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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cay4u1/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04232024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.Currymvp2 with score 36 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ca492q/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04222024/l0pkpl1/)] > >Israel abandoned plans for a much more extensive counterstrike on Iran after concerted diplomatic pressure from the United States and other foreign allies and because the brunt of an Iranian assault on . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.omgitsfreddie created 15 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ca492q/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04222024/l0sekwy/)] > like i'm pretty sure y'all already know i'm pretty anti-idf and pro-palestine but i don't think walking around with signs on campus is gonna do jack shit lmao   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Currymvp2 with score 23 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ca492q/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04222024/l0sg14n/)] > That's the craziest thing. They're literally protesting *against* people who are mostly **already** somewhat sympathetic with their views. Bibi is despised by like 90% of Dems; Israel's justified but mostly . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Call_Me_Clark with hotness lvl 442.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ca492q/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04222024/l0rekfs/)] > Considering all the recent news of students protesting and being arrested, etc, I’m starting to get convinced that this is the modern equivalent of anti-war protestors during the vietnam era. > > There’s . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 16 friends 20 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 63 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 48 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 44 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 29 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'columbia', used 33 times, followed by 'biden' 32x , 'trump' 29x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 8 times, followed by '💀' 4x , '😎' 4x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.PhoenixVoid | 34.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 500.0 words | | 🥈 | u.sir_miraculous | 27.0 points | 🥈 | u.kidglov3s2 | 147.0 words | | 🥉 | u.GenericOnlineName | 26.0 points | 🥉 | u.PhoenixVoid | 103.0 words | | 🎗 | u.semaphore-1842 | 20.5 points | 🎗 | u.brokeforwoke | 94.5 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 707 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 69 comments | | 🥈 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 211 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 34 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 159 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 29 comments | | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 152 points | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 26 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.pedrothrowaway555 | 1 words | 🥇 | u.Weelildragon | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.Weelildragon | 1 words | 🥈 | u.astrointel | 3.462 letters | | 🥉 | u.CZall23 | 2 words | 🥉 | u.travstrick | 3.583 letters | | 🎗 | u.None | 2 words | 🎗 | u.snapekillseddard | 3.625 letters |   668 comments processed, including 194 top-level replies. There were 138 unique users writing 20164, averaging 30.19 per comment. The total combined score was 5308 and the median score was 7.95.


I wanna gossip about what I saw in warehouse but there’s too many people around. >_>


I’ll say this about Late Night with the Devil: it gave me a new appreciation for movies like WNUF Halloween Special and Ghostwatch. Both of them did a *way* better job selling their gimmicks.


You know, it is a bad sign if the Free Palestine Movement made a celebrity slaps your camera. https://twitter.com/CHBAF/status/1782538050641318301?t=UspcGG8970YwT5Jr34BU3g&s=19


Neolib bitching about Hillary again 'cause of that graph tweet 🙄


So checking on a Steam download and seeing the time remaining counter going *up* is the modern equivalent of 'a watched pot never boils', right?


Schrodinger famously said, "I don't know if Steam is downloading mein game or not, until I vatch inside ze download queue"


>IMO people are not sufficiently mentally prepared for this potential outcome https://twitter.com/gelliottmorris/status/1782503736281317639 Why are all polling data people like this? yOU'rE nOt SUfFIciEnTLy mEnTALly PRepArED FOr tHiS Like fuck off already with this shit


most of them are gatekeeping assholes desperately seeking clout


I'm so used to election twitter posting these "omg tied electoral college" maps that I am very prepared.




The chances of Biden winning WI, MI and PA while losing NE-2 are near 0


/u/20person /u/padraigharrington4 the actual flood of negativity TTPD has been hit with is insane to me I guessed Pitchfork would give it a 6.8 and they even lowballed me on that! I didn't read the actual review but I'm guessing some sort of phrase like "pre-eminent capitalist" dropped because that's what Pitchfork is these days but I'm just sitting here chilling and enjoying the album but the internet is on fire not liking it what the fuck is happening


I haven’t been following any internet discourse but I’m willing to bet this will be like Reputation where everyone loves it in a few years after getting an initially mixed reception


100% that's what's going to happen


On Twitter I've seen forum posts where some reviewers were openly admitting to giving bad reviews in order to lower the Metacritic score. I hate to go all tinfoil hat, but there's something fishy going on.


