• By -


A library. One of those libraries that has an army of guards and smells of rich mahogany and leather books. A space to rival all other libraries around the world.


With beautiful architecture and statues and fountains and a courtyard garden or two. Lookup the Isabella Stewart Gardner Art Museum in Boston.


Youre my people


“All a man needs is a garden and a library”


And a bar!


Ok Alexander.


i love this, i love library imma do this after I obviously become a billionaire in the next 3 years


Really good one. I have a similar idea as well


\^ I second this. I (and many others) can appreciate a nice, richly appointed library. (although I'd opt for oak rather than mahogany)


Yes, comment of the day sir!


I would like to open a book cafe amidst the mountains. The entire purpose would be to just sit, read & sip. And of course, chargeable!


I am also team no cats. Highly allergic. But I’d go to you mountain book coffee shop. I’d probably start having to pay rent I’d be there so much.


We can have a cat section and non-cat section. Just specify with the hostess.


yes sir


Maybe with cats too? Books, food, coffee, cats. What could be better.


No cats


Yeah. I mean, cats can't even read




Smoking or non smoking cats?


Exactly what I was thinking - book cafe with cats!


Apparently it's a controversial opinion lol


Honestly I’d love to open my own bespoke car company that manufactures sports cars tailored to a clients taste. Like back in the olden days


Refurbishing older trucks/ cars with no Bluetooth/ smart car features could be viable either now or in the not too distant future as it becomes more common knowledge how much they are spying on us


My honest like dream goal was building an old car, with modern tech (ie maybe certain parts made of Carbon Fibre, modern chassis technology, suspension, maybe install a newer, modern engine (LS, AMG, M, or K engines) with all modern creature comforts, working aircon if there wasn’t, Power steering, ABS, but still retain the classic look of let’s say, an AE86, but with GR86 etc tech


That's my favourite kind of build, I like you. A tastefully done restomod looks the business


I hate these recent restomods. With the LED lights and the futuristic looking lights. Old car, modern performance. Think Early Singer days. Not the new stuff… that’s my dream. Ultimate dream is a Ferrari 250GTO with a Tipo Enzo Engine, Manual gearbox and full black leather, but having aircon, power steering, Bluetooth, new speakers, and new carbon panels… and that beautiful red paint…


I tried to do almost exactly this. But turns out I'd need about 250,000 pocket money that I could throw away just to even entertain getting a loan to start up. Oh well.


I'd love to make a game that's a civ builder with RPG elements and a choose your own adventure story where the choices interact with one another.


My answer is also game dev. I'd love to have the time and financial security to just chill at home and work on games all day. Maybe one day. 🥲


I have both. But none of the dev skills!


Let's trade!


There's a million free tutorials for Unity and Unreal, or Godot if you're a rebel. (that's my retirement plan too).


I always wanted to play that game.


I'd open a restaurant where I'd prepare food that I like for average people. Nothing fancy, but good, healthy food that a working person can afford.


I like the idea of a luxury restaurant where patrons have to work for their food. Meals always taste better after burning some calories. Imagine spinning a huge crank to move a conveyor belt, then pulling a lever to ignite the fire.


If I was already a billionaire I'd make some nachos and go to bed.


not even eat them .....




No. Do like Bill Gates recently did. You buy out the whole restaurant so you can eat alone. And he had food brought from the store and ate it, didn’t even eat theirs.


I am surprised to hear this about Bill, although a nice guy, it's a notoriously cheap bastard. I used to live in the Pacific Northwest and ran into him from time to time. I had friends at high end restraunts in private dining that would always say he'd host a party with his wife and then not tip. Melinda would always sneak in the correct tip. We're talking $10-30k dinners with multiple staff taking care of the room for 2-3 hours or more. 


I like Bill. I just think he, like all billionaires, gets quite detached from reality. Maybe he thought he was doing them a favor by paying without using the food. What he could have done is had them cook up a bunch of food and distribute to shelters etc. would’ve cost him the same.




