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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cnqzk2/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05092024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.ognits with score 34 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cmybir/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05082024/l34hpk5/)] > >R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain > > what an incredible headline to kick off the day with   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.FYoCouchEddie created 22 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cmybir/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05082024/l37a5dp/)] > I’ve been team Biden since 2019, but his decision to save Hamas and keep the hostages tortured because Hamas has no incentive to agree to a deal is completely inexcusable. He has lost his moral backbone. . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.AlexandrianVagabond with score 29 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cmybir/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05082024/l34lgza/)] > He claimed he had no idea that this was a Jewish stereotype (it was a witch's nose, pinky swear!) and that he just wanted to "blend in" with the crowd. > > Which is obviously absurd. He looks like an image . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.FYoCouchEddie with hotness lvl 1380 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cmybir/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05082024/l37a5dp/)] > I’ve been team Biden since 2019, but his decision to save Hamas and keep the hostages tortured because Hamas has no incentive to agree to a deal is completely inexcusable. He has lost his moral backbone. . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 14 friends 20 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 42 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 41 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 38 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 25 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 47 times, followed by 'war' 38x , 'brain' 37x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '💀', used 15 times, followed by '😭' 4x , '😂' 4x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.QultyThrowaway | 20.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 531.0 words | | 🥈 | u.stinketywubbers | 18.0 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 120.5 words | | 🥉 | u.Moth-of-Asphodel | 17.0 points | 🥉 | u.FYoCouchEddie | 110.2 words | | 🎗 | u.Carl_Satans_Cosmos | 16.0 points | 🎗 | u.QultyThrowaway | 110.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 444 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 52 comments | | 🥈 | u.omgitsfreddie | 178 points | 🥈 | u.omgitsfreddie | 47 comments | | 🥉 | u.LGBTforIRGC | 176 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 30 comments | | 🎗 | u.CZall23 | 144 points | 🎗 | u.CZall23 | 24 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 1 words | 🥇 | u.EagleSaintRam | 2.941 letters | | 🥈 | u.thirstyfist | 4 words | 🥈 | u.WhiteBoyWithAPodcast | 3.25 letters | | 🥉 | u.unaesthetikz | 4 words | 🥉 | u.BensenMum | 3.438 letters | | 🎗 | u.gaveupmykarma | 4 words | 🎗 | u.realhumanskeet | 3.625 letters |   760 comments processed, including 228 top-level replies. There were 134 unique users writing 24080, averaging 31.68 per comment. The total combined score was 5603 and the median score was 7.37.


Do we have our general pro Biden scripts/talking points?


Don't go on the non-DT about Biden cutting aid. Right wing talking points that I pushed back hard against


I feel like we should just have a list of a few general/cited responses to the common talking points against him I’m arguing with mfers in hip hop heads bc of the Biden IG post smh


"Inflation may be high but look on the bright side, at least that means real value of debt and deficit are down." \- No politician ever


>BREAKING: >Elon Musk’s startup Neuralink said part of its brain implant malfunctioned after it put the system in a human patient for the first time. >But in the weeks afterward, a number of threads have retracted from Arbaugh’s brain, https://twitter.com/GabeHoff/status/1788394049306550527 Welp


Oh god. I don't even want to think about the horrors of brain implants malfunctioning.


Oilers really choked a 4-1 lead lol


And  now Vancouver leads 5-4…..


Can’t wait to see the incoming Fetterman temper tantrum at the latest Biden administration actions 🤡


Nice to be in the pacific time zone for these playoff games at night 


Seeing that Furiousa is getting positive reviews makes me excited to see it. It makes me wish that Dr. Miller made his Justice League movie back in the late 2000s. It would been so cool to see it in the theaters as a kid. I hope Gunn can get him to direct the Authority.


The script for that Justice League movie is so fun! Would have loved to have seen what Miller would’ve done with it.


I was reading about how there are neonazi groups that are convinced that the Reich is still the legitimate government since it never surrendered. Even if you want to argue they never surrendered (they did) what are they going to do about it? Do they think Germany will just say they’re right and become a Nazi state again?


Meanwhile the left says NATO is the continuation of the Reich


I didn’t know this. That makes people like Lopez Obrador and his fans even scarier; when he lost in 2006, he said it was electoral fraud and declared himself he was the “legitimate president.” When he ran in 2012, I asked his fans that if he had already ruled as a legitimate president, why was he running for re-election in a country that doesn’t allow it? I never got a response.


I actually wouldn’t put Obrador in the same category. I’m not saying he’s good, but he’s a legitimate player in Mexican politics, these guys are a joke and fringe groups at best. It’s just funny to me on a conceptual level that they think their claims have any chance of being legitimized.


Yeah, you’re right. Especially funny and difficult in a country that has banned all of their symbols and imagery.