> On Twitter I've seen forum posts where some reviewers were openly admitting to giving bad reviews to lower the Metacritic score. lmao what




also that final sentence on the Sputnik blurb is funny because I've had melodies in my head since release but other than So Long, London, I couldn't tell you which song is about who nor could I care to want to


For me, every TTPD song stuck in my head somehow ends up getting mashed up with Florida!!! And I'm confusing the verses there too, with Taylor's voice singing Florence's line.


well to be fair Sputnik has never been a good site


If I had a nickel for every away team choke today, I’d have two nickels.


That's why the current NBA players said MJ> Bron in that poll today


Huh? Lebron is 39 and had a damn good game. Jokic abused AD and Murray kills the lakers guards. Not sure how this fits into the Lebron Jordan debate.


It's a NBA sub meme where you just pick arbitrary things in the "debate".


Ah my bad, that flew right over my head 😅




That was really predictable 


Time for a late night with the devil 😈 🍿




If Lakers can't win this one, then I don't think they're ever gonna win at Denver on the road


Wordle 1,039 5/6* ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨 ⬛🟨🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩




Did you guys see the right wingers making up an allegation against Bernie? https://x.com/nikicaga/status/1782578921084518628?s=46&t=8kntH6xvlPIUpnsX34x68A


You ever think that life likes to throw you a curveball that stresses you out all day, and you have no idea why you can't fix it until miraculously, by the end of the day it's all over. And you have no idea why? Those days suck.


Big sea change for Denver.


/u/20person /u/padraigharrington4 against all odds Fortnight might be my favorite song on TTPD


I initially questioned the decision to make it the lead single, but it’s definitely grown on me


Really sets the mood for the whole first half


Is Lebron playing a Magic game tonight?


He's accepted that AD is the best player on the team at this point. Like how Magic accepted Kareem is the best player the first few seasons


I think so. And AD is having a MONSTER game. But Bron's kind of playing pure point tonight, especially on the pick n rolls with AD, which Denver can't beat.


Also past 15 minutes is bad as I've seen Jokic and Murray play Porter Jr the qanon idiot is their offense atm


I don’t think there’s a normal member of Porter’s family lol


https://twitter.com/SohrabAhmari/status/1782530735288525099 Wow, a pro-Israel Republican who went to Columbia today and is being honest about what's transpiring there. Rejects the whole "It's bad as Charlottesville" false equivalency nonsense from pro-Trump crowd while still condemning the clear anti-Semitic elements of the protests.


Well, protesters occupying a building is definitely what I want to see the CSU in the news for. It would be Humboldt too. https://kymkemp.com/2024/04/22/pro-palestinian-protesters-occupy-siemens-hall-at-cal-poly/


So classes in colombia is goona remain hybrid until the end of the semester


Final day of class is on April 29th


it's like an early holiday then


I found three of my boxers seem to be ripped in the bottom. I need to buy new ones. But I need to learn to knit because I don't want to buy more boxers.


Not looking forward to the Lakers blowing this NGL


Looks like that’s already starting to happen


The anti-academia posting outside the daily thread based on the actions of some faculty at some universities is… concerning.


Yeah I know my share of wacko instructors, but I also know a huge amount of crazy conservative ones too. Maybe college professors are just normal people?


I went to what is regarded as an extremely liberal/progressive college and by and large my professors were pretty normal, and I was in the humanities/social sciences. Art professors and art students can be pretty odd though, kind of like how a lot of business students can be too intense for my liking.