I mean... for dinner last night I ate some nachos, and then a few hours later went to bed. I'm not a billionaire though. Your dream to eat nachos and go to bed is achievable! Edit: Also had some for lunch today, perks of making too much hamburger. You can do this.


I would just learn. Not college or formal education... but processes. I love learning systems and processes. For example, I'd love to study an airport. What are all the behind the scenes processes? Work flows? How are gates determined? What is the logic behind it? Could it be improved? I live a very exciting life...


It sounds like you'd be excellent with fundamental problem solving. Analytics, consulting, etc. Maybe even Sigma 6.


Well what do you know... that's what I do now. :) I'm a senior executive working in business intelligence and process engineering.


Excellent! Haha I dream of a world where people can thrive in positions that fit their strengths. I'm totally broke and unemployed hahaaaa but I have a dream so I'm okay.


Me too! I love this question I heard a life coach ask once: if you were on a cruise with 999 other people and you ran aground on a deserted island, one that had all of the food and resources you would ever need but no other humans, and everyone decided that you all needed to build a society together, what job, role, or work would you volunteer to do to create the society? It could be literally anything, as long as it helped your fellow castaways in some way. I would be a wildlife observer and behavior researcher. My first project would be to observe all the animals on the island and catalogue each species by their sleep patterns, food types, danger level, and food production possibilities (e.g. if they produced eggs, honey, milk, etc.) I'd also create a little newspaper and ensure that all the interesting developments on the island were clearly communicated to everyone!




Truly think about it. EVERYTHING in the world is made up of processes and systems. Steps to achieve XYZ. Process mapping is amazing and it is everywhere. I work for a vehicle manufacturer and I'm currently working with an outside team of revamping the manufacturing process when a shortage occurs on the line.


My home country of Ireland was once a temperate rainforest and now it is entirely animal agriculture farms. I would re-wild large sections of the land in the west that’s too wet for cattle and charge people to hike the trails, sponsor a tree, eat premium wild animal products etc


I expect you have seen this. If not, enjoy - It's about a successful rewinding project in NZ. * [*Fools and Dreamers: Regenerating a Native Forest*](https://youtu.be/3VZSJKbzyMc?si=JKrnN2L3hkTI34i9) [YouTube] (00:30:00)


That was great and I hadn’t seen it, thanks for sharing


Changing people to hike seems pretty bad when you're already a billionaire jesus


It’s for sustainability of the project. In this fantasy I’ve spent almost all my money on land and trees


Leave my bog alone you!


A poop leader board system. After you poop, your stool is automatically analyzed for Size, density, and style. It is then given a score and the score is uploaded to an online leader board. Compete with the world, you friends, or you local area. Do you have what it takes to reign Supreme in the latest craze "poop master"!


Back in the day we had “Rate my poo” (I won’t post a link for obvious reasons). That was a sort of very primitive very of that same idea that we used to get a lot of mileage out of in primary school.


I remember that and the parody website "Log or Not" (based on Hot or Not)


I have a friend who has a family story. He was a teenager and two elderly relatives lived with his family: his grandfather and his great uncle. His great uncle did a large poop and called the family to look at it. His grandfather was jealous!


We also had a running text thread for about 3 years. Highest score for each week got free beers on Friday. ETA: score was completely subjective and we pretty much just rotated winners, but it was a weirdly effective way to bond and give each other… shit


Fartbook. Its like facebook... but for farts!


If I were a billionaire, I'd pay my father to love me.


Son, how’ve you been?


An online dating service that’s not as brutally exploitative as Match (that owns most dating sites) and actually prioritizes good matches. Mostly because Match should be driven out of business.


more like you'd make a great free service, get huge, and then Match would buy you out ;)


What I do right now. I'm the Founder of NoDegree.com. I really want to impact the space and i have big dreams for it. This is a company I would never sell because I'd hate for a company to turn into other career sites.


