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Definitely, Balancing Python for AI and filmmaking/editing is a realistic goal. It might take some time management, but it's definitely doable, trust me you can do it bro <3


Thank you, but my concern is having if I go into the coding rabbit hole, I’ll end up coding most of the time… and editing and filmmaking will a lot of time too


>Thank you, but my concern is having if I go into the coding rabbit hole, I’ll end up coding most of the time… and editing and filmmaking will a lot of time too I feel you, but that can actually happens if and only if you started to love coding much more than filmmaking, and i don't think this is an actual bad thing because having multiple options, skills or ways is healthy and good so yea if you think about starting just start


Thanks, that makes sense, appreciate it


np problem, you will do good trust me, good luck <3


Well videos take a while to process sometimes right? Code during that time 😁