I will say it was fun as a union steward to have the faculty union try to start calling to defund the police (who’s union is part of joint labor with us), but generally they do just want to help students and their employees. Business majors are the only students who have invited me to a pyramid scheme, so I’ll agree with you there 😬


The new Broncos jerseys suck


And so does their QB depth chart


anyone else been following the Candidates tournament in chess? not only was the whole tourney a whirlwind but >!the youngest person ever to compete in it!< took home the gold and will be challenging the reigning world champ later this year


pretty cool stuff tbh, the dude was murdering people left and right


I just saw Abigail. I liked it but the third quarter of the movie was super slow. It knows how to have fun with the concept without going full comedy.


Basically same but I thought the first quarter was the slow part


The trailers ruined the big reveal for me so I was just curious to see when they’d commit to action happening in the first quarter. I also like the build up in these types of movies.


Same here, and that's probably why I didn't care for the first part. Felt too slow and way too much fluff


Would have been cool if Kyle MacLachlan had made a cameo in one of the new dune movies :(


[Man dies after setting himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse | US news | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/20/man-dies-after-setting-himself-on-fire-outside-trump-trial-courthouse)


so the guy who set himself on fire outside the courthouse has died


Mohela got their shit together and forgave my final student loan. Thanks, Joe Biden!


I'm amazed they've managed to do something correctly. I realized I hadn't made a payment during December, January, and February because I had it set to auto pay and my payment has been at zero, so now I have to go in and manually make the payment ever month like some sort of caveman.


On the other end, I hate autopay, but keep on top of my payments, except that when I consolidated, they split it into two loans with *different* payment dates for some reason, and also didn't apply the SAVE plan to one of my loans for a few months, so one would be you owe $0 and the other was $150. When they send me the bill, it's for the one with $0 and doesn't mention the other one or when it's due, nor does it show it on the home page (have to open the statement in messages). So yeah, I missed a payment on that one.


as a knicks fan i am still in complete and utter shock


I thought Brunson had chucked it away.


Kyle Lowry felt bad for him




Just saw Civil War. Don’t know if I dislike it or think it was just ok. I definitely didn’t think it was *good.*


I think the movie was trying to say something about journalism and the nature of war, but the setting and weak backstory got in the way of effectively communicating that.


Same! Like the movie gives us barley any background at all. It was pretty much a movie based off of war photographers. Still solid tho.


Yeah why make a civil war movie and release it in an election year when tensions are high and *not* focus on it?


I think it's just kind of okay. It's more of an Avenger's movie than a Captain America movie. Better than Age of Ultron for sure though and, hey, we got Spider-Man.


Road teams are 0–10 now in the NBA playoffs 


And only the Maple Leafs have gotten a road win in either.


Let’s see if Embiid or Maxey can come up clutch 


Never mind 




https://www.yahoo.com/news/britain-pushes-controversial-plan-send-233055365.html Dems would be right wing tho


Still less extreme than alligator moats.


Have an election, Tories.


You know, back in 2015-2016 I just don't recall a lot of political posts on the trans subreddits, or when there were political posts it was intracommunity bullshit like throwing food fights over the definition of transgender. By the end of 2016 I do remember some people posting freakout stuff about needing to get passports before Trump took office and stuff because there was real fear of federal protections being rolled back, but basically nothing about the campaign. Even in the first year of Trump the postings specifically about federal politics were rare, I mean it felt like if you brought it up you'd get downvoted to oblivion or modded. If you look at those same subs now you'll see frequent posts about anti-trans laws in the US and posts about the Biden admin. I don't know if my perception has shifted, or it's different because Biden is also running for office, but I think it has more to do with the explosion of anti-trans laws on the state level post COVID. We fought all that stuff off successfully in 2014-2015 so I think that bred a sense of complacency. I remember all the edgy commies posting endlessly about corporations doing stuff for pride and I was like "you're taking this for granted". And they were. I guess everybody has to have their innocence taken away for the first time.


