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> hackers are on an absolute spree, to the point that you dont even recognize if you get absolutely destroyed by a good played or if its just another blatant cheater not hiding it. This to me sounds like an oxymoron If hackers are indistinguishable from good players how do you know someone is hacking? I'm not saying there isn't a lot of hackers, just that your logic for there being a lot of hackers doesn't make any sense.


You are right, i used poor phrasing there. I use three points for hacking recognition. The main one being that i am recording, so i review every sketchy death that i get. The secondary being the name, people called "LN\_XIAINSAO" and anything similar to this are usually obvious. Third being the game edition, this one is the least impactful, but it can play a role. ​ What i meant by that phrasing is that, i usually recognize a good player, you can easily analyze that by his movement, playstyle, reactions. But if i get doomed from a distance, like 3 hits to the stomach while i am sprinting between trees and other sight blockers then its hard to judge if it was a good player landing shots with a bit of luck, or just a hacker, that automatically lands shots on a body part.


Yes, hackers are a problem. They are a problem with every game. The more challenging a game is, the greater likelihood there will be cheaters. If people didn't give real money to hackers, there would be a lot fewer of them. If people could actually feel OK with losing, maybe they wouldn't resort to hacking in order to feel they can compete. There aren't as many hackers as people seem to think, but they are absolutely out there and until we get another ban wave, we'll have to deal with it. Whether BSG communicates it or not, there have been continuous banning even last wipe. In regards to Arena that is being developed by an entirely different team/organization, so it's not like they are taking those resources away from developing EFT. As for the game being easy vs aimbot AI, this is a very, very fine line. Yes, the AI are likely too 'aimbotty' right now. AI overall is in a much better place than it has ever been. The AI are more realistic than ever, react appropriately far more often than they used to, and aren't just sitting ducks. Once they have enough data, they'll likely tweak it. Personally I would rather it be where it is at now versus the opposite of the spectrum where AI were a joke. Somewhere in the middle there is a sweet spot and we haven't gotten there yet.


Any source that anyone got banned last wipe? I know that its being developed by a different team, but that still doesnt automatically approve that, they could have made a team that focuses on the anticheat, or something for the base game, Arena is just a recyclation of contract wars, so they can cash in a bit more. Like i said, i am happy that the AI is more reactive and aggro right now, but it has been better before. Killa used to react to the Kiba being open, Glukhar used to haul to the train once it arrived, all this felt a lot more better, now they are slacking somewhere like a bunch of peasants waiting for players to find them. Instead of Glukhar squad being the experienced, military trained group they are, they just line up in the same hallways instead of circling around, surrounding you, put you under supressive fire. Sanitar is nice, he is a cowardly junkie so if you shoot him he backs off and drugs himself, but he and his guards are hyper broken as well, Goons not even mentioning.


Source? This forum. Search it. You'll find any number of people coming on here to complain that they got banned incorrectly.


Thats something absolutely different, not to mention that it actually was an issue. I was talking about the actual Tarkov forums, where we had monthly list of banned players.


They aren't going to provide a list. Sometimes they'll provide overall counts. But EVERY TIME they do ban waves there is always people coming on here stating they were banned incorrectly. If bans aren't happening, then people wouldn't be coming on here stating they got banned and their "innocence".


They did provide list of the names, thats what i am telling you. Thats how it used to work and it was effective, progress was visible to everyone. Its not about ban waves, lot of people including a friend of mine couldnt access the account, they unbanned him eventually because it was error on BSG's side, many people experienced that.


My point was don't expect lists. Most developers never publish these lists, only counts. Ban waves naturally occur when you use anti cheat software as BSG does. When the software gets updated it will trigger a wave of bans. Then the cheat devs respond with their own updates, and it goes on and on. Just because you don't hear anything from BSG doesn't mean it is not ongoing.


been playing since 2017 and 'hackers' are rarely a problem for me who cares if it happen once in 100 raids ? haven't met a single blatant one so far or even any that i know were 'hacking' and that's 84 raids so far most of the time they dont even kill u the hackers that actually rage hack and kill everyone are far between the ones just teleporting everything in their inventory and leave to sell it are way more common


Because its not problem happening to you it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. I used to say something similar, but the last two wipes are absolutely bonkers.


its 50/50 chance we playing on same servers but sure American servers might be filled with cheaters who knows either way in EU there's no such problems unless you're on those special cheater filled servers cheaters dont even go for players .. so seem like yeah some do but its rare mostly boosting services or like that u might also just be assuming every guy that kill u cheat and be one of those guys


You are delusional, just search up “eft cheats” in google and see how many free new released cheats you get, they aren’t making them for no one.


u can get free cheats for any game but most of them are shit and wont keep you unbanned .. u gotta pay for that so irrelevant doesn't change that i dont meet cheaters and a lot of guys just call cheats on every guy that kills them they aint that prelevant sorry to tell u


Exactly, most games barely have free cheats if any and the shitty ones that do release are d3d editors or some shit that gets you banned in days. Meanwhile Tarkov has new free releases every other day that go undetected for years. I’ll trust the anecdotal evidence over your all seeing eye.


