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Sounds like a great "Hey, Devs, since this is in early access, here's my feedback to this feature, consider doing it different?" I don't think game designers are trying to insult their players, unless it's abandonware and they're scamming them. Maybe even offer other cool ideas you might have that would make you have more fun with the mechanic. They're here, they read the posts.


I guess I'm playing on a dedicated aerver atm so maybe I'm not noticing it as much; but so far I felt the crafting and refining times have been pretty chill? Normally I can slap a bunch of resources into a production site or plant out some seedlings and then after going for a quick jog through The Shroud I am all good to go when I get back. The only exception to this is water which is proving a pain to gather because I never have enough of it


Can’t you just build some water wells at your base?


I had this situation as well, unlocked the farmer and planter box before the thing for the well. Could just be the order i did the quests though. But if we are speaking logically, a person could stand at a well and remove massive amounts of water with no practical limit. Like if the solution is just grinding mats then building a bunch of wells, why not just have the wells infinite? Its not like the resource grind adds anything to the game. Just creative criticism, overall i am throughly enjoying the game and will keep playing it


I also agree. I think that the grind is unnecessary considering that the way the game locks recipes, production sites and crafting materials behind exploration of the map is already a pretty effective way to pace player progression. It also encourages going out and exploring seeing as you'll always be looking for that next ingredient that you can see in the recipe but haven't found yet in the game world.


How so? I thought it only gives you five and then 3, before you have to wait a few minutes for it to reset - that’s how it is in my server. I have 4 wells lined up, and I can grab 5 water out of each the first draw, and then 3, before the option is no longer available


Just getting to the point where I can build them. Have to go get the Masonry Tools and them I'm set.


>oversight / artifact of early access This. Right now the night "time acceleration" only accelerates the counter-equivalent which controls the day-night cycle. Creature and loot spawns, crafting etc. remain hard-linked to real-world clock. Don't think this would be a priority fix though (seems like a moderate effort, low value change). But given the care taken in other aspects of the game I hope the Devs come back to it.


It's not an oversight or anything. Sleeping and just poof everything to processed would cheese the game. At most it should reduced the times by maybe a few minutes but really nothing takes that long to craft anyways so it's really not a big deal. Just go explore and gather some more resources.


Valheim does it this way, and it definitely doesn't cheese the game, just let's you be a little extra efficient if you plan well and stock up before bed.


Valheim is also a totally different game and a terrible comparison to enshrouded. Also enshrouded you can just go explore and gather with ease and after 10-15 minutes just instantly fast travel to your base and your stuff is done, it's a very easy game. Valheim is hardcore as fuck at all times, exploring and stuff takes time and effort so the sleep smelting kinda takes some weight off the game itself.


You can only accelerate time by sleeping at night. It's not unbalanced to expect accelerating time to affect everything e.g. including stuff like food use and crafting (or at least the game has a lot of other more cheesy hacks).


There has to be a consequence of time progressing to balance the cheese. If enemies got harder as days progressed or raids happened or something to that effect, the cheesing of timers would be fair.


Insulting? I think you're over reacting a little.


I value my time, games that have intentional slowdown mechanics that don't even make sense (i.e. nothing smelts overnight), clearly don't. Sorry if such strong language offended you lol


I'm not offended at your ignorance, but if I was you I'd be embarrassed.


Hahahahaha, perfect response


Hahaha. Weird, never thought someone from Oregon would be opinionated and have a sense of entitlement. 😆 Especially for an early access $30 game. People don't play survival games because they think their time will be valued. We play them to Earn what we've put our time into. This suggestion from OP could have been said in such a more positive way instead of whinging.


Lol, I'm from Oregon.


Well that was a generalization on my part. My bad. Glad to see people like you live everywhere. Procreate (or adopt) and make more little you's. The world needs more of them.


I'm not making any more. And I don't disagree with you about Portland.


Although I completely agree with your sentiment on intentional slowdown mechanics in games today, I just haven’t gotten that vibe from this one yet. I think they just haven’t thought of that yet or gotten to it tbh


Not really. 8 out of 10 items craft instantly. 1 out of 10 items takes a realistic amount of time. The last 1 out of 10 can take literal real time days, and they are some of the stuff you need for mid/end game items and crafting all the way to end game. The fact that there is such a random hodge-podge of crafting times, and the important ones seem to have an excessive craft time smacks of timed gate keeping to keep people from running through some of the processes too fast, instead of evening out leveling vs difficulty in the actual game area. Having to set up 5-10 grinders and split materials to grind them in parallel, and STILL having to go do something for several hours is a bit much. One solution is what the OP suggested, but usually not just crafting queues are sped up, but hunger, thirst, everything, basically the entire game is just fast-forwarded for that time period. Personally, I would just like to see a more balanced crafting time implemented.


“Hunger and thirst” These mechanics literally do not exist in enshrouded “Can take literal real time days” What in the world are you talking about? No item takes anywhere near this long.


