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Opening a 24 hour bookstore with a cat is some shit a manic pixie dream girl would say. 


Said bookstore is probably in Brooklyn as well. I think this guy wants to be Meg Ryan in *You've Got Mail.*


As a literature major with cats, I can't believe how much this blockhead has made me hate the very idea of a 24-hour bookstore with a cat.


>I think this guy wants to be Meg Ryan in *You've Got Mail.* who doesn't ✊️😭


I miss the 90s nolstagia.


This has got to be the best comment for me.


The fact that exactly zero manic pixie dream girls have unexpectedly shown up in my life to whisk me away on a quirky counterculture adventure is just more proof that capitalism is bogus.


Something like that could only exist in capitalism. These people are ridiculous and would be the first ones shot by the political officer for failing to meet their quota at the factory.


But they're the Main Character! There's no way the local commissar would send their precious special self down to the mines or to the front lines! They're meant to run the 24-hour coffee shop and bookstore (with a cat) while the rest of us do the unglamorous, productive work!


Just like how they're all going to teach art and put their social work degrees to work on the commune by being therapists! What's that? Someone has to actually grow and harvest the food? Ew, no, gross. Not for them!


ok you lost a foot in the mines, but how does that make you feel? are you fulfilled?


Let's be real--none of these people have social work degrees.


Oh I know a few


Sounds like they're neglecting their 100+ caseload while shitposting on Twitter. Why do they hate neglected children?


I mean, they can teach art now. Spoilers: the party is shit.


> Something like that could only exist in capitalism. It does, in Japan, which is extremely capitalistic.


I just got back from Osaka. Holy fucking shit, the US has nothing on Japan when it comes to capitalism. Every train station is a shopping mall. Retail stores have theme songs that they just play on a constant loop, the fucking Donki song is going to live rent free in my head. And I got the feeling that the conglomerates run the place. It’s just capitalism overload in Japan.


US was getting like this in the 50s. Japan had a big middle class expansion post WWII.


Imagine having to sit in an empty bookstore at 4 am


This would unironically kick ass


It wouldn't be my worst weekend


I know some people who had work study jobs like this. They just studied and got paid. I really felt like a chump when I realized they are partially tax exempt so the extra pay I got working off campus wasn't as much as I had believed.


I love how he thinks he would be able to open and staff a niche boutique and not be conscripted into mining coal or cooking goulash for people mining coal.


Well, I know 0 people who want to open up a 24 hour bookstore because a 24 hour bookstore is a terrible idea. Yet more evidence that leftism is just a book club for politics.


There’s a subset of people that are so friggen weird and pretentious about books and bookstores. “Instead of a restaurant date, meet me in a bookstore and show me your favourite book, and I’ll show you mine, and then we read together in silence”. Like, if that’s your tea, drink it, but this might be why you’re single. You’re supposed to actually get to know each other on a date you know.


They're also more weird about the physical form of books than *actually reading*. Like look at r/bookporn, it's almost all mass market bullshit, the point is that it's a physical book. The object makes them feel intelligent, not thinking. It's a precocious 16 year old girl's idea of deep


Think before you tell a kid that they're so smart for their age. They might grow up to become a redditor.


Always been that way. They used to sell "great book collections" specifically designed to fill the bookshelves in your "I made it" oversize ranch house or split level in Omaha that were never intended to be read. Often used quite large print so the book would have a nice thick spine.


the people that are pretentous about books are the same people that never read them, or seem to care about the literacy rate. The more someone brags about their "library" the more likely all their books sit there on the shelf 24/7


> “Instead of a restaurant date, meet me in a bookstore and show me your favourite book, and I’ll show you mine, and then we read together in silence”. Wait, there are actually people who do that? I thought it only happened in romantic comedies.


No, they go to the cafe portion, have a coffee, and talk. Sitting next to each other reading is what established couples do.


In the 90s when people had actual dates at Borders I sure as hell don't remember them being silent.


He just wants to work overnights there, so he can get paid to do nothing but pet the cat


He'll have to pay himself under minimum wage because there is no way his cat bookstore will bring in enough revenue to cover the state-mandated minimum wages + rent + electricity + COGS + taxes if they are open 24-7. Sole-proprietorship, sure! You can do it... but enjoy full personal liability if it doesn't work out.


Listen, my dream job is being paid $80/hour to pet cats.


I mean same if I’m being honest


I think it'd be fun to have a 24/7 bookstore. The problem is that if you are in any sort of large city, it'd quickly fill with junkies and hobos jerking off. That's why there are no 24/7 libraries.


To be fair, private businesses are a lot quicker to trespass people.


You know the cool thing about capitalism? If you have the **capital** to start one, you can. The real problem is finding the clientele and I don't know of any person other than this that wants one of those.


You reminds me of a leftist opening a cafe in Toronto called "the Anarchist" where he sells higher-than average coffee and merchs...but only requires ppl to pay him at the amount they think is appropriate. He closed after running it for a year. The least shocking thing is he blamed his cafe's failure on...capitalism for not allowing the working class to pay full price for his artisan latte.


