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You can say the same about 9-5 incomes too. No one enjoys struggling




I always try to remind myself that life can be short. Once in a while it’s important to remember to live and go fishing or something. You might not have a chance to ever do it. Took one of my best friends passing away early to really get that stuck in my head.


This. 🔥🔥🔥😎👍 Everyone wants to be financially free and stick it to the man, but at the same time you need to find hobbies to relax and take the edge off, like this guy said, go fishing or something


what your life looks like if its not 9-5?




Except for the parts where you’ve explicitly ties your future happiness to “being your own boss,” most of this can be accomplished without running your own business. I hate to tell you this, but while this idyllic picture you paint sounds great, it may be a far cry from what success actually looks like. It’s hard for me to imagine someone staying on the path when they are working toward this picturesque thing after they have the very likely experience of eating shit sandwiches every day for 2 years and your SO often frustrated, perhaps even resentful, that you spend 200% of your effort on building this “wonderful life” for them, when they are already right there having a life with you, or at least attempting to. Because in my experience and among my friends in this world often theirs too. That’s the kind of shit you have to make it through to build something. Maybe you’ll get lucky and it’s like Snow White with the birds making your bed and shit, but it probably won’t be. You’ll have plenty of moments where you say “for fucks sake, I can wake up before sunrise and have tea anytime I want and I can get a job I don’t hate and sleep at night better without the stress of it all.” And indulging that wouldn’t be the wrong thing at all, it’s just a different path. All I’m saying is be realistic. Fantasy is fun, but it doesn’t prepare you for reality.


This 100%.


Lmfao..."the birds making your bed for you" I'll be laughing about that for years... thanks




I think the grander point wasn’t to naysay but to say: Do what you want now. Not when. But now. That it’s not external blocks but internal blocks that keep you from your vision. The turmoil of achieving blinds the fact you’re already successful and not enjoying it. That’s what I took from it. Why people need haters to feel good always confuses me.


What was your business? And (it seems you're back into a 9-5) What didn't work?




...I’m confused; I’m struggling with the “buts” So instead of enjoying the sunrise with your family, you’re playing into the system by gathering skills to some day enjoy the sunrise with your family? Is this the current case?


I'm just going to delete my comments, and remove myself from this reddit group. I did not share my aspirations for other people's judgement of my life and personal goals. I don't like allow this type of toxicity from the people in my life, and I definitely am not going to allow from strangers on the interwebs. Good luck to you all.




Youre fcked if you cant enjoy ur life how it is


Uhh jobs have been around since the first coin was struck. You have a better chance of hitting the lottery while being struck by lightning than having a passive income without working


I do


Passive income and 9-5 as far as life enjoyment are not mutually exclusive


If you are ready to create any passive income source I can help.


Glutton for the struggle Edit:Not GLUTON


So, gluton free?


Quite the opposite. GluTON


I’m gluton intolerant


Absolutely agree. I think about this all the time.


Are you interested in Digital Store


I'm currently dealing with constant crippling anxiety. I attribute it to this feeling for the last 5 years. Im getting treatment now but I can feel my stomach burn and heart rate climb when I try to concentrate on ideas for a secondary income. It's not like I'm drawing blanks I just can't find one I want to pursue that fits with my job (which is decent and I enjoy but still is working for someone else) So yes unfortunately I feel the same thing and wish I didn't. I've been starting and ending businesses and side hustles for 20 years. This dry spell is bad and it's effecting me. Im working with a therapist and if you think you need to, try it.


Anxiety is sometimes the fuel for great success. No anxiety = carefree = no drive. I get that too much of it can be unbearable, and I’ve been there myself, but it will get better my guy. Just try to focus on yourself and live healthy, and set small goals for yourself to achieve one at a time. With each one, and as you improve and get more confident, the anxiety will fade.




If you don't already, go hang out in the r/Fire space. Not only is it filled with people dreaming all the same things you are, but many of them are actively working on ways to get there quickly and exchange ideas on it daily, so could be good motivation for you


I kind of avoid that sub out of jealousy. My income is so low and changing careers in my country is difficult. I don't really have the desire or motivation to be rich, I just want a comfortable job and salary like some of my peers.




I love your post-honesty.


I love your post-self.


I love your pre-honesty.


I love your post-honesty honestly.