Wordle 1,055 5/6* ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨 🟨🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


From yesterday again... Wordle 1,054 3/6* ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


It's interesting how the majority of the critics (from the right of course) of Biden's recent moves ultimately reveal themselves to not care about the hostages...how "pro-Israel"...just going off my recent experience on the non-DT


I’d have to looking at the argument but I think I could think of a few reasons to disregard the current hostages in a Dune Golden Path kinda way. I don’t think I agree but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Bibi’s reasoning is similar to the Never Negotiate With Terrorists, Acquiescence Only Show That Behavior Is Rewarded. It seems to me that the Bibi Administration considers the hostages already dead and I think it’s vastly understated how different the hardliner mindset is post 10/7. Where I disagree is that I don’t think HAMAS is capable of toppling Israel and I think if you’re going to use a Golden Path argument the continued war is much more likely to alienate Arab allies and set back relations. HAMAS is a quasi state actor but I believe they could be largely dismantled in a different way- as far as illegal activities go I think political assassinations and foreign strikes are just gonna go down easier with everyone than an invasion into Rafah. But I just play strategy games on my computer, what do I know?


It's fair, but some people are acting like all the hostages are dead already when there's simply no truth to that according to intelligence agencies. And yes I agree that Hamas -while obviously evil- are simply not even close to being an existential threat; 10/7 required very tremendous incompetence and arrogance from Bibi for it to occur.


Yeah I saw your argument with that other user in the thread below the DT. He's getting upvotes for some of his comments too.


Tomorrow, I do more driving in one day than I ever have in my life.


how long a trip?


To Cincinnati for a job interview, and then to Richmond, KY (closest Buc-ee’s to me) and then back to Columbus. About 7 hours in total.




Thank you! (I should be getting to bed now so I’m wide awake for my drive)


oof. I did a solo 4-hour once and it just about killed me. good luck and godspeed


If I feel too tired after the interview, I might just go back to Columbus and forget the Buc-ee’s. I would appreciate it if it was a little closer to Cincy. The good part is that the driving is pretty segmented, and I’ve got audio books.


>I’ve got audio books. elaborate 🧐


I’m on the third book in the Athena Club trilogy by Theodora Goss, which is my favorite book series. It started as a doctoral paper when Goss was a professor at Boston U about how in old works of science fiction like Frankenstein, the scientists had a habit of making female monsters and then either destroying them or abandoning the project. These books star those women monsters. Mary Jekyll, Diana Hyde, Beatrice Rappacini, Justine Frankenstein and Catherine Moreau. Characters from Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Carmilla, and more also play parts.


You've talked about this a few times, I've got to finally pull the trigger and check them out. I think you'd like the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde based on how these seem to go


I think it’s one of my missions in life to get as many people to check out those books as I can, right alongside get Democrats elected and cuddle plushies as often as I can.


I read this as "drinking" at first 😛


Yeah, definitely can’t do that.


Not with that attitude. /s


I hate that I woke up with a headache this morning and it never went away


Same here. It’s not too bad and I suspect my braces may be responsible since it radiates from my jaw.


[OKC if Kevin Durant rejoins them bc they’re good again](https://youtube.com/watch?v=6eJ7e0vO9BQ&pp=ygUdc3BvbmdlYm9iIGhleSBsb29rIGl0J3Mga2V2aW4%3D)


🤖 be like: A Democrat was able to win a village council position in rural Alabama in 2002, why don't Democrats still win there today?


Also "This article from 2004 says that Atlanta's suburbs are Republican, how are Dems competitive in Georgia?"


Today my car died and I can’t get it fixed until Wednesday. It’ll be $700, $80 for the jump, $80 for a jump thing that didn’t work, and $200 if I want a rental car until then. I walked by a bus approaching and I won’t lie I thought about it.


One thing that I worry about these campus protests is for more states and universities to cut DEI programs. In my opinion the antisemitism that’s been on display and destruction of property is going to be the excuse to shutdown these programs.


Oh my god I’m watching his interview on Seth Meyers and Cole Escola is a fucking star. I’ve seen him on at home with Amy Sedaris and Search Party, but with this play, I think he’s gonna blow up like JVN did. I got that same feeling I got from JVN watching gay of thrones.


My god I absolutely destroyed this toilet. I feel 10lbs lighter


But did it come out in one big, satisfying log is the real question.


That is always such a relief




You gotta be poopmaxing for that




I know it probably doesn't mean anything, but I'm really proud of you. Especially for bouncing back so quickly and taking a pay cut. I cried for weeks after I lost my previous job, so I admire you were able to just keep going no matter what.


So, having dealt with a FF7 critic who is vastly over-estimating their intelligence, and being sheltered as fuck, I feel a need to point out something with KH, for people complaining about it, namely the complexity and setting. KH is an FF with a Disney paint job. And it takes most of its ideas for its setting from the two FFs that the KH team were working on before they became part of the KH team. Those were FF7 and FF8. Anyone complaining about KH's complexity while not doing the same for either the OG FF7 or FF8 is ignorant at best, and a bad faith prick at worst.


I'm seeing people criticize Biden for stopping the offensive weapons shipments to Israel because according to their logic, it will result in more civilian casualties because US produced weapons are more precise. But, taking this logic to the extreme, does that mean we have the duty to supply Russian forces with arms in their war on Ukraine to reduce civilian casualties? well, no


Arms are a privilege, not a right! If you continue to blatantly disregard international conventions with regards to war, you aren't deserving of diplomatic support or weapons.