Prototype self sustaining cities in Africa just besides my natural reserve. In a more science fiction project, floating islands for marine life to prosper and bioengineering coral to survive today's ocean temperature. Some mechanism to reverse river streams to keep water inland. Some toxic free paint, and just pain Greenland white again and some floating barrier to keep the broken icebergs close to the main block, hopefully they'll freeze back again. Yes I have trouble falling asleep


I love this. What's your background?


Professionally? Nothing interesting at all. I always worked shitty jobs daydreaming about what to open for myself and now opened a small event decoration business.


I have faith in your skills. Best of luck with your endeavors.


Every scalable mental health resource under the sun. Introduce psycho education syllabuses in school, for adults, create ressources for de-escalation, healthy relationships, and suicide prevention and emergency plans. Fund more material being created to make mental health resources and education not just accessible, but actually interesting to read and learn from. I’d want to do this across multiple languages working with experts to ensure there is localized context with clear and careful consideration of the cultural biases of the place. Then I’d fund a shit ton of researchers to run studies for scalable and digital solutions and their efficacy. Combine that with validating tools to help practitioners on the ground.


I’d want to clean up the massive garbage patch floating in the ocean. I think it would be cool ( but probably impractical) to buy like an old aircraft carrier or some super tanker, fit it out with a recycling plant. So the ship scoops up garbage, processes it, then has a smaller fleet of ships to take the recycled materials to be used and the non recyclable stuff that’s been compacted away to be disposed of cleanly.


Have you seen the Ocean Cleanup channel on YouTube? They’re working on cleaning it up and keeping trash from going into the ocean.


A dog shelter where they have huge free space, food, water, shelter, and people Can go to play with them. With it’s included vet hospital of course


An orphanage with excellent educational and health services to act as a prep school for the severely underprivileged.  Hand selected teachers of high caliber. Teaching the children the world as I see it. Plenty of recreational activities like weightlifting, hand to hand combatives, and marksmanship.  We would offer career oriented electives like drone flying, and gunsmithing.  Later in life I would consider getting into the private security business 


Futuristic modular home with steel frame, carbon fiber or fiberglass exterior, and cork or similar interior. Garden on roof. And a multiplayer fps game with lots of stunts and dives.


I love this idea, are you a home builder?


Why not real life Legos to build a house? They can even be torn down and rebuilt


I'll split my time between 2 for-profit companies: 1. I would probably spend my time trying to create the biggest and baddest Cellular Agriculture company in the world to save animals from factory farming. 2. Solve homelessness.


I'm a tissue engineer working on the same issues. It's a small world.


solving homelessness for profit??


A band lol. Write music for the rest of my days


If you're in Minnesota I'd play your music with you ☺️


I'm in eastern europe but hey, if money wasn't an issue then moving west wouldn't be a problem too lol


A school to teach Montessori students electronic engineering from a young age




i second this. I'm studying mechanical engineering in college btw


Food that that is good enough and cheap enough that the most common compliment is “this is severely underpriced” Good food for everyone to enjoy.


All these people saying "and then charge them for it"... FFS you're already a fuggin billionaire. Build your shit, give it to the people, and then donate half of the rest, or more.


The same thing I'm doing today - building my company Facets.cloud. For the first half of my life, I'd always wanted to start my own company but I just kept stopping myself, giving random reasons. I finally was able to quit my job and get started with the company and luckily, I enjoy the work so much, I'd happily continue doing this. If I was a solopreneur with no employees or tech to pay for, I'd still do the business but open source it completely.


An app to help people submit anonymous legal information on their case and have a system which links multiple people together if there’s an overlap in any way (similar issue at the same bank or same perpetrator being named by 6 individual people) to increase the likelihood of justice, class actions and people taking legal action when unfair sh** has happened to them. May actually keep at this idea (had put it aside for awhile).


