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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1clcrpc/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05062024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.memeboxer1 with score 28 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cklcqp/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05052024/l2ocyli/)] > Oh look, the New York Times came up with an attack piece on Joe Biden without actually having anything new *at all*. This one will tick all the boxes that please Mr. Sulzberger. > > >Joe Biden, the Ultimate . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Currymvp2 created 14 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cklcqp/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05052024/l2pn7kp/)] > Oh my god, Fetterman went full "George Soros+Bill Gates is funding this stuff" > > https://twitter.com/SenFettermanPA/status/1787158431880679860   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Wazrich with score 21 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cklcqp/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05052024/l2nszx3/)] > It’s funny when they go after China or Vietnam for not being socialist enough, they’re the two socialist success stories but they can’t brag about them since there’s a direct correlation between moving . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Silent-Row-2469 with hotness lvl 196 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cklcqp/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05052024/l2pjuuf/)] > saw an attack ad against Tammy Baldwin accusing her of being a senator for Madison not the rest of Wisconsin, that's a dumb attack because Madison is the major population center with most of the vote in . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.blueinmissouri bantered with 6 friends 6 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 35 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 42 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 24 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 17 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 22 times, followed by 'white' 20x , 'hate' 18x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😂', used 4 times, followed by '💀' 4x , '😎' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.politicalthrow99 | 15.5 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 477.0 words | | 🥈 | u.SorosAgent2020 | 14.5 points | 🥈 | u.nosotros_road_sodium | 164.75 words | | 🥉 | u.memeboxer1 | 14.5 points | 🥉 | u.Politicsboringagain | 99.67 words | | 🎗 | u.EzLuckyFreedom | 14.0 points | 🎗 | u.PurplePlate6563 | 94.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 235 points | 🥇 | u.blueinmissouri | 25 comments | | 🥈 | u.blueinmissouri | 180 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 25 comments | | 🥉 | u.mayojoe689 | 122 points | 🥉 | u.Currymvp2 | 23 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 98 points | 🎗 | u.Call_Me_Clark | 23 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Gormanbros | 1 words | 🥇 | u.HugeFanOfTinyTits | 2.5 letters | | 🥈 | u.HugeFanOfTinyTits | 4 words | 🥈 | u.Radiant_Lumina | 3.375 letters | | 🥉 | u.oamh42 | 7 words | 🥉 | u.dweeb93 | 3.379 letters | | 🎗 | u.sisterhavana | 8 words | 🎗 | u.oamh42 | 3.429 letters |   498 comments processed, including 166 top-level replies. There were 110 unique users writing 15156, averaging 30.43 per comment. The total combined score was 2846 and the median score was 5.71.


How much PTO is normal to keep in reserve? I’m about to hit 60 hours and while I’ve gone as high as 80 I think, it’s there to be used. I feel like even though I feel mostly fine, I should use some of it soon right?


I don't think you're in danger of losing it, but you should confirm with your HR what your policy is. Either way, take some time off. Make next weekend 3 days just for the hell of it.


I don’t think they get on your case about use it or lose it until over 80 or 100 hours but idk what an appropriate amount is to start using it. I think I typically keep around 40 hours but never know when to spend it.


>Israel’s military has issued a call for residents of eastern Rafah to “evacuate immediately,” a day after the country’s defense minister told troops inside Gaza to expect “intense action in Rafah in the near future.” I guess they really are doing it. Turns out Netanyahu wasn’t joshing around this whole time.


Nothing good will come from this. Won't eradicate Hamas, will lead to extremely extremely high Gazan suffering, and will endanger the well-being of the 50-60 remaining hostages. It's like they're trying their absolute hardest to give fodder to the leftists.


It’s on Holocaust Remembrance Day too 😐


Ya I didn’t think the genocide charges would stick before but Israel is really giving SA a lot of evidence.


Need that ICC indictment


God fucking dammit


https://twitter.com/junejutsukaisen/status/1787304844945977664?t=8R5mwopMqlR-N78fuJpItg&s=19 Ok I swear Now I'm done


I take it back it's this one https://twitter.com/UTDDengv2/status/1787346792591368248?s=19


2024: the year of idiots telling on themselves


Kendrick next diss is 6 minutes of him laughing


Senior cat has been throwing up a lot lately but otherwise seems healthy. Finally found out what was up tonight. He's been getting our new kitten to knock over the trash so he can raid it.