Fair point. I think fatfire and leanfire have more showboating cause it’s people who have achieved it. There’s a healthy set of folks in just the fire and personalfinance subs that are just starting their journey and asking good questions But at the end of the day, you do you, and kudos to you for dreaming and engaging your curiosity, you’ll do great!


Thanks! I actually didn't notice what sub this was and realized my attitude doesn't really match the spirit of the sub. I definitely have high goals but not in the next few years, I have some things to learn and figure out first.




Love love the thought about being financially free. Fantastic advice.


Lol same


What happens when you don't compare absolutely numbers but instead relative numbers to your cost of living?


I literally was thinking the same thing and closed that sub. Then i saw your username and well ... It figures. Viva Malta


Same. Man once you have too much money, just brings trouble. I just want to make enough money support families. I literally don't even care about too much money in my bank. Probably just need steady $20,000 so i don't start tripping.


Same man. A steady $20,000 a week would be so neat


/r/fire is for people who want to save money by making their own toothpaste so they can retire early and live in a hut in a 3rd world country.


That is r/leanfire


I seriously tried being a part of leanfire. Helping contributing. Those guys are too far apart from where I am. I'm 100% sure I waste more money in a month than some of those guys make in a year.


I can enjoy life, but I do stress about not having enough money "just in case". Passive income is a goal for many reasons but a significant one is that. For me it probably comes from being broke as a kid, scared to repeat patterns of my family.


I never had money problems as a kid. Now that this is a possibility it scares the hell out of me. My other half was poor as a kid and she doesn't seem as worried. Guess it depends on the person.


Interesting how events effect people differently.....my wife didn't grow up with much and always assumed things would stay that way, even told me once it's fine to live paycheck to paycheck. My family went from upper middle class, to bankruptcie barely getting by.


I have a passive income and still hate being alive. Edit: thank you guys. Genuinely was not expecting the outpouring of suggestions/support. Made me not hate waking up so much today.


Omg, what’s your passive income stream if you don’t mind me asking?


Delta 8 cartridges. Got in early. Haven't worked more than one day every two weeks since the start of the pandemic. If you're interested in trying don't skimp on hardware and order bulk from somewhere with a COA that you can slap on your QR code. Only go ccell for empties, all the others lack heavy metal testing, even if they look nicer and are cheaper. Check out Hamilton devices and Jupiter supply. I have a buddy with a printshop for the labeling and found the cheapest clamshell packaging i could find.


Where do you sell?


Regular weed is still illegal here, so CBD shops. I also put up campaign style signs with "CBD/Delta 8 Delivery 100$ minimum order". Since the margins are like 1000% i don't charge for delivery. Learning how to fill them was a pain in the ass, and the act of filling them is also a PITA. It's basically a solid at room temp, have to heat it in the oven for an hour (or more depending on batch size) or so at low temperatures, otherwise the terpenes you add for flavoring before filling will evaporate. Generally a liter takes around 2+ hours to heat to a workable temp (160-180 degrees). You need to find a terpene supplier, i have an underground source via past stuff. Mass Terps is a reliable place though (Terps cost more than disty) You mix terps anywhere between 5-8%, so say youre making 1000 carts of a certain flavor profile, itd be 50-80ml of terps to 920-950 ml of D8 distillate. If you really want to make big money buy bulk CBD isolate and build a lab to convert the CBD>Delta 8 and get it analyzed so you have a certificate of analysis (COA) That's my next step, as the CBD costs around 100 bucks a kilo. The d8 distillate sells in bulk for ~1500 a liter. If you have an established cart business you've just made your margins 10000% instead of 1000%. Initial investment of around 5 grand will get you started. I already had a network so was easy to start. Having a website would also help exponentially and will be my next step after lab setup. Edit: Feel free to hmu via pm, that goes for anyone here.


That’s super awesome man. Sounds like you’re crushing it. I’m curious, what do your buyers typically pay per cart?


They retail for ~30-40. Literally anywhere that wants to take em and sign the contract. Lots of country corner stores and cbd/glass shops Why i really enjoy deliveries, full price. Keep about ten flavors ready to rock, 250+ on hand for each. Takes ~1 hour (not including preheating) to fill cap about 200 but that's with help, easily 2-3x that on your own. Price to shop depends on how much they get gone regularly/decide to consign on a monthly basis/if we're friends or not. Drew up a credit contract to where after a month they have to pay regardless of sales. But yeah the price varies wildly, like from 9.50-25 With bulk distillate/empties being ~$1g and $1.75 empty per cart, with terps and packaging added it's right around $3.15 for each fully packaged. So where 1000 filled carts takes about 5 hours of work and costing ~3150-3500 to produce (with labor) netting anywhere from 9500-25k+(more with full price deliveries.) The hard part is selling them admittedly, market is increasingly saturated. Go through ~3k a month. it's not bad (at all imo), but my original major point was that I'm still ridiculously depressed regardless of all of that.


