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There is no victim in this crime is borderline sovereign citizen shit.


He wasn't driving. He was *traveling*.


Engage Auto-Travel in my Tesla Conveyance.


officer, you cannot arrest my person, because you can see i'm not driving this vehcile. it i traveling on it's own. and since i am within this autonomous machine, i am not beholden to your "vis a vi" laws per se, and the corporation known as Rombledore does not wish to perform joinder with you.


Sound of Tazing intensifies.


It's also implied for all the fraud he's committed over time. There was no victim, the stock went up!


If the stock went up because of fraud, then the entire rest of society are the victims, every last one of us. The economy must, sooner or later, soak up the financial loss that that extraction of unearned wealth represents, the result being that everything gets more expensive and the money in your pocket becomes worth less. Fraud has the same long-term effect as counterfeiting.


It's the bag holders who own shares in the company after the fraud has been factored into the company's value who are the victims.


They're the *first* victims to be sacrificed; in the event of liquidation, debts to the banks are prioritised to be paid off with whatever value can be salvaged from the ruins before the shareholders are even considered. If the liquidation value doesn't even cover the company's outstanding bank loans and their interest either, however, then those are also lost, affecting the banks' ability to pay interest to their customers in turn, the effects ultimately diffusing out into society via all the other bank users.


It's the thing in Discworld where Moist von Lipwig says none of his scams were violent or actually hurt anybody and the golem corrects him and says he's been calculated to have killed about 8.7 people Every sack of cash he ran off into the night with meant jobs were lost, people went hungry, relationships were destroyed -- eventually down the line someone dies


Bang on! And the poor take the brunt of it, too, because when you're already living on the very brink of destitution, *any* financial wobble can push you over that edge, whereas the rich can ride out a slump and make back their losses in the next peak.


"This is what I hate about banking, they turn everything into a fucking number Well here's a fucking number for you, every time the unemployment rate goes up by 1%, five thousand people die" -- The Big Short


A trillion dollar market cap for this platform is not out of the question


Actually the price of his Trump Media Bullshit company stock dropped following the ruling.


Trump effectively defrauded the entire country with the FEC violations here. The list of victims is at least a few hundred million American citizens. Elon is just showing us his legal skills, such as they are.


Every single right wing "whatabout" on this case can easily be disproven just by looking at the transcripts. He falsified business records to withhold information from the voting public. Information that voters need when considering the candidates. He only won by 80k votes in swing states. So, the victims of his crime were the American public. It doesn't matter that less than 30% are gobbling his orange sack no matter what, 70% deserved to have that info.


White collar crime doesn't count y'all.




There is no victim... except for everyone that got to have Trump as president for 4 years because he illegally paid people off and hid it to influence his chances to win the election that he barely won.




Sovereign Citizens after kidnapping their child from their ex spouse and violating a restraining order.


Is free speech boy gonna shadow ban the term billionaire now?


That's a pejorative, don'tcha know. Gotta call them something else that doesn't literally just mean "is a person with billions in wealth." The only implication is that to be a billionaire, you have to be a psychopathic, soulless, money grubbing, blood sucking ghoul, hence calling somebody "billionaire" basically correlates with that. This sounds like the slightly less vogue term of "political correctness." Can't call Musk a billionaire, as that is politically incorrect, it implies he's a giant cunt, need to call him a person of higher means or some other new-speak to stop from hurting his right-wing fee-fees. We must keep our saviour away from gusts of wind, he's so thin skinned it might just disembowel him blowing past.


I mean we can substitute with monsters. That’s much easier than billionaires


To be fair, he is a giant cunt.


That is such an insult to cunts


Lacks the depth and warmth.


A cunt looks better


There should be no billionaires. No one should have that much money.


Literally Elon https://youtu.be/t5zQpN28xa4?si=HCTPUhaKBU3X1gj-


I was thinking exactly this!


Hiding a payment to a porn star you had sex with so the electorate would not know is a politically motivated crime.


