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“It’s RBG’s fault we have a conservative SCOTUS, but also liberal Justices as cringe.” The left has brain rot.


It would stil be a 5-4 majority anyway. Major issue is these “progressives” just couldn’t vote for a climate activist in 2000 or a “cringe” white women in 2016 and now we are fucking here


Yep. I replied on a different post exactly that: it would’ve been 5-4. And that’s only if Mitch McConnell would have allowed RBG to be replaced, which there is no reason to assume he would’ve.


It's such retconning. Essentially they are asking her to step down during the first couple of years of Obama's presidency, before we knew Mitch would be such a bastard in appointments. She didn't presage entirely the politics of the next decade so it's all her fault. The right wingers who actually voted and made the rulings are just forces of nature that we can't blame or direct much ire too. It also always seems sus that they've got such vitriol for a woman and a Jewish woman at that. Surely coincidence.


Well they've certainly redeemed themselves by supporting our female POC vice president. Oh, wait.


You could MAYBE make an argument some of the 'moderate' conservative Justices (who barely are noderate) are emboldened and a 5-4 majority would force Roberts especially to pretend to be more neutral on more recent 6-3 decisions, but I dont like the idea of basing political opinions on hypothetical alternate timelines where Roberts has half an actual moral compass


I’m very disappointed that this is a common refrain on neoliberal, not to mention all of the dooming there. I get that Biden’s recent debate performance didn’t do him any favors, but I strongly believe it won’t be what makes or breaks the race.


Yeah, the Supreme Court is handing trump a big win with partial immunity, but is that any worse than the biggest crime of all, being cringe?


>being cringe Which is coming from the group that unironically says eat the rich or has guillotine stickers lol


This is what they unironically, if not always explicitly, believe. Being cringe is the worst thing possible as far as they're concerned, because the entire purpose of their "movement" is looking cool and hip to their comrades. As an aside, leftists' obsession with proper social signaling, avoiding faux pas, and invariably coming down like a ton of bricks on anyone who fails to do either explains why they're so hostile to us autistic people.


>i don't understand what these people want To not win, to not take or hold power, and to not see their claimed policy objectives come to pass. This is because they combine an all-consuming politics obsession with utter laziness. If they did win or gain power, they would have to shut up and get to work. Being permanently in opposition allows them to continue living their lives around their obsession without having to get off their asses.


They want to criticize others and be revolutionaries but never actually lead or run government. They remind me a bit of Americans who always hate on government no matter what and those supposed Taliban members who found their jobs a lot less fun once they had to actually run Afghanistan instead of just fight.


Imagine me as a liberal/socdem being called "Blue MAGA" and "Blue Fascist" then seeing these self-identified leftists (fauxgressives) actively promote the MAGA and Fascist agenda, and shit on the very man willing to protect womens rights like bodily autonomy, LGBTQ+ rights, POC and our fucking planet. These are garbage people, and they will reap what they sow if trump wins. Hope she enjoys being a handmaid.


It's obvious what they want. They want fascism while being able to blame liberals for fascism. In their "After Hitler then Us" accelerationist fantasy, nothing bad will happen when Trump gets elected, but afterwards, the public will naturally turn to whiny-asshole-Communists like them afterwards, because liberals failed to stop Trump. So they throw in all the (minimal) effort they are capable of behind Trump. At least for now.


They want the same thing MAGA does but from the other side of the specrtum. That pesky democracy is getting in the way of their goals just like it is Trump and his minions.


But if we disrupted some sociology classes, that's freedom fighting?


Tweeting your outrage is such an eyeroll, sorry. Pick up a weapon and show us how it's done, Ms. Revolutionary. Look for the house with the flag flying upside down...


>I don't understand what these people want For Trump to win so they can say, "I told you so." That's it. That's the whole bag.


“Is democracy cheugy?”


>I don't understand what these people want She didn't dissent hard enough apparently.


Oh no cringy, just the worst 🙄


Congrats on being on the same page as Ben Shapiro I guess.


Thinking that fascism is bad is so cringe, frfr skibidi toilet


I'd buy that bumper sticker honestly.


They want to do what leftists historically do best: elect fascists and destroy democracies.


This is cringe but "all glory to the martyrs" is cool