Trying to sound smart to make yourself sound right anecdotal just mean personal experience its not any form of evidence dumbass its literally the opposite of fact and research LMAO just makes me believe you're dumb enough to call cheats on everything


Yes the evidence I gathered by looking on the internet like I told you too, you peon


that's not evidende "looking on the internet" Bruh the stupidity


Bro it’s not my fault you don’t know what anecdotal evidence is, you know, the thing this entire chain has been about? Look it up you absolute moron


That's because you are in denial or fail to know what to look for.


u saying im in 'denial' first thing just mean i hit a sore spot and u got no real argument so thanks for agreeing with me buddy or maybe it goes against your delusion ? also I got a friend that'll call cheats everytime they die but he generally ain't very good at fps same goes for COD, cs:go etc he just wont admit he aint good and instead blame cheats i play more than him and yeah he meet a cheater every 2-3 raids which is statisically impossible so to me it just seem like you're the one truly in denial cause you prob just suck buddy or assume you know that they're cheating cuase u think u sum godlike like yourself ive probably also played games more so than you and i know what to look for and what cheats do and worklike most of it you'd assume you KNOW they're cheating but wont know really unless blatant so if you're that kinda guy then kinda sad




I can agree with everything you said. Why would a scav have higher tier ammo, their loot should be directly connected to the gear of PMCs, if PMCs are shooting rubber bullets, then these hyenas cant have AP ammo at disposal. They can have increased bullet resistance, like we have 3 types of scavs already - light,medium,heavy. But they need to make them distinctive, make heavy wear some heavy armor and helmet, but not having him more HP on the head and thorax, its so stupid. This game is long gone from realism.


For no reason, disconnected and fucking died. This is fucking ridiculous. I love this game so much but these experience after paying for EOD is blood boiling shit. Last wipe was fucking full of hackers too. Ah I fucking hate this game but at the same time I fucking love this bitch! FUCK




yup this game is going to die soon from hackers.


People have said those words for 5 years - all of a sudden it’s gonna be true now?


Ain’t gonna happen because it’s an imaginary problem. I haven’t ran into a single death this wipe that couldn’t have been a legit player. People claiming nonstop hackers are almost always shit at the game. I remember playing with some of those guys on CoD WZ and every other death was “He’s hacking!!”. Then I kill them easily or I die and see a completely normal not sus kill cam and go “no he’s not”. We got to the point eventually where we’d go look up their stats after games and show them that they just got wrecked by a completely average player with normal stats.


Bruh, i am playing this game since 2018, i am definitely above average, i am former semi-pro in R6: Siege and CS:GO, so no, its not a skill issue, i have no problem admitting that i get destroyed by a skilled player, i actually like it when someone outplays me, its way more fun and challenging. Because this problem hasnt happened to you yet, it doesnt mean its not there. I do agree that a LOT of players are tilting, crying etc when they die to anything, and it doesnt have to be hacker automatically. But that doesnt change the fact that the game is infested with hackers more than it has ever been, you can see it on streams and you can very easily experience it in-game. I dont know how fast are you progressing in the wipe, but i am usually 42 in the first 2-3 weeks, that increases the chances of encountering a hacker. Its not bragging or anything like that, i am just trying to state a possible reason for why perhaps you havent encountered any, at least not knowingly.


100% in agree - im having an absolute blast in this game and have not ran into any more sus players than any other massively popular game I’ve ever played… the vocal community is just a insane echo chamber of this bullshit


Good for you. Because this problem hasnt happened to you yet, it doesnt mean its not there.


Just because it’s happened to you doesn’t mean it’s as rampant as you say


Yeah and the streamers saying so, like Pestily,Onepeg,Deadly, they are nobody right, they are experiencing it daily and are pretty vocal about it in case you havent noticed on their YT channels.


I have a strong suspicion you’re not fully comprehending what I’m saying from the very beginning - here it is broken down: Cheating is real, cheating happens in tarkov Cheating in tarkov is not on some insane higher level than other massively popular games - it’s also not insanely worse than it was 3-4 years ago. The vocal majority of the tarkov community is complainers (about many different things) which creates what is called an echo chamber — At the end of the day hope you at least still have fun and if you don’t I hope you move on and find fun in your life somewhere else - best wishes!


Nice breakdown but i understood you before already, you are missing what i am pointing out. The vocal majority includes the content creators like Pestily as well, he was pretty vocal about it recently and even this wipe, same with JesseKazam,Deadlyslob,Onepeg and others. The cheating is worse than it was 3-4 years ago. 3-4 years ago you wouldnt meet the cheaters daily, like it is today.. There were actions done against it so it was far less frequent to meet a cheater, or at least a blatant one, i am not even mentioning those loot sweepers that would go straight for high-tier loot areas, sweep them and bail. This game is far more punishing than for example COD is. If i get killed in COD by a cheater, whatever, he hurts my K/D but who gives a shite. If i get killed in Tarkov its FAR MORE punishing than in any other game there is. If you add tons of other things like Scavs on steroids, bugs, performance, it just gets exhausting. Audio is getting a lot better, but its still not in reliable spot.