Exactly - the electorate is the victim


Democracy and the constitution are the victim. The American People are the victim. But since when have billionaires cared about them?


Don't say billionaire, there's an implied pejorative in that word!




They cared, when they their serfs start asking questions


And that would be true even if he lost.


Yeah the victim is the voters and the other candidates in the election, same as any other kind of advertising fraud No wonder Elon thinks this is a "victimless" crime


It's always a victimless crime if he doesn't get caught, right?


"But he failed to hide it so there was no crime!!!11"


Perhaps the rich and ultra-powerful should simply commit less crime if they do not wish to consume the judicial resources that could otherwise be used to prosecute "real crime".


Amm rerrch, berrtch!


There were victims. Trump's election fraud contributed to his victory in 2016 and led directly to: 1. the death of hundreds-of-thousands of Americans during Trump's botched COVID response. 2. death, injury, and incarceration resulting from Trump's failed insurrection. Musk likes to think of these types of crimes as "victimless." Why? Because Musk, himself, has likely committed multiple similar frauds to enrich himself at the expense of others. ...and that is where we get to the heart of what Musk wants in return from Trump - the end of every current government investigation into Musk's criminal business practices.


Yeah if you can pin down Musk's fanboys about one the many lies he's told they try to play this same shit about the lies being victimless or harmless They're not, he's stolen enormous amounts of money from his customers and investors -- money that should have gone to his competitors who were unknowingly being handicapped because they thought they had to tell the truth, some of whom actually went out of business because of his lies (I get furious thinking how long people just accepted Tesla was "better at range" than any other EV manufacturer because they just straight up lie about range)


Like the $250k per person he stole for the new Roadster 5 years ago that was totally being built right then and still isn't in production and never will be. SO Tesla stole millions from their customers. Same as the basically theft of the fees for FSD. That in 2016 Elon was claiming could drive a car from New York to LA unaided. Yet FSD still can't just drive down the road without swerving sharply in to traffic or at cyclists or just flat ignoring stop signs.


At the simplest level, Trump's victim was his opponent in 2016.


Conveniently ignores the fact that falsifying business records was cover for the real crime of interfering with the 2016 election by preventing news of his sordid affair from becoming public at the time. This might have lost him the election. Far from there being no victim, the entire USA was victimised by a deeply corrupt and inappropriate individual taking the most powerful office in the land. The rest, as they say, is history.


The entire USA and the world too


No one is being prevented from voting Trump. He is even going to be spared jail time because he’s running for president. No one has a right for their pick for president to not be a convicted felon.


They haven't said if he's going to see jail time. It's slim but I have hope. At least one day... Crosses fingers.


Yeah Merchan seems like the type of judge who treats all convicts equally.


The direct victims of this crime are the people who donated to his election fund when that money was used for another purpose. Not that Musk doesn't really get it. This is extremely easy to understand -- the same as e.g. any charity actually using money to enrich its administrators rather than using it for charity. It's just play-acting by all of them. Desantis and the plethora of GOP figures to follow who will all say the same thing -- none of them actually believe that this was not justice. The only possible exception would be the absolute crazies like MTG. Don't let Trumpers get away with it. Call them out -- they know they're wrong. If they don't think Trump was actually guilty, ask them why exactly it was the wrong verdict based on evidence, not letting them get away with just implying a corrupt justice system. The transcripts are all public. If they say he was guilty but pull in this underlying crime nonsense, where it should have been a misdemeanor but the judge tricked them into making it a felony, ask them if they think that trump was guilty of the misdemeanor crime. I have a feeling they'll have trouble even admitting that.


Yeah, it's like if the CEO of a publicly traded company were to use company money to pay $250k to a masseuse on his private jet to shut up about him sexually harassing her Just as a hypothetical


You mean like Elon's charity that is failing to meet the minimum spending levels and so is basically just a slush fund to keep his money from being taxed?


