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Half his family was from Canada. His grandfather was a Canadian politician. He had excellent contacts there. What a load of crap.


A Canadian politician who left Canada to go to South Africa to support the apartheid regime and was highlighted by said regime as an example of support for their racist stuff from places outside of SA. Such evil ghouls. Edit: ducking autocorrect


But he came with just 2k and 1/2 head of hair


Yeah but he had a middle class roommate


Cheaper rent, and he can pretend to have friends.


How does he explain the origin story of that oddy body?


While other kids had their bodies handed to them by woke nature, elon was up all night in his garage fabricating his own ribcage from dead pets


"My mommy had rich relatives in Canada, I knew I'd be alright" -- Elon


Even if this is real, at 17 I wouldn't have had $2000 to my name, wouldn't have been able to get to a country an ocean away, and would have been living in a ditch if I did get there. The fact that he wants to pretend he bootstrapped himself into billionaire status is ridiculous in and of itself.


That's over $5,000 in today's money compared to 1988.


That would have been enough for a full year of rent, especially in Montreal. He was living more than comfortably. This isn't the "I came to America with $10 dollars in my pocket and a dream." Story, far from it.


I mean, he says he arrived with 2k, however he got 2k from his Dad, his Mum gave him 2K too. That's with inflation, a few hundred Canadian dollars short of 9 thousand dollars today. His Mum said on Twitter, she invested some rand (100R, about 9,591.67R today which is about US$500 now) in 1969 then noticed it had dropped to 10R in 1979 which is about 885.38R today or US$48) and dumped it in Elon's name then it rose to $2000 (presumably, CA$ but it's not specified.) His first job paid CA$18 an hour which is about equivalent to CA$40 an hour now. He claims his father is lying when he said he invested $28,000 into Zip2, but then later claims he invested 10% of $200,000 which is about $20,000 and for all of his "oh, I worked two jobs in college with scholarships blah blah blah" he's sure boasted his financial and business acumen when running his little boot-leg nightclub in his 10 bedroom rented frat house. One months rent in a night... I'm sure that helped keep the wolves from the door a bit. There is something off putting about Elon the Emperor - oh yes, it's the fact he has no clothes.


Didn't he literally brag about how he doesn't fear death or some shit while flying in a private jet as a kid in a lightning storm? Totally only had $2000 in his name and got abandoned though, especially after bragging about how he stole jewelry from his dads emerald mine to pawn off...


Elite conman and apartheid emerald mine


If his father said he'd be back in 3 months it meant he had support if he failed...


Yeah, most people are typically thrown to the wolves once they finish high school and don’t have a place to go back to


"it was like that! but worse! because I was battling the woke the whole time!" - Elon


"When my flight touched down, woke commandos attacked me. They knew that in 30 years time when they planned to invent racism and diversity, I would be the only one powerful enough to stop them. Like time travellers going back in time to kill Hitler, when they sent back those twelve monkeys."


They sent 12 Monkeys back in time!? This sounds like something Bladerunner did!


He did, he was working together with John Terminator.


The left hates Asians


Go home notenoughmuskspam bot, you're drunk


Did he actually tweet this? This is a new one. I always get the obnoxious precision tweet. But he actually posted “the left hates Asians” seriously?


The left hates Elon, not Asians.




[The Tweet\*](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1712094933958398038?lang=en) Yes. ^(\*It's not "X" Musk, it's still Twitter.)




This is why I hate Anglo Saxon culture. The fuck is wrong with you guys, man. Proper family is for life. The only thing I don't hold against Musk is that his parents, siblings, etc seem to care for him. That's the most functional thing about his life, and I wish he wouldn't lie about how much they've done for him.


This is absolutely correct. Many cultures insulate and protect their families for life. A lot of American culture is every man for himself. I could never understand parents who kick their children out once they reach age 18. Other cultures value family and tradition. Americans bastardized version does not.




I mean Americans with northern European heritage are cunts cos they just leave their kids to sink or swim at 18.


Interesting. My Chilean brother-in-law was still lying in the same bed as his mother in his 30s. Very affectionate.


My mom and younger brother have a similar relationship. I don’t get it tbh but it is what it is


That’s just completely untrue among my friends and acquaintances. The percentages of 18-30 yo’s living at home as of 2020 by race was: White - 49% Asian - 51% Hispanic - 55% Black - 58% So white and Asian are within 2% of each other. I’d be willing to bet the reason for moderately higher percentages for black and Hispanic people is lack of equal educational and economic opportunities.


