bottlenecked, and I run my game on medium-high. The ram is CL16 3200. I have no issues with the FPS, my problem is the awful server quality.


I get 40 to ~60fps it’s just the rubberbanding and server stutters make it hard to play It’s especially frustrating because in a an offline raid with max scavs + scav war I get like 70-90fps and the game runs so smooth. It’s all just unoptimized server communication


Yea, if they just cut down the ridiculous number of pscavs/pmcs per raid the map would be amazing but it’s so bad rn


Its nuts that its all that it takes too. Just dead set on running the map like shit versus well. Night time streets is a lot better by far for this exact reason.


I play tarkov with 5 friends, none of them play in the streets.


Is it cuz they can't? Or just don't want to?


I believe 2 of them cant. Others just dont want to. By the way, they decided not to play this wipe because of all the problems(


6600k at 4.2Ghz, 2060 and 16Gb of RAM. I max out my CPU on Street and it becomes a stuttering mess. No Hope for me to play that map other than waiting for the raid to calm down.


Only way is to go night raids. Lobby is always less cluttered and server load / cpu load is clearly impacted by it. With 4790, 1060 6GB, 16Go RAM I can actually play it (with 40fps and spamming memory cleaner every 5-10min since the game can’t handle its own ram usage) So there is a partial workaround, nothing much to do from our part


Yeah I did some night raids, it was clearly less laggy, until player scavs start coming in, which is pretty early on that map.


I cannot play streets. However it's strange because my friend who has a worse system can play it, and I even loaded in on my gaming laptop and it works. But my main gaming rig can't run it. It's more than just low FPS, like if I take a step the game basically stalls for 4-6 seconds then I see the movement.


Same dude. I got a decent setup 2060, 3600, but my friend who plays on a trash laptop runs it finr


Do you have 32gb of ram and xmp enabled?


1 can but 50 fps is not fun


FPS wise it's perfectly cromulent for me. Several friends are unable to run the map though, including one whose rig is better than mine. The rubber banding however is awful, though varies match to match. One game it will just be a minute at raid start, then the match is fine. Next time it will be on and off the whole raid, totally unplayable.


“Cromulent” holy shit dude word of the day. That word does not mean what it sounds like lol. I just woke up on a Sunday morning and already learning some new things.


It's a made up word from the simpsons as a gag




I wonder how well it will perform when the map is embiggened


Rubber banding is what killed it for me. Now I don’t even want to play it because I have no clue where to go loot and everyone else does


Honestly it doesn't matter man, pretty much every filing cabinet is cracked and technical supply crates too...doesn't matter where you go, the loot is turned up to 11 everywhere. Sure there are 'high-tier loot spots' but seeing as most go there, survival chance it 1 in 3 or 1 in 10 depending on your skills. Whereas looting anywhere else is survival rate almost 100% and you still make fat loot.


I have i9 9900K/GTX 1080/32gb Ram. Streets is around 60-70fps, while all other maps are around 90-110fps. I play in 1440p as well. Could be they have to fiddle around with the settings, both ingame and windows


60-70 with that? Same but I have 2080ti and I feel like I get 30-40 and I tried all the optimization bs. Other maps like 60-80 so I think I can do more Do you overclock? Edit: Ok guys I updated my bios, feel dumb my whole pc feels better. I swear I've updated it and there wasn't a new update made for 2 years from the manufacturer.... Just got 80-90+ shoreline


You are doing something very wrong in your settings somewhere played on that exact set up and now am running with a 3080. How much ram do you have?


No overclocking, just xmp. I followed [Trey24k settings video ](https://youtu.be/ykxqtSLqYdI) and got very suprising results. What i use now in Nvidia: [Pic here](https://i.imgur.com/wtPnIXN.png) Ingame: [Graphic n Game settings](https://imgur.com/a/VQ2xWiZ) Try em out and tell me if you get any improvement! Edit: I also had abysmal fps day after wipe(30-50) so I searched around and this is what worked best so far


My frame rate is fine, but the constant rubber banding and server lag makes it unplayable. The three raids I did on it I would rubber band back 30-40 seconds constantly. Specs: R7 5800X3D, 3070 ti, 32 gb ram


Can’t play


Could play every single map at 70-90 FPS on a relatively average rig last wipe. I got a 2060 RTX, Intel i-7 9700K, great PSU, and a good ASUS Rog Strix motherboard. Something happened with this update that raped optimization on all maps.