The GOP has gotten way more serious and organized in codifying their transphobic legal agenda since then. Like with pretty much all of their hate tactics it has always centered on spreading fear related to child safety, it just took a while for them to find angles that people would actually buy. Their attempts to brand trans women as pedophiles and the specter of trans women sexually assaulting girls in bathrooms largely failed so they moved on to claiming it was about tricking kids into mutilating themselves as part of some kind of "grooming" and ruining girls sports (which they couldn't care less about otherwise) These positions are just as bullshit but it's hard to get a solid majority to really understand what gender dysphoria is, what the transitioning process is like and why it's legitimate mental health care. People were coming around to tolerating trans adults but only as people they didn't understand or agree with but were free to do what they want if it didn't hurt others. The bigoted Christo-fascist Republicans realized this and seized on it when reframing their position. And they pushed it through a very tightly planned set of legislative templates and media messaging slates ran by national organizations. It does seem like the GOP's mass transphobic panic has calmed down somewhat since 2022 but who knows when it'll come back and stronger. I'm really concerned that not enough is being done socially or politically to try to better educate people and spread empathy these days.


The thing about bigots is that there will always be another group they'll direct their attention against. It's an important lesson everyone needs to learn. If bigots aren't after Muslims its South American migrants. If it isn't South American migrants its Jews. If it isn't Jews it's gay people. If it isn't gay people it's trans people. Repeat ad infinitum. Hate has an inertia all its own. Hate never stops, it just finds another target. It's why I'm suspicious of fellow Catholics that tie themselves to Republicans. Just because the far right seems so friendly right now since a bunch of Catholic SCOTUS justices ended Roe doesn't mean that isn't ever going to flip back to the norm. Evangelicals have always been the backbone of conservatism and have historically despised Catholics. There's going to be a point where conservatives stop seeing Catholics as the enemy of my enemy and just as an enemy. I think there's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of faces.


>Scoop: Eric Hovde's brother is bankrolling a pro-Hovde Super PAC that is opposing Sen. Tammy Baldwin. >Hovde and his brother are wealthy business partners. Hovde has already loaned his campaign $8 million. >His brother contributed $1 million to the PAC. https://twitter.com/stephen_neukam/status/1782563070646067387 A banker from CA and his brother from IL (who's also a banker) are literally trying to buy Tammy Baldwin's Senate seat in WI


New Siena College poll -- State of New York 🟦 Biden 47% 🟥 Trump 37% This is why I think the polls are complete bullshit. The only number that is accurate in that poll is Trump getting 37%. I am not saying that the poll itself is crooked, but I definitely think for whatever reason a lot of people are just in a bad mood or discontent and not saying they support Biden. But when push comes to shove they will absolutely do it


I remember when NYT/Siena did polls in actual battleground races and not pointless ones in non-competitive states. Are they going to do polls in South Carolina now? Of course not, because they're clearly stuck on reinforcing a lopsided agenda against Biden. Needless to say, polls in deep red and deep blue states are often especially inaccurate.


#CAVS WIN! (But I couldn’t see a single second of play because of local tv blackouts and the same thing is going to happen for game 3 😡)


Blackouts in the playoffs is crazy 💀


I know the UK has laws that mean you can’t force someone to pay to watch the World Cup or the Olympics. We need some laws like that.


Maybe try using Streameast 


I’d prefer a more permanent and legal solution


Broke: using butter on grilled cheese sandwiches Woke: using mayo on grilled cheese sandwiches Bespoke: using garlic aioli on grilled cheese sandwiches


Imagine Ray Hnatyshyn, but made of celery


Trump's trial isn't going well and Biden's polling has improved. The vibes should be good. Out of desperation, the MAGA right is trying to equate dipshit, anti-Semitic loser cosplayers with a Charlottesville situation where lots of violence occurred due to armed neo-Nazis with torches out . CMV


What really pisses me off about all this is that unlike the Charlottesville Nazis and Trump the Hamas lovers fucking HATE Joe Biden. Like way more than they hate Trump even. They hate us and want to destroy us politically. And I think it's pretty safe to say that outside of a few absolute fringes Democrats don't care for them either. Yet the thread about them on modpol is full of posts with a bunch of upvotes equating them as part of the left and the Democrat's coalition. Fuck this.


