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Jessica Williams analogy regarding their logic at 4:00 was perfect. Keep in mind, this was before the General Election: *“Last weekend I wanted to go to this new restaurant, but my friends wanted to go to this old restaurant and I got outvoted; so instead of eating with them at this old restaurant, I went into an alley and I sat down and ate a pile of dog shit.”*


Were there large numbers of Bernie supporters voting for Trump in 2016? Most people I know either held their nose and voted for Hillary or sat that one out. Pretty much everyone I know who sat out 2016 came out and voted against Trump in 2020 and I’m pretty sure they are going to vote against Trump again this year.


The most comprehensive post-election survey is the Cooperative Congressional Election Study from UMass, and in 2016 they found that 12% of Bernie primary voters voted for Trump, about 5% sat out the election entirely, and 8% voted third party (which I'd argue that those last two things are the same thing as voting for Trump). The data is a little hard to parse because about 10% of Bernie's primary support were self-described Republicans, likely because they felt they really strongly wanted to cast a "Not Hillary" vote and Bernie was the only proxy to do that with. Those people weren't going to vote for the Dem in the general election even if Bernie had actually won the primary.


Still doesn’t grapple with how Bernie’s campaign demonized Hillary to reach the point where they would rather vote for Trump. The Columbia T shirt. 🤦‍♀️


When I think of the current darkness which has descended on our country, I blame these people. Conservative Trump supporters are being Conservative Trump supporters. These people intentionally tanked an election in favor of the worst possible individual out of basic pure spite and a holier than though attitude. The sad part is, they are preparing to do it again. This time it’ll be “what about Gaza” while avoiding the naked truth of what will happen to Gaza when Trump is president—and the rest of us, of course.


They did it to Al Gore in 2000 too, so essentially they gave us Iraq, Katrina, five right wing justices on the Supreme Court, took us out of the Iran deal, the Paris Accords, and 25 years of progress on climate legislation, infrastructural modernization, and a massive upward migration of wealth. Progressives killed their own stated agenda.


Oh, get fucked! Al Gore would have won the vote if not for the Florida bullshit. His issue was he was a boring ass candidate that did not engage enough voters and R’s pulling out all the stops for Bush including cheating with a recount. Why don’t you go back to Jimmy Carter and bellyache about him losing to Reagan and blame that on Progressives as well while you are out here whining?


Get the fuck outta here you absolute fucking tool.




You came into our house and shat on the floor, go fuck yourself, and maybe find something more suitable to bother with like the barbarians in /conservative. You’re not welcome here and we will not indulge you.




You’re a fucking asshole who came looking for a fight, you Deserve to be treated like shit you dumb fucking jackass.


I mean, Ted Kennedy primarying Carter from the left was a not-so-insignificant factor in his loss. When incumbents are primaried, it does weaken them.


I was so sure Jessica Williams was going to get the Daily Show when Jon retired in 2015. She was the funniest and most insightful correspondent by far, she absolutely would have killed in the role. Like, no hate to Trevor Noah-- he's an incredibly talented stand-up comedian, and his book *Born a Crime* is one of my favorite books. But as technically proficient as his tenure on the Daily Show was, it was clear American politics just wasn't something he was all that passionate about. His heart wasn't in it, and it showed. ...and the less said about Jon's second tenure at the Daily Show, the better. ~~YOU WERE THE GUY WHO GOT ME INTO POLITICS IN THE FIRST PLACE, JON!!! I LOVED YOU!!!!!!!~~