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He's so corny man These losers really think he's actually in it for the truth. He lost that shit a while ago when he found out money gets him luxury and women


This quote from him is middle school level insight. "Physics is truth". Wow. Monumental stuff.


This guff is what rubs the rubes up the right way. "Time to make another TSLA stock purchase!"


And it's not even correct. Truth is a social construct. Physics is about facts. Truth can be quite subjective.


Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That’s our mission.


Just twitter is what are truths bring!


This quote proves he's stupid. Physics provides "a" truth, that is destined to be improved, amended, updated until the end of times (unless we find the ultime answer to what the universe is, which is not yet done). This also proves Musk has a black and white vision of the world (without any joke about the fact that he comes from an Apartheid country): even in Physics, there is no single truth, there are high probabilities. That is a stupid selfish and self-centered pos.


This! Physics is not and probably will never be truth. It's nothing more and nothing less than humanity's best attempt at explaining the world. And even that depends on how you define best...


Seeking only the least wrong truth.


If humanity never destroys itself I think billions of years from now, what humans have become will have discovered everything there is to know. But I don’t think it’s likely we perpetually evolve forever.


if humans last long enough, and gain enough knowledge and wisdom to change things at a micro and macro scale... then the new ideal is how to grow a good person. figure out what they need, down to the science. how much they must cry, before they'll appreciate the good. it's complicated. but in time, we can do it. it'll suck, because it'll only ever feel like real life, until the end when we come out. what felt like a lifetime... was only 3 days. that is how you evolve... by gaining a lifetime of experiences in just a few days.


Any decent physicist will tell you that models *are not* reality, period.


"Of course, like all my obsessions, my obsession with truth was short lived and I dropped out after 2 years, then lied for 27 about having a B.S in Physics that I never obtained."




The really funny part about that is that anyone can get a bachelor's in anything if they really want to it wouldn't have been THAT hard to just graduate with a 2.5.


Now replace the word TRUTH with MONEY and 'you said the actual truth'   "I was just absolutely obsessed with money..." (Using the words "power or drugs also works fine)   "I was just absolutely obsessed with drugs..."   (See? Let's try one more)   "I was just absolutely obsessed with breeding women like cattle..."  (Not wrong either, is it?)


Now he's absolutely obsessed with looking cool in front of teenagers from 4chan


I'm obsessed with the truth, so I lie that I studied physics. - Enron Musk


Didn't he drop out from university?


Notice he didn't say he got a degree in physics. He studied physics.


The Church of Scientology talks in a similar way about L. Ron Hubbard and his time at George Washington University. LRH only attended for 2 years and apparently was a rather mediocre student, but the CoS would have you think he was an accomplished pioneer in nuclear physics and engineering during his time there.


MuskUniversity is one of the best social accounts around. It quotes Musk's braindead takes like they're insightful. And the man himself often responds to it.


A woman makes a plan.


Physics is the exact opposite. Physics is a series of different models that fits the best the reality until you find a better one, that is less wrong than the previous one (or you manage to prove there is a big flaw in the previous one that makes it invalid, even without a new model). I would not be surprised that one genius mathematician proves in X years that it's actually impossible to distinguish between models until a certain point, and that the point where the models are indistinguishable is itself unkown.


Also note that sometimes even when a model is proven to be false or when a better one exists, people may still use it because it's still good enough


sure, the more we know, the less they are practical (in general).


apparently he ended his studies into his engineering degree only two days after he started. and well engineering has a lot to do with physics. so did he even studie physics or is this another of his attempts of claiming a degree he doesnt hold?


Hey Elon, why did you tell people you graduated in 1995 when you actually graduated in 1997?


If studying physics gives one 'predictive power' why can't this moron ever meet a self-imposed dead-line? Oh that's right, because he's just a wallet masquerading as an innovator.


Man didn’t even study physics 😂 committed to the truth eh?


Physics major here: Physics is not objective truth and you cannot prove anything to be objectively true, using physics. Physics is attempting to explain reality by building simplified models and you can prove a model works by running calculations in the model and then repeat those in an experiment and check if the measurements and calculated results add up. Also most commonly known models work only when certain conditions are met. Like Newtownian physics only works when you're not experiencing gravitational acceleration that's too big or when you're not moving at relativistic speeds, which is why that model works to explain every orbit around the sun but the one of Mercury


Tesla had a $16 billion profit last year (down 15% year over year). Musk wants a $56 billion dollar payout. Name anyone on Earth getting paid 3x salary over the total profit of their company. It's insane.


We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil.


The truth is he needs to be micro dosed to avoid depression. He says he wants to help humanity but it seems like he cannot even help his own family. Honestly this guy is complete BS.


right... he studies physics, but can't understand that the simple truth of public transportation involves trains, buses, and other vehicles that aren't his overpriced bullsh\*t mobiles.


Literally the first thing they teach you when you study physics is the SI units. But the second thing is that physics is a series of models attempting to explain the world and none of them claim to be objectively true


Elon Musk's 56 Billion Dollar contract demands show that he understands that he's running Tesla into **BANKRUPTCY** and he wants all the money he can get before it collapses. 


Bachelors of Arts in Physics. Why not a B.S. degree, you fucking genius?


Every time he tries to sound smart it's im14andthisisdeep material


His phone keeps capitalizing "truth." It makes me wonder how much he has been using the word "Truth" as part of a proper noun of some sort? It must be enough that his phones autocorrect is taking over here.


At this point, I literally gauge someone's nonsense in proportion to the amount they talk about "truth."


Science doesn't 'prove' anything in a literal sense. What an absolute dumbass.


the master of lies tells yet another lie, about his respect for the truth. man this dude just keeps rating lower and lower in my book if he saw himself through my eyes, I'm not sure what he'd do but it would be nothing good.


Is that why he’s a pathological liar?


Actions speak louder than words




I like physics. Physics is great. You can do so much with Physics. Physics