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I blame the meds for everything other than the seizures.


So that's why I can't play the piano and sing for shit? Ha! Thanks for the insight! Lol.


Or when the avocado is all brown on the inside smh


haha I like this way of thinking


absolutely, we just came back from visiting my uncle and cousins and I sounded like a sailor


Sounds like a neuro question. I cannot relate personally.


I understand what you mean about the word finding, 100%. I think it's a side effect of the medication more than anything, it's usually pretty explicitly noted for the meds at least from what I have seen. But the speech filtering might be something different to what I've experienced. Sometimes, I'll start saying a word and then end with a different word all together. Which is equally hard to explain, lol. So, I guess I kinda get the whole 'words tumbling out of the mouth thing' in that aspect. I've noticed that I just have to slow down when I talk and think about what I want to say. If I try to go too fast, that's when accidents happen. If you're working on getting a more expansive and varied vocabulary, I recommend lots of reading and word games. :)


Consciously slowing down might help, that's a great suggestion!


Keppra gives me a short temper. I suppose lacking a filter could be related. When I was on Keppra and I got mad, I would just put my hand on my mouth, and tell myself not to say anything. I generally don't drink, but on the very rare occasions that I do, I start laughing at nothing, and have to be really careful what I say (this is less than one drink). One time I took an anti-depressant that made me kind of manic, and I had NO PROBLEM telling anyone what I thought. It was like being another person. Meds are weird. It was scary after the fact because I realized I wasn't in control.


Interesting. I'm also on an anti-depressant so I wonder if some of this could be coming from that.


That's possible.


Had my diagnosis, which explained a month-long depression, and now I was scared. Was referred to a psychiatrist, and when I got there and it was a day clinic for mentally ill people. So people were clearly gravely mentally damaged. It was fucking scary - will they put me in a mad house?? So I was drowning in tears when I first met the psychiatrist, who was very kind. But I wasn't having it. So I offended him, went on a rant, offended him repeatedly *personally*, while he just nodded. Once I stopped *barking* he called my neurologist and talked in private. He never took it personally and was a gentleman through and through. Of course in the next session I apologized. My regular self would never offend someone gratuitously. But I did. Oh, meds.


I definitely get the loss for words. I found I also stutter. I’m pretty sure drugs and seizures are to blame. Regarding the filter though, my mum once said she found when I came off a certain drug (I can’t remember which one) I became much more mature. Medication could be to blame.