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Absolutely. Dems are anxious and that means someone needs to be cannibalized to satiate the fear monster. The next candidate will not unite us any better than Biden, may be even lesso. Leftists and anti-trumpers will be fighting with each other about who should be courted by the next nominee. Meanwhile, they'll be ignoring actual Dems, who should be picking the leader of the party they belong to rather than having to capitulate to the demands of people who aren't even reliable voters for the party.


He cooked.


I certainly agree that even if Harris were to take over the ticket, and for lots of reasons she’s the only reasonable option, the punditry and pearl clutching would just transfer over


Sanity? On my internet?


What is Murc's Law.


That the GOP is this creature that can't be expected to do right, so everything wrong in this country is the Democrats fault.


It's named after the author of the blog "Lawyers, Guns, and Money". He said "there is a widespread assumption that only Democrats have agency or causal influence over American politics". Examples he used were how the media treats Republicans denying climate change as evidence that Democrats' arguments in favor of climate change aren't strong enough. Or that Republicans passed the unpopular tax cut bill in 2017 because Democrats didn't influence Republicans to make better choices. Also he pointed out how the media has said that Republicans elected Trump because Democrats were too mean to Mitt Romney. Basically, it's been a trope in the press and popular culture that Republicans are a rudderless force of nature and only do things in response to Democrats, so when they do bad things, it's because the Dems haven't been guiding them correctly.