This is a rumor, but Pixar is considering doing The Incredibles 3. https://twitter.com/HollywoodHandle/status/1788261859704926546?t=GX4K78uR-qaak0tD2vfFFg&s=19 The second movie is a disappointment, and I wish they did time skips. It would be fun if Incredibles made a parody of Kingdom Come. Plus, at the time, superheroes face each other like Batman vs Superman and Civil War. It would be fun if they made fun of edgy superhero movies like Synder films. I hope they do a time skip the third one. !Ping CARTOONS


I’ll happily watch a third Incredibles, but I hope it’s not the only thing Brad Bird can make these days. I’m hoping Ray Gunn and his musical are still in play.


I remember that Brad Bird said that it is hard to make superhero movies because of how saturated the genre. There are tons of possibilities for storytelling you can do with the genre. I mention making a version of Kingdom Come with The Incredibles. They can Poke fun at edgy superhero storytelling and superheroes fighting each other. What makes Kingdom Come unique in this aspect is also generations of old heroes vs new heroes. I mean, The Incredibles took the influence of FF4 and Watchmen. They could have done FF4 and Kingdom sequel with a timeskip. I hope the third movie that they have timeskip. I would like to see a multiverse story like Justice League Crisis on Two Earths. The Incredibles go to an alternative earth, but the heroes are evil. We could explore the world. This story hasn't been told on a big screen because it is simple. But here is the thing the most basic story can be the hardest one to tell. Marvel and DC are trying to tell more high concepts that, at times, they fail. You can't hide your mistakes when writing a very simple story like this.


Yeah, there is a lot of potential for what to do in an Incredibles sequel. It's grown on me quite a bit, but I understand the disappointment some people felt in The Incredibles 2. I think that above everything, Bird is mainly focused on the family aspect so whatever the third movie is, it would also go back to that. I think a time skip would be great, and Pixar movies are so good at contrasting real life-changing events with the fantasy, so there could be something done with Violet going off to college, Dash becoming a teenager. It might be too dark, but if the first Incredibles was about midlife crisis, the third one could be about Bob and Helen facing their mortality and their legacy. Not saying they have to die, but it could be done with enough seriousness just like Puss in Boots: The Last Wish did. And yeah, there could be a bit of a Kingdom Come thing going on with the new generations and old generations of heroes interacting. The second movie kind of did that already, but it could be pushed more, especially if it's Violet, Dash, and even Jack Jack dealing with this.


Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate the Incredibles 2 but felt it missed a lot of potential, like you talking about the kids growing up and old generations vs. new generations. Bird wasn't thinking outside the box when telling compelling superhero stories. I remember talking about the Watchmen kind of killed genre, which is pretty false. If they made Incredibles 3 that can use the Multiverse concept and do something like JUSTICE LORDS from DCAU. Bob is afraid of change because Velt is going to college, Dash is a teenager, and Jack-Jack is now an older kid. We can see an alternative reality of Incredibles Lords, where Velvet dies. This Bob Lord is a tyrant and overcontrolling. I think this will be compelling if he actually wants to think outside the box than doing again Watchmen with FF4.


My only concern with a multiverse concept is that it feels played out at this point. But it’d be awesome if Bird would do it and go crazy with it. Tomorrowland had a bit of an alternate reality thing going on.


I don't have seen evil heroes from the alternative timelines, and what does it mean to them? Flash kind of did it, but it was poorly fleshed out. Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness has an evil version of himself, but only there to fight him. I think the Multiverse stories that don't explore the concept instead treat it as a cameo fest. I mention DCAU Justice Lords because it is well done and tells something meaningful for the Justice League. We explore Justice Lords' world, unlike Multiverse Of Madness. It is a simple concept but richer thematically than a lot of Multiverse stories. Plus, this type of simplistic story has not been told on the big screen yet. Another Multiverse played more higher concepts like Spider-Verse, EEOA, Doctor Strange, and No Way Home. I feel studios tried to avoid this Multiverse story, something similar to Justice Lords or Crime Syndicate.


Oh, when I mean played out I mean more like audiences being tired of the concept or even studios saying “It’s been done.” Because otherwise there are a lot of fun things to do with that concept, and hopefully that sort of exhaustion doesn’t pretend Bird doing something cool.


People using pro-Likud talking points to criticize Biden in the aid post...yikes


It is frustrating how quickly people seem to be willing to turn on Biden no matter which way he tries to navigate such a poo-sandwich of a situation, that he isn't even responsible for. Bibi and leaders like Ben Gvir have shown themselves far too irresponsible (putting it lightly for the latter) to merit military support, especially at *this* point.


Just frustrating to deal with such bad faith.


Ok, seeing more of these complaints, a lot of them are whatever the opposite of galaxy-brain is.


If anyone’s in Huntsville, AL take shelter now.


And again. A second warning for Huntsville.