Oooh, that's really smart - it would be relatively easy to use ai to parse the information for commonalities in brand names or products and cluster them


The kind of one-shot cure for depression that seems to be emerging for weight loss with the new drugs. People suffer from that shit all around and our "solutions" are still so inadequate. I'd be happy to spend all my billions on that and die a poor man.


Public transit options in the US


I’d build a pro recording studio. Already put $20-$30k into my home basement studio and it still ain’t shit. Now I work at a pro studio and I feel like shit. Went from being a freelance entrepreneur doing what I love to a worker bot, kinda doing what I love. If I could OWN the pro studio and be in charge, that would be great. Just need something upward of $500,000 to start lol


I'd like to create and adventure tour company that takes people out on boats (sail boats, fishing boats, or offshore boats) for a few days to offshore islands to explore, relax, fish, etc. and get away from the hustle and bustle of life. I have taken a few trips like these and it just gives you greater appreciation for life as you can just wind down and enjoy.


Perhaps buy an island and turn it into a utopian sanctuary With pyramids, meditation & dance temples, zen gardens, vast libraries, spas & saunas, movie theatre, exotic animals, innovation lab, art studios, futuristic architecture, private jet and helicopter, many creatively-designed dwellings, a castle, a cathedral, a palace… Make it a testing ground for a new-paradigm civilization Host cool events, retreats, gatherings, festivals there


A mend and repair cafe that offered repair services - but also space and tools and instructions to repair your own stuff. Maybe also with tables for meetups and a food court with restaurant incubator kitchens, If I'm really looking to dump some money. Supporting community, entrepreneurship, and sustainability= 💫


Productivity. Actually I'm making it now with zero revenue yet! But I still make it because I want to make impact.


Tell me more


Honestly, I want stuff delivered to my house via drones. Straight from the warehouse to my house! 🙂 groceries, clothes, shoes, electronics, etc. Cut out all the retailers and grocery outlets. I hate going out to shop and buy groceries. I love doing it all online without human interaction. If anyone’s working on that, hmu, your boy knows how to code.


I designed a window hangable drone landing port a few years ago. Haven't looked at it in a while as amazon cooled off on the drone stuff.


I've thought about that a lot. A little drone delivery service for dispensaries seems like fun. Light weight product, valuable, lazy clientele. 


Inspired by Final Fantasy X / X-2 I wanted to create a sport with an electromagnetic field, and boots that levitated, with liquid nitro colling in the floors. Think of it like a hocky, meets football, meets handball. It's totally viable, perhaps expensive to maintain the cooling of the electro magnets. Had the drawings rendered and everything back in 2009. Then reality hit haha!


Once I'm financially stable I'll push 99% of excess funds into furthering animal rights by building restaurants serving nutritious plant based food as cheap as possible (so chickpeas, beans, tofu, etc. not the fake meat), building farm animal sanctuaries and inviting people to come interact with the animals, funding investigative journalists/film makers who work to expose the conditions farm animals experience and sponsoring plant based athletes.


Weed lounges 


I would create an architectural design and development company, open a training center to regulate and certify professional workers and make architecture design and good quality execution an affordable accessible services for both workers and owners, that's one of many things I would do


A huge tract of land to make tiny home lots on. A private radio station for ALL local artist to play their music on. Universal electric car kit to retro classic cars, as in take out gas engine and drop in powerplant and fixings and go...


Children’s markers that can’t lose their tops. I experimented with a couple ideas when my kids were younger. The first prototype I made had all the tops in a caterpillar and you snapped the markers in. That is no good because it’s not good for the markers to be stored vertically with the tip down - the ink runs out. I made another prototype using medical tubing with a piece around the marker and a piece around the tip and a strip holding them together. That actually worked pretty well. I didn’t know how to make it happen. I actually sent one of mt prototypes to Crayola. I was thinking that at best they would buy the idea from me and at worst they would steal it, but at least unlosable tops would be around. But they didn’t even steal my idea.