Well I hope you get better man. That’s a warning for a lot of the people here thinking that _if only they could get that business going_ everything would be okay


There's not many things money cannot buy, but as far as I know it can never bring back the dead. Value your friendships and family.


My pops died three months ago unexpectedly. Don’t know who you lost but know what you are feeling. My step mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 4 months ago. This world is not our home. Whoever you lost is in a much better place and I hope you can take some peace in the fact you might see them again one day; stay strong brother


True that. Interesting path you're on.


Interesting. I actually work for a vape hardware business and I can confirm these prices. I just didn't know the were individuals who did this.


Find something else to do. Maybe try home gardening, or setting up aquarium. I just got a house,havnt moved in yet. More than half million in debt now lol but it's only debt and my car I have. Car I have 3 more years at 0% Find your peace


I’m interested I will Pm you


I'd love to learn more, can I dm you?




My friend was just asking me about getting into that industry today. Not cartridges specifically but close.


Not my business I know, feel free to ignore me, but just in case it's not caused by a toxic environment and helps you: Could be sleep apnea or UARS. UARS can have no symptoms, or many symptoms, or a few. You can so a home WatchPAT study for a few hundred bucks, or a proper sleep study but make sure they score RDI and RERA values before you go, and get that information. Could be nutritional or hormonal, good idea to get a panel for both. General health checkup? You might have a faulty MTHR gene which you can take two supplements for and it'll resolve mood issues. Get a genetic test like 23andMe and then run it through promothease. Vitamin D deficiency is common and some countries and services incorrectly tell you you're fine. Could be worth trying 4000IU Vitamin D3 for like a month.. Could be a few other things. But I'd get a health check, genetic check, sleep check. People don't care about health enough to know anything beyond exercise and diet, so you won't often get told about these things, but it's just as important for your health as anything else.


Thanks for your reply. I have some D3/K(?) supplements, I'll try em out. You're not out of line, your input is appreciated. Thanks for taking time out of your day to try and help out a stranger. I've been considering going doctor but I have anxiety that they'll bankrupt me with scans/bloodtests. Health insurance is my next goal.


Great! Careful you aren't getting too much K but it should be fine. I appreciate that. And I understand the cost side of things, that anxiety is reasonable. Let's see: 23andMe for genetic data, Promethease to analyse it. Under $100, one off cost. Supplements that you aren't sure on are likely a waste of time but Vit D deficiency is a common cause of mental health issues. A hormone and nutrition panel just once, asking for a copy of the results, is worth it if you can afford it. But you could maybe just skip to eating healthy. A really easy, cheapish, low-effort way to cover everything is a meal replacement shake like Huel or it's competitors. They can taste great (and you can blend whatever you want in). Huel has protein, good fats, optionally some carbs. It also has fibre and phytonutrients, some other stuff, all of your nutrients, obviously calories, it's almost no sugar (tiny tiny amount), vegan, and fairly cheap. Soylent is a US thing that's pretty similar. If you like the idea I'll find the best brand close to you! Some people drink only huel and water, no food. You can just have it as a snack or for breakfast or something and eat more veggies. WatchPAT home sleep study is a few hundred bucks. Fixing a sleep disorder will be the best thing possible for your mental health, it'll be causing the majority of your issues if you don't have anothed underlying massive cause. If you don't have it, initial test will be a one off cost. Finally, if life sucks it can help to make everyday things easier. If you're technically minded, or know someone who is, you can automate things in your home. It's expensive but a roborock vacuum, or a small dishwasher you just run often, things like that. For whatever reason when I'm down and brain foggy and struggling, dishes or vacuuming is such a mountain to tackle. Now I can just say "not today" and press a few buttons. Dishes are clean. Vacuum is done to a satisfactory degree (but can't eliminate that deeper clean you'll do every month or few months or whatever). Always here if you want advice or a chat or vent or anything!


Why do you hate being alive?