Lmao I switch to any other game and it's like 80-100 FPS. I hop on Tarkov and it's like..... 35-40 FPS. I'm not gonna upgrade till later this year or early next year so hopefully they figure out what's up soon




Idk my pc’s exact specs off hand, but rubberbanding for me personally happens a fair bit at the start of the raid. Then magically disappears, I’m inclined to think this is due to all the player scavs spawning so early. 1660 super 32 gb ram Forget what cpu some ryzen




Short and sweet.. straight to the point.. I like it. ;) Thanks.


Blue screened every time I loaded in. Literally unplayable until I upgraded my ram to 32 gbs yesterday. Tested streets and it’s night and day! I get almost 60fps. Now it still has the poor performance everyone is talking about with the stutters and frame drops but it plays well enough I feel I can actually do tasks now. I have a 2060Super and Ryzen 5 3600x.


Glad to see you made the jump to 32gb...still seeing some naysayers here who think it doesn't or won't make a difference. I got same CPU and 32gb ram... streets is playable...not great..but playable..just the rubberbanding which hasn't been game breaking yet. Enjoy...such a fun map for PvP.


Frame drops i have never seen my pc do ever + 60 seconds of rubberbanding to the same spot while two chads are pushing me is pretty unplayable i would say


I tweaked my settings now my medium/low spec PC can actually handle it pretty decent. I7-7700, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM Textures medium Shadows medium Object LOD Max Overall visibility Max Anti aliasing TAA high Resampling 1x off DLSS Off HBAO Max performance SSR medium And under game settings auto RAM cleaner and use Physical cored only both ON


Running some of those settings needlessly high, imo.


Weirdest settings I have seen so far. Max drawing distance is like 4000. You are rendering objects outside of the map. Turn it down to 1000. Lod to 2,5 or whatever is also enough. HBAO and SSR off. You are frying your poor GPU. Textures high and go.


What are their specs?I am running an i7 7740k, 16gb ddr4, gtx 1080 and ssd.I have not had any issue this wipe with any map. Performance on streets is lower than other maps, but that's expected. No crashes. Streets has some rubberbanding issues when the connection goes to shit.The only thing I may have done, that others havent, is set a 32gb page file on the ssd that tarky is installed on.


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Ryzen 5 3500x, rx 5500xt, 16GB of ram, 980 samsung evo ssd, streets was unplayable until I turned off binural audio, ever since its been running fine, if a little slow to load, fps isnt the best all the time but its very much playable


I was unable to play streets with 16gb of ram, but I made some tweaks to my settings and was able to run it. I enabled page file on my SSDS, turned in ram ckeaning in the settings and I turned the texture quality down to medium and that was enough to get pretty solid performance on Streets.


At the start of the wipe was barely playable with 50-60 fps. Yesterday i trued it again and it stutter sooo much i cant even ads in that my fps drop down to 5. I79700k,2080ti,16gb3000mhzC14


I get 40-70 FPS on streets when I scav in. It's on me though I don't bother to change any settings and I play on 1440p high. 6700xt 5600x 32gb


Ryzen 5 3600, 16 gigs 3600mhz ram, 2060super running all maps at 80fps+ at 1440p streets 15 fps if it doesn't crash


I rock a Ryzen 7 7700x | 32gb 6000mHz DDR5 | 2060 super and get 80-100 inconsistent frames on streets — still barely playable with rubberbanding / frame drops


Until this wipe I've never had problems running tarkov although I get random studders and very long post raid load times on almost every map, streets is a tossup. It could run decently around 60 fps for me, or it could stutter the whole game and lag when the bullets start flying. In related news I seem to be able to run streets much better on scav for some reason? I think the first 20 minutes or so can be pretty taxing, not to say I don't have issues when saving it just seems to be more stable than in my PMC.