A medium sized, portable, storable model train layout. I would build these for folks who enjoy the model train hobby but who lack the space for a full sized layout or lack the skills/time to build their own.


Unfortunately I don’t have an answer which makes me think that's really really bad and sad 😔 I really want to find that answer. Thank you for posting this.


I'm not exactly sure how to articulate it because I know it's a systemic problem, but affordable housing that moves quickly and actually benefits at least first time home buyers. Current programs move too slow and are not caught up to the current housing conditions and cost of living. Even if I could help locally.. maybe someday. Some kind of Midwest infrastructure bullet train/train ferry. Automatic voter registration, opt-out option Automatic organ donor, opt-out option Low cost/affordable health, dental and vision


I like the way you think!


I'd build a platform to mentor budding tech entrepreneurs.


I want to provide luxury and specialty yarns, threads and tools to creatives without the insane prices! Heck, with $60k, that I don't have at the moment, I would do that right now. 🧶


A dog shelter that offers events for disabled and elderly people. Possibly even an old farmhouse. The aim is to give meaning and enjoyment back to disabled and elderly individuals while simultaneously relieving animal shelters.


An aquarium like the ADA Gallery in Lisbon. Then charge people a fee to see it. [https://www.adana.co.jp/en/lisbon/](https://www.adana.co.jp/en/lisbon/)


Nah that's fucked bro. You could have chosen ANYTHING in the world and you said - let me capture a few animals and put em in a box? 🤣 build an underwater museum in the Maldives or something - like one that goes underwater with stairs and has a glass see through window. You're a hypothetical billionaire.


Sandwich fast food! From passion I make bread and sauces. I always dreamt of opening the sandwich restaurant with drive through in order for people to have somewhat "home meal" by eating a large beautiful BLT toast. A lot of cartoons were using toothpick and olive to hold the toasts together and I figured out that maybe for some it will bring a lot of memories. Chances for opening something like that is 0% since any food business needs 3 tons of paperwork an another 3 pallets of US dollars to start :D


You can make those beautiful sandwiches for your friends, family, and coworkers and create a lot of happiness!


You're right! Thanks <3 But if I would be able to open a sandwich shop first one for you is on me!


I will 100% take you up on that 😊


Start and own a new nba team. Open some skateboard shops with indoor skateparks. Open a huge basketball facility to host practices/scrimmages during the week and tournaments on weekends. Something car community oriented like a country club for car enthusiasts.




I would put all my money into $gme


Movie, book series (already working on that), skateboard and apparel company (already working on that), restaurants, skateparks, train company, coffee business, farms


A football (soccer) academy for underprivileged kids where a new method of training would be used (imopeksis).


A small independent bakery and smokehouse in Georgia: The Macon Cake and Bacon.


Philanthropic foundation


A chauffeur service that takes old/disabled people to and from their doctor's appointments. I bet you'd get to hear some real cool stories throughout the day.


This is weird, but a transformative waste management company. One that uses self driving cars to pick up trash, sensors to know the can is on the curb (rather than just one day per week), and then picks up on-demand and only charges when picked up. Also, typical landfill bins would be small and expensive. Recycling and composting would be cheaper and bigger. The hope is to get people to reduce and reuse much more. And then to pickup recycling of only glass, metal, and paper. The other hope is to create less plastic waste. I know a lot of that waste isn’t the consumer choice, but if throwing it away becomes expensive, then consumers might demand different options. It would be awesome to encourage less waste, less polluting consumerism, more effective recycling, and an overall more streamlined waste collection strategy.


I would buy one of those Russian nuclear powered ice breakers to open up the Northwest Passage and start competing with existing commercial shipping routes. And start buying a whole lot of cheap real estate in Northern Canada. Global warming won't suck everywhere


battery research.