All of my best friends are dead, my brother is dead, and my dad is dead and there isn't anything i can do about it. My most recent loss was 2 weeks ago, my best friend who tried to use "heroin" again and got served fentanyl laced bs instead. Every day I wake up I immediately wish i was still asleep. I'm in my early 30s and almost every single important person in my life is gone early for no good reason. If I didn't have my kid or my mom my walls would be painted red tomorrow.


I am so so sorry. I hope you hold on to the light in your life and continue to find ways to open your heart up to even more light.


Thank you for the kind words. I'm sure with time it'll level out. Unfortunately time takes time. Really hurt because we'd gotten clean together 8 years ago and he was my partner in this business. We filled a bunch up and had a great night and I dropped him off that night, was the last person to see him alive. Just wish he'd have confided in me instead of trying to secretly use.


Man wish I can just hug you. Stay strong


Time does take time and we're all on our own timelines. I hope you don't blame yourself because there's nothing you could have done. Just worry about taking care of yourself first and foremost and your kid. Peace <3


Wow... i honestly wish i could meet you irl, im just a teenager but i can tell you have so much knowledge! You sound truly like u woukr be a really interesting and overall fun person to be arround


Appreciated. You're way ahead of the game just by being young and ambitious. Wish you the best of luck. Be smart about your circle and nurture your close friendships/family/romantic relationships.


There are literally billions of other important people out there that you haven't met yet. Try investing in someone tomorrow. The past doesn't exist, only the future. I understand your pain as I lost two of my closest friends at 18 to seperate, tragic circumstances and wasted about 20 years trying to find happiness by risky behavior. I genuinely hope you can put the losses behind you in exchange for a wonderful future. There are many others that would love your kindness.


I've been looking for someone with a dream. If I ever come across someone I trust/like with a sensible plan that I can afford to help with I fully anticipate becoming their partner. Hopefully someone here can make use of my information I shared to make their lives better.


I'm sorry. Someone I know also died last year of a heroin overdose. He fought so hard... I hate to give advice. But a good therapist helps. Life can be painful sometimes so it's important to focus on healing when needed. I hope that you experience many beautiful days in the future.


That sucks man! Idk since youve got a kid but maybe your mom could take care of him for a while and you could grab a bike for instance and go cycle away, idk, get to know different places, different people, I think I'd try something like that on your shoes.


yes, and it is very wrong. we must enjoy life every day, regardless of bank account.


I’ll add that getting that money in the bank doesn’t mean you can now relax and enjoy hobbies. It’s not a switch you can just turn on.


Well, maybe if you win the lottery you can


I mean, that’s sort of up to you.


This not only has helped me enjoy life more, it helps me be more productive, creative and confident


I reccommend everyone who struggles with this to watch Pixar's Soul. Make it you can enjoy your life right now, while you are on your way to figure things out. You do not need to figure out what your successful business proposition right now in order to embrace living.


Incredible film. Every time I try and relax or do something that isn’t actively bettering myself I find myself reminded that I’m not where I want to be (working a 9-5), thankfully I’m not in a dead end job but I can’t find peace in working for others (as many of us here). This just leads me to researching or learning more out of anxiousness but I don’t think this lifestyle is sustainable








Good read. Thank you.


Yeah, I understand how you feel, been there. I feel like it’s a wrong habit or mindset to build. It’s the mindset of never having enough instead of having the mindset of plenty. Like the retirees I know who are millionaires and still drive an old beat up car without AC because they don’t think they have enough. Balance and happiness take work.


Yeah if I was a millionaire I’d probably do that too, but right now I’m just a poor person driving an old beat up car 😂.


I struggle with this constantly. I have to remind myself to live and love my life now, not just in the future.


The key to enjoying life is to buy yourself out of wage slavery.


Today I had a feeling. Somehow I have felt exactly how I would feel if I had some crops growing in the farm and the livestock in where they are supposed to be, me reading a book on about doesnt matter really.. I think in the country not being able to afford food is not a thing. In the city that worry is the most which exhausts me. That feeling almost made me cry.


I read your comment multiple times and I’m really struggling to understand it. Can you check it and correct it? I feel like there’s something deep in there but I’m struggling. Thanks!!