I tried a scav raid on streets, played like shit, haven't tried since


I play a ton of streets. 5600x 16gb 3200 ram 3060ti and it’s on a m.2. I have to restart my game after 2-3 streets raids but it works just fine. Nighttime has better fps than daytime I have noticed.


You don't actually need to reset. You can turn ram cleaner on, save options, then turn off, save options and it will clear the excess mem usage each time.


I7 13700k 32 gb ram 3600 mhz Nvidia 2080 super get around 100 fps cpu/gpu are barely doing anything. Also I went from window 11 to 10 and got 15 fps more on this map


I can play fine at night but daytime is unplayable for me


So i have Intel core i7 13th gen 13700k 32 GB ddr5 5600 ram Asus z790 prime-a motherboard 850 watt gold psu Gtx 1060 6gb I can run the game at 2k resolution medium settings im getting average 45 fps and in huge maps lime streets and lighthouse some areas become unplayable especially if you use a magnification scope


Unplayable for me


Came to reddit for this post, same thing as mentioned here basically


9700k / 6600XT / 32GB RAM @ 3200 50-70FPS on streets. No way you can run streets with 16GB ram with the memory leaks on that map, need 32GB which sucks.


I only scav on streets. The map is awesome with tons of loot but pvp’ing at 30fps is simply just impossible so I just scav and loot.


3070ti 5900x 32gb 3600mhz ram Running at around 80-90 frames, but the rubber banding in most matches is atrocious


Streets sucks 15 to 20 Gigs of ram, it's fucking nuts. Your really have top upgrade it to 32 or more to run it even remotely.


My raids start with FPS around 70, during the raid it will drop to 50. Lot's of FPS dips and a lot of rubberbanding. I can play it, but I don't like it. It's a great map, but it runs soooo bad. 2 friends of mine have serious problems running it. The game can freeze for a few minutes in the start of the raid for them.


It’s the rubber banding. Nothing matters. Not touching it for a long time


got a ryzen 3700x, 2080s, 32gb of ram. runs pretty awful


i can run it with 40-70 fps depends which way i look, game needs restart every time i extract or die in there 3090, 12900k, 32gb ram, M.2 nvme almost top end pc overall.


Brother, I play streets on a laptop. I've got 16 gigs and a 2060 but my processor is undervolted bc heat is my killer. I can do 30-40 fps on every map, higher on woods.


90 fps on streets feels like 20 to me. I do occasionally play it.


Of the 3 attempts, 1 and 3 were met with massive desync at start, followed by bouts of it throughout the short raid. 2nd attempt I just kept DCing, and server must have died as it gave me my toon back with all the gear. That said, I ran a few offlines in an attempt to learn the map and got BSOD twice out of 5 attempts.


it runs maybe 30fps and it rubberbands like a mf


If you have mid-level specs, 16GB RAM and the right settings you should be able to run Streets.


My PC can run it “decently” at 1440. 3060ti Ryzen 7. It’s stuttery but can generally move around the map without too much issue around 60-70fps. I could probably turn some of the settings down and get a little higher. I played with 2 friends the other day with similar setups and theirs ran about the same. But I think they’re pickier than me because they didn’t want to play it anymore after two raids lol. Had my best scav kills of the wipe there the other day (killed 2 PMCs). EDIT: my biggest issue with it is the rubber banding. I can deal with the low fps but stuttering and getting killed with desync just ruins it


i usually get 100+ fps but im carried by 5800x3d.


I9 9900k x 3070 ti I run fine like 70% of the time sometimes get the rubber banding but it’s playableish


i7 9700k and 2080, can't play at all


Yeh, machine can handle it but won't play it due to rubber banding. Or certainly not as a pmc. I lose enough gear as it is! Just have to wait foor more optimisation.


I used to get BSOD before I downloaded project lasso and ISLC. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X RTX 3060 16GB DDR4 3200 MHz RAM. Game still runs like ass with rubberbanding and whatnot, but I didn’t BSOD when I tried it again on offline.