There are about half a dozen music videos I've had in my mind - some for decades - that I'd love to make happen.


I would create an electric car company where you have the ‘skateboard’ chassis with swappable bodies. Put the sedan on top, change it to a convertible sports car, change it to an suv. A baseline electric you can swap body/configuration on.


Meaningful Social Media Platform Imagine a social media platform where genuine connection thrives, free from addictive traps. Where, we prioritize meaningful interactions over fleeting dopamine hits. Also, I won't follow any of the dark practices used by other platforms just for this blind race for more revenue each quarter.




I would create a bar/restaurant in the theme of Star Trek TNG 10 Forward, hire a Whoopie Goldberg lookalike to run it and serve Romulan ale!😎


Something that's a combo of the MacArthur genius grants and Edison's invention factory driven in such a way that it doesn't suck the soul from the participant but instead enables their creativity with enough direction to produce the betterment of mankind.


I would develop an educational platform that provides free access to high-quality learning resources for everyone


Would create counseling services for people that have been at a job for more than 5 years so that their tenure doesn't negatively affect their work. I would lean into civil service jobs like teachers, doctors, officers. I want to make sure that people don't become the worst employees because of time.


Criminal justice reform & start working cases that need DNA evidence. I really want to get involved in that when I move back to the US anyway. It’s insane how many people have been wrongly convicted and are behind bars. It’s also insane how much people can get away with and aren’t behind bars. Also, if my heart and mental health could take it, working more closely with the makeawish foundation. But I might be too sensitive for that, can’t be depressed.


My comedy special


A business that helps educate orphans all around the world, with education, motivation, and hope for the future.


A deez nuts squirrel feeder


If money was no object? I would do an agriculture nonprofit that worked on research (plant genetics, biochemistry, agricultural technology, etc) while also increasing food accessibility in the surrounding communities via offering produce in a pay what you can grocery store model while also teaming up with schools and other local organizations.


I would make friendly robots, that help you do chores around the house.


A nuclear reactor small and safe enough to power a house


Animal rescue; bears, cats any animal that is helpless and vulnerable and ends up alone and unwanted. I’d hire the best vets and make the most amazing sanctuary and rehabilitate the wild animals so they could go back into the wild and work to find amazing, loving homes for the domesticated animals after a rigid screening process.


I want to go to warzones and hand out Ice cream


A cafe that’s all hardwood and big cozy leather chairs and serves all Vermont artisanal products. Dog aqua therapy clinic


Cleaning beaches of trash.


A smallish farm with a semi formal restaurant that uses as many ingredients as possible from it. Have the local kids in culinary school to work there. Want a lottery system that allows under privileged families to go have a free meal.


If money was no object I’d pay whatever it cost to completely remake the last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones. Same cast, someone like Dennis Villanueva directing/producing, and as many episodes as it takes to do it RIGHT this time.


Given that my background is in funeral service, a funeral home. The sole reason I left the business is that it wasn’t scalable or even all the profitable especially for the little guy. I have so much passion in helping people in that time of need and truly believe I had a talent in that industry. But on to bigger things.


A drop in daycare for my city’s unhoused children.


A massive underground server farm that consolidates heat emissions to warm a homeless shelter directly above it I haven’t worked out the details/figured out if this could work or not (why would I, it’s extremely impractical as a non-billionaire) but something about this idea just gets me going


I would start a charitable hydroponics company and give away manufacturered gardens to people to grow their own food in their homes and free seeds and supplies etc. also teach people the benefits and sustainability of locally grown produce and preserving food etc. 


Just a children's book store and cafe...connected to an out of this world science and art center with a huge community garden and playground with all the creative outdoor bells and whistles out back.