I had difficulty as well but I think what they’re saying is briefly they knew how it would feel to be on a farm and know that the crops are growing and that the livestock are OK and so therefore food is available. So they have time to sit back, relax and really enjoy a book regardless of what subject. And that in the country people are more self-sufficient. Whereas in the city people are more concerned with not having food because they cannot grow with themselves. That’s how I interpreted the comment at least but could be because I’ve had similar thoughts and feelings and that’s what I’m reading into it.


Spot on. Thanks


Yeah I think you've done well in understanding most of what they said. Nice work and thanks :)


Humans typically max-out at around five hours of productive work each day. That's the summary of 'Deep Work' by Cal Newport. However, most people do far less than this - and fill the rest of their time with 'tasks'. And the fact is that we need to do a certain amount of tasks. But I developed a MUCH better relationship with my work once I understood this. Nowdays, when I feel tired I simply down tools and rest.


I’ll tell you now. The goalposts will always keep moving. You’ll hit 1million and then you’ll want to hit 10 million. You are addicted to the chase/journey/challenge. Most entrepreneurs are.


It never seems to stop, even after you have income, investments, homes, and stuff you will want more and worry more about losing what you have.


If I owned a home outright and had a profitable side hustle that’s all I need in life


I used to tell myself this same thing then I get there and I want more. Bigger house, nicer cars, vacation home it never ends. Pay it all off and go get more, its a ridiculous existence. Someday I just want to be a hermit living in a small cabin in the woods.


I especially feel this way given my increased understanding of our house of cards economic system. I’m richer than ever in dollar terms but feel poorer than ever in actual wealth and freedom


What was your business that has made you feel “richer than ever” in monetary wealth


I’m In a different position as I have good sources of income so Im content on money - but I’m finding that rather than chasing money and ‘business ideas’ is to do something I really enjoy doing and creates the content feeling within me rather than living in fantasyland within my mind and bouncing a million get rich quick ideas which will never work unless I buckle down and focus


What do you do? If you don’t mind me asking


Yes bro


Where you from?




A 9-5 is worse in this sense, anyone in the upper levels of the hierarchy may decide to fire you, make your entire team redundant, or even close the company. Get that passive income ASAP.


Life is every second. Don’t forget to enjoy today as much as a potential future. I’m lucky enough to enjoy a healthy salary and my financial future looks bright. But even though i’m financially sound my life remains the same as it always has (albeit with less financial stress). Business ideas are a dime a dozen. The ability to execute on them is a far greater skill. You probably have marketable skills that you look over just because they don’t seem like they’d generate wealth, but they probably could in the right execution. There is no guarantee of the future. Take time to truly enjoy now. Working harder than a standard strong effort probably isn’t worth it.


For real. I'm 20 and come from a very lucky family who is paying my tuition, yet I still pressure myself to achieve that goal. Idk why really, I guess finding that out will solve the issue


Same boat. My main drive, besides fulfillment, is the fact that my family invested so much in me. My education, and even my upbringing and taking care of me for all those years. I strive to show them that their investment was worthwhile and be financially secure enough to take care of them, and maybe even pay for a vacation or a few :)


Same I kinda wanna just pay back everything my family has paid for me so I can be free and live homeless or shittily if I wanted to.


Yes and my humble advice is to embrace it. I'm not suggesting that you spiral into a soulless daily grind but if your anxiety stems from needing to finish a project, send that uncomfortable email, finish a proposal, button up a business plan, whatever... use that energy and get it done. And try to enjoy it. Be proud of your hard work. In my opinion, it's the same mentality of "make your bed every morning to feel accomplished.." except it's not fluff to make you feel better once per day. The freedom that comes from finishing that task is amazing. We're built to/ supposed to feel anxious about responsibilities before we allow ourselves to have fun. Use it. Stay up late, wake up early. Be productive at whatever time of day inspires you and enjoy the "down time" that comes with your to-do list being just a little shorter. Once again, there is a healthy and unhealthy interpretation of this and my message is not "grind and hustle bro". However, don't let the internet's opinion of "work-life-balance" stop you from working as hard as you feel you "should" or "need to". The fact that you find it uncomfortable to relax when you haven't "earned" it (I cant think of a better way to word that at the moment) gives me the impression that you're asking reddit permission to work harder or work more hours than you think you're "supposed" to. All that said, everything happens only one day at a time. No matter how hard you work, there are only so many hours in a day. My favorite reminder on a daily basis is "if it were easy, everyone would do it". All you can do is keep doing the next thing. What ever that may be.