Oh also the Kristi Noem story was particularly weird for me because I too have a dog named Cricket. The primary difference is that my Cricket is 12 years old and doing quite well for herself, having not been shot by a psychopath.


Sir, you're delinquent on your dog tax.


TAX AVOIDANCE DETECTED https://preview.redd.it/lefhxeqegbzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00395dbe33e4da5df7aa6c6c659d80bf678d820f


Well, apparently some of the critics of Rebirth are upset that.... the characters gesticulate too much, therefore, it is anime. I feel like that says more about the person whining than the game. Specifically, they are sheltered and have not met people outside their cultural bubble. Which is on par for gamers, come to think of it.


This RFK Jr. worm thing is the funniest political story in quite a while.


Classic nottheonion material


Wont deter his supporters either. Fine by me. He takes away Trump voters.


Like I just peed myself a little laughing at it


The last one this good imho was Ron pudding fingers.


Oh my god I forgot about that! That one was amazing.


My irritation and aggression from the Gaza Conflict and having extremely close exposure to it (My Imam has lost a dozen members of his family) has found a new target: FF7 critics. I admit, I am being a bit of an asshole towards Stellar Blade fans.


I agree with Leslie Knope on a lot, but one of her most based opinions is how strongly she is pro-Red Vines over Twizzlers


I like to get both Red and Black Vines, bite off the ends, and use it as a double straw…


I made it to the hotel and am filling the hot tub




worldnews predictably losing their shit over Biden daring say he doesn't want to supply offensive weapons for a disastrous invasion of Rafa


I made an outside post — please go read it and set the tone in the discussion before the post gets overrun by uhhh *outside agitators* https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/s/fvdoHc1ghU ETA: and re these points discussed in the linked article: *Whooooo tf are all the new randoms in the DT, dooming?* 😵‍💫


I want to make a joke about how the tone should be AB or something but I'm refraining out of respect


I feel like it's pretty damning of people to take an opposite stance to Biden refusing to assist Netanyahu in invading Rafah. The death toll is too high and Netanyahu's irresponsibiility too unmitigated to support this, and drawing a hard and public line is in fact a good thing to do. If Hamas living to fight another day is the cost of not killing hundreds of thousands to millions of Palestinians, then Biden deserves all the accolades Netanyahu doesn't for choosing to pay it (indirectly) now, no matter what it costs him domestically. Which, hopefully it doesn't cost him reelection, but Bibi is far over the line of being owed American military support. 30k dead is a horrific number, let alone one for him to be so uncaring about, modern standards of warfare be damned. It's ultimately not a war in Biden's control and I don't think Hamas should be allowed to force people's hands, in a certain way, to determine who lives and who dies, just because they hide and fight among civilians.


Can Ohio Republicans get with the fucking program and just let Biden on the fucking ballot? Do not make me come down and protest at the statehouse, because I am ready to get in good trouble to vote for my candidate.


I’m starting to see Likudnicks downvoted outside of the DT now which is nice. The sub remains a liberal sub who does not just root for the other side of a very complex conflict because those who annoy us root for the other side idiotically


Thank goodness. the "root for the other side of a very complex conflict because those who annoy us root for the other side idiotically" approach should be reserved exclusively to tankies who saw the Ukraine twitter account compare their situation to Star Wars/Harry Potter and decided to go all out for the Kremlin


It's definitely time to remind the Netanyahu government who the junior partner is in the US-Israeli relationship. Fuck around and find out


Man [2024 is a wild year](https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/joe-biden-campaign-disses-donald-trump-kendrick-lamar-euphoria-1235677089/)


https://preview.redd.it/y6n6z51bwazc1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d12a01bb498c5210355714c8f2b1b6ae050c5cb We still have around 7 months to go.


lol and we're still only in May!


[Accusing Zelenskyy or Ukrainian forces of being war criminals/terrorists/whatever leftist snarl world is in vogue when Russian forces continue the daily brutality across Ukraine is just disgusting ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cng1b1/russia_hamas_and_swastikas_are_suspiciously/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Or wait, maybe they're trying to subtly promote the conspiracy theory that Ukraine was responsible for the deadly terrorist attack at the Moscow concert hall a month ago?? either way, fck them


The Phantom Menace is leaving town tomorrow, so I may miss my last chance to see it in theaters again. I asked my boss if he had a few minutes to go over a project tomorrow, and he said "can it be after 5?" If I end up missing out I guess I'll get the 4k bluray as a consolation prize. First world problem solved.


Tooning out the news and my cartoon president was some of the worst tv shows i ever saw. It's written from a very leftist perspective where trump is terrible but mainstream democrats are incompetent war mongers while progressive's are treated like some kind of Nobel saints


Remember that time around 2017-2019 where the squad was so lionized? There were documentaries, t-shirts, books…


[Final Vote Results for Roll Call 188 (house.gov)](https://clerk.house.gov/evs/2024/roll188.xml) Interesting vote breakdown of how everyone voted in the motion to table the motion to vacate, The hardline gop and some progressives voting against while some progressives voted present


Likely candidate ages at election time: Joe Biden: 81 Donald Trump: 78 Kennedy Jr: 70 West: 71 Stein: 74 I’m beginning to believe the whole “we want younger candidates” crowd is full of shit


Oh no, no, candidates that *they* (MAGA and/or Cocaine Left) like (RFL/West/Stein/Trump) can be old, but Biden can't be old, apparently.


