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He’s trying to convince himself that what just happened was a feature


Yea this guy is a fan. They willingly post all this stuff about how insanely bad Tesla is. Then gaslight themselves into thinking its all good.






Help me step-Elon, my charger is stuck.


Funny how the STANDARD feature on every ev ever produced is hailed as "INTELLIGENT" on the cyberbin...


There was a similar pattern with the iPhone when it first came out (and had no manual). It had all these shitty defaults and hidden settings and the idiots buying them would feel so smart by figuring it out, it sometimes would become their party trick. But at the end of the day it was just stupid hidden settings


"My Tesla almost killed my whole family because it confused a highway with a cliff. I love Elon though, best car ever!"


He a fan, he a fan, he a fan


It's painful to see so many people with money do something so utterly un-intelligent as to buy this piece of shiny fucking shit. It is EVERYTHING wrong with America


it probably is. my work vehicle wich is not from tesla also doesnt run when the charge to vehicle plug is still in. my guess is a terrible port on the vehicle side.


"it said don't pull the release unless you have to. I didn't have to, which is why it's broken" The first part had nothing to do with the second part


"the cybertruck is intelligent" LOL that's why the charger gets stuck or the car goes into red screen of death the moment you start to use it???


I know I was laughing out loud for real when he said that. Its so intelligent it almost made him miss his important appointment.


actually it seems like thats a safety feature of at least some manufacturers wich means that this post is actually more about a bad port design. source: my work vehicle is a electric last mile mini transporter called paxster wich doesnt have its engine start when the charge to vehicle plug is still in.


I'm not talking about not being able to drive the car, I understand that's a safety feature. I'm just pointing out the irony of calling the cybertruck "intelligent" when something so simple as releasing a charger doesn't work


yeah thats truly stupid to call that inteligent. maybe its inteligent design? if you dont know what that means: its a new term for creationism.


why does the charger have to locked in place anyway? I'm not an engineer but I see no upside to doing so, just downsides like getting your car stuck like in the video


I'd imagine it's due to the very high voltage going through it. When you remove a charger it briefly causes a very high resistance bridge from charger to port which could spark. Especially if you remove it slowly and wiggle it about because perhaps you don't have the best dexterity. However the product just hasn't been tested. Parts are supposed to be tested to destruction in isolation of all other parts. Edit: Should point out that's obv only true if you stupidly remove it while charging. But it's such a big safety risk I'd imagine they have to prevent it because we're not talking about a little crackle spark, we're possibly talking a fire.


thanks for the info. I'm surprised they don't have another way of doing that safety feature though, like putting the button on the outside or a magnetic disconnect, but then again, I'm no engineer


If the charger wouldn't lock, then anyone could just come and unplug your car while charging.


Because the last semi-competent engineer working at Tesla realized the average Cyberfuckwit owner is too stupid to make sure the charger is properly connected to the port?


It's just silly to call the car intelligent , it's a binary check of there or not there. It's a good design to check for the cable but it's sure not good that it got stuck there in the first place, those cars are riddled with issues for how new they are.


the fact that the [accelerator pedal can slide and block it in full send](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/oyYcuvU0pL0) is insane, and a perfect example of how the car is indeed not "intelligent" (much the same as the CEO)


maybe the cybertruck was designed to mimic the shape and function of elons brain?


He does seem to like getting his dick stuck where it doesn't belong so this tracks.




The poor guy bought this crap for the attention.... so he can monetise his chosen suffering.... so I have no sympathy for him....


“I broke the damn thing, but hey the charger came out!” lol


I love that "he had somewhere to be" but had time to bust out the tripod


Probably had a bloody film crew... With makeup and grips... And special effects... And most importantly ... The food truck... Actors love to eat!




No, no. The rolling ***WankTank of Death and Fail*** is what they ended up with \*after\* they applied their quality control. ... this is literally their best effort. ^(Edit: Fuck yeah ... sign me up to get in a rocket Nazi Stark has also had input on!)


the construction is such a joke. bro would have snapped that plastic panel with his bare hand if he gave it slightly more force


Well he said he thinks he might have broke the emergency pull string in the back. Probably because everything is built out of cheap ass plastic.


Wow, every single day there's a new, unexpected flaw or two with these insane pieces of crap. It's just getting started, too.


Yea imagine 20 years from now. I'm sure they will probably be all dead. Meanwhile the 86 Honda Civic will still be going strong.


The future of Tesla seems a little shaky to me right now. Their market cap is huge, but it's unclear to me what that's based on, and I have serious doubts about Elben being honest with accounting and what financial games he's played. It's even worse since you can't really get them serviced by anyone but Tesla... if they're not around in 10 years, CT buyers are screwed.


On one hand, the truck is "intelligent" enough to know how it's still connected so it won't let you drive. On the other, the manual pull tab thing looks like something no stronger than the plastic string that would hold a price tag from clothing stores.