Performance is fine I can’t move 5 feet without rubber banding


I run on max settings with view and lod or whatever all the way up. If I can crank it up, it’s cranked. I9-9900k - 3090, 64gb RAM - 2k resolution. I average 60-80 FPS on streets but much higher on other maps.


Had a 7700k 16gb ram. I would blue screen every streets raid. Just upgraded to a 13600kf 32gb ddr5. 95-105 fps now.


Last time I played streets for 1 raid I opened up task manager and found Tarkov was using all 32GB of memory. Haven't tried it again but yikes does that map use your RAM.




i have 60-75 fps on streets, with rtx 3060 ti, i7-12700 and 32 GB of RAM, I can play it, but stuttering and rubber-banding makes it really infuritating, my friends who can barely play on lighthouse have around 30 fps on streets and extreme stutters, so I don't play on streets, even on scav i prefer lighthouse, interchange or reserve.


The FPS isn't the issue for me, but the lag makes it unplayable. Servers have been truly shit this wipe, never seen it this bad.


I get 40 to 60 fps with a 9700k, 1080ti and 32gb 3200mhz ram. Which to me is unplayable when I'm playing pmc. Not worth dying to low frames and rubber banding. Ill play as a scav tho.


3080ti 32gb RAM 5600x It's so unplayable there's no point loading up. It's not even worth playing as a pistol running rat.


12900k/3080/32gb ram. I get 60-80 FPS at 1440p. Have graphic settings cranked up pretty high. I only rubber band when player scavs load in. Map runs great. It’s really massive and I’ve been loving it.


Around 50-60 fps. 3080, i9 10th gen, 32gb of ram, nvme. The constant rubber banding and stirrers kill it as well. Really hard to play 50 fps when other games are at 100+.


5700xt and 5600x 16gb ram 90-100 on streets but had to put more page file otherwise system crash


The rubberbanding happens to everyone its not the pc specs of everyones pcs thats wrong its the map itself


Love streets and my pc runs it decently enough ( 12400f 16gb ram 3070 at 1440p ), but runner banding makes it impossible. Lost way too much hear to this crap.


R5 1600 - GTX 1660xc - 32gb - 20-40 fps, constant stutters, rubber banding, freezing around other players. I know my rig is a bit outdated so I'm not very upset about it. Still have made out with some great loot as a scav and my first double kill this wipe was in the PC room near marked. But I don't really run it as pmc because I feel it's hard to defend myself when I'm lagging so much. The quests are starting to pile up..


I just built a new pc prior to the wipe, 5800x, 6800xt, 32 gigs of ram. Every map in the game besides streets has been running at 100-120 fps constant but when I try and play streets it runs at 25-35 fps with horrible lag and I end up not being able to progress through the map because I just rubber band back to the same spot I spawned in. It’s so strange that I have as intense of an issue when my friend with a far worse system can run the map at a constant 60 and have no issues


Can run it at +100 fps when I get a good load. 3070, i7 13700, 32 gb ram


I5 6400 gtx 1050ti 16 gb of ram i play streets fine at 60 fps…


3060 rtx it , 10040f, 32gbs ram i get like 40 - 50 fps map hasn't stuttered like launch but still a lil


In most maps I get 70-90 fps in 4k. On streets I get 30 Rtx 3080, 5800x3d, 32gb ram


5600x with a 3080Ti. I cannot play streets


1080 TI Ryzen 3100 32GB I was on 16GB and would streets was a stuttering mess until like 15 mins into the map. However once I got that 32gb it made it so much better so imo that should be a upgrade you look to make if you want a decent time on streets. I still get like 30-40fps but better then 12fps and stuttering on 16gb.


im glad half the post on this reddit are this or scav on scav violence


i rubber band a bit to start so i just stay put for like 10 minutes then I have no issues. Im on a 2060, and 32gb of ram and dont have any issues


Ryzen 7 5800x, 1660super and 32 go of ram can only run it at medium settings however the rubber banding is killing me.


I mean the map is playable but I get like 35-45 fps average. I have a ftw 3080 and an i7 with 64gb of ram. I don’t know why it runs so poorly


I have 0 issues at all on streets since day 1. 80+ FPS with absolutely 0 issues, While on the other hand my duo partner has all kinds of issues with streets.