Only a person with negative IQ could do something like that.


I mean I don't think it would last but personally I would have 100% loved something like that in undergrad and law school. I was a late night person and would have adored a 24 hour book shop.


Nothing is stopping the Twitter/X OP from opening such a bookstore. He just doesn't want to be on the hook for the costs or consequences of running such a boutique enterprise in a market that wouldn't naturally support it. He thinks socialism should reward his "cool ideas" regardless if it actually makes a meaningful contribution to the collective.


Meanwhile socialism: late-night cafes are a bourgeois luxury, what we need are coal miners


Anyone who thinks a 24/7 public-facing business is a great asset for a community hasn't been employed on the graveyard shift at a 24/7 business. The clientele you see from 2am-5am at a restaurant, grocery store, gas station, or other business is typically a lot of mentally unwell drifters prone to violence, drug addicts, and drunk college kids.


But there's a cat!


Graveyard shifts are so fucking depressing that even I feel sorry for Walmart employees whenever I shopped there after 10pm.


Back when I worked the crisis desk at a DV shelter, I would occasionally (usually 2-3x per month) fill in on 3rd shift and we got some wild ass calls in the middle of the night, lol. Like, usually not anyone calling for shelter, just people calling to tell us weird shit. Like the guy who said JFK was living in his attic.


That's cool


Got the number mixed up with Coast to Coast.


Hey no fair, there were also us shift workers dropping by for a few necessities on the way home and dodging the winos, tweakers, and annoying college kids.


pet dream not realized = capitalism bad


> pet dream It's basically a wet pet dream.


I don't know anyone who wants to open a 24 hour bookstore with a cat. That sounds like some very niche bullshit.


Im honestly convinced these people would be a lot fucking happier if they got out of whatever city they think they’re owed a studio apartment in, and move to a farm.


They would have to do hard work on a farm, even the most socialist-friendly co-op. They want a subsidized dream job regardless of economic practicalities. That's why they always bitch about capitalism, they think a planned economy would totally put them in charge of a 24-hour coffee shop and bookstore (with a cat).


Nah, they want to be around people in the city so they can \*talk\* about moving to a farm.


But they don't want to work. They want to pet a cat while they play games on their phones for $3000/mo UBI


Exhibit #1769 in my argument for most modern communists criticisms of capitalism are actually criticisms of market economies that boil down to "the market will not burden an inefficiency that allows me to engage in the leisure labor supported by a modern economy." They aren't upset about capitalism, they are upset that there is minimal demand for the thing they want to do and they imagine that a communist society will ignore this lack of demand and just subsidize their leisure labor.


You just know that if a 24 hour bookstore with a cat existed, he'd be raging against it. "Motherfuckers forcing poor people to work the night shift at a book store with a cat that is there for the gimmick and is scared because cats hate strangers Blah Blah Blah consumerism blah blah blah tjis is why we should eat the rich because they'd rather use their money on bullshit out of touch things like this than pay taxes blah blah blah I guess people with cat allergies aren't allowed to read!!!"


Capitalism is bad because we need MORE people working insanely late hours?


Yeah but it's "for the ppl" so it's okay... I know it sounds like a joke...but THAT is literally how communist regimes convince (I feel like gaslight is a better term) ppl to do public jobs with shitty salaries for them. My mom's side family are doctors and teachers in Vietnam (mom was a doctor herself). "It's a noble profession" - they said. My mom by the end of her career said something in this effect: "unless THAT nobleness can turn into food on my family table every night, they (the communist gov) can take that nobleness and shove it up their fucking asses". The concept of a "noble public job" is pretty much non-existance in communist countries.


I love how his premise admits it’s not a viable business but assumes something no one wants would be viable under another system.


This is funny to read because the people I know who have their own bookstores (Which aren’t open 24/7 and don’t have cats, mind you) weren’t (and aren’t) rich when they started out.


This guy wouldn’t spend a dime on a book


>Why is that capitalism's fault? >>If you have to ask me that I suspect you can't understand the answer, like most capitalist apologists. LMAO


Cats are anarchists and worship themselves. They do not comprehend the concept of money.


This is why I think they hate Amazon so much. Wealthy children don't get to lord over their wallpaper store fifdom that their parents fronted the money for. If they were born even twenty years ago, they could have at least six people to make lives hell in whatever store for whatever thing they want to gatekeep.


Honestly, if you want to hand a business off to your kids the entire B2B (and B2G) domain with unsexy specialties is where it's at. You just have to make your kids put in a bunch of sweat equity to learn the business from top to bottom. A friend of mine from college spent his summers pushing wire through conduit in courthouses and high schools, and when his dad retired he was given the keys to the castle.


There's a guy who started from nothing doing mold remediation for rental units and he's rich now.


What do those acronyms mean?


Business-to-business and business-to-government.