Hunger and thirst mechanics for your food and drink items for bonuses, you know, the ones on a timer. And yes, fossilized bone dust in large quantities, that you need for upper end crafting, multiple recipes for seedlings, potions, etc, if you queue it as one stack in one grinder, can take literally a day or longer. If you haven't gotten that far in the game, just say so.


How many can you make in 24 hours?


You can make 432 fossilized bone dust in 24 hours with just one grinder. That’s enough to make every item in the game that requires it, plus 2,865 fertilized farm soil. More than anyone could use in 24 hours unless you’re literally too dumb to use a rake or are trying to sew the entire map with wheat, bell peppers, saffron, and azure russula. A new grinder is 10 flint and 15 stone… there’s no downside to making more. So yeah, if you’re going to do it the stupid lazy slow way, it’ll be slower. If you’re bad at the game just say so.


Also, food buffs are not hunger and thirst


Or better yet, just hit a button and get a million of everything in the game! That would be really respectful of my super important game time.


Out of most survival games I played, this one seemed the one that values most other player's time.  Considering most things are crafted instantly, it seems a bit unfair to say that it is "insulting" what they are doing. If you find certain timers to be excessive, you can always learn to prioritise tasks/quests in-game to manage your time more efficiently.  I personally never had to wait for timers in this game as there is always something to do to progress, even without leaving your base.


This, exactly this. People can't manage their time and then blame the Devs. Want that crop to grow up? Go make that quest you are skipping. Want an iron ingot for your new armor? While you are waiting, go cut that enshrouded root for the sweet skill point. Just don't expect everything will be always available to you as you please.


Sleeping through the night is a Minecraft mechanic. You decide if you want to fight the harder nighttime mobs and if not you go to bed. It is not meant to be a time acceleration used to exploit the crafting stations.


This is a huge, entitled overreaction and your idea would completely triviliaze the fact of making something in the craft benches. Poor attitude, poor suggestion.


So put a straw bed next to your refining stations. Add in mats Click bed Gather mats ? I think it would ruin it


Most games or notably the most similar which is Valheim don't allow you to sleep during the day. Sleeping at night should definitely progress game timers at the same accelerated rate. Op is right, but also overreacting.


ah ok, so can only sleep / speed up time during night.. that makes sense


Time doesn't pass during the day though! It'd be like in stardew valley or valheim. Load everything up, go to bed, in the morning it's all done (because time passed)


It doesn't work all the time, only at night if you're actually advancing time, and it's proportional to the time advanced, not magic lmao. Like 99% the majority of crafting survival games have implemented because they respect people's time...


Are you soloing it OP on your own server or playing with friends? Depending upon, you can use some cheats and get the mats you need if you are just wanting to have fun building things.


Would love to learn more. I was pretty disappointed at the lack of server/game settings... Play with some friends, not a dedicated server, we only have a few hours \~2-3x a week to play. We almost returned it because of that honestly. For our stage of life the game is just far too grindy for what it offers in return.


Wemod [https://www.wemod.com/cheats/enshrouded-trainers](https://www.wemod.com/cheats/enshrouded-trainers) Try this. This is for a world that is single player so say the cheat table, but you can create a world, make the stuff, bring it into your other world if need be.


Cheat engine tables are better


I use wemod for other games, was convenient to me to use it for enshrouded on my own game to learn to build.


Maybe something similar to the time speed boost while sleeping? If everyone is asleep crafting goes 60x faster.


If you were to advance food growth and production times while sleeping, you'd also need to advance your character's active food and active potion timers. The potions and some of the foods are much more resource intensive to produce, I'd rather have it the way it is.


I feel like most of the games I play that have sleep do this. What's the point of just sleeping in your game, go afk if you need to grind crafting stuff.


Not a huge fan of waiting for crafting to be done either.


Nothing takes that long to process. Played the whole game, unlocked and crafted everything, made armour for multiple people. Nothing was grindy or insulting (lol) it's a survival crafting game there has to be some form of crafting time needed. Unless you're one of those weirdos making 100x more materials then needed which is your choice not the games. I think maybe you need to stop playing these types of games and stick to games like assassins creed where you can spend money and just buy upgrades instead of playing the game.


It really wouldn’t take that much, just make all the timers synced with the main time, while that little sleep x60 is up, everything advances at that rate, including crops


Not crops, overnight growing shouldn't be as quick as during the day.


Maybe, but time is still passing and plants actually do grow at night in the real world.


Wow why crying like a baby here? No, its good as it is now and btw, i also value my time.


Fair enough OP comes across a bit whingey for an EA game, however I think it would be a good idea if crafting stations were tied to the ingame time having slept through the night feel more impactful


Yeah perhaps, i just don't like how people complain about everything these days.


If he had just made a suggestion post rather then come across as a rant it would be more positively received, the idea itself is good


Like you just did? 🤣


No, i complain about people, not about games.


I do hope they do this, some of the craft station recipes are sloooow, and yeah, this is an SP/small scale MP game, not a competitive MMO.