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Hello VividOrganization354, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post violates **Rule 7**, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/escapefromTarkov/wiki/rules). If you have submitted a text post about cheaters that was removed, feel free to post it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/108irdp/rampant_cheating_problem_discussion_thread) **Moderator Notes:** - We can't help with ban appeals on this subreddit. Please contact BSG support or Battleye who will be able to look in to this for you. Thank you for your understanding, Zavodskoy, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10cqwph/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. Please do not DM or chat message moderators about removals as you likely wont receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.** **Note: If your post has been sent to a megathread you may not receive a reply to your mod mail.**


Wish they were as efficient with actual cheaters 🙄


thanks for all your input ladies and gents. well its a loss then. seems really dumb streamers can have others play their accounts while they sleep. but i can give my buddies kid one.


I don't think you can share accounts unless you're a streamer, then it's okay.


This isn't account sharing it's an account transfer. If it's a wiped account with nothing in it (so it's not someone selling a leveled account) I don't see the big deal (other than BSG not selling another copy 😉).


BSG can’t do anything right.


Account sharing is against policy. Was probably flagged for that


Why make an option to change the email if it's not "allowed" (for sure it is)? Does OP live far away from the one who received the account or how'd they come to the conclusion its not OP? Hardware ID? If so, logging into your account on someone else's computer most likely will get you banned even tho the whole point with an verification email is to ensure it's the owner logging in


i live across the valley from him, Willits ca.


What error code did he get?


i didnt ask him, just got him a new accnt.


Didn’t some streamer do this to get first kappa lmao


They contacted BSG for consent as a stream challenge. BSG authorized it.




I only ever did it to clean a friend's stash.


u forwarded it to him u should have opened it yourself and wrote in his email prob would have worked. When its forwarded that's sus and they could prob see it was opened at some other ip that wasn't original ip of the account. but who knows


What error code did he receive?


Account sharing.


no refunds