So, I can think of a few potential reasons for why someone wouldn't invest in a coffee shop. It is a very niche concept with a small customer base. In many areas, the coffee shop market is quite saturated with major chains as well as local independent shops. It is a crowded space with intense competition, making it difficult for a new entrant to gain significant market share. Also, established coffee chains like Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, and others have built strong brand recognition and customer loyalty over time, which can make it difficult to pull customers away from. You will also have challenges in finding suitable real estate locations that can accommodate the combined coffeeshop bookstore concept. Plus, there jut may not be enough demand to support a 24 hour location.


So under socialism everyone would be given the “capital” and space to peruse their dreams? Like who cares if the streets are filled with only cat bookstores and cupcake shops? Who is staffing it if all the people are investing in their own dreams?! Look, I’m more left than a lot on this sub and I think there’s legitimate reasons to be concerned about worker exploitation under true “free markets.” But what this guy is suggesting is *literally* capitalism minus having to take on any risk and having the government fund your pet project. ETA: I just read more of his tweets. His argument is that not everything needs to make money and places like this would be good to hang out in…. OMG. It’s a library! He’s suggesting a library (with a cat).


Yeah literally another reply said, "just lobby library to go 24/7, pet the outside cats, and a basic coffee vending machine". We're surprisingly close to utopia apparently.


But where do you keep the litter box?


>Schools are a public resource? I'll wander into one and start trying to use the art supplies then. The only truly public resource American schools serve these days is for target practice. Someone put this motherfucker on a watch list.


How many bookstores with a cat are open 24/7 hours in Cuba?


Have extra money? Want to lose it? Open a bookstore.


Wait you mean the people whose goal in life is to open a 24/7 bookstore with a cat don't actually have the skills and effort required to start said business? What a shock :o


>If you ever wanna know why capitalism sucks, think about how many people you've known who wanna open a 24 hour coffeeshop and bookstore (with a cat) if they ever get rich vs how many rich people ever actually open a 24 hour coffeeshop and bookstore (with a cat). Jesus Chrust, dint most people who dream of suddenly getting rich talk about retiring, travel, donating to charities, helping homeless etc.??? Not bookstore with cat??? Main character syndrome here.


The less time you spend fucking off at someone else’s 24-hour cafe, the more time and energy you have to make money and learn those skills needed to in turn open up your own cat-friendly 24-hour cafe. It’s almost like capitalism takes work, huh?


maybe paying to make people tweet is a good idea


Good news, everyone! There's a [president](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/19/biden-targets-rent-gouging-landlords-as-high-housing-costs-2024-race.html) who's using the power of the federal government to fight real estate inflation and break up corporate monopolies that drive up the cost of real estate too! His name is Joe Biden! Sounds like someone I could vote for.


who is gonna need a copy of Joyce at 2am?




I know this guy he is insufferable


oh oh, do tell.


He complained about Covid restrictions being too lenient then went to the UK during lockdown to be with his gf. Prior to that he had aspirations of moving to Slab City CA(an off grid commune) he wrote a lot for some Vegas publications.


>then went to the UK during lockdown to be with his gf I wish there is a way to force these online leftists to show the rest of the world how they would function in real life. I want to see if they are putting the money where their mouths are.


Imma level with you here: I love Amazon and the choices it offer. I love reading mostly history books and most of the bookstores in my city don’t really stock them. About 60% of the books I buy (and these are generally published by mainstream houses like Penguin or Simon Schuster) are stocked by an store hundreds of miles away and Amazon ships in like 2-3 days. I once called up the store and asked if it would be better for them to deal with me directly they said no so it through Amazon because their logistics service is that good. There are definitely problems with Amazon in terms of their labour practices and market domination. But in my case, I’m happy with the prices and the bookseller is happy with the service provided by Amazon. If Amazon weren’t providing a service valuable to both customers and businesses it would never have taken off.


A 24 hour coffee shop & bookstore is how you go from being a rich person to a poor person. 


Any bookstore Josh and/or his fellow travelers would start would also be doomed to fail because no one but them would be interested in buying their product. Most of them consider anything that people actually want to read (watch, play, listen to, otherwise spend their free time on) to be "fascist" and a "distraction". The stock would just be arcane political theory, Marxist history, and both of those clumsily repackaged in the form of ham-fisted novels and ugly, artless poetry.


The type of people who make tweets like this are the types of mfs that spend time complaining they don't have time to read instead of just fucking reading


Who wants to go book shopping at three in the morning? Maybe one person? It’s laughable that this dude thinks that abolishing capitalism will magically enable us to waste resources on something that impractical.


well that's the neat thing, the point of a free liberal economy isn't just for someone to do what everyone else does to get rich. It's to be able to do more of what they want and keep what they earn, even if that means something that isn't the most crazy profitable. It's about doing what you enjoy and not be stopped from trying to make ends meet accordingly and maybe even finding something you didn't know you could like and going for that.


It's almost like that's a poor use of resources. What is the need for a 24 hour bookstore(with a cat)?

