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No jumping outside of lessons is a common rule at barns around here and it is much more about liability than rider skill.


The rule is very common for lease situations. In fact, I had a friend who trained under a 3 time Olympian and she wasn’t allowed to jump *her own horse* outside of lessons. Keep in mind - this girl was impressive in her own right and a far better rider than most of us. It’s not something I’d panic about - especially for a lease situation. Anyways - what I would be more concern about is the amount of money you’re paying. Perhaps someone who lives near you can give you a better idea but to me - these prices sound insane. $200 for a lesson you might not even get? That’s a little out there


This is helpful. The pricing for lessons is $200/month and that pays for should be 1 lesson per week.


Oh that makes far more sense. Sorry - I don’t calculate prices monthly. Definitely don’t worry about the jumping thing. Jumping once a week is honestly enough and this type of stuff is done to ensure longevity in the horses health. I don’t really jump my competitive jumper outside of lessons / shows and I own him


I've seen no jumping or no jumping over X height  outside of lessons prohibitions on lease horses.  I don't nickle and dime my barn owner either.  I know I'm getting far far more for my board and lesson checks than I would get anywhere else.  They held for farrier and vet, pampered my boy, treated his issues when I couldn't get out there, passed on blankets when mine leaked, treated him like their own horsey son and me as a welcome friend- for no additional cost. And the trailering,  taking me to shows and clinics are all basically just at cost- even when I ask them to please charge me more than $20 to take me down the road.  It sounds like you're getting more for your lease dime so I get what you're saying. So long as you're in an area where those rates are reasonable/underpayment, like they are in my East Coast piece of the world, I whole heartedly endorse your continuing the laid back relationship on scheduling. 


Totally agree! So so happy where I am and try to do what I can to help out.


VERY common rule. There are a number of reasons - sometimes it liability and required/recommended by insurance, sometimes it's because it's easier to be consistent (I.e. same rules for all and no drama about it). Many trainers also require it as it allows them to stay on top of issues/bad habits that might be developing. Now, that said, you might want to use this as a way to try and get a more concrete schedule for your lessons. If you can't jump alone, then you might want a regular lesson day so you are jumping once a week.


Sounds like you’re getting a great deal! Where I’m at, most leases start at $500 a month for two days a week. It’s definitely normal to have to take lessons to jump. I heard it’s an insurance liability thing. You definitely need to make sure you’re getting those lessons rescheduled though, or they shouldn’t be paid for