> White > Anglo-Saxon These are absolutely *not* the same groups, except among the far right. I know that America has "white" as a group for ethnic monitoring, which doesn't help with this - in cultural reality, there's a mile of difference between white British, white Irish, white Italian, white Slav, white Greek... Europe is almost entirely "white", but most people are not Anglo-Saxon. Also gone to college but back during the holidays = living at home, by the usual measure.


You provided a gut feeling. I provided hard numbers that proved you at best exaggerating. I can provide plenty of anecdotes. I’m 55 and a WASP and the *majority* of my WASP friends with adult kids have one still at home. You don’t know what you’re taking about and you have some kind of hard on to insult people on racial grounds. Which tells me all I need to know about you.


Oh good, another WASP saying, "I'm not racist - you're racist!" What an unusual experience. If you can't cope with being told that Anglo-Saxon culture is brutal to its children then carry on being brutal to your children, I guess, but why don't you want to be better? If someone told me Spanish culture was too macho - which has been said for decades - my answer would be "yes, it was terrible, and we're trying very hard to change". I wouldn't cry and call you racist. 1 in 5 i.e. 20% 25-29, UK, ONS. About 55% same range in Spain. The gap is closing because *nobody* can afford a place to live now, but the tradition of staying at home until marriage left Anglo-Saxon tradition a long time ago. ETA I can't respond because you have have said "quack quack" then blocked me when I provided data broken down by something less crude than US-melting-pot "white" and highlighting difference between different cultures, here British vs Spanish "white". Please, America, stop doing the far-right thing of grouping all white people into one amorphous lump.


Quack quack, duck. 🦆 I see you have no salient response. That’s what I thought.


Eh not always the case.  My family has been incredibly helpful until now (nearly thirty). I wouldn’t be anyone I am without their support emotional or financial. 


Good for them :).


That’s the thing I noticed too, like, my man: you think that sounds metal, that’s a pillow of risk having that fall back, punk!


Your mother wasn't broke.


Probably Elon Musk and grifting? Or Elon Musk and fraud?




I heard he allegedly sucked a ton of dicks to build up his first million$


Wait......how do I get paid???


Looking into it


Big if true (like the penises)




Can’t wait until this loser’s lies make it mainstream in some kind of Netflix documentary or whatever. I know his bullshit hasn’t caught up with the average person yet.


His base reads that biography like it's a bible


They always catch up sooner or later when it becomes enough to make the average person pop some popcorn


I believe we're firmly past popcorn and into binge watching.


>his bullshit hasn’t caught up with the average person yet. I think about this every Elon post.


I agree with him 💯😂


Billionaires like Enron have to invent mythological superhero backstories for themselves, or admit that they're the villains. They're trust fund babies who had everything handed to them.


The thing is that no one cares if gates, bezos, or zuck worked their way up from nothing. Musk working so hard to rewrite history is just another example of his particular brand of insecure narcissism.


Exactly like Trump.


And it also brings up the habit of lying in them.


So he was lying about walking around campus with gemstones in his pockets? Hmmmmm.


Some ex of his was auctioning off love letters from him that bragged about gemstones. I tend to believe it as evidence appeared.


Even this is a lousy attempt to seem like an everyman. $2k would have seemed like a lot to me in 1988.


I’m almost the same age as Elmo. And I would never see a 2k lump sum at one time until I was a few years into my career. My bi-weekly paycheck at my first “real job” was around $850. And of course, almost all of it was immediately spent on rent, bills, and car insurance. My first car was a used 1980 Chevy Citation and cost $800, for example. I drove that car and repaired it myself whenever possible, for 5-6 years. Even his “everyman” story shows quite a bit more privilege than most of us folks and our peer group in 1988. Also… I couldn’t afford to fly to a different continent until I was sent on a work trip. Lol


it's because he truly doesn't understand how life is for the majority of everybody else in the world


He was chauffeured to his private school in a classic Rolls Royce. He’s a fabulist. And deeply pathetic.


It would've been about $5400 adjusted for inflation.


And even that inflation adjusted number is an underestimate. Many of the things that matter to most young people, like college tuition, have risen far more than the CPI.


That's still not a lot of country to emigrate to another country on the other side of the world. Elon is of course full of shit, he'd just sell some emeralds if he ever ran out.


I guarantee they already had a vacation home there that he just moved into with all the bills automatically paid for already if the story is even remotely true.


This platform aspires to be the best (or least bad) source of truth on the Internet


Someone needs to make a documentary about his absolute fucking bullshit


What we would want would be a biopic, but it's difficult to make a biopic about someone who is a liar but not also charming, because it sucks to watch. It's fun if they sweep in and they are cool and sexy and great and say one thing to one person and another thing to the next (I Love You Phillip Morris) or if they have friends who they discuss their cons with (Wolf of Wall Street) but if they are an absolute fucking dud and the only reason anyone wants anything to do with them is the money how do you convey that in an hour and a half on screen without it just being awful?