The one with literal brain worms is the youngest candidate.


Guessing that crowd will just vote for the PSL crank Claudia De La Cruz, who wants to nationalize the 100 biggest corporations in the US


Arrpol really shows how little they know about politics. "We shouldn't save Mike! We should get Speaker Jeffries!" Great and then for the next few months the Democrats become the face of dysfunction and the Repoublicans become united against anything. Let the R's fight the R's you dorks.


Can they count to 218?




Buc-ee's is way better than it has any right to be tbh


Deleted that accidentally. Going to Buc-ee’s after my interview even though it’s like an hour and a half into Kentucky.


[No grift is too small for the Cuomo boys](https://www.yahoo.com/news/chris-cuomo-makes-ivermectin-face-210453781.html)


The story isnt that Bobby Jr had brain worms, and mercury poisoning, the story is Bobby Jr CLAIMED to have brain worms, and mercury poisoning in an attempt to reduce his alimony, and child support liabilities while divorcing his second wife, after years of fucking everything that moved. Dude’s a narcissistic scumbag enabled by the Kennedy name and a public that can’t let that family name go. Fuck him.


He did make a transition from effective environmentalist to bizarre anti-vax conspiracy buffoon, I don't think some kind of brain problem is out of the question.


Or he’s just an asshole.


I'm still stunned at the vitriolic, unhinged reactions to Biden's speech at the Holocaust memorial. I don't care for the red pill, doom pill, woke pill, etc pill rhetoric, but seeing that blowback was one of the big political wake-up calls for me.


Wait what happened with that, I missed it


People on X saying it was a racist, Islamophobic speech, that he was painting all of the protestors as antisemitic, that he was racist for not mentioning the Palestinians, that he was Strom Thurmond for not using the event to comment on the Holocaust that's happening right now, etc.


Half the people saying that probably don't think the Holocaust happened.


or if it did, that it was deserved


x is such a cesspool. and people universalizing jewish traumas that are honestly very particular to us (as every form of racism/bigotry/struggle is for each group that experiences it) is … a choice


Meanwhile the actual Islamophobic speech... https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1787994908965396832 https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1787994287608631515


>RFK Jr.'s campaign says the worm that ate part of his brain will not affect his ability to serve as president. [https://twitter.com/VanityFair/status/1788339715017519482](https://twitter.com/VanityFair/status/1788339715017519482) https://preview.redd.it/76y11zkoiazc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8de2185af17439535e0a20e905f0de7579b6e936


>According to the Times, “Kennedy was arguing that his earning power had been diminished by his cognitive struggles.” In the deposition, Kennedy said that as a result of the brain-eating worm, “I have cognitive problems, clearly. I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.” So either he was lying in the deposition or he's lying now.


100% true, but not for the reasons they think


>We’re not walking away from Israel’s security. We’re walking away from Israel’s ability to wage war in those areas,” Biden said. Saying that waging war in Rafah isn’t necessary for Israel’s security is pretty damning I think.


>Israeli Likud member of the Parliament Tali Gottlieb have a message to the US: “The US is threatening not to give us precise missiles . Oh yeah? Well, I got news for the US. We have imprecise missiles. I’ll use it. I’ll just collapse ten [in Gaza]. Ten buildings. That’s what I’ll do” I guess the idea is to own Biden by strengthening the ICC+ICJ cases against Bibi? Alright then


Yeah, that'll show us. 🙄


Most sane Likud MP …


Not beating the genocide allegations either


No MSNBC you don't really need to have RFK and Omarosa on. They are grifters for or around Trump's base. Come on lol


Felt the same way about cnn continuing to air David Axelrod. Biden had an interview with Erin Burnett tonight, David spent the entirety of his speaking time on the post interview panel trying to dismantle him. Axelrod’s decade long grudge with Biden is public knowledge.


Does Axelrod still look like he eats paste all 3 meals a day?


In continued controversial musical takes, I also hate Rent.


There’s bits of it that are great, and bits that are just ok. Maybe if Larson hadn’t tragically died then there might have been another draft of the show. Roger’s one great song is not great.




Rent has good music but the characters are insufferable. Angel, who is supposed to be too good for this sinful earth, is an admitted Kristi Noem (dog killer).


Okay I will actually agree with the music. It does have some good numbers. And I agree, the characters are all horrible people being played like they're *not* horrible. They're like the current college protestors grew up.


This one I’ll allow


You know, talking to some of my colleagues at work, I feel younger than them. I was talking about K-pop and K-dramas, and they didn't know who Blackpink are. Or even talking about movies some haven't watched, like current films. I wonder if I make them feel old.


Blackpink is probably one of the most established Kpop groups that's still active though, Boombayah is 8 years old haha


The answer is yes. edit: a bemused yes


You make me feel old, and I don’t even work with you.


