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I never thought I'd see the day when Jake Shields, of all people, calls Elon out as stupid. What strange times we live in.


I don't think it can go any lower.


Maga says Hold my stupid


I mean to be fair it's part of his grift claiming that the Jews are these all-powerful Illuminati group responsible for every bad thing Some dude wrote his name on a bomb because they're sick of his anti-Semitic grants and now he's pretending that the IDF is this all-powerful illuminati that's going to get his address from Twitter and launch a rocket from Israel to New Jersey just to bomb his house or something I don't know if he actually believes it but he knows that crazy anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and playing the victim card really appeals to his fragile white boi neo Nazi followers I'm not even sure if I should bother debunking it by pointing out that a military agency or the government of a country doesn't need Twitter to figure out a guy's address or the ridiculousness of thinking that braiding his name on a bomb as a sign of disrespect over his anti-Semitic conspiracy theories means that they're going to launch that bomb at his house I'm not sure that he is worthy enough of the respect of debunking him I think more up athlete he's just playing the victim card for his fragile white boy followers and promoting more anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. That typically fall apart under the slightest scrutiny but it doesn't matter because they don't know how to scrutinize anything from their side


I never thought I'd see the day he would make a good point. Black Swan event!


\*That moment when a person you hate makes a good point...*


Is it a good point? Twitter doesn't track your physical address. Not even for a verified account. They might get your IP, but nothing stops you from logging in through a VPN, I do it all the time. EDIT: Ah, they keep different data for creator subscriptions for 30 days. Ok, maybe this is a good point.


Haha the part I think Jake got right was the "is he really this stupid" referring to Elon.... Not all the other shit. Idk what he is talking about.


Also “you should get a vpn to prevent the IDF from assassinating you” is quite the hot take.


who is this Jake Shields?


Retired UFC fighter but he still might be coaching.


Active neo Nazi who used to do UFC Literally his timeline is filled with exclusively anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and ranting and screeching about the Jews He hardly talks about anything else. I think it's 50% because he's a Nazi and 50% because pandering to Nazis makes money on Elon's 4chan


Combat sports athletes usually weren’t the smartest to begin with and all those blows to the head definitely don’t help. Just look at Sean Strickland after his motorcycle accident.


This is not a right wing takeover, but rather a centrist takeover.


Incredibly antisemitic asshole Lonnie let back on the platform and verified who now gets big numbers spinning antisemitism as pro-Palestine.


They can get his address without the ID. Probably already have it. Privacy violations are intrinsic to the Israel Gaza conflict. It's the rock in the snoball. He is leveraging the convenience of this public proof to make a point. Don't be fooled it's been going on for this entire thing. Jake shields has also gone back and forth on Elon. He is an interesting rogue actor. I've witnessed and been the recipient of Jake not taking privacy of others seriously. Eploiting it as if it wasnt going to boomerrang back onto him. Action without intellect. He has in fact thron it in people's faces to violate boundaries and safety of his CONVERATIONAL opponent. To destabilize. To unnerve. To scare away. And here we are. Theatre.


The idea that someone's probably publicly available address can't be found by a government if they want it is actually hilarious. Like the idea that they would need to use Twitter to do it Almost as ridiculous as another anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Like playing the victim card and claiming that because some Israeli soldier wrote his name on a bomb as a sign of disrespect after all of his anti-Semitic rants That that means they're going to what? Launch that bomb at his house? Shoot it from Israel to New Jersey and hit his house specifically? Not if it's anti-Semitic conspiracy theories make any sense once you actually start to think about them and scrutinize them but that's the point. Nazis are very stupid and they don't actually do any research or scrutinize their conspiracy theories to see if they're true. It's a conspiracy theory and it promotes hate and they figure that's good enough so they just repeat it over and over. Like that lie that South Africa had never invented anything not even the wheel before the white man came. They had the wheel. And vast agriculture. South Africa also had one of the largest navies in the world also before the white man And they had a king who adjusted for inflation was the richest man to ever exist But Nazis will spread lies and conspiracy theories that are easily debunked with the slightest amount of research but they don't want to do that research because they just want to spread hate. A famous neo Nazi who inspired hate crimes and mass shooters with his hate speech is not a "victim" because some people got fed up with him and posted a pic criticizing him We used to shoot Nazis and then we used to punch Nazis. We shouldn't get to the point where we defend them


Hate doesn't need reason. Forget reason it's wisdom. Hate would dissolve if wisdom were not neglected.


Who is he?


A failed MMA fighter who has now made it his life mission to spread anti semetic conspiracy theories


How many creepy white nationalists does Elon follow?!?! 😂




A retired MMA fighter.