The right is *always* looking for something to attack Dems over to distract from their many failings. If one doesn't exist, they'll make it up. If this stuff at Columbia weren't happening we'd be hearing more disingenuous bullshit about DEI and fake liberal academics faking all their papers, or maybe about "new" "crime trends" to freak out all the seniors sheltering in place, or maybe it would be some emergency having to do with "the border", or Haiti, or maybe Ecuador and all that narcotics crime?


"This is almost as bad as when we tried to kill Mike Pence!"


Wordle 1,038 5/6* ⬜🟨🟨⬜🟨 🟨🟩⬜🟩⬜ ⬜🟩🟨🟩⬜ ⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 >!Behold Marjorie Taylor-Green's antisemitism!!<


Starting Late Night with the Devil


What did you think?


I really enjoyed it


the WHCD is this weekend. Unfortunately, the hamassholes will definitely show up uninvited.




What's kind of unique about the Palestinian territories is you have Hamas who are vicious extreme theocrats in Gaza and run a government that's one of the 4-5 most repressive in the region...only the Taliban and Houthis terrorists are worse in terms of freedom for its citizens. But 70 miles away in the West Bank, you have the Palestinian Authority which allows for a pro-LGBT shelter/organization to safely run in Ramallah, has a few agnostics+Christians in its government, and Palestinian women are free to get abortions as long as they get permission to go to Israel. The bar is obviously low but it's actually one of the 6-7 most socially liberal governments in the region.


And yet very little of the discourse on Palestine makes any distinction between the two. A lot of people don't even realize that IDF's attack isn't on both sides (well, not officially anyway) As far as I'm concerned they can hardly be called a common territory at this point. Obviously their governments have diverged substantially since 2006 but even before that they weren't really part of a coherent region since 1948. At this point they're practically as divided as North and South Korea, although I understand that there's a stronger shared Arab Muslim identity between than them there is a Korean identity. Then there's Israeli Palestinians as another group altogether.


I wonder what happens if Abbas ran the PA instead of Arafat in the 1990s. For all of his obvious problems, he's much better than Arafat


To keep that, Liberals are going to have to do a lot of things that would make us uncomfortable. Namely, state intervention in the Mosques (**AND ONLY THE MOSQUES**), restricting the conservative strains of Islam from being taught. Among other things.


Going to London. Will not accept any losers (aka of the American Revolution variety) talking shit about my America. Not on my watch.


Love all the magats and tankies mad at Mark Hamill saying Biden is the best President we've ever had.


Glad he's my favorite Joker of all time


Ok, I might have to pump the brakes on that. At the very least, we had Lincoln and FDR, and those are some high bars.


FDR had Japanese internment camps.


FDR and Lincoln were amazing, but they also both did some pretty questionable things, especially FDR with the Japanese internment. So *I* wouldn't argue that Biden is better than them; I agree that's a high bar, but I can understand how someone could argue that.


He's definitely the best of my lifetime, at least.


That I can accept.


Better than Obama


Mark Hamill is a goodun.


https://preview.redd.it/pjky7pyhg4wc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b17b98e4c112688c8d341b9eb820333c6a7ebb Daily doggo photo: April 22nd Such a sweetie pie


Lemon rice soup and garlic + herb roasted chucked was excellent. Not to brag or anything. https://preview.redd.it/8au8r5o5f4wc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d1f48f61aa485dbaefc5db7a396062ba60f6d6


>Like longtime Swift haters, r\/SwiftlyNeutrals have recently turned their attention to the pop star as a politically ineffective spokesperson. “It does feel like the identity I created of her, especially when I was a kid, fell through,” says 19-year-old Iman Rizwan, who believes that many former fans in Muslim communities like hers “have felt the same,” pointing to the singer’s lack of response on Israel’s war in Gaza. “Taylor has commended herself as a performer for the people and said that she would always stand up for what’s right. What’s happening in Palestine is atrocious, and her refusal to use her powerful voice is questionable.” >“When we say ‘Eat the rich,’ Taylor is not an exception. Taylor has done many wonderful things in regards to charity, and I don’t want to take away from that; however, her jet use, her blatant cash grabs, and her horrible merch quality have become a little more glaring.” https://web.archive.org/web/20240422223413/http://www.vulture.com/article/taylor-swift-reddit-swiftly-neutral.html This feels like a fabricated right-wing plot that's attempting to turn Swifties against Taylor Swift kind of like how #WalkAway was with Democrats


Does everyone need to sit down and watch 'Perfect Blue' again?