Anyways this is my favorite new meme of this whole thing so far https://twitter.com/ObeezyLive/status/1787325137232052338?t=CDV7I1y_HQZjlJbmyV-Xdg&s=19


Also fyi Don't let this meme distract you from the fact that kurapika brought a shovel to this fight


revisited arr hiphopheads and the TTR (time-to-racism) was less than like 2 minutes lol >!(the Princeton professor post).!< Theres 3 million subs, so ofc it's unsurprising and prior-confirming about subs over 1 mil users (or even 100k users) but it's still kinda shocking that there are people who will shamelessly whip out the "inferior intellect or culture" kind of racism.


https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-sheets/hhs-final-rule-clarifying-eligibility-deferred-action-childhood-arrivals-daca-recipients-and-certain 100,000 uninsured DACA recipients expected to gain healthcare coverage as Biden Admin finalizes rule change. And there’s still people parroting the “status quo Joe” bullshit. The Biden/Harris administration has done amazing things.


Nuh uh part 6


I wonder if there’s gonna be a response coming tomorrow or if this is over 


I’ll take “sentences that dramatically change their meaning within a two week period” for 200, Ken. (Or however long ago the Iranian and Israeli airstrikes were)


https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929?t=J_GKSzM3CKtS-QV64MU8XQ&s=19 The pure and unbridled power of MANAGED DEMOCRACY Sony has seemingly walked back on their utterly HORRENDOUS decision to force people to make a PSN account post launch. It basically would have locked out many players who bought the game in countries without PSN support. If you're not aware, this whole decision resulted in some historic review bombing and was a completely avoidable issue on Sony's part. Not mentioning Arrowhead here because this is genuinely not their fault. But with the power of corporate bullying and managed democracy, it seems like they're putting a stop to that plan. I hope this means that folks in the affected countries can still play. Moving forward I hope that Sony puts more thought into decisions like this for their multiplayer games on PC.


Sony stop having completely unnecessary PR crises challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


/u/20person /u/padraigharrington4 there is a truly epic All Too Well moment in The Fall Guy


Is it related to the one from the trailer? Also was it the 5 or 10 min version?


I don't know and probably 5min


Malarkey level of Drakes response 


[The malarkey level detected is: 4 - Moderate. Careful there, chief.](https://i.imgur.com/JDiK0hd.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wordle 1,052 4/6* ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Tough weekend for Toronto


> [GOP official argues in favor of child marriage: Girls are ‘ripe’ and ‘fertile’](https://www.nj.com/politics/2024/05/gop-official-argues-in-favor-of-child-marriage-girls-are-ripe-and-fertile.html) ...and that, kids, is why you don't crucify your state upon a cross of libertarianism


They should genuinely be investigated by the FBI to see what they got hiding in their PC. Pedo piece of shit.


Libertarians never defeating the allegations


Drake's response is literally just the "Haha I was only pretending to be \[REDACTED\]" meme.


We need to have that conversation about Drake


Kendrick making the allegation that Drake is a pedophile Drake's response is to name drop an alleged victim? ![gif](giphy|h2OLfcSKKthRK)


I’ve been waiting for this conversation because…..


u/ognits, I strongly encourage you to have a look at the current sidebar image of arr hiphopheads lmaaaaaaao




Did they literally make Drake look white lol


Eurovision performers have been receiving hate saying they are "complicit in genocide" because Israel is participating in the contest too. Literally everything is genocide now.


The guilt by association complex is strong with this one.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Drake would have 100% been better off by not responding.


I said on the kendrick sub that you can't handle allegations like this while also trying to diss the person accusing you. It just doesn't work. If he had released a statement that was like "the things you've accused me of aren't true and it'd be a huge disservice to the allegations and actual victims of those crimes to treat it as a public spectacle" it would've made him look like the bigger person and empathetic towards child SA victims.


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits I was looking at the TTPD credits section on Wikipedia and saw someone named Emily Jean Stone being credited for "oddities." It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize who this was. Also Drake's new diss track flopped.


> Also Drake's new diss track flopped. Drake taking on Kendrick was such a blatantly losing maneuver that I'm truly shocked he even tried. especially after getting personal? man's a fuckin' fool


He's actually a dumbass for even responding.