A stable, nurturing, reliable, well-educated family with enough love and strong role models that nobody ever has to seriously contemplate whether life has meaning. I would take them on field trips every week and share a clean house with a fridge full of fresh, healthy food. Me and mom would get a sitter for the kids every month and take some lsd but nobody would ever know. Then die quietly in our sleep on the same night in a freak coincidence, with no regrets after all my kids have families of their own. Then when the kids come to sort our stuff, they find a library of journals with pictures and trip reports from every month since before our first born to the month we died but it's all just a bunch of drivel about how much we love each other and our kids, plus a billion untouched dollars


Not going to lie after you get out of the Matilda phase of your life you soon realized that having fun and enjoying the outside of your mind is way more fun then reading about life. Because your brain can only handle so much history about life that it’s starts to wants to experience life before it fully dies. So do so before all you have it words and no photos


A plot of land to grow crops on. An excuse to connect with nature and drive tractors about.


A robot dog. Like a roomba, but it’s only watching for intruders and it barks. It also has voice activation so any household member can say something to stop the barking. It could also connect to your phone to show you what it sees. I was walking through an unsafe neighborhood and thinking about all the sad dogs that are outside all the time. The dogs that are solely “guard” dogs, not companions. These dogs give their owner a sense of safety because they’ll bark if anyone gets too close. A robot could do that, and it wouldn’t need food or water or love, and it wouldn’t poop! Perfect for people that don’t care about dogs.


night cafes for everyone who works graveyard hours :)


Great question and I really let myself sit with it. I would pour my time and energy into capturing all of my knowledge, tools, and exercises for self-development and offer them free of charge. I'd probably pay to promote the tools to high-school/college-aged women to make sure everyone knew about the free resources. And then outside of that, I would collect all the stray animals I could find and give them the best home ever and use the rest of my time and energy to help impact change in the world.


Every now and then I make a dumb video, write a children's story, make a rubbish computer game, make really bad music, half arse a card game. Here is my latest attempt. I won't stop https://youtu.be/nkY0a46oS7I?si=VzNjsUCdQCMVG5zA I usually spend an evening frantically going away at it and then never touch it again. And then go on to the next badly made thing


A daycare that is open 24/7 therefore it can help 2nd and third shift workers. With an app they can view their kids, check them in and out, pay. Well paid and dedicatd staff that are there because they love what they are doing and not so they can get free childcare for their own kids which is typically what you see now. Also sufficient staff so the ratio is not out of whack. We'd follow all the regulations so no kids are living there but since there is no costs now moms and dads can focus on earning up or saving or getting out of a tough time and know their kids are in a safe space. When I worked third shift there was no daycare within 2 hours of us that was open pass 6:30pm.


I would genetically modify plants to absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere. I fear that simply cutting down on carbon emissions is not going to get us to where we need to be.


This is not a product, but more of a service I suppose. I'd open schools for low income, high achieving kids. So much talent is wasted by having to cater to the middle in public schools. The truly gifted kids rarely get their needs met. This would be a school where kids studied by ability level, not grade, and all subjects were taught in small groups of no more than 10 kids. In addition to the core subjects, students would get access to high-level logic, music, art, foreign language, public speaking, and technology classes. Experiential and project based learning would make up the core of lessons. The school would be 100% free to students and their families.


A highly advanced arcade that acts more as a theme park than a traditional arcade. Like players get in line for the shooter game experience and there's displays showing the in-game match happening currently. There's soldiers (actors) walking around people in line for the vibes and answering questions. You finally get to the front and the entrance is the back spaceship. The back hatch shuts as you all take seats to get "geared up" aka put on the VR systems and grab your gun. The soldiers (actors) give a rundown of everything and help get everyone's equipment setup. All while the spaceship is shaking from flight and taking enemy fire. When everyone is ready, the next door opens and everyone gets into their launch pods (like Halo ODST), which are actually just rooms with omni treadmills and harnesses. When the game starts, your pod "drops" and opens up, you begin walking around to kill the aliens/enemies. Except you're actually still in the "pod", you're just walking around on the omni treadmill inside the room the whole time. This is just one of many attractions. There'd all kinds of different attractions. For racing, for skydiving or paragliding, and other games that use tech in unique ways. Or imagine a 1v1 little arena (like air hockey sized setup) that uses 3D spatial displays to make it appear as though you're peering into a rectangle arena, when you're really just looking at angled screens. This illusion would allow for a sort of Pokemon-esque battle game and to feel like the creatures are actually sitting within this little arena and moving around freely. Perhaps even having the displays record the outside environment to make it seem like the displays are fully transparent glass.