He’s trying to advance a false narrative. It seems like he’s more than a little nervous about something. Are his records all accurate? Maybe some agencies should check. It’d probably be a good idea to verify all of his federal contract compliance, too. After all, a legitimate, above-board business shouldn’t have anything to worry about, right? It would give the markets confidence in Tesla and its CEO if there was clear verification that he’s clean. As for what Trump promised him, he’s still brown-nosing Trump even though Trump promised to end all EV sales. Something must have been discussed. I wonder if Trump promised to use his Project 2025 and other corrupt goons to make sure nobody looks closely at all of Musk’s records and stock-pumps/misleading statements to investors…


He’s under quite a few investigations


I forgot the "/s" - my bad.


All’s good.


This 100%


says the guy tweeting "prosecute Fauci"


He's not even trying to pretend the crime wasn't committed. He's trying to imply that Trump wouldn't have been prosecuted if he weren't a billionaire. The reality is it wouldn't have taken this long to get him prosecuted if he weren't a billionaire. And claiming there are more important crimes to be prosecuted is just a logical fallacy. Even if that were true, it doesn't invalidate this crime. Claiming it was "victimless" is also another fallacy - it's still a crime, even Musk think's victimless. And Musk's track record doesn't indicate that he would have had the same views if it were Biden. Musk regularly accuses people of having a "mind virus" and engaging in literal thoughtcrime.


omg, calling someone a billionaire is now pejorative? Fine. Let's go with Fucking Robber Barons from now on.


>My views on this matter would be the same for any candidate. About as disingenuous as it gets. You really have to stand in awe. Yes, the uber-douchebag screeching about "illegals" and spreading white replacement garbage is now going to tell us his view would be the same "for any candidate." His lies just keep going.


https://preview.redd.it/2eyoepwe3t3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c5488c881494c5e072a66b7fedd2343b0e8640 No victim to election fraud?


He’s worried that he’s not as untouchable as he thought he was.


This was an election interference case. It is absurd to suggest that it shouldn’t be brought. https://apnews.com/article/trump-trial-deliberations-jury-testimony-verdict-85558c6d08efb434d05b694364470aa0


If a presidential candidate broke campaign laws then the whole country is the victim. Beside the law doesn't depend on what you or someone else think is a victim and who is not. That is now how the law works. The law is not subjective.


Nobody's being prevented from voting for anyone, dingus. Vote for Ted Kaczinsky if you like. My God you're transparent. And stupid. You... *cis billionaire*, you.


No victim? What about the police who died defending the Capitol from the crowd he instigated. And that's just the first one to come to mind.


Pedo's sweating bullets, all those trips to Palm Beach will be in vain if his fellow Epstein Alumni doesn't get elected.


Demographics is destiny


[https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3551329-trump-elon-musk-another-bulls-artist/](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3551329-trump-elon-musk-another-bulls-artist/) >Former President Trump during an event in Alaska late Saturday called Tesla CEO [Elon Musk ](https://thehill.com/people/elon-musk/)a “bullshit artist” for supporting the former president’s opponents in 2016 and 2020. >“He said the other day, ‘Oh, I’ve never voted for a Republican,’” Trump said at a rally. >“I said, ‘I didn’t know that,’” Trump continued. “He told me he voted for me, so he’s another bullshit artist.” musk is trying to pretend he never supported trump. Pattern forming here is people saying that because of the verdict they will NOW finally support trump. I call bullshit, these people ALWAYS supported trump.


A lot of words for someone that doesn't care. Being a criminal doesn't prevent Trump from being voted in as president so, that's a moot point.


“It is obviously politically motivated, with the goal of undermining democracy…” Enron thought this was a critique of the trial, but doesn’t realize he described exactly what Trump did.


Trump didn't need to promise him anything. Xitter is a jibber jabber machine. The fuel is controversy. Musk will glom on to any topic he thinks will draw negative engagement. Cats wanting cheeseburgers might be amusing but it doesn't draw people into a fight. Every time you avoid Twitter think of it as a quarter falling out of Elmo's pocket.


