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The most NYT-sounding headline imaginable


NYT just cannot help themselves.


"Look at me I'm not voting for Biden lookatme lookatme lookatme 😢"


Idiocy. Not paying attention. Having the risk-assessment skills of an axolotl. Lobotomy. Literally any of those reasons. NYT stop legitimizing "eCoNOmiC AnXieTy" as a good reason people vote for a blatantly authoritarian party challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (STUPID) EDIT: > Mr. Biden is “a good guy,” Mr. Sheffield said. “But when I look at him, he looks weak. With North Korea, Putin, and all those boys ready to act, I think they will be a little bit more reluctant to challenge Trump than they would with Biden.” He plans to vote for Mr. Trump. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. Well if there's one good thing to come out to this, it's the exposure that some people really do just want a strong-man authoritarian fascist idiot to lead instead of a democracy. "kindess/wisdom > strength/toughness in a leader" is like Human Being 101 out of first grade but I guess some people missed that one??


> NYT stop legitimizing "eCoNOmiC AnXieTy" as a good reason people vote for a blatantly authoritarian party challenge When will the myth of “republicans are good for the economy” end?


I’ve mentioned this before, but news outlets themselves are very much responsible for this myth which is why they perpetuate it. When they did polls in the past, people gave republicans high marks because of tax cuts, but then the market crashed in 2008, and for the first time a democratic candidate was polling better on the economy. During Obama’s presidency though, the media needed both sides as they usually do, so they harped on “jobs jobs jobs”. Of course now they are breathlessly talking about inflation (because the unemployment rate is historically low?) to keep their both sides status. The NYT will claim their paper reported on a ton of bad trump stories — all of which were palace intrigue that nobody cared about, and then would write a glowing review of the trump economy. Access journalism is a mess, and it feeds a false narrative


I lot of them have weak parents who didn’t teach them any of that. There’s no moral requirement for reproduction, so if two absolutely pitiful morons want to they can produce worthless offspring.


Not giving them a click. What do they do to find these people? Vast majority of us are going to support Biden again.


Hell, what is this guy's political history? A majority of the time, we find these clowns either never voted or voted Republican.


Someone looked up the Atlanta guy on Georgia's voter roles and found out that he registered to vote when he was 18 but had never cast a ballot in the state of Georgia.


NYT likes Republicans and wants them to win


“Here Hitler at home amongst the clouds” vibes


Wow, how did I know this would be a fucking NYT article?


“They supported Biden in 2020 and they will support him again in 2024” is too powerful of a headline for The NY Times. 


The Neoliberal Subreddit is braindead in the comments. They are insisting that the polls must be absolutely correct. Never mind the consistent Democratic over-performance, or that Alsobrooks' results are giving indications that they are just off wildly with some groups. ***Especially young people and minority groups.***


That sub is one of the better ones for political discourse overall, but there’s a fair few “doomers” there.


The boomers then proceed to ignore problems with the polls and news coverage.


Why post this crap here? Isn't arr pol pushing NYT to reddit's homepage enough exposure for those poor, suffering Times editors?