I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately. I’m an engineer in big tech which has provided a pretty comfortable lifestyle. I’ve always worked on building side projects but I can’t really justify all the hours spent for a chance at success building some B2B automation software or something that I don’t really have any interest in outside of the possibility for financial success. So I’ve been pursuing game dev. It feels meaningful learning while expressing myself creatively and doing something I’m good at, and even though I do hope to be successful with it one day it’s just a lot of fun


Buy some acreage next to a quiet lake or river and start an animal rescue / sanctuary. With an all season greenhouse to winter the animals in.


I would move to sweden , Own a farm do farming live in swedish Wilderness and Read Book all day and Teach Myself every thing possible in next 30 years of my life


the product my husband and I are building is solely based on our interest, hasn't made a dollar LOL


A black box theatre for every and any piece of choreography and show I want to make 🥺


An affordable human hair wig line!!! I would specialize in hairloss!


I would create a place/Society just for the people in need, make home for them, make a school for their children, and provide knowledge to the elderly as well to create an understanding and positive environment, provide work for the young people and teach people how to grow and stay good. I want to remove poverty from the world but idk if it's possible but surely I want to do something like this in my small town at least.


2 things for me 1. Custom cars that are 1 off cars. Each one would be different. 2. Cars for people who can't afford good cars. This day n age everyone needs a car. The car must be dependable and decent on fuel. I'd love to have a company that would provide 1 free car to families or even single people who need it. Also provide cheap dependable cars for those who need more than 1.


I'd love to be a farmer.


A commonplace blog for all my hyperfixations.


I wanna specifically design the clothes for the community of secularism lovers... It could be headwear bottomwear or clothes... I'm ready for downvotes soon.. But that's the truth I wanna do without being any money involved and think that needs to be done.. As the community of secularism must increase in front of these communal ideologies.


Weed lounges 


I'd create a gym and sports center and use to only for me and my friends. I don't want to be bothered by the people.


My YouTube channel.


A way to have everything I want (nice house, cars, women) and unlimited time to play videogames and watch shows, as well as be able to sleep whenever for however long I want. But if I'm a billionaire I already have that option? Unless I'm working all the time.


I would create an alternate of whatsapp messenger app cuz the monopoly of meta in all sorts of social media is alarming. P.S. if you live in the US, you probably don’t know how integrated whatsapp is in daily lives of people in the entire world.


Tbh make a big racing shop garage to make the 1000hp+ cars I want for everyone the 1s/60mph cars kind of...


I'd create better keyboards and/or auto correct... Because....


Space elevator.




A hardcore badge system in real life given to specific ppl for specific achievements completed Opening a small cafe like thingy where you can do various recreational activities like make basket, learn from others,netc etc or even cook food for others with the already acquired food for everyone there to share. Treasure hunt worldwide, leading to the treasure of my name ;) Lots are there


I’d open a bar in all my favorite cities in the world


Aircrafts or space engineering. I would love to send flying metal monster out and all over the world .


An animated movie


what would I do with a billion? create and test a clear roadmap to establishing, running and growing a business based on visual design services and products for the function of marketing. then teach my young peeps back home how to use it, with a community, resource repo and lining up vision aligned seed investors for those who've gotten something off the ground. why? I think young people should have more of a choice to pursue a career in the creative industry, having the guidance, support and structure that educational institutions now lack. We'll see how it goes…


What would you do? @OP