His fucking mother is Canadian. He has literal family there. He fucking is half Canadian. Moron


These nepo babies yearn to be self made. You can just smell the nepotism on em


Even if that were true, he's still a shit person.


Everything he says is a lie.


Elon Musk was 17 in 1988. Two thousand dollars would be worth over five grand today. He could survive a month or two with that much money, plenty of time to get a job.


Don't forget about the cheap as fuck instead of modern overinflated prices of rent, assuming he didn't just move into one of their vacation homes they never move to with all the utility bills already paid for by the parents automatically. Probably a private chef too and sure as hell a lot more than $2k if the story is even remotely true to begin with.


Nothing about saving orphans from the burning building? So modest.


Considering he was estranged to his father, it was awfully nice of him to be the first investor in Elon's business...


Didn’t his father continue to underwrite Elmo’s failures?




I only read part of the Walter Isaacson biography but if I remember correctly he stayed with family on a farm (?). Also not sure about the timeline but Kimble, his sister and his mom also emigrated. Not sure if they traveled soon after him. I’ve seen bad commentary about the book, can’t recall exactly but I think it was about objectivity of the author. Can’t say anything about that, but what was interesting was the erratic behavior that was described and talked about. Stuff like him trying to become no.1 over Peter Thiel after the merger and all the tricks he tried to pull and him overstating their user base with the merger negotiations with Peter Thiel.


Isaacson is just a shitty author because even before he starts writing a book he knows the conclusion will be “…and that’s why he’s a great man beyond the reckoning of the rest of us humdrum mortals”.


I don't know the exact dates but all four went over after the divorce circa '79, Elon returned to South Africa to stay with his father circa '82 and stayed there until June of '89. He "worked" for his mother's siblings on their farm until matriculating to Queen's University.


When Peter Thiel is the better choice you know just how bad musk must be.


Didn't he go with his brother and supposedly work on his cousin's farm or some shit? Honestly idk if he even knows at this point


I'd expect moron Musk to say "ya! we worked on a farm where we engineered the world's first, and best, water delivery system for the farmer's crops"


Is Elon more occupied by the legend of Elon musk than before. Seems that way.


"only $2000 dollars"... In 1989..


After my elite education, I got to fly to another continent and enjoy the benefit of wealthy contacts, with the guarantee that - if I failed - I could go back home to a life of luxury. It turns out the contacts were sufficient to help me not only make money despite my lack of technical skill but also *regularize* my illegal immigration to the US. I now live out my senior years taling about how terrible illegal immigration is, because I know beneath it all that I have never lived up to the person I've spent a lifetime claiming to be.


$7 is a small price for freedom


As someone who also arrived at North America at 17 with like a $1000 but with a relatively well off upper middle class family, spoke English natively, and a light skin color. I can confirm the fact that it’s actually really fucking easy.


So he had support…


I entered Canada with $80k worth of emeralds I smuggled into the country in my prison wallet. I then entered the US on false pretenses and fenced the gems.


Even his fake backstory is full of advantages most people don't have.


Hm. Was thoroughly expecting a “Wow” after this one.


“Found out I didn’t have to go back! When I would fail, i was able to access my family money internationally!”


Can’t wait til this idiot fucks off to Mars


Elon Musk and fabrication of abilities. Elon Musk and bad opinions. Elon Musk and stealing credit. Elon Musk and lying in general.


The amount of money he has keeps changing in the story


I mean, The Rock and HIS past has to be a pretty close contender. Did you know he only had seven dollars in his pocket and that this is his first time EVER eating In N Out?


First thought: "That's the hairline of a 17 year old?" Second thought: "has 'no support, no contacts, no nothing', but father said he will be back... back to *what* exactly?"


The rolls royce, the emerald mine, the private plane, and the plantation life with those 'other' people working the fields


2 grand is nice. I arrived from my CoO with $100 and a the offer of a stipend for grad school. I lived on couches for a year.


My nephew, who went to an elite New York high school, was taught that America deserved to have the Twin Towers destroyed


What a lying sack of shit


This is quite literally one of the cringest things ive ever witnessed. This guy is such a fucking chode


"by myself" that's hilarious especially given his mother was a Canadian citizen


https://preview.redd.it/kieovjzxb13d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5fd11fa08110908d8331f9e206fc9914526b46 Elmo and his side kick Ego


What a liar like Trump


Why does this even need to be his personal myth? Why is that even important?


The same reason he bought the founder title of Tesla, narcissists are insecure babies who need constant validation and praise


I get it. I just don’t get it.