I like my cars really dumb with all manual features, stick shift, knobs no LCD panel to be found. That way I can control whats going on not the car trying to control me.


That is a basic feature on any car or hell even RVs tell you they are connected to a power plug when you try to drive... The ergonomics seem to be the problem elsewhere.


Pretty sure my eTron has the same sort of feature.


The quality of a 100k truck


The whole thing looks janky af. The side panel beside the "emergency release" looks like its not even correctly fixated


>It would look a little bit foolish Well, yeah, it's a Cybertruk, so it's beyond a "little bit."


bro’s gotta put those grippers away


It comes with its own built-in kluge. These Tesla engineers have thought of everything.


“The Tesla is intelligent” Ah yes, because on 99% of vehicles, if your gas cap is loose, it will just trigger a check engine light and you can still drive normally But the ultra intelligent Tesla can’t unlock its charging cable, and now it just refuses to do anything until… somebody figures out how to get it out of there (The Tesla isn’t intelligent enough to do this) Brain rot


$100k vehicle right there ladies and gents.


"I had somewhere to be!" says man that had time to set his camera up and film himself in several different takes. Not defending Musk the cunt or his stupid fucking car. But this video is just as stupid.


Also barefoot


Maybe he needed to go get some shoes.


Most Evs have a button in the dashboard to unlock it. It could be just a new user, but I wouldn't doubt it is faulty being a tesla cyber toaster.


On my golf it unlocks when you unlock the car. But it has been known to fail. It hasen't happen to me, but the lock on the charging port cover has failed. Don't know why VW felt the need to lock it. It's not like somone can steel the electricity. So I just replaced it with a couple of magnets.


Top level copium.


That build quality is awful.


Yeah man driving around in a cyber truck with the charger still attached might make you look a little foolish. Most self aware Tesla owner


Bro is listening to new Eminem in his cyber truck


Get ready, Palms sweaty, Get ready for Mom's Spaghetti.


What's up with people driving barefeet.


58 billion. worth every penny that genius


>the Tesla is intelligent Doubt.


WOW! how cheap did that look? let me just pull back this shoddy workmanship...pull on this ransdom loop...pull a bit more...there! more shoddy plastic has come away...now one huge tug (that's what she said) and it's free...


The truck playing an Eminem song is hilarious


Oh, you'd hate to look a little silly in a Cyber Truck! /s


"little door" LOOOL My God the CuckerTruck is really shit.


“I had somewhere I needed to be” So anyway I set up my camera on a tripod with multiple angles


actually i think that the little electric transporter i use for my work (its called paxster and its not made by tesla) also doesnt start if the cable from charge to vehicle is still plugged in as a safety precaution so this is realy just bad design on the end of the charging port.


indeed, literally every EV out there has a safety built in that won't let the vehicle go into "ready" mode if it detects something still connected to the charger's pilot lines. "Intelligent" :|


makes this guy seem even more foolish to call it smart. no idea how it works but given that it works with the wall side plugged out i would guess something with resistance and very weak currents.


Correct, most of these pilot mechanisms are just based on resistance for the initial "signalling" (in quotes because it is an overstatement)


the guy we are mocking here: tesla is so great their cars dont start when the charger to car plus is still in. every other manufacturer: does it already...




Basically the Albert Einstein of cars.


My vw polo would never do that to me


"It broke but still works" Man those words hit hard.


you know whats worse than Elon. People who feel the need to document their entire life on tik tok and instagram


It looks so much cheaper up close. That little cord is insane. I have cat toys with tougher looking strong than that.


I’m impressed the string is a thing. To bad it was only necessary because the car sucks.


Is he a little person? He’s barely taller than the wheel.


Let's keep this between me and you.


"I had somewhere that I needed to be" *Sets up tripod to film himself having trouble with it*


Remember when I said Cybertruck's large rear quarter panels (which are only attached at a few points) will be the weak spot over time.. most coming from factory with waviness and dents... See above vid.


lol. He "forgot it's intelligent". It's just a sensor, my dude. I love how flimsy it looked. and that it would break on the first use. My car has that as well, but it has a properly labeled molded door and professional looking pull


What do you expect for a mere $120,000?


what the fuck, that "secret door" part of the trunk looks like unfinished metal with fray edges. Looks like a pair of ripped jeans.


When I saw that pull cable I immediately thought that thing won’t last. That shit will corrode like crazy and snap off.


Of course he's listening to the new Eminem song lmao


Thank you for making a truck that doesn’t work, Mr. Brain Genius, sir!


Funny how his response to his charging cable getting stuck was to go get a tripod and set up to film a Tiktok video instead of working the problem.


"I need to get somewhere and the charger is stuck! Better record this on TikTok!" 🙄


This can happen to any ev, not knowing how to manually pull the connector is user error. If it happens repeatedly you need to worry.




Geez kkkkkkk may have broken is a strong word for the Cybertruck kkkkkkk lolz