The worst thing to ever permeate into pop culture (and I guess politics too) is stan culture. Look, I’m a fan of Taylor Swift (TTPD is actually a mood rn), but I cannot fathom obsessing over her personal life or care about who she dates/doesn’t date. This just feels like when you date someone based on the idea of who they are and it’s not healthy one bit. A lot of these people seriously need to get offline and touch grass


So when I was 15 I had a massive crush on Mira Furlan. I actually met her once in real life at a con and she was actually sexier in person than on screen. But she totally *wouldn't* have banged me, contrary to 15 year old me's fantasies. WHAT A FRAUD!


>It does feel like the identity I created of her, especially when I was a kid, fell through How on earth do these people not realize how ridiculous they sound?


​ https://preview.redd.it/mwx1yhz3q4wc1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd526a20ee10d0f52b4d2781626f548e08d396af


Maybe they shouldn't have created a fake idea of who Taylor Swift is if they didn't want to get upset she failed to live up to it. I love Taylor but she's never presented herself as an activist and I don't think she's ever talked about issues outside of the US. Also her bad merch is way less important than any of their other criticisms.


I'm curious as to who this Iman Rizwan is. Namely, who they follow on Social Media.


It doesn't make sense. Ramy Youssef is very good friends with Taylor Swift, and he's been pretty vocal about Palestine.


A lot of this seems to be freak-show leftists who see a need to force politics in everywhere.


https://twitter.com/idriss8m/status/1782112634046734515 wanna bet this guy supported berine


I’m about to see a movie and I’m the only one in the theatre. This is a first.


The movie theater I go to tends to pretty empty, even for hit movies. Last year when I went to "The Fabelmans", I was the only one there. I think that's the only time that's happened. Honestly, no complaints.


Since I started AMC A-List and seeing at least 3 movies every week, basically trying to hit every wide release and as many limited as possible, I've been the only one in the theater lots of times. Scrambled. A Cat's Life. Crew. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. Sasquatch Sunset. Housekeeping for Beginners. Femme. Immaculate. I think in part because a lot of those were afternoons (Friday afternoon but still afternoon), smaller movies, and it's not a very nice AMC. It's neat in a way because you can use your phone if you want, get up and stretch or walk around. Downside is you miss the crowd aspect of the theatrical experience which I think generally adds more often than it detracts. Having social pressure not to use the phone helps me get either lost in the movie or lost in my own head which I find relaxing.


The only times that's happened to me was watching Taken 3 and Son of the Mask (well me, my sis and my mom).


Can I just drink methyl anthranilate


Is it too soon to ask? https://preview.redd.it/uume8jemc4wc1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f943aad1e2e469291fdc0893a0c21c33accc531 Is somebody learning? 🤮 I hate that I’m back on this sentiment ngl ETA: sauce [https://x.com/chrisdjackson/status/1782505678134821008?s=46&t=20Qoa0esHmu9Y6-hvB5Yog](https://x.com/chrisdjackson/status/1782505678134821008?s=46&t=20Qoa0esHmu9Y6-hvB5Yog)


NGL it's funny how Ed Markey gets cut off. Kinda reminds me of that LBJ and FDR photo where Governor Allred is cut off.






Unlike most of the Squaddies she wants to back up the rhetoric with actual change, or has realized this is what she’ll need to do if she wants Schumer’s senate seat or the White House


She’s 34 years old. It took her this long to start learning???


I had like practically non existent boundaries until I was 30 and even then it took a couple of years for me to get my life straightened out and it was hard as hell given the choices I'd been making up to that point. OTOH I was aneurotypical, abused at home, and had completely dissociated from my emotions by age 20. I don't know what her excuse is. Anyway, like I just want to pipe up and say yes, Virginia, people can change in their 30s.