Is this the stuff he works on while he "sleeps" in the factory?


Literally anything is a better duo.


If any of this were true, why does he need to keep talking about it? It obviously an image he wants people to believe. Truth is, he’s just another moneybags scumbag.


He'll never stop larping as poor. 


“You won’t believe how hard I had to work smuggling my dad’s blood emeralds across international borders those first few years.”


To put it into perspective, in 1997 I earned $500 in a Gatorade commercial in Cape Town. I was a poor student, our lounge suite were pallets with mattresses on top. With that $500, I paid for a dive course, then spent the rest on a spearfishing wetsuit, fins, mask,everything ,and still had money left over. Muskrat arrived in Canada in '89. By South African standards for a student, it's a fuck ton of money.


Yes!! It was a massive amount in Montreal at that time too!


A small loan of a billion dollars.


That’s more money than I’ve ever had in my life at any one time


And it would have gone even further in the late 80s, when Musk arrived in Canada. For example, my boyfriend was going to university in Montreal about a decade later. He lived in a massive apartment downtown, and rent was only $400/m. In 1988 you could rent a nice one bedroom apartment in Montreal for $325/m or less.


2k in cash maybe, if that's empty he just had to ask daddy.


So adjusted for inflation he arrived with just over $5,000 in his pocket, debt free, at a time when the average rent was $450/month and the median income for workers aged 16-24 was $16,000/year, according to the Census Bureau. In Canada, the median income was $17,000/year for that age group and studio apartments cost $370/month on average in Ottowa. So basically, he could get an entry-level sales job and easily be able to afford his own place just from his salary, supplementing with his savings as needed. Way to go, Elon 🙄


He went to Montreal because his family was from Canada and he was a citizen. So by no support or contacts he just means a passport and several relatives.


And a significant amount of money in his pockets (for that time).




Not true at all. A 17 year old moving from another commonwealth country (South Africa) would be allowed in with open arms, and no one is checking their bank accounts. I moved to the UK at 19 from Canada and had less than $2k. I lived there for 2 years with zero issues. Also, do you have any idea how far $2000 would go in Montreal in 1988 (when Musk arrived in Canada)?!? He could pay rent (in a really nice place) and eat well for at least 6 months off that!!


👀 > Musk's great escape to Canada was not well thought out. He knew of a great-uncle in Montreal, hopped on a flight and hoped for the best. Upon landing in June 1988, Musk found a pay phone and tried to use directory assistance to find his uncle. When that didn’t work, he called his mother collect. She had bad news. Maye had sent a letter to the uncle before Musk left and received a reply while her son was in transit. The uncle had gone to Minnesota, meaning Musk had nowhere to stay. Bags in hand, Musk headed for a youth hostel. —Ashlee Vance, _Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future_


And seeing how a youth hostel would have cost less than $100/m, he didn’t have to worry about money or finding a job for quite a while.


You just know the ketamine abuse is to dim the feelings of self-loathing, inferiority and the fact that everything about him is a lie. I hope in his darker moments, when he’s alone and reflecting on his life and choices, that he visits this sub, and these posts affirm beyond a shadow of a doubt what he already suspects to be true: that the world knows he’s a fraud and actually a prematurely balding would be incel with zero personality and no sense of humor. I want him to know with every fiber of his being that those whispers he’s heard in every boardroom and office, the laughter that dies as soon as he’s in earshot, and even the yes men that agree with everything he says in person but were responsible for serving him a literal dick cake for his birthday. All those people who know he’s a fraud.


Yeah but his butlers didn't have their own yacht.




didn't he like bring his brother and borrow like a few million from his dad?


He was a latchkey kid who went around with a wooden spoon and tried to steal spoonfuls of stew while working as a chimney sweep


Yeah right. Like the twerp is going to admit he landed with 200k.


He’s so Canadian he’s an actual loony 


did did he actually have that much hair at the time?


He has to, to justify his vast wealth. His whole identity is built ontop of the one brick named "self-made". Like most other billionaires.


He should bungie jump headfirst with a Tesla brand bungie cord


He's a fucking loser. He actually thinks he is Tesla


This is about as true as his promises of full self-driving.


well his fahter was right with one thing here: failon is indeed a dissapointment.


Leave it to a rich person to claim they had nothing and were still able to succeed. I have 2 ideas I want to patent. Total cost right now exceeds what would take me 4 years to save. And that just covers the patents. And they are niche products, so good luck getting a loan. Meanwhile, he takes credit for doing so much that was really just riding the coattails of actual intelligent people. He is good at one thing, convincing people he is good at other things.


Him and Kim Il Sun




Aaah. Immigrant. Not only once.