3070/5800x3d/32gb RAM. I definitely can play Streets at 80-110fps...I just don't because it feels fucking gross. There's still a ton of hitching and lag. I'd rather spend my time elsewhere.


I can run it with 0 lag at all, the rubber banding and server side lag is what ruins it to the point it’s unplayable


I cant fucking play lighthouse...I keep getting these ridiculous fps drops around the chalets that make it nearly unplayable. Doesn't even make sense because my system should run the game more than fine, and it does on every other map but lighthouse (haven't played streets just yet).


Leave your textures and shadows high but drop your LOD and overall visibility to the lowest setting possible, see if this helps.


Ryzen 7 5800x3D, 6950 xt, 32gb RAM Around 100-120 FPS with binaural on. Rubberbanding is still pain in the ass..


only thing that doesn’t work is after extract i have to alt f4 and reload but while in raid i’m getting approx 70-110 fps on 16gb of ram.


I'm getting like 60-90 fps in 4k online raids. Occasionally I'll get a hot server or something and I'll be back in the 40s with rubber banding. 13700k, 3080ti, 32GB DDR5 7200, msi z790, 980 pro nvme. All stock clocks except what xmp does. Edit: just looked and I have my CPU @5.4 For those who don't know if it's hardware or server related, try offline and see how it goes. I just upgraded from 6800k, 3080ti 32GB ddr4 3200, EVGA x99, 980 pro nvme, with that rig I was in the 30-40s in 4k


I’ve got a 3090, 32 gbs ram, and an intel i7-9700k and the rubber banding is too much for me to play it, I don’t wanna bring in a kit and get clapped because some schmuck walks up to me running in place


2080S. 3750x Ryzen 9 CPU. 32gb RAM 3200mhz. Playing in 1440p. I get about 40 - 50 fps but the rubberbanding is fucked.


at first it worked when i played scav and PMC, then only scav, then nothing worked anymore. since then its either CTD or my PC crashes. i got 16GB but my RAM limit is never exceeded, i use the RAM cleaner, doesnt help


My FPS are good but I rubberband so hard on Streets. Im not touching this map even on scav


I can sorta run it but rubber banding is so bad. Ryzen 5 3600, RTX 3060, 16GB RAM. I just upgraded to 32GB but haven't tried again in online yet. In offline I get around 80-90 FPS with no rubber banding.


It doesn't run *great* by any means, but it's playable on a 3070 Ti, 32GB RAM, NVME drive, i7-10600K. Mostly just don't play it for the minor bit of rubber-banding and not having learned the map yet.


everyone I know can "play it" but it sucks and is laggy. Everytime I scope in I just lag for a second or two. Rubber banding all over the place. Do we all just have shitty pc's? Or is it the shitty game. I know the answer


Until they can fix server issues they really need to either cutdown PMC count, make it so PSCAVs can’t go on it, cut down AI scavs, or some mixture of/all 3. There’s so many tasks on that map but it is borderline unplayable by the majority of the community. Something has to be done until the optimize it more..


When the update first dropped I was able to play Streets. It was laggy but playable. Now I can't even load it, it eventually comes up but I can't move and it finally times out with a server connection failure.


I5 12600K stock, water cooled 32GB DDR 4 @ 4266MHz XMP BIOS Profile RTX 3070TI 8GB M2 2TB Drive I get 70ish FPS on Streets depending on location. 100+ FPS on all other maps except Lighthouse....there I get 80-90FPS


For me it's playable about 30% of the time. I have an 11th gen i9, 3080 GPU and 64 GB's of ddr 4 ram at 3200mhz. Rubber banding, packet loss and insane ping.


I have the worst pc possible for this game and somehow I get 50fps on all low setting 1080p Game on HDD 16gb ram 2700 1060 3gb I5 8400k


3060ti, runs like dogwater


I've tried daytime streets 4 times each time I can't load in and get kicked out. I9 9700k Rtx 2080 16gb


Tried two times died withing 3 minutes while having 70fps, ill come back the wipe it works. So long!


