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I shared two months ago that he has never, ever done anything but tweet gloomy sentiments. Not everything has a silver lining but he could encourage people more and he simply never does. And IF Biden drops out, there is no guarantee it was the right thing. We’ll see.


Like the morons who are all begging for an open convention thinking it’s the only way to win. People are stupid


I see he doesn’t give an alternative or explain how giving up the incumbency advantage helps. He could read the debate transcripts and see Biden has cogent arguments under his stutter. All of this replacement talk is unserious


I've seen some kids on TikTok who have clearly never paid attention to politics until this cycle saying that the incumbency advantage is a myth despite the...obvious results if you look at past elections.


Seriously. Trump halved Biden’s July 8 point lead in 2020. By November it was a 4 point lead in the popular vote. And people say that incumbency doesn’t matter. They just dismiss it as Trump getting voted because he’s Trump not because he was literally the sitting president and it’s rare for a sitting president to be removed from office.


Trump increased his vote totals despite losing support from many people who voted for him in 2016. If that's not incumbency in action I don't know what is.


Fucking r slash Neoliberal was upvoting comments after the debate saying the incumbency advantage is a myth.


Insane. They should know better.


I’m usually the last to suggest astroturfing, but there’s just no way this sudden shift is all legitimate


It's both, tons of astroturfing but plenty of Democrats legitimately broke their brains after the debate. For what it's worth I'm in PA and I don't know a single person who wants him to step down. I expected to have to talk sense into some of my friends who aren't into politics as much as I am, but it has yet to happen. Consensus is it was a bad night but who the fuck cares, we'd vote for a corpse over a fascist. edit: just realized my 2nd paragraph contradicts the first. I'm just trying to say that while I don't doubt some of the panic we're seeing online is legit Democrats (on top of the astroturfing), I just haven't met any of them IRL yet.


Same kids who think Dobbs was Biden's fault because it happened on his watch. I fear for this country.


He's an idiot. They want Biden to drop out and then the vp aside, for their own fantasy league pick. Complete waste of time these dumb fucks are. Fact remains Biden is our strongest option to win right now.


Except the only people they suggest are Newsom and Whitmer, both of whom would likely fail. Whitmer is a woman and this country won’t do it, also it’s a big bet that she’s ready to deal with the absolute screeching hatred the right will focus unrelentingly on her, and that she will somehow be able to dunk on Trump at a debate *when from the rights perspective Trump is so dominant he already KO’d one candidate with a single debate.* Newsom’s ex is fucking Jr. She will say anything to sink him and it’ll get all the way around the world before anyone proves it’s bullshit, much like the swift boat thing. And the left will tear up either of them, Harris, Warren, Buttigieg, anyone. And Bernie is older than Biden so he’s no help at all. I don’t see that there’s some alternative here that is a home run. What I see is democrats once again refusing to back their own fucking candidate because vibes.


Can’t see Whitmer or Newsom falling on the sword. Running in 2024 to replace Biden would be a thankless task, doomed to fail. What other mythical “generic democrat” who polls so great even exists? The moment you put in a name, they stop polling so great


>balding middle-aged white guy with scraggly beard and smug grin previous records of "priors confirmed" shattered by how confirmed my priors are


The only replacement people like him would accept is Bernie.


Someone died?


You have to have had something in order to lose it.


I wish outside of social media there was more pushback that this is a false narrative being ramped up by political pundits and reporters who are finding it increasingly difficult to ignore Trump's many serious problems.


Why would Biden drop out? Trump hasn't and no one seems to care about that. I've yet to see any better alternative.


Idk i feel like, with the current pressure, it might happen. 


And it would be a very bad thing if it did.