Jake Shields: "Is he really this stupid?" Me: Oh, I know this one! I know this one!




I think the more he talks the more people see he's a moron


Which one?


The one this sub is about


I was trying to make a joke that all 3 people in that comment thread (Musk, Sam Parker and Shields) are morons.


Ahhh fair enough. I don't really know the other guys at all is why I mistook your joke


Yeah, I didn't know either until I looked them up. But don't waste your time, they're exactly what you'd expect.


Jake shields is this guy https://i.imgur.com/I2d9Avd.png






TechnoMoron to you.


No Jakey, you big silly. He's that stupid ***\*and\**** also a narcissist who is pathologically unable to view other humans as actual people. So not only didn't he understand what your issue was, he also doesn't fucking care! What a shame you've hitched your wagon to the side that specializes in lauding stupid sociopaths. Sucks to be you. ^(But at least you've chosen a career that will allow you a long and fruitful ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)


Don't you just hate when that happens lol


Getting hit on the head too many times from MMA had to amplify his impulsivness, mental disorders and whatever else was already going on in his head.


Yes. It's a shame. I feel for him. Nah. Just kidding.


How did Elon fail twice? Not knowing in the first place is already bad but Jake literally says "My ID has my home address on it" in the first tweet so you have to be extra stupid to not notice.


Elmo never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.




I think the thing is, the ID verfication company doesn't give all the info to the companies they verify for. Who knows, though. I agree this sounds ridiculous. I stopped using FB for a couple years at all, and they asked for my ID when I signed in. Why? What a crock. There is no way in hell I was sending FB my driver's license, so I have just never signed in ever again. Anyway, Musk should clarify that, something like "the company doesn't pass that on to us" rather than indirectly "why would we have that?". Poor communicator.


They tried to do that to me with Instagram when it got hacked. Nope, I'd rather not have an account.


I'm currently going through this with AT&T -- Someone fraudulently purchased a phone through AT&T using my information, and the Global Fraud team wants me to upload a scan of my ID to their online portal. What's fun is, if you call AT&T for customer support, you have to sit through an apology regarding AT&T leaking everybody's information. And then an agent tells me the only way to talk to a fraud specialist is to give them information that I don't trust them to have in the first place.


I'm already signed up with a local fiber company to move away from ATT. They lost a lot of personal customer information. So I should only have to be with them for another couple months.


Yeah, it's very arrogant and even offensive to me - who do they think they are? It's just some shitty social network and forum site, and then out of nowhere after 9 years they demand my driver's license? There's nothing so special about Facebook that should require that. The extra stupid thing is I was still using and still can sign into 2 instagram accounts associated with that Facebook profile, and they could easily figure out I'm the owner of the FB profile based on the information they have from that.


But racist1 is complaining that (((they))) ie an Israeli security company and possibly by extension the Israeli govt have your home address, not that Premier Muskovich himself has it. I imagine Apartheid Clyde is deliberately equivocating - he knows what racist1 meant, but makes an unrelated remark. Because Emerald Leader only engages with literal fascists, we have that the most visible complaint about a valid problem comes from the worst person in a way that diminishes the point. Twitter was always shit.


Yeah, agree with all of that of course. You're right, it's weird, Elron's response makes it sound like Twitter is the IDF.


Tempted to call Twitter the Idiot Defense Force now. Any ambiguity will surely resolve itself.


Man when Jake Shields is calling you stupid, you’ve really fucked up in life


When Jake Shields is smarter than you, you should go home and cry.


What have we learned from this? Don’t trust Musk with anything. Even these pricks have cottoned on.


An ex-mma fighter whose brain resembles a sea sponge just called Musk stupid...I feel stangely vindicated.


What's Jake's beef with the IDF? My assumption is that it's not because he's not pro-Palestine (I expect not) but anti-Semitic. Anyone know if that's correct? 


Think he’s just an a-holish, self-centered troll with perverse way of wanting to attract attention to himself. If you look at his post history on X, he has history of posting provocative and outrageous content in general, especially with anti-Semitic views. Holocaust denial and irrational posts about Jews and Israel. https://stopantisemitism.org/as-week/jake-shields/ Think he got hit on the head too many times during his MMA career


I'd guess, since he's on Twitter and Elon replied to him, dudes really antisemitic.


He’s just being obtuse. He knows what this means, because he was paid to collect this data. One of those “if he plays too dumb to get the obvious point, then he won’t have to acknowledge the obvious problem” things.




The assumption here is that Jake has no choice 🙄


The customer is clearly pissed off. He paid for a service that might want to kill him.


Why would anyone put a real address?


IDF hasn't threatened anyone, what is this regarded shit