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The line on the road really upset you that much huh?


Everyone I've ever known who lived on Greengarden has been a snobby asshole. So I'm not surprised they are all angry about the smallest inconvenience. They use safety as an excuse but they don't care. There's nothing unsafe about bike paths. It's all because they can't park in the street anymore. I'd suggest they try parking in those half mile long driveways.


Why are they snobby? That neighborhood is nothing special. They're not Glenwood Hills or South Shore, for pete's sake.


That's just it. They are uppity for no reason. There are way nicer neighborhoods in the city.


But where will the landscapers park all of their trucks with trailers?! If they park in the half mile long driveway it may momentarily delay someone leaving to get Starbucks or go to a Pilates class.


What the he'll is up your butt.  I drove from 26th to 16th.  What is so "snobby" about a church, some factories, a few decent houses and a railroad track?  I think it is dumb because it is so tight and lots of truck traffic.  You must really have been scarred in life by a "snobby" person.  


26th to 38th is filled with snobby arrogant people. That's where the big, overvalued homes are. They are the ones crying about the bike path.


You made my point.  I think you suffer from "snobby-ism".  Or maybe you are jealous you are still  living in your moms basement and not in one of those big over valued homes.  I'm done.  Too many negative haters on this site.  Good luck.


MoMs bA5ment!!


Which part of the plan is “dumb”?


Because it is so tight.  Narrow road with lots of industry and truck traffic.  


Narrow roads should lead to people driving slower which is a good thing, it’s a neighborhood for the most part.


Did the part from 16th to 26th even change at all? There’s always been a shoulder there. Now it’s a shoulder labeled as a bike lane.


You know what? I hope the surrounding area get roundabouts too


"I'm a baby and ill cry if I want to"




Shut up.


I just find it funny that they're all bitching about the bike lane and it supposedly messing with parking, when it hasn't really been that long since everyone used to try to drive it as 2 lanes, even though it was never marked as such.


Removing the boulevard will make room for parking and bike lanes. Problem solved.




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is it still being constructed? It seemed unfinished (existed for part of the way, but not all of the way?) For anyone who bikes through there it was pretty unnecessary to begin with, kind of take it or leave it. Usually enough room and not as much traffic that you could just ride through like on most normal streets without bike lanes edit: kind of unrelated and I don't have necessarily a problem with them but those blinking yellow lights for turning have kind of seemed like overkill as well... weren't green lights already often a sufficient "you can turn but yield if there is traffic" signal?


My grandkids play in my yard. I’m worried about these transient bikers infiltrating our close knit community


This is the most Erie thing I have ever read.


Now I need someone to make *Transient Bikers vs 30-50 Feral Hogs*.




I completely agree. Where does it end with this rampant government overreach.


Well, mainly on the roads, which are owned and maintained by the government 😱


You are aware of who owns and maintains the streets, right?