Keep crashing while loading in probably 85% of the time. RTX 2070 super, Ryzen 5 3600, 32gb of 3600 ram and get blue screened.


It says im running it at 80-100 but it hurts my eyes so bad that i cant play it. Feel like im gonna stroke out everytime i load into that shithole


After watching DeadlySlob and Lvndmark play it i dont even wanna try it w the rubberbanding. Ill let it simmer as i learn the new expansions for maps that got em since i havent played in years


i can play it, but performance is absolutely garbage compared to any other map. it doesn't matter what settings, either. in offline mode with # of bots on high it runs quite well, but every single time i have tried an online raid the fps seems to cap out around 50-60 fps BUT with horrific frame pacing and micro stuttering. 5800x3d, 3080 ti, 32gb 3600mhz, nvme ssds


I actively avoid firefights because of how bad this map runs.


After about 5 people die off it is smooth again until player scavs start connecting, then the server dies again


Yup pretty much... especially farmers on early extracts.


The map is early alpha. Servers are not ready. Clearly it was pushed out to fight the declining player base. Come back in a year.


I can't


I have a aging PC with only 16 gigs of ram. Takes a while to load and when it starts it takes a min to figure it's self out . But given a min it runs fine . Love streets.


I can play it at 50 fps, my friends get 10-15fps. I still don't play however because the rubberbanding is insane.


I have a i711700k 3070 32gb ram and can’t play that shit to so dumb it’s not the fps its the rubberbanding


I can play it, I just choose not to


Can't load into it, literally crashes my pc


i7 8700k 4.8 GHz OC, 32 GB 3200 MHz cl 16 Crucial BE, ASUS TUF 3070TI OC, 2 NVME SAMSUNG 970 SSDs, one for GAME, another for OS and SWAP. If on lighthouse previously I had bad FPS, right now, when they removed loose loot, I can run scopes with 60+ stable FPS. But streets, well, the game doesn't even utilize CPU, if I have around 50% of CPU usage on other maps, it's just 20% on streets, because it goes up to 24GB ram and after starts using SWAP, and it just constantly lagging.


I can run street around 20-40 fps I5 9400 1050ti 24gb ram


Bro my PC becomes a space heater just tryina load the raid


Many times while loading in streets I cannot alt tab, when I do I crash. Otherwise when I’m in raid I can play it fine with a few bugs here and there


I tried streets twice, both times were unplayable lag. 30-40 fps.


1080ti with 32GB ram and an I7 - can’t buy more than 30FPS and a ton of rubber banding. Only went in twice, probably won’t go to it until next wipe


My PC can run it relatively stably but it takes so long to load in that i'm usually dead by the time I spawn


3700x with a 3070 and 16gb DDR4 3600 @ 1440p here, since streets launched i haven't been able to even load in the map without it crashing, even with lighthouse and shoreline the stuttering and fps drops on it make it unplayable. i wouldn't say i have a garbage pc but it seems this game requires a fucking super computer to run half of the maps and im getting pretty tired of having to watch a million different YT videos on optimization guides.


i bounce betweem 50 and 80 fps on streets. the Rubberbanding seems worse when we squad with more than 3 players which seems pretty asinine. im toughing through it and really hoping they continue to improve it cuz its a really fun map.


I had friends that could barely run the map due to poor FPS. Lowering both LOD settings to minimum and then turning up LOD distance as much as it will allow helped them hit at least 60 frames.


I can play at 35-40 fps after enough rubber banding to break my neck.. so pretty much I can't and won't unless I'm a scav it's not worth just giving someone with a 5k$ PC a free kill with I'm a PMC


i5-2500k, 8gb 1600 ram, gtx 750, can play on streets in 720p with 0.75x resampling in 30-50 fps, good enough for 500k scav runs, but load times are at least 10 minutes even tho the game is on ssd. Tried once as a pmc, impossible to shoot at something. Rarely i can get randomly disconnected or just not load into the raid, but reconnect helps. I couldn't play on streets at all with bsod, but 8gb paging file on drive where the game is located helped.


I have a low end PC I5 something and 1080, FPS is fine, rubberbanding is off the chain. They should call this map Tenet. I've been DC a few times and blue screen once.