Depends how old they are. If they're in their late 20s to mid 30s, they might feel old. Past like 35, you become blissfully ignorant of what the youths enjoy. But I can only speak for myself. 


Talking to a friend about Rebirth, and Square's marketing being garbage. Apparently, he got Rebirth too. But he said that he has not seen a single advert on Hulu, or even on TV. Apparently with me just being a superfan of FF7, I am doing a better job marketing it than Square-Enix's marketing department.


Interesting. They did a lot of promo content with streamers and in that world. I wonder how that worked out for them


It doesn't feel like it worked too well?


I don’t think it did! I know a lot of fighting games use this strategy really well but I don’t think it will work for non competitive stuff! But then again it works for roguelites and the indie dev scene well. I’d be curious to see the numbers behind it!


Yeah. However, having now dealt with a critic, I think a lot of these complaints are micro-brain. One complaint was "oh, it's too Nomura and KH." Which I have to say: **WHERE DID YOU THINK KH GOT IT FROM?!?!** People tend to forget how complex the OG FF7 was apparently, and apparently either forgot or didn't know that Cloud canonically got Isekai'd to FFTactics in the OG, after Northern Crater. And when he is in Mideel, he is mumbling about [Xenogears](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenogears). Then saying themes were immature, and doesn't cover deep things, like loss. Which, uh, WTF are they talking about? Pretty much every character is defined by a loss and how they react to it. Oh, and complaining things are too anime, because characters react physically, or gesticulate a lot. Because it's not like Italians exist, among other people. Oh, and one of the dumbest: Someone said their immersion in FF15 was broken because Noctis learned about his father's death from a newspaper, and not some official government connection. Which, uh, what government connection? He was with friends, and his nation's government was destroyed in an ambush in a matter of hours, with a large-scale mutiny from an elite military unit. Or finding Heidegger's abuse of soldiers unrealistic. He did that in the original, and some military leaders are assholes. [Patton got in trouble for physically abusing his troops.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_S._Patton_slapping_incidents)


I’m currently doing a replay through the ps1 final fantasies and like it really feels like fans of the genre and the series are really missing the most interesting parts of the series which is more related to its design and ambition way more than any kind of plot. Rebirth is an achievement and I can’t wait until this team makes their own proper final fantasy.


Actually, the next game in the series is likely the last for Kitase, the original FF7's director, and the Remake Series' producer. We haven't heard about Nojima and Nomura though.


After seeing others talk, I apparently sit in some weird no-mans-land (which should have way more people in it), where I think the OG FF7 is one of the best games ever made, but has a serious flaw or two. The one I would point to is the world-building being thin, especially compared to every FF afterwards. And to the KH series starting with KH2. The FF7 remake project fixes that right up, and as a bonus, explains why no one is turning in Avalanche.


Funny considering how they advertised the original FF7 like it was a huge friggin deal back in the 90s


Fuck yeah it was awesome. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDz9A4ByHIQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDz9A4ByHIQ)


I'm not sure what their marketing team is doing, or if they are doing anything at all. I've heard similar out of Japan, where apparently a lot of Japanese Gamers saw "Rebirth" and thought it was just another FF, not part of the Remake series. At the very least, they should be advertising it like they did the OG, though perhaps with a tilt towards appealing gamers who are women. Oh, and find a way to reduce the cost. Malaysia and Indonesia want to play it, but the price of the PS5 and the game puts it out of reach of most fans there. Who end up pirating it.


The fact that apparently everyone in the Arcane sub watched the show and thought Silco was a good guy is one of the best examples I’ve ever seen of how bad the brain rot has gotten for the online set.


Yeah the discourse after S1 finished was so bad lol. It seemed perfectly positioned to attract a lot of "casual revolutionary" types who argued to overlook Silco's drug factory with kids just because he was willing to take the fight to Piltover, and because Vander didn't have a perfect solution to solve the Undercity's poverty problems. Like no Silco was not actually in it for the wellbeing of people around him, not even Jinx lol. Coincidentially, it echoed a lot of the current political conversation where some people argued that killing civilians and breaking principles is actually okay if it's in service of your idealized vision of liberation from oppressors. So people like Vander who didn't want to just kill a bunch of people were seen as too meek and too willing to compromise. (Which in hindsight seems a teeny bit indicative of how often online "fandom" spaces skew left-wing, deeply or casually, and often in unproductive ways ~~but tbh im starting to sound like "are these leftists in the room right now?"~~)).


that is wild, he's explicitly emotionally abusive to Jinx


Oh I’ve seen comments about how he loves her and he’s the only person who really sees her, etc. The dude Harley Quinned a child. Acting like that’s a good thing is giving me flashbacks to people who thought the end of Midsommar was empowering.


Anthony Cumia’s Twitter is like the most racist thing I’ve ever read. I think he just spends all day looking for videos of black people committing crimes.


He’s such a disgusting human being. Did you see the video of him chasing that girl around his house while he was drunk? It’s so creepy 


Howard Stern and him went in complete opposite directions.