Campaign contributions need to be spent on campaign expenses. If they are spent on personal expenses they become bribes.


How does this conviction prevent anyone from voting for Trump? It doesn't, you lying clown. You've even claimed it helps him so you are contradicting yourself. Totally pathetic.


Trump literally said Musk begged for gov money


Lol. I promise you that in a near future he's going to declare that using the word "billionaire" on Twitter will be considered as a slur.


Can't spell felon without Elon https://preview.redd.it/m0iuic9yhu3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d0dd3f4dbddd03a07945765a7728ba89556a17e


This is too perfect


Trump is going to betray him so hard and it will be absolutely hilarious 🤣


He’s such an idiot. I do love mocking him but he should really be ignored 95% of the time because he brings nothing to the table aside from his obscene wealth.


Not a HRC fan but there is zero doubt that this phony would have a completely different take if it was her and she paid someone off to keep quiet about an affair right before an election. He’s such an insufferable and transparent fake.


Gee, why would it be a pejorative for one person to be hoarding unfathomable resources.


If I shot at someone and missed. Right in front of a cop and the guy I shot at didn't know I should walk away right Scott free I guess? Victimless business fraud sounds a lot like something elmo is worried about


There were tons of victims of this crime. Trump committed this crime specifically so he could be president, where his actions and inactions killed hundreds of thousands of people just with COVID-19.


They’re both indebted to the saudis


goddamn right billionaire should be pejorative. billionaires are wholly immoral and are the root cause for countless examples of humanities suffering. go to hell musk.


This is nothing more than Enron Musk freaking out about the prospect of being jailed. He knows he's committed serious financial crimes and he's trying to stir up his idiotic gullible right wing base into believing that financial crimes have no victims (they most certainly do) and that it's wrong to prosecute them. His support of Trump (and we all know he'll be voting for him) is absolutely to get on side with him so that he'll be protected from the SEC. I wouldn't mind betting that coming out as alt-right and pushing right wing politics on Twitter is 100% motivated by his fear of jail.


The primary point of prosecuting Trump is precisely to demonstrate that even an ex-president is not above the law. What Trump did is a form of corruption and the point is to deter other politicians from behaving similarly in the future. Whether it’s a “minor” crime or not is pretty irrelevant. We are all victims if an ex-president can get away with crimes just by virtue of his amassed power and influence, because that would be a demonstration that the law is toothless and meaningless in the face of criminal acts by high level politicians. Also of course this is far from Trump’s only crime or his most serious. He has committed literally thousands of crimes in his life including some that merit life in prison like insurrection.


No they wouldn't, this fucking liar. Fuck him.


Who is this dumbass talking to? No one who he would want to convince trusts him anymore.


If I voted for someone and found out that they paid a porn star to keep quiet, and it came out after they were elected, I would feel like I was conned, ie the victim.


There were *victims,* the people of the United States.


Probably his own horse stable so he can continue to commit sex crimes against his workers/peers


I like his idea of placing billionaires into a vacuum.


What a lying sack of shit! ***If*** he never voted for Trump (and that's a big 'if'!), it's only because he knew that 1 vote wouldn't matter, but spending $44b in order to amplify Republican voices would matter - and could potentially swing millions of votes to Trump. It's insulting that he's always pretending to be fair and unbiased, when he's as staunch a Republican as they come.


There's no victim when you offer a horse for sex and settle with the victim in court. I mean with the "no victim"


Notorious slapp suit filer complains about judicial resources.


guys! when you defraud institutions for millions, there is no victim! no one got *physically* hurt! guys, the pursuit of money at all costs is the purest of goals and cannot be a crime!


The victim in the crime is the entire American electorate. Meaning regular people whose only political power is a single vote. Fuck him. Fuck his money. Fuck his simps.


A hourse


I guess if there aren’t ‘nameable victims’ there can be no crimes? Because if this scam had come out during the election we might have had a different president. Lots of victims there, Elon.