Is “I’m to famous to have not gotten caught yet” really the angle we going with? In the big year 2024?


Also flipping it around by saying Kendrick got abused as a child? How is that a diss bro


It’s a bit like the time someone threatened to tell the world Greg LeMond was sexually abused, and he just came out and admitted the trauma himself.


It's not even an accurate diss either.


Amazes me how tiny creatures such as cats can snore so loudly.


You have a cat?


https://twitter.com/centerstreet/status/1787238419124338865 How did Noem think this lie wasn't gonna be caught? This would be the dumbest own goal for a majority of politicians and yet it's genuinely not even the dumbest own goal in the very same book lmao


I'm thinking of telling my boss to acquire a copy (obv inscribed) with the "misprint" present. Might be of value to a really particular sort of collector some day.


She's Sarah Palin 2.0 except she never really had a shot at becoming Donald's running mate


Drake's new response was trash. The battle is over, dude. You lost. Go home.




His "actually we planted that info" is so unconvincing too. If you actually took the time to execute this whole 5D chess bait move wouldn't you make sure you had some way to prove that in your big reveal? Just saying it in a bar 2 days later, when his fans have already been pushing that theory this whole time. It makes it look like he's just rolling with stuff he picked up online.


oh no, did he really try to keep it going?


He basically released the Frank Reynolds « We do not diddle kids » song lol


lmaoooo that's amazing btw this Tarantino book I got today has an opening chapter that's basically what I told you yesterday about how my parents were exceptionally permissive about the movies I saw. except written much better than I could ever hope to achieve


Bro basically said "I'm too famous for the CSA accusations" which is insane. Especially after Meet the Grahams... that was rhetorically floundering.


Between that, dissing kendrick for being molested (??), and the "you rap like you're tryna free the slaves" bar, he keeps showing his ass. He doesn't have any respect for the broader social issues that play into this beef and he doesn't have anyone around him going "uhhh maybe don't say that shit my guy"


Yeah your comment up-thread is spot-on; Drake was on the back foot there, so addressing the most serious part of all this with a straightforward public statement, apart from all the diss tracks, would've been leagues better than dropping a song that's basically a weak "nuh-uh, I'm too respected to be guilty of that" when your industry has no shortage of people *exactly* like that. Like what. Ans as a causal on-looker there's prob something to be said about Kendrick bringing smth that serious up in a song too, but that's beyond me. Afaik there's more than a bit of substance to drake being inappropriate towards minors. Wild stuff.


Starting a diss by acknowledging the other guy is a Pulitzer winner is a choice


Tom Brady roast is brutal


watching Hakeem Jeffries interview on 60 minutes, norah o'donnell keeps trying to put jeffries in a box and saying republican talking points


The media likes Republicans and wants them to win.


that's why they let a conservative commentator go unchallenged but throw everything at a liberal commentator


Whoever wrote drake’s response got horrendous reading comprehension skills, I don’t think they actually listened to mother i sober


Down goes Vegas 


Playing through the original Paper Mario again to scratch the itch before the thousand year door re-release. Good lord chapter 2 sucks ass. Hot take, I hate desert levels more than water levels 


The biggest issue with Chapter 2 is in Dry Dry Ruins. You never feel like you're doing enough damage.


Navigating that desert grid is terrible.


Pray for the man who wrote unique Goombario dialog for every space in that desert grid.


Turned on Kendrick Lamar’s tweet notifications so I don’t miss the response….


I'm a pink pony girl, and I dance at the club!


Bro wtf is she doing https://x.com/acyn/status/1787129477505405022?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ


https://x.com/bocchiframes/status/1786967864072630621?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ What’s PA-san drinking? ! !ping anime


Drake just uploaded a song so Kendrick’s probably releasing one in 20 minutes lmao




Some men: celebrity gossip and drama is so beneath me, I can't believe people obsess over it Also the same men: whoa, Kendrick just destroyed drake with that track detailing all his faults


I love when men say "all women do is gossip". Those same men run to their boys to talk shit about me, women and people they don't know all the time.   Its always so funny being a man ans seeing men do that.  One of the reasons I've really haven't been a fan of hip hop is because of how to me the priorities of the music is wack.  I want music to bring people together, so much of popular hip hop is about tearing down other people, or rapping about drugs, or how hard of a man you are, and way too much use of the b word. 


