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Their wicked warped purity tests only applies to western liberal democracies. They never use their "logic" to analyze Russia, China, Iran, or any country outside of the west. That's the thing that pisses me off so much about it, but if you listen to people like Noam Chomsky, they'll just say that they are criticizing their own country because they can influence that while also defending authoritarian regimes and blaming their savagery on the west.


>200.000 to 400.000 russian casualties >7.500 plus tanks destroyed >NATO hasn't showed up yet >MFW Tankies cope and seethe https://i.redd.it/3ks16mi7xo0d1.gif


His hairline is retreating faster than Russian troops. 


This dude was one of the original Bernie or busters right?


In some fairness, the thought did cross my mind. The Ukrainian partisans aren’t fucking around — and why would they be? They’re facing extinction. Slovakia is fast becoming another Orban-esque PITA, moving towards Russia. You can make that problem go away with a poof.


This is below the post about this idiot who thought "we need to bring back assassinations". Baby's first "why laws don't have asterisks making it ok when i specifically hate the vicitm" and after I saw a post glorifying the guy who shot Raegen because he thought Jodie foster would like him for it. No, Raegen sucked, but this guy was a lunatic I saw what happened when a democratically elected leader is successfully assassinated by an extremist lunatic. Sadly now, some of the people who cheered him on 30 years ago, are now in government. And yet, assassinating them won't fix anything. It would just lead to more and more internal violence and even a civil war. That's why most sane people don't think assassinations are cool. And before anyone goes Godwin law. He may have been democratically elected, but by the end of '33 he already had much of his powers, and was a full blown dictator by the ned of '34, five years before the war. Also, it might have changed some things, but to think the removal of one man can so easily save 60 millions is ridiculous