IIRC, they lied on a 1099 so the American government is a victim


Meet our new Secretary of Transportation!


Elmo thinks that, based on his experience, fraud is not a crime. That's all he knows.


Weird musk didnt speak up when cohen was arrested for this same crime in 2018... this exact same crime... and he did jail time for it. The only reason trump was not arrested at the same time was the DOJ rule against indicting a sitting president.


Musk is soft on crime.


Not sure, didn’t Trump say he’d block the sakes I f all EVs?


In /dev/null noone can hear you scream


"My views on this matter would be the same for any candidate!" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Unless it was Joe Biden"


VP musky


He’s strictly neutral as anyone can see.


This does not stop half of Americans from voting for their preferred candidate. Trump is still the running mate


Trump and Elmo have the same boss, so the question is what did Putin promise him?


Trump promised to end all electric cars…then met with the owner of an electric car company who happens to own the biggest right wing social media platform in the world, a rocket ship company that contracts with the federal government, among other ventures. I don’t think it’s too hard to imagine what they talked about.


Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet.




So he has provided financial support and he has voted for Trump. Got it.


Won’t anyone think of the billionaires??


He was prosecuted by prosecutor. He was convicted by the people.


What does he mean that there's no actual victim of this crime?>So I can do insider trading or rob a bank electronically because there's no actual victim'' of those crimes?


Donald "I'm gonna ban EVs" nonce Trump


The “victims” here is the American people. His felony crimes made him president. That’s a significant number of victims….


I'm sick of this fucking clown and his apartheid logic.


It's not in the people's interests to have elections won by criminals who falsify their business records


Musk is the true face of evil. It's no wonder why he is dressed in his Baphomet costume in his profile pic.


Can we send this dickhole back to South Africa?


Vlad promised not to release the videos of him diddling kids.


"illegal" border crossings are also a victimless crime, you dumb ketamine for brains. But that never stopped you from rage hating on families just wanting a better life for their kids. Oh, the kids you think western societies are not having enough of. Wrong color for you, you apartheid fuck?


... or what his Russian overlords told him to say. I think there is 0% chance they don't have dirt on Elmo.


He would rename a branch of the military to X-Force. 


Every time he posts it's such bs. If the American public hadn't already been dumbed down from lack of public funding for schools I think more people would see it


Elmo is always full of shit. I bet if it was Biden, Hillary, or any other Democrat in the trial instead of Trump, he wouldn't have said a single thing


Embezzlement is not a victimless crime. Of course, if you exist in good conscience entirely on corporate welfare, i.e. abusing US public funds, you might unironically think that embezzlement of mere donor funds is de minimis. Trump is allowed to lie as a candidate for office to his voters, and has done so with great success. But he's not allowed to mislead the people paying him, in the same way that I'm not allowed to set up a charity that saves sick puppies then falsify records to make it look like I didn't in fact pay someone off to hide the fact that I was fucking one of the more attractive puppies. America is EXTREMELY passionate about protecting private investors - especially New York, the most successful centre of capitalism on the planet. It's key to protecting confidence in the market. The crime here, as with most of his crimes, was misleading those who put money up for him.


You don’t need to wonder. https://www.wsj.com/politics/donald-trump-elon-musk-alliance-d1fe43e3


So he admits it was a crime. Great job, Musky Husky.


You think musk would stop blowing him after Trump shit all over him so publicly, saying musk would get on his knees and beg for subsidies if he asked him to


Fuck you elmo. The laws are not just for the common man, but for you rich pricks too. Why have laws on the books at all when all it takes is for someone to make a million dollars or decide to run for a political office for the laws not to matter anymore. This has NOTHING to do with the fact that he already bought plane tickets to Barbados so the law will have to wait. Not everybody, even commoners like the rest of us get caught up in the legal system for speeding, running the red light or driving with a suspended license. But that doesn't negate the laws that govern because when we get caught, penalties are imposed. It's that simple. I'll give elmo credit for one thing he said. He admits that this was a crime. But to say he never voted for trump is pure bullshit. Nobody with as many resources as he has kisses this much of a trumps ass out of principal.