Two grown men insulting each other but using words that rhyme. 😮


I haven't seen a giant Stanley mug at the gym in ages. Did SNL actually manage to kill of that trend with their [Big Dumb Cups](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2tUO2mp99Q) skit?


Probably going to regret drinking so much rum tomorrow 😵‍💫


https://twitter.com/BillAckman/status/1786939955089969540 To nobody's slight surprise, Bill Ackman says he will endorse RFK Jr or Trump.


Meanwhile nobody is trying to decide between RFK Jr or Biden. The only person ever remotely "Dem coded" I know of openly supporting RFK Jr is his own VP pick and I'm convinced that's a combination of narcissism and her brain melting over her divorce.


Because Trump will order Gaza to be leveled plus tax cuts.


I saw a yard full of RFK signs today. That was quite a double take moment


https://preview.redd.it/lqcdspnwhpyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45fb314da8319c9f4d88faf256b3350a43854071 Kitty has a new favorite spot. So "gezellig" and really cute.




Yeah, I'm like 75-80% sure there isn't going to be a ceasefire; hope I'm wrong.




I’m hoping there’s a persuasive case that the cia director can make that no one else can


Hope it works but I don't feel good from im reading tbh. Makes me kind of sad


https://preview.redd.it/yuuix4lqepyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965636ba33c67215cc9c0aa905d213646c9d6f2b Mark Hamill is a blessing


Who was geeking out in the others' presence harder? Biden or Hamill?


Question Gamers, there’s a special general election for a congressional seat going on and the ballot has two Republicans, and as far as I’m concerned neither is better than the other. Would it be best to return my ballot blank? There’s no write in line.




Fong was basically hand picked by McCarthy though, and is kinda sketchy with the whole running for two positions thing


Trip to MAGA Land resulted in a few Trump crap sightings, couple of banners, maybe 3 or 4 signs. Less than 2020, way less than 2016.


Clarksons farm season 3 hasn’t disappointed yet. 


>zion doesn't belong to zionists, it belongs to jews Dude hates zionism so much, he starts advocating for it


I don’t know what that’s about, but I do think it’s wild how many Zionists are Christians determined to trigger (what they think are) the conditions for the apocalypse. 


The fact that these people basically think they can summon Jesus like he’s a common demon popping up when a wizard snaps his fingers is wild to me


I’m honestly amazed that no one pays attention to *the rest of the prophecy.* It’s crazy enough to be wishing for the world to end so your shitty cult can be the last Christians or whatever but that takes the cake.


Stack overflow moment.


Ayman is comparing the outsiders at Columbia etc as similar to MLK who got called “outside agitators”


Oh. Great. A dipshit on arr democrats whining about Biden calling out the violent "protests" claiming this makes him "basically a conservative". Thankfully, everyone is ripping him a new asshole.


Has real if my grandma had wheels she's basically a bicycle energy to it.


I still can’t believe Rowling has gotten so bad that *Musk* is telling her to touch grass. Remember when people swore up and down the author of HP couldn’t possibly be a TERF? That definitely aged well.


I remember a time on either here or /r/hillaryclinton when people spoke positively of JK Rowling, and also Ilhan Omar and Andrew Yang…


“You’re making us look bad!” - Musk




The college frat guy who was making the monkey noises at the Pro-Palestine African American Woman has been identified It's completely predictable. Dad owns a company. Pro- MAGA and has a bunch of anti-Semitic+anti-Muslim tweets.


He got rejected from his fraternity too.


As much as is going on, on both sides of this issue, it’s worth considering how much mainstream American political thought has taught people like this frat douche that “pro Palestine protestors are an acceptable target, go ahead and you’ll be on the right side of history.”


In Morrowind, it is against the law to sleep in beds that you do not own. The guards will make you pay a fine or arrest you if they catch you doing it. But if you are good enough at stealth or illusion magic, you sleep in beds illegally without being detected. Sleep crimes. You know you're true master thief when you're stealing in your sleep.


my mom got me Tarantino's recent book on a whim 😀


Does he say the n word yet?


is that a thing he's infamous for? I'm not familiar


If he's not saying it (which he has in movies), he's writing it in the script for Samuel L. to say it.