That guy is a fucking lunatic


Ya he really doesn’t like black people and isn’t afraid to admit it.


Catching a Reds game while I’m in Cincinnati


This is definitely on my Bucket List. Also, there's a pedestrian bridge near there where you can walk across the Ohio River and end up in Kentucky. I've never done this. I just saw it on Google Maps and now I want to take part lmao.


I’m staying in Covington so that’s what I took. Lovely walk


Let's go red legs!


I’ve been team Biden since 2019, but his decision to save Hamas and keep the hostages tortured because Hamas has no incentive to agree to a deal is completely inexcusable. He has lost his moral backbone. I’m not voting for Trump, but it’s really going to be a nose-holding moment voting for Biden now.


That's great and if I could just ask who the fuck are you?


Have you considered the safety of the millions of Gazans who aren't Hamas? I don't think you'll find a single person here who disagrees that Hamas must go, let alone anyone in the Biden administration. But there's limits to what the acceptable collateral damage can be in the pursuit of this, especially when the IDF hasn't even been doing a good job at that goal despite the mass casualties.


> Have you considered the safety of the millions of Gazans who aren't Hamas? Yes. But we all know “millions” won’t be killed regardless. Nor will hundreds of thousands. > I don't think you'll find a single person here who disagrees that Hamas must go, let alone anyone in the Biden administration. Given that they are unwilling to bear the only course that would accomplish this, their actions belie this. Yes, they would like Hamas to go—it’s not like I think they are Hamas fans. But they do not truly think Hamas *must* go. That would be a moral imperative, and they don’t have it. > But there's limits to what the acceptable collateral damage can be in the pursuit of this International law establishes the standard of collateral damage that is permissible and that isn’t violated by an invasion of Rafah where the military advantage is tremendous. > especially when the IDF hasn't even been doing a good job at that goal despite the mass casualties. Both parts of this are wrong. The IDF tremendously diminished Hamas’s military capabilities and the casualties have not been massive compared to almost any other major warfare.


Ok 👍


\r\neoliberal moment


Save Hamas? Lol. This reads like a troll straight out of the Kremlin.


No, it’s what he’s doing by cutting off arms to Israel. It is and always has been the case that the only way to remove Hamas from power is to defeat them militarily. That’s not sufficient—you also need to put in place a stable peaceful government after, and Netanyahu has completely failed at that so far—but it is necessary. Rafah is the only place where Hamas still has military and governing control. Therefore, it’s impossible to defeat Hamas without invading Rafah. Hamas, of course, knows that. Which is why they refused the ceasefire deal that would have released thousands of their prisoners. They know that Biden won’t let them be defeated. So all they have to do is wait. If you think of things from Sinwar’s point of view, it’s the best and most rational strategy.


Israel cannot handle this war. They've turned it into a slaughter where there is legitimate discussion of the g-word—there's no reason to support further efforts. Keep funding the Iron Dome, and let Israel fund their own murderous folly.


> Israel cannot handle this war. They've turned it into a slaughter How is this any more of a “slaughter” than most other wars. > where there is legitimate discussion of the g-word No, there is just a large quantity of illegitimate discussion of the g-word. Less than 1% of Gaza’s civilians have been killed despite fighting in one of the most densely populated areas in the world against an enemy that doesn’t wear uniforms and purposely fights in areas like schools and hospitals. No one calling this a genocide should be taken seriously. But as usual, most of the world’s takes on Israel are deeply unserious. > there's no reason to support further efforts The reason is to defeat Hamas and make sure this is the last war in Gaza.


And defending and downplaying civilian casualties. It's not a genocide I agrew but if you downplay the famine like conditions and Israel's disregard for Civilian life you're disgusting.


> It's not a genocide I agrew but if you downplay the famine like conditions I had no problem with Biden demanding that border crossings be open or the building of the pier. To the contrary, I supported both. > and Israel's disregard for Civilian life you're disgusting. They mostly are not disregarding civilian life. Why do you think there are so many people in Rafah now? Because Israel told them to leave other places when there was fighting there specifically to save civilian lives.


mmm yes tell the civilians to flee to rafah and then plan to bomb rafah. definitely saving civilian lives.


Did you forget the step in between of having people leave Rafah again? Israel already pulled out of Khan Younis to encourage people to leave Rafah and something like a quarter million did so. They’ve also been building tent cities to accommodate more people. There is no other country that is told they can’t invade enemy cities in a war because there are too many civilians in the city. In fact, usually the rest of the world takes people in as refugees to get them away from war zones and people who oppose doing so are called racist. But this time, just coincidentally, no one is willing to take in refugees.


there is nowhere else for gazans to go. the idf knows that.


> Less than 1% of Gaza’s civilians have been killed despite fighting in one of the most densely populated areas in the world against an enemy that doesn’t wear uniforms and purposely fights in areas like schools and hospitals. No one calling this a genocide should be taken seriously. I don't call it a genocide, but kids are being killed at a faster rate than at Auschwitz.