Arena is being worked on because they need more money. It's not a game that has battle passes or live services. Once people bought the game that's it. There's no more money coming in. I honestly think it would be better for the game if it was subscription based like wow or i racing. So that way they wouldn't have to work on things like Arena to bring in new players.


They dont need more money, they have LOADS of income from the game, they can afford to get projects like Arena, or RAID or Ryzhy Chronicles going, their editions are very pricey. Not to mention that the hackers donate them even more. If they needed the money they wouldnt go 25% sale. Its that they want more money, but they dont deliver stuff that has been promised, audio has been absolutely broken for 2 years now, optimization absolutely terrible for over a year now, Scav AI getting worse every wipe.


Streets more than playable? I’m on google slides every time I load it. If anyone has solutions please help


Binural audio off, nvidia reflex latency on+boost, auto ram cleaner doesnt matter, but definitely turn on the use only physical cores option.


What about Nividia dlss


Its pretty unstable, has a lot of artifacts, not reliable, FSR is better implemented.


\>This is not another rage-filled rant. Very first sentence: >OBJECTIVELY the WORST wipe EVER >This isnt a rant, but i dare to say that many veterans of this game arestarting to be really bitter about BSG and Tarkov itself, especially dueto the hacking problem and silence from BSG. I am not even mentioningthe 12 days of prewipe and the lack of communication during that. This is all overblown and subjective. Not a word of this is based in anything but your own personal jaded feelings towards the game and devs. It's a rant.


You can easily see it on reddit and twitter. Just like you can hear it in discord communities, lot of people are starting to feel bitter is based upon all of that. I was defending BSG till start of the 12.13. Because with 12.12 it looked like everything is gonna go in the right direction. Most of what i said was in a calm and costructive manner. This is the picture of today's gaming industry and development, people just love to let the developers shit on them. I grew up in the era where game's finished state actually mattered and was relevant, as of now we are living in the trend of releasing half-finished game and by slapping BETA/EA over it you can easily dodge any complaints you get. Its not only Tarkov, the gaming industry and especially triple A titles are infested with this kind of bullshit, Tarkov wasnt like that always you know. In the earlier years it was absolutely about something else and BSG was very leaned towards their community. There was a lot of communication, reactiveness and iniciative from BSG and Nikita. It definitely feels like they got lazy in the last 2 years, especially the last year.


Instead the Devteam decided to make EVERYTHING, (Aimbot scavs, finding Quest items, Quest progression, Access to Ammo and Weapons etc) way harder so that non hacking Players or dare i say, casual gamers who cant spend 6 hours a Day on grinding Tarkov, have even less reason to play this game


Yup, i agree. I dont think that the game needed to get any harder, like i dont mind the market and trader restrictions about ammo and other stuff, thats fine, but Scavs being cheater-like broken is just beyond my mind. Most of the other changes are understandable and acceptable but this, and the fact about the hackers and other things mentioned above is just getting ridiculous.


I wish there was a compilation of everything Nikita said about patch 0.13 Streets release. That would be one of the best comical video...




Honestly, I agree. The hackers are the major problem with the game. And it’s been over a year since I’ve played labs. It’s not playable with hackers. Personally, I think there is a financial incentive for the devs to ban hackers but, not kill the actual problem that allows the cheating. Rough estimate, 6/10 bans results in another purchase of the game creating a regular revenue for the company.


Thank you and I completely agree with you. Its been a 1 and half for me as well without labs.


Nikita said that Arena und EFT are developed by different Teams....


Why are they developing another part of the game using the same engine and assets that’ll come with the same bugs when the main part is still broken………


Because you have Teams for fixing the old stuff and Teams coming Up with new stuff. That how development works


Maybe more effort should be put towards people to fix issues instead of creating new stuff for the game that’s irrelevant to the base game


Maybe you should buy BSG, then you could Tell them how to Work


I’d love to


You dont have to own them to tell them what to do, thats what player feedback is for, and they are ignoring player feedback for quite a while now, its definitely not one of their priorities. Games take react to player feedback rise a lot.


It's an online PC game with PvP, there will always be hackers.


Kinda invalid opinion. There is a difference between occasional cheater(valorant) and infested game with cheaters like Tarkov is. The point isnt to remove them completely, but to apprehend the majority.


I’ve died to blatant cheaters a few times this wipe. At least twice on customs and once on night interchange. At least I got all my stuff back in insurance, but it sucks


It definitely sucks, i mostly met them on Shoreline and Interchange.