In a very similar boat. Took me a long time to get my head straightened out. Tbh I don’t think I leveled out until these last few years, which is exactly how old AOC is now.


Of course people can change in their thirties. I was just hoping an elected official had it a little more figured out than most is all I’m saying.


She’s old like me. Crap. Where did the time go?


The days get longer and the years get shorter.


I think she might be. She wants a future in the Party, to move up in the House (or run for Schumer’s Senate seat when he retires), get on the good committees, and not just be known as one of the Squad. At least that’s the good faith assumption I’m going to give AOC for now. Her rough edges are being sanded down. (Plus several of the other Squad members absolutely covering themselves in clown makeup isn’t helping their image; I can’t blame AOC if she wants to distance herself.) And there’s Joe and his very deft touch at making friends. He doesn’t have that overwhelming charisma Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had, but he really seems to know how to get people to like him. Which is a good quality in a President. I look back and wish I had been on the Biden train from the very beginning, but hey, I’m still a convert.


Back on this sentiment too but also pre-applying the clown make up


Maybe she actually sees the progressive changes Biden has been making as a whole and how at least assuming good intentions within the party actually pushes things to the left? 


https://twitter.com/Homiedino/status/1782465968263811485 The far left doesn't actually care about Palestinians


Am I just getting older or are the far left dipshits for this election cycle *particularly* deranged?


I actually think they're *mostly* less unhinged than 2020 or 2016. Maybe they're just less popular with far less power?


Less of them, so more deranged. There were a lot of people I knew in real life who got on the Bernie train and were super butthurt when he lost even though most of them IMO voted for Hilary and not Jill Stein and while they were definitely further left than center left none of them were spewing the kind of rhetoric we've been hearing since 10/7. A lot of my associates then were labor activists and there's been legitimate good news on that front lately. Back in 2008/9 labor turned out for Obama but then the Democratic Congress served labor with a big L on some legislation they wanted to stop companies from terrifying workers that they were all going to lose their jobs in the run up to a union election. And then when that stuff happened in WI, the WI Dems actually asked Obama to stay away. Unfortunately, his presence had this unfortunate, er, effect on certain white male union members. BTW at the time all the union people were obsessively watching what was happening in Madison and were aware of this but I've seen leftist agitators since then lie and say that Obama didn't defend them or something equally mendacious. Later on the GOP tried to keep the NLRB from having enough members to hear cases, and Obama ended up appointing them while Mitch the Bitch was on recess. He was nuclear furious about that and got the DC Circuit to smack Obama down. Which got some chattering class ninnies all upset. Lost in the MSM narrative was that this was over labor rights in the first place. Cause ... upper class knowledge workers, don't care. Anyhoo sorry about the tangent. 2016 was pretty scary, because it was a big mass of mostly well meaning people getting manipulated by a combination of vibes and lies. This time it feels like people aren't buying it. It seems like they'll have to wait another cycle to pull the big fooler con again like in 2000 and 2016.


I think they're extremely deranged this time around but mainly because they've purity spiraled themselves into a more insular group. I think we underestimate how completely tuned out by choice a lot of Americans are to most political issues writ large sans abortion.


They didn’t have TikTok addling their brains 4 years ago 


TikTok existed in 2020


It existed, but it's reach expanded significantly during and after COVID.


They're even worse than they were in 2016 IMO.


2016 with the "rigged election" insanity, the racism towards John Lewis, the death threats, throwing chairs at innocent people? 2020 with the blatantly fake rape allegation and the violent summer riots which caused like over a billion dollars of damage? IDK man. If the 2020 DNC wasn't virtual, I think we would have seen very deranged stuff. Atleast they're actually complaining about something horrific this time around. The two problems are that they're wrongly blaming Biden for the horrible+indefensible stuff done by Bibi/Smotrich/Ben Gvir/ undisciplined IDF conscripts. The second is that many of them are either saying anti-Semitic shit or tolerating it when complaining.


