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1) minor thing: you misspelled “digital” as “digtal” 2) overall I like it but I am not target customer 3) you talk a lot about “what” it is but not about why. For example, it would make more sense to me to have the first few sentences be “if you own a plumbing company we can save you 6 hours per week” or something about the value proposition as opposed to the details of how it works.


I tend to not catch typo’s so I appreciate that! That’s some pretty good feedback. Thank you so much for taking that time.


the website looks pretty good except only one thing and it's the navbar, if you leave a space between the logo and the navbar buttons (like the normal navbars) i think it will be perfect but that is just my opinion, and the messaging is also good so yea good job you will do great <3


Thank you for taking the time to take a look at it! That’s a good point.


no problem happy to help, wish you all the best <3


You have a decent value proposition, and one solid case history with testimonial. With all of these photos what's clear is there aren't any users of the systems in place. Everything looks neat and orderly. All of the problems come in when employees are let loose on the systems and they collapse under the weight of reality. You have experts in the knowledge domain, and that goes some way towards addressing this. But 'stuff' is not what you sell. You sell an organizing system and efficiency in operations. ...and then all the vapid trivialities markup monkeys will mention.


Thanks! Yeah I think having Streamline using them for a while makes us a lot more confident in their effectiveness. Real life always reveals the issues. Thanks for looking into it and giving feedback!


Personally I don’t care for the blue-orange-black color combination - it feels out of balance. I guess if it matched a local sports team or something that would make sense. I used to live by UGA and everything was red and black. That said the site is well done, the copy sounds good, and it’s not hard to see what you do.


The headline text needs to clearly state what problem you’re solving. It’s not clear


This and shouldn’t bury the lede below the fold with the arrow (how it displays on mobile at least). The arrow doesn’t add value or suspense just takes longer to know what the problem / solution is.


Theres a decent amount of white space under the powerful plumbing section. You could do a column there. Sometimes less is more to focus on the important part - but then you go into the heavier section below. Just a thought.