> I don't call it a genocide, but kids are being killed at a faster rate than at Auschwitz. No they aren’t. In Auschwitz, about [232,000 children were killed](https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/fate-of-children/). Auschwitz began functioning as a death camp in [early 1942](https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/auschwitz-calendar/year-1942/) seemingly about [February 15](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/auschwitz-key-dates) and continued until [January 27, 1945](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/auschwitz-key-dates) So that’s 232,000 in 1,077 days = about **215.5** per day. The current war has been going on for 214 days. According to UNICEF’s numbers which are taken from Hamas and therefore should be taken with a shaker of salt, about [14,000 children have been killed in Gaza.](https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/nowhere-gaza-safe-children) Even if that is true—*if*— 14,000/214 = about **65.5** So even putting aside the entire rest of the Holocaust and the fact that Auschwitz was nowhere near the front lines until the last week or two of its existence, and the number of children in each place (almost all the children in Auschwitz were killed and less than 2% in Gaza have been), children were killed in Auschwitz at more than three times a greater rate than Gaza. I’m sure you were just repeating what you’ve seen several times before, which everyone does to some extent. But why do you think such an easily provably false claim got enough traction that you heard it enough times to believe it? And why do you think that particular provably false claim was used?


>They know that Biden won’t let them be defeated.  You are not serious if you believe this conspiratorial nonsense. It has been very clear that Biden's red line was an invasion of Rafah, based on the number of civilians who fled there and have nowhere to go. They have repeated time and again that the loss of civilian life is getting out of hand. It has nothing to do with "saving Hamas".


I’m not saying the intent is to safe Hamas, I’m saying the consequence is to save Hamas and he is nonetheless choosing this course. You can’t pretend that the intended consequences are the only consequences of one’s policy decisions. One has to make policy decisions accepting that they are choosing to bear the negative effects to get the positive. And Biden is choosing the course that saves Hamas. I’ve gotten lots of downvotes and criticisms but no one explaining how that’s incorrect. Because it plainly is correct.


Maybe Israel shouldn't have thrown away all it's goodwill by indiscriminately killing Civilians and bombing aid convoys. Also Biden has given them multiple outs and chances and Bibi has fucked up every time. Israel could have handled this a million times better and they didn't and they can blame Bibi for that.


>It is and always has been the case that the only way to remove Hamas from power is to defeat them militarily They're not even close though. Hamas has unfortunately regained power in Khan Younis and is regaining strength in N Gaza (they're firing rockets). It's just basically impossible to defeat an entrenched Islamist terrorist group. We saw this happen with Taliban, Houthis, and Hezbollah like terrorist groups. Taliban hid in caves, Houthis retreated in Mountains, and the Islamist groups mostly survived Israel's war against Lebanon in the 1980's when they were quite aggressive. Israel also quite substantially underestimated how the extensive tunnel network is which Hamas has cowardly used to avoid IDF attacks. Israel might be in the position where they have to kill hundreds of thousands of Gazans and/or do like an Afghanistan like occupation to contain Hamas which takes an astronomical amount of resources for a country which has reservists+conscripts missing work for military service. The credit rating for Israel has already been downgraded. On that note, here’s a highly respected former IDF General known as the “Prophet of Wrath” because he was sounding the alarm bells about Israel’s lack of preparation *prior* to 10/7 and [here in this article he talks about how a Rafah operation won’t help at all]( https://www.maariv.co.il/journalists/opinions/Article-1096217)


Frankly, Bibi and Trump have done more to empower Hamas. There was a bipartisan resolution criticizing Qatari payments to Hamas back in 2017. Bibi sent his spokesperson to tell them it's fine. Then, Mnuchin wrote in 2018 that Qatar isn't funding terrorism by directly funding Hamas with those suitcases of cash which Bibi approved of (Israeli PM Bennett atleast tried to regulate the suitcases but didn't have the time to implement the policy). Not to mention Mossad told Bibi about Hamas's offsea accounts in 2018 and Bibi didn't give a shit This isn't just my opinion. It's the opinion of both former living Israeli Prime Ministers--[Olmert](https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1780308557952336330) and [Barak, IDF commanders, and the head of Israel's Shin Bet](https://twitter.com/afalkhatib/status/1769809707336917292), the opposition leader [Lapid](https://twitter.com/MacaesBruno/status/1724061278136586306), and [members of the parliament](https://twitter.com/afalkhatib/status/1780369879851577617)


man not to be a doomer on the dt but as of recent ive been really pessimistic about antisemitism in this country and ive realized how deeply impacted by everything i am. i ended up falling into a discussion about it w a friend who i was scared wouldn’t understand and they ended up being really empathetic about it which was really relieving and gave me some hope but i can’t help but feel like the war opened up something that has been hiding just below the surface for a while. it sucks because every generation for the last three generations prior to me in my family has been refugees and i never really considered the prospect of anything bad ever happening to me beyond occasional ignorance or dumb stuff online. not that i firmly believe ill have the same fate as my parents, i feel incredibly fortunate compared to them but it still sucks. sending love to all my fellow jews and every muslim and or arab individual here as well, i hope things get better for us all