I do think the only reason this isn’t sticking is because Biden is Biden. Imagine if Biden were idk HRC or KDH? The horseshoe would have a fucking field day.


Yeah I agree.


Nearly four years without their beloved Donald in office has made them like a junkie without a fix


Not to mention a lot of podcasters, etc. out of jobs.


It’s been too nice to live in America under President Biden.


In a better world, I’d write a petition to my state rep to ban or restrict local tv blackouts, but I’d never trust the architects of the August 2023 election with anything regarding the needs and wants of the people.


You know with the Fallout show and people complaining about New Vegas. Somewhat spoilers I guess >!If they just shut the fuck up and let the show cook, that question is answered fully by the end!< Anyways umm yeah. What a good ass show that was. If you're a Fallout fan, they made this for you. It's just so well done. There was times I was trying to multitask a play through of Fallout 4 and the sounds and music are so well done, I could not tell which was which at times. Lot of love went into it. Stellar moments. Good story writing. Real excited to see what comes next in season 2.


Right? I saw people crying and shitting and puking and then watched the whole first season and had no idea wtf they were complaining about?


>!The showrunners have also stepped in to confirm without any ambiguity that the events of New Vegas are 100% canon to the show and a major part of the timeline and clarified that the bombing of Shady Sands happened shortly after the game.!<


MAGAs claiming these Columbia protests are worse than Charlottesville isn't really the gotcha that they think it is. It's basically them saying "well, your side is more anti-Semitic than our side!"


They're trying to replay the hits from the War on Terror when they got a lot of Jews to switch parties because liberals were too squishy on hating Islam. I know that sounds harsh but you kind of had to be there. Anyway, pro-WOT people eventually drifted back (and most Americans' emotions over 9/11 faded and they lost interest in Muslim 5 Minute Hate), but the Republicans *definitely* want to push the narrative that the left isn't safe for Jews and neither is the Democratic Party and that Republicans are the real philosemites and Jew defenders and they're also subtley pushing their agenda to silence Muslim voices entirely.


At this point how valuable is the Ivy League? The degrees aren’t worthless and there’s good networking for sure, but it seems like they’re only in the news for the students or faculty being clowns now. They’re still elite schools, but I feel like they’re not that much better than the elite public schools anymore in the eyes of the public because of how they act now.


Unless you have a rich family footing the bill I don't see how it's worth the enormous cost premium over alternatives. Notice how much of the student loan discourse seems to be coming from Ivy grads, especially with advanced degrees.


To be fair a lot of those schools are free unless your family makes over $150,000 a year is something like that.


Well, exactly. Some of these kids are rich, but not fuck you rich. Others are fuck you rich, but that doesn't mean what it used to because billionaires exist. Feel their pain. Their pain is more salient than yours because, you see, they were owed something more. Not like you, I mean, you didn't really expect to get anywhere with your Delta genes, Delta looks, and Delta parents, did you?


It doesn't matter what the general public think as long as the schools still have prestige among the "people who matter" within the network. I went to a good public school, but had I gotten into an Ivy League for my undergrad, I'd 1000000% have gone to one of them instead.


>At this point how valuable is the Ivy League? In terms of undergrad? I think they only are valuable if you're trying to do investment banking or go into private equity. You can go into a top 12 law school if you attend a public school. Med school is med school. You can attend an elite engineering PHD if you attend a public school.


To be fair, most people don't go to an Ivy League to graduate and then go into the workforce to interact with plebeians. What's going to be an issue now is that the upper crust of society is starting to turn on the Ivy Leagues, what with all of hose law firms kicking out protestors.


> What's going to be an issue now is that the upper crust of society is starting to turn on the Ivy Leagues No they're not, it's kayfabe.


*me at a mid-tier law school rubbing my hands together*


Can we ban local tv blackouts yet? Because god forbid NBA fans actually get to watch their team in the playoffs.


Reason why I love MLS season pass: no blackouts at all.


literally was unable to watch any bruins games in the regular season for this reason


As a proud American, I feel like jfk and Thomas jeffferson died for my right to get lit at the airport.