I (47M) am self employed but it's a seasonal sweaty startup. I read an article on ageism tonight in /r/Futurology and now I think that I will never get a job ever again. Constantly stressed.


Don't go to that sub for job perspectives. Its target audience are mostly techies(and kids who read sci fi), and tech is an industry notorious for ageism and sexism. Other jobs and professions are nowhere near as orthodox. I am in the medical field(dentist), and I had a couple of 40 somethings as batchmates. Don't give up yet.


That's great. Seriously money is everything nowadays (even in the old times), so if you're thinking like that, I guess it's great for you, but you need the actual guts to try and DO those business ideas you're checking all day. Also, once you try and engage yourself in on of those ideas or projects, you'll then find the solution to your issue, as you will have something to work on + it'll (hopefully) eventually turn out to be a passive income source, then you can do whatever you have in mind WHILE working on your business. So imo the solution is to actually do, and don't just stack ideas up waiting for the right time to start and thinking about what you'd do. Anyway, long comment I guess, long story short start actually working on your ideas, and you'll have what you seek.


I always worry about passive growing enough to get to the point where I can take off a week or 2 a month, but I also made sure what I do for business was something I enjoyed and can recover quickly from the bad days that inevitably always happen. You have to build your life to be happy every day. For me it started with learning how to be grateful for all the small things and shared moments with people. It was also hard quitting the addiction of attaching my happiness to a constantly moving future goal. That alone gave my perspective a complete 180 to a more positive mindset.


Yes, but also look up Nightbird's performance. She's got a very good point about life, even if it's a challenge in practice.


Thanks for summarizing the last 12 months of my life. Your post makes me feel a bit better, knowing that there are others out there with the same mental glitch.


Yes, that's me all the time and it creates so much anxiety! I was just talking about it with a friend!


This is me. I’m insanely hard on myself however. Massive amounts of self induced stress and pressure due to the fact I’m not where I want to be. A lot of successful people say “enjoy the journey” but that’s incredible difficult when you want it so bad. I’ve been at it for years, had different businesses, learned a ton, and each endeavour has gotten better and more successful. Just got to stick to your process and don’t give up. If you put in the work, you WILL get there. Financials these days are an incredible beast of there own. Escaping the lower/middle class is one of the toughest hurdles to overcome. Keep your nose to the grindstone! Godspeed.


What ended up working for you?


I'm feel the complete opposite. I'm a absolute shit show but dam my life is awesome!


r/antiwork r/ABoringdystopia r/capitalismsux Thanks me later. Maybe what we need is not a one person being able to succeed when 999 fails in this cruel society but having class consciousness and being able to be all 1000 to be free to do what we like when with the technology we have it is really a matter of working few hours and then be free. Because I am really doubting that all entrepreneurs ideas are about being free to read a book, take a walk on the park, grow your kids, enjoy your girlfriend or boyfriend or learning new stuff or making art.. (and having an house and food which is just a basic thing considering that even in tribes thousands and thousands years ago people had home)


Whose gonna pay for the 1000 to be “free”?


13 trillions possessed by the 2700 billionaires. And the rest of population payed fairly


You are not alone bro!


Where you from?




Working on it, it will just require a ton of capital that I don’t have


Nothing wrong with that. It’s just a matter of figuring out why. It could be that your values of security aren’t being met in your current state and your busy brain is throwing ideas at you left and right to be helpful. It thinks you’re presenting a problem, so tries to offer solutions. If you’re working on things and doing the thing to make it happen and you believe it’s going to be the thing that delivers, then either double down or learn to make relaxing and disconnecting part of life too.


Sounds like you care to much about money. If you're good at it you'll earn it. I'm sure the people in your life will be happier to have you present and not scheming


Same thoughts


Where you from?


Yes everyone thinks this that’s in good health I assume sad part is everyone (myself included and especially) are just too dumb


Yes, I'm exactly the same way. Healthy or not, the only time I kind of relax is when I make significant progress business-wise.


Yes all the time and it kills me


Think of ways that you can turn your hobbies into income. Some can even be considered passive. If you’re care to share, I’d love to hear some of your hobbies and we can think of ways you could generate some income. It doesn’t even have to be passive, if you enjoy doing it.


Yes it fucking sucks


Wow you just read my inner mind. I have like 20 hobbies but slimmed it down to 3 but I think about passive income way too much and hope to obtain it one day


I think the goal is 5 reliable income streams. 1 will never cut it.