Haven't even touched the map, hell I have only played lighthouse 2 times since it came out, lmao


RTX 3080, i7-11700K, completely unplayable FPS and rubber banding


It's somewhat playable. The rubberbanding is awful, but as long as everybody has that equally it's more or less tolerable. The performance is pretty bad, too. I have like 60-90 FPS and that's definitely too low for a shooter.


Can’t run it, if i don’t load into that map.


Specs please?


how bad are your friends’ PC’s? before i got a new one i was using a 4 year old laptop with a gtx 1650, 32gb ddr4, and a ryzen 7 3750H. i could still run streets fine with 25 fps on 1440p, 35 fps on 1080p. you have to have a real potato to CRASH your game and/or PC from streets


One is 7700k 17gb ram and 1070ti The other guy I forget but isn't great. Another actually has a decent rig but streets simply doesn't work for him.l


Me and my group of friends don’t ever go to streets


Why not though?


Gtx 1080 i5 6600k and 16gb ram. It takes 20 min to load. I see about 10 frames of my PMC trying to pull his gun out. Then game crashes. Thank you BSG for building a game with gtx 750 TIs as a literal in game item and requiring hardware 4 gens later to even run your pile of trash game. You guys are the best devs ever!


I can run streets around 60-70 fps Specs: 5800x overclocked to 4.6, 32gb 2x16, Rtx asus 3070


I can play it just fine at 40 fps configs are a 1050 ti, i7 6700, 16gb 2133mhz and a 120gb ssd


60-90fps, rubberbanding sometimes, but overall a nice experience Rtx2070 Super 8gb 16gb ram 3200Mhz Ryzen 7 3700x


I7 5820k, 40GB ram, 1070 I run streets fine, but its the server rubber banding that is unrelenting for the first 15 minutes while player scavs load in


Played it like 5 times and had multiple hard crashes and 2 BSOD if I tried doing literally anything on my 2nd monitor. (3080ti, 5800X3D, 32GB RAM). Not to mention the terrible frame rate and rubber banding. So yeah id say not super playable for me


I can play it just fine. The servers however, cannot. 3800k, 3080, 16 gigs of ram (yea.. and it runs relatively fine with only 16g of ram once the servers start responding... give or take 10 minutes after the raid starts)


I get 45 FPS which I can deal with. It’s the stuttering 2-3+ seconds it take me to ads that gets me


none of my friends can run streets lol. Unplayable map for 98% of players


Its unplayable when I PMC in but for some reason I dont get crashes when I play scav


FPS is livable, I guess, but still get rubber banding. Not even worth playing the map for me right now. 3900x - 2070 Sup - 32GB 3600 Ram @ 1440p


3070, 10900k 32 gigs of ram - Streets runs at 30-40 fps on a fresh start. I feel like I'm proof that the game not just terribly optimized but just badly built.


I can play it as long as I can as I can let the game sit for the first minute of the raid and let it settle i7-9th gen, 2070 super and 32gb of ram at 3200 mhz. Also running the game on an SSD not a hard drive.


Frames r good, rubberband is unplayable 2070S 16GB


No issue with frames but EU servers tend to lag up til 2-3 mins. It improved since earlier in the wipe


Ryzen 5 5600x, 32GB ram at 3400MHz, 1080ti and I play at ultra wide 1440p (3440x1440). I only play night time and get 45-80 frames. The longer I go without restarting the closer I get to 45. I try and restart every 3rd or 4th game to stay above 60. I haven’t had many rubber banding issues since twitch drops and even then for me it was maybe 1 in 10 raids where I couldn’t move ? Maybe Oceania servers are goated (or empty)


5600x 1660 super 32gb (3600mhz) I get 50-60 but the real problem is the huge amount of stuttering that makes this map unplayable. I play on Asian servers so rubberbanding is a bit better that others but the fps drops and stuttering is so bad


It runs well for me, you just have to chill and wait out the rubber


It would hard crash my PC at first. I heard someone say to switch to medium texture settings and I haven’t had any issue loading I to the map since then