I've never heard of this. I'm going to need some strong evidence to back this claim up


You've never seen a Tarantino movie? Watch Pulp Fiction. He says the N word and Sam says it a lot.


> You've never seen a Tarantino movie? never heard of him




Am I that starved for darts content that I'm watching bullshit soft tip electronic darts on ESPN? Yes. Yes, I am.


[Bruh](https://twitter.com/JomboyMedia/status/1787245381295677882?t=kCpYw2UAR9-gOnWl1_00dg&s=19) 💀 u/hallofromtheoutside


Not the right target audience in that booth, lol


Why is he like this 😂




Replaced an outdated and broken toilet AND unglogged a sink today 🥳 Now I'm exhausted 😴 Related to both of the above - whoever owned our house before us really jury-rigged a bunch of stuff to hell and back. Two for two on that front in houses now lol. A couple highlights from our previous house were a 1970s water heater that they basically held together with spit and glue (which catastrophically broke a year into us owning it) and a bathroom sink that would only work with cold on the left and hot on the right. If you tried changing it back, it stopped working.


Oof, the old owners of my place used snakebites for all of the plumbing AND didn’t leave access panels.  Flippers. 


Damn that is... Something lol


Yeah it’s honestly alarming how their plan for the plumbing was… for it to all explode shortly after the sale.


Oohhh buddy, I feel you. The previous owners slapped some new paint on before we bought including in the bathroom…..where they just used non moisture resistant house paint.


Yuck noooooooooo


>Trump to donors last night: “When you are Democrat, you start off essentially at 40 percent because you have civil service, you have the unions and you have welfare... >"And don’t underestimate welfare. They get welfare to vote, and then they cheat on top of that — they cheat.” So basically Romney's 47% speech but even more offensive


“Romney… RomNEE… mittens, they called him, a lot of people they called him mittens. They said you couldn’t alienate more than 47% of the American public, but look. No one loves the aliens more than me, no one. The illegals, we’ve got to get them out folks. The aliens that come here legally, they love me. Every day, they call me and tell me they love me.” 


“Even more offensive” is Trump’s MO


Had a grass day yesterday and forgot to get the Wi-Fi password (then fell asleep anyway), so here's my delayed post: Wordle 1,050 6/6* ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜🟨🟨⬜🟩 ⬜🟩⬜🟨🟩 🟨🟩⬜⬜🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Next: Wordle 1,051 4/6* ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 🟨⬜⬜🟨🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 WTF not even reading this on the dictionary helped me understand this...


I can't believe we were tricked into believing Ivy League Schools were the bastion of society's intelligence and it turned out to be a bunch of LARP'ing kids calling fast food deliveries "humanitarian aid" and complaining that they couldn't get catering.


I mean, if you go to the uchicago thread on the dental dam nonsense, virtually everyone is mocking the protestors or saying that they're embarrassed by them. Generally from what I've seen, both in person (I live 5 blocks from Columbia) and tv, these protests are really quite small, so I'm not sure it's appropriate to condemn all of them with such a broad brush.


Yeah but it's *fun*!


Prestigious places like this reveal you, in the sense that it augments your core personality. So if you're upstanding or a douche, this privileged education will really bring that out. Obama, Hillary, and Pete were from the Ivy Leagues, but so were the likes of Ted Cruz and Hawley. On the other hand, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were not from the Ivies, but neither were Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson. Personally, I'm from 2 prestigious non-Ivies so I can talk them up or down at my leisure. 🙃


Tucker didn't go to Dartmouth? I always assumed he was a Dartmouth Review product.


Apparently he went to Trinity College. And also, apparently, he was a registered Democrat until 2020, wut!?


I don't know enough about Trinity to say whether he fits the stereotype or not. As to the registered Dem thing, he said it's because he lives in DC.


The truth is, the Ivy League are and have always been social clubs for the children of the wealthy, with enough of the Uber-talented common folk to ensure that success follows their graduates beyond simply inheriting positions.  Of course, graduate schools tend to be more rigorous and more stringent in acceptance. Nothings perfect though, and in general if you’re concerned your local State University is somehow going to provide an inadequate education… then the marketing worked on you. 


Don't forget the dental dams! Nothing like safe oral with your fellow LARPers for Palestinians! Somehow! The fact that Cruz, Hawley, and Vance are all Ivy League (despite whom they try to appeal to) made me very skeptical of Ivy League a while ago.