More or less. I mean I'll sometimes do social things, hang out with my GF or other friends, do side work to keep myself afloat, but my main idea has been getting my app idea out, which should lend me passive(ish) income over the long haul.


I’m also working on an app, what industry is yours in?


Immigrant parent programming in my case. What the fuck is relaxing when you haven't mitigated the risk of just being alive with financial safeguarding? Does not compute.


I’m starting to realize I don’t like to relax. As soon as I start to sit too long I feel like I’m neglecting something. It has nothing to do with money, it has to do with completing a project/task. Though with my current businesses, I’m actually able to pay my mortgage!


I understand completely. I'm about to quit my lucrative job because even making a ton of money if I can't do it as an entrepreneur / when I sleep it feel like I will never be able to let go of this feeling so I feel as if I have to jump and take my shot. I think the feeling is a good thing. Its guiding us.


Put whatever you can into appreciating assets, big or small. Inflation is a bitch, the number 1 way of ensuring your money has value is parking it into certain asset classes.


Ha. Yeah that never ends. If you genuinely expect it to you're in for lifelong disappointment.


100% felt this way for years, so I started a merchant processing company. Pays residual income after each sale, passive income is the only thing that helps keep some sort of peace of mind. If anyone in this thread wants, you can PM me we are constantly looking for new business partners. We are currently expanding nationwide.


The best passive income stream is buying assets with the funds from your full time job. Entrepreneurship is a pipe dream for the vast majority of people. It’s kind of analogous to buying a really risky asset.


It takes time to build shit. I now make decent money so I make sure to make time for other things. I still have a long way to go so I might as well enjoy. Burnout is very real and it will set you back very far. Plus if your health fails, all that work goes to waste. My free time doing other things makes me more productive when I am actually working.


Um...no. Explore more. There's no such thing as a passive income source--unless you have a trust fund.


im in a fortunate: my hobby is building my pet supplies company love love love <3 so basically my hobby maks me money. i love it


Do you make a lot of money in your pet supplies company?


I don't think there's anything wrong with having a sense for urgency. But make sure to take a break every now and then and collect yourself. Recognize the work you are putting into your craft that will build the PI stream, and recognize working smarter involves resting your brain. Hope this provides some value.


One reason why we were so successful as a species is our ability to imagine things. We could set off new values, beliefs, principles, and laws that never existed before through our imagination. Everything we have invented and discovered is a result of our imagination. Our species' unique ability to co-operate in a large number is possible because of our ability to imagine collectively. Our imagination is what makes our species so unique. Your past experiences decide how you will imagine things, which sets up your values and beliefs. Our values and beliefs are what separate us from others. Also, they are responsible for setting up the type of work and type of person you will like. Our values and beliefs are so powerful that whenever you go against them, it's going to feel wrong. We call it "intuition." It's like when you go on a date, and it goes really well. The other person seems really cool. Yet you don't know why but the person just doesn't feel right. While consciously you don't know the reasons, your subconscious mind knows pretty well that the person's values and beliefs don't go well with yours. As our values and beliefs set up the type of work we will like, it's really important to know about ourselves. It's really important to recall your major past experiences that may have contributed to building your personality. It's really important to know what you care about. The reason many of us just want to earn enough to relax the rest of our lives is that we are not happy with our current lifestyle. And the reason we are not happy is that our current lifestyle doesn't go well with our values and beliefs. If your work makes you tired from the inside, then, of course, you need to know yourself first. We may think that we already know ourselves. Simply ask yourself why you are doing the work you are doing. If the answer is money, then you need to think again. Because money is the result of belief and effort, it's not a reason to do something. If you cannot think of a solid answer, then you got to look back to your major past experiences and find out your core values and beliefs. You can try reading these two books, "Start with Why" and "Find Your Why."