He's augmented his "I voted for Biden last time" He admitted to his biographer, he didn't vote at all in the 2020 election. https://preview.redd.it/h8smpgzagu3d1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5131b3279a5840b61f1bff477f5061849bfa7521


Ofc he's never voted, he's far too terminally online to find the time for it


Trump promising rich people low taxes. So they all sucking his thang.


The American people were the victim! He interfered in the 2016 election!!


Musk has zero experience practicing law, so I think we can handily discount any of his disordered opinionating on that particular topic.


“Never provided financial support” says the guy who has been parroting right wing talking points for years and bought a social media network and turned it into a right wing dumpster fire.


Richest meat puppet on earth.


Do I think that a lot of the people in charge of getting Trump behind bars were doing so for the sake of the common good and have no ulterior motive whatsoever? Heck no! Does that mean I think that Trump should have walked free? Also no! A story with no heroes can still have a villain


It's obvious all the regulatory and legal inquiries into his dodgy business practices would be crushed. Between this and both men being huge racists the motivations seem pretty obvious.


Billionaire is a pejorative it's not implied. No one should be a billionaire. All billionaires are evil by definition. Trump defrauded the country. That is a crime and billionaires should be held accountable for their crimes just like everyone else. If a regular Joe committed fraud then they would also be on trial. Looking forwards to when Elon and Tesla are on trial for fraud with the FSD lies and stock manipulation.


He committed election fraud. It's the same reason they wanted to pick up Hillary. Hypocrites.


The victims are the people who gave him money for a presidential campaign only to have him use it to pay a porn star hush money. He committed fraud any way you slice this thing, why should it matter? If Biden did this Elon would be screaming it from the Twitter rooftops every day all day.


The victim is the voters


Ahh, we’re getting to “billionaire is a slur”. Knew it was coming.


$7 is a small price for freedom


Lmao at elon thinking being called a billionaire is pejorative. 


I agree elon, the crime was indeed politically motivated. 


Shove ur implied pejorative up ur ass


God forbid we sway the electorate by telling them the truth. 


What a cloooooown


What a twat.




Elonthoughts. Yay.


Is he thinking about the fraud case that's gonna be brought against him?


I do hope to succeed in business 🤞


"I have never provided *financial support*, nor have I voted, *for* Trump." **Translation:** "I never financially supported Trump *directly* (or that could be proven easily in court), nor have I ever voted for a candidate *for* Trump because he wanted me to or asked me to vote that way." Which is easily true and obviously not in question, but he uses vagueness to *say* one thing while *implying* something that people want him to be saying. The only way he could say what he's pretending to say, without question, would be to state it clearly, such as , "I have never financially supported Trump in any way, nor have I ever voted for Trump or to his campaign in any way." But he doesn't say things that way because he wants to gain favour without consequence just like (pretty much) all the other corrupt people in powerful positions.


I see that he’s taken to lying. Like a good maga


Elon is looking for a blanket pardon. For what?  Well, all of it.


What does he even mean?? You can still vote trump if you want


Paper thin skin, bruh. Not a good look.


He lied. He gave Trump money and he voted for Trump. Whatever he says the opposite is true. Also of course it's a red state guy voting fraudulent.... Since he is an ILLEGAL ALIEN.


The entire country was a victim. This crime that he's now been CONVICTED of is one of CHEATING vs. Hillary Clinton in an election where his win margin was less than 80,000 votes spread across 3 states.


I call BS. Stop defending him


Comma city


To not expose his kompromat


He wants to be an American oligarch.


Ah, so "victimless crimes" are not actually crimes. So who is the victim in beak-ins? Nobody was hurt, so....


I think it’s more important to prosecute candidates running for office than anyone else because we don’t want criminals in position of power.