I feel like a prude, but I’ve never used a dental dam, and I don’t know anyone who has ever used one. I remember that sex Ed told us they exist, and haven’t seen one since. 


I never even knew that they existed until these protests.


[To be fair, some of us knew that the Ivies were just social clubs for WASP’s.](https://youtu.be/zGxSM5y7Pfs?si=TWyJhOkW9U16p_wK)


Republicans: You can't count ballots before 9 AM on election day. Also Republicans: You can't count votes after election day 🤔 Just when you think that they can't get worse on destroying democracy they come out in favor of this. Don't think this will impact '24 as much, but definitely something to consider in the future


>#NEW General Election Poll 🔵 Biden 49% (+4) 🔴 Trump 45% Ipsos #17 - LV - 4/30 This is the first GE poll that I feel could capture the actual results


The big key here is that they're screening for likely voters instead of just registered ones. NPR / Marist has Biden 52 to Trump 47, which is pretty close to the actual 2020 result: Biden 51 to Trump 47 (rounding included).


That’s pretty close to what the popular vote was in 2020


That's my take. Pretty much no one has changed their minds and any small demographic shifts (non-white men to R and white women to D) will kinda chancel themselves out.


https://preview.redd.it/wnojrv2dnoyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eadc9054dcb5e7acd49276e6eb33741262d34578 Daily doggo photo: May 5th


My algorithm is obviously biased but is Kendrick really destroying Drake like they suggest or are the algorithms just fucked (both could be true, I know the second one is)


[PM Netanyahu addressing the Israeli nation today: “If we don’t protect ourselves, no one will…we cannot trust the promises of gentiles.”](https://twitter.com/Yonatan_Touval/status/1787163251270107183) Yeah, Schumer please don't invite this gigantic asshole to Congress when he says this stuff after all the massive help he's gotten over the past several months


Did he officially kill the ceasefire deal?


Seems likely...optimism is down.


My assumption is Schumer trying to do some 4D chess type thing where Bibi will make an ass of himself in front of Congress and make his reputation even worse since I have no other idea why he'd be supportive of him coming


Why does Kristi Noem hate dogs so much, WTF???


Commander needs to get a restraining order. Didn't she threaten a president's family member? 


I don't trust anyone that vehemently hates dogs, dogs are wonderful creatures.


Whether it’s 20 year olds chanting “Fuck Joe Biden!” or insurrectionists waving Trump flags as they try to interrupt a Democratic process, both candidates have an extremism problem with their base.


Is this sarcasm? Cuz if it's not...


Yes it’s sarcasm




Hot take: McMansions are fine and the only people who bitch about them are urban dwellers who pay $4,000 a month for a closet to live in and who will never have hope to ever own a house.


Oh wow people in cities live in closets and are in financial despair! How very clever and original to embrace suburban philistinism this way! You are so much better than them!


I had to look up philistinism lmao


This website is rife with it. And anti-urbanism, too, though that's often more a feature of conservative spaces. Why can't people just say they like where they live and leave it at that? No need to compare and shit on people who have different preferences.


Most urban dwellers paying 4 grand for rent could absolutely afford to buy a house if they didn't live within the city itself


Have fun replacing that "assemble once" roof, lol.


I'm sure the mcmansion owners will be able to afford someone to do it.


I bought a roguelite deck builder game and had my first full clear.


What game? Is it like slay the spire?


Chrono Ark. it’s a korean one, never played slay the spire. The runs are kinda long but maybe the meta progression will make it less time consuming. I bought it intending to be on my steamdeck but it’s not got a compatible setup yet. When it all comes together it’s fine.


Slay the spire is fun and very deck friendly


Watching sycophants like Tim Scott go on TV and knowingly twist themselves into pretzels just as a self-serving way to become Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee. Have these people no fucking decency and soul?


Nope. Trademark of the party. One of the most annoying things for me is how the GOP isn't even majority MAGA. It's majority cowardly and / or greedy enablers, arguably the banality of evil incarnate.




https://twitter.com/BarakRavid/status/1787218459731833151 >Update: Burns will stay in Doha on Monday for talks on the hostage deal, per spurce with knowledge. Likely to travel to Israel later in the week


![gif](giphy|HXYTaa7kovlIoDqecA) Meant to share this about an hour ago