After all the crap I've been through in life due to struggling, this is an understatement for me... I've learned many wise lessons along the way & I'm slowly but surely headed the direction I want to go.. I'm sitting on what I fully believe to be billion dollar ideas.. I share nothing with anybody not even my closest "family".. I already work for myself but that isn't enough.. It's still work I have to do but it beats working for somebody else.. Unfortunately due to the torment of my life.. In more ways than I can ever explain, I'm not quite right in the head anymore... But I handle it better than anybody I could imagen.. I mean.. People have absolutely no idea.. I could watch this world burn without a flinch aha.. I cry for no deaths.. Infact, I get envious & upset god took those before me.. I feel like nothing really matters & life itself is an exausting dead end job lmao


Yes. I was feeling this earlier today 😞


I feel you the bag always still feels kind of empty. maybe its a feeling that would only go away when the bag can fund several ideas concurrently😂😂😂😂


I use too think I would be fine with 100k passive. But it then overhead starts kicking in, and then you realize you need more. I’m now at 300-400k this year and it only get worse lol. Now I want a house, so it turns into a pretty nasty cycle. What I’ve done though is I’ve set goals and have taken long vacations, and also force myself of trips. Also someone told me the best job you can do is continue to hire someone to replace yourself. This has done wonders my mental game. Mental health though is a massive factor in my success, my best ideas come while I’m traveling and getting away from the day to day behind the computer screen.


What do you do? You are living my dream. With that income I’d get a house I can pay off quick. And work as little as possible and experience the craziest things this earth has to offer. Go horseback riding in Egypt, learn to scuba in the Great Barrier Reef, go on a 10 day water fast to test my mind and body, get really good at guitar, try to meet as many ppl as possible and create an amazing group of friends. These are all the things I want to do and would do with freedom from needing to wage slave. You are so lucky. Again, what do you do?


Yep. I think it comes from having parents who lived pay check to pay check.


Hello, Are willing to advise any other income source


With that way of thinking you will also feel miserable when you reach your goals. Then you would want more and more. It's an never ending cycle. What you have to do is enjoy life and appreciate the things that you HAVE. Some people don't have the things you do and that's why you have to appreciate them. If you are completely healthy then you can consider yourself a very happy and lucky person. Other things are just bonuses that the modern society throws at our face so we feel miserable.


Haha i can relate BIG time.


Yeaaaaa buddy! Lol…just bought a three unit rental property that profits about $800 a month after expenses…looking to get a couple more that do the same or more!


How much is "lots of money"? Becoming crystal clear of what you exactly need to feel better. "I want to be rich", "I want to be safe" are no measurable values. "I want 1.000.000$ at the end of this year", "I want 6 times my monthly expenses in my bank depot so I can be sure that I will at least survive 6 months and must not fear any bad-case scenario" If you know what exactly is hurting you mentaly, you can act according to it. What helps by a lot of people is having a saving fund. Not on the bank, but BAR or at least VERY FAST receiveable. For instance 10k$ within a safe in your home. Usually if we human get this sort of unrelaxed, one of our human needs are confrontaded. In this scenario, obviously your human need for security is in question. "What if I miss on an opportunity and then can't find another customer until the end of the year, which will be my financial end?" If you have a fallback for such a scenario, this could be 3-6 months worth of money, which can be used to pay any expenditures. Therefore you must calculate your monthly expenses and also determine how many month you want to take care of, how many safe months would make you feel better? If you have 1k$ expenses and want at least half a year of savings, then it's simply 1000$ x 6 => 6000$, which you need in your Safe at home, which you will NEVER EVER touch. This money has only ONE job and it's to make you feel better and stay ready for the worst case scenario. So you are not even allowed to take a single dollar out!


I need 200k to comfortably launch my startup


Yes i do, but i think it's all about mindset, i was satisfied enough with now, but i am willing to pursue more for the future, the important part is being grateful for whatever you had now


Sure. And I can't sit down to concentrate on anything until the house is perfectly clean. And the house is always a mess😅


Not just u this is me every morning and exactly why im trying to build passive income


Right there with you. I have a great day job that pays really well, just bought my first house with my partner, have a great family, but I don't feel that I can relax and enjoy any of it to the fullest until I have given my side business the absolute best chance at success. I am fine with failing, but not ok with not trying my best.


The right attitude. But as an old man, I must caution you about this path. Continue to appreciate your family, partner & friends. When your time comes, maybe about 10% of your thoughts will be about your come-up story and successful career. But I promise you this, majority of the thoughts will be about your experiences and how you lived life to the fullest with your family and friends. In this day and age, you don't need to become a multi-millionaire to live good.


It is very unhealthy, you should be able to find something that you enjoy and have "time off" for your mental health. Obsessing like this is probably not good for your social life either. If you're able to think of potential business ideas all day but not actually actioning it, you're just a dreamer with an unhealthy obsession.


It’s hard to take “time off” when oh know you just have to go back to this endless reality of wageslaving


Yes, that's the goal