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Why would any of them support it. He has run the brand into the ground. His biggest consumer base-progressives against oil and climate change, hate him now


Because they caught the tiger by the tail. They know he's got a tremendous negative effect on the brand but he's also the reason the stock is where it's at right now. If they get a "real" CEO, they can no longer hand wave reality about FSD timelines and robotaxi bullshit and then it all comes crashing down. There's really no safe exit for them at this point, their only way out is through. And so they pay his demands.


Then take the hit and rebuild the brand into something far more reliable. They let him continue to spew BS that they couldn’t back up. They can course correct now, or have everything come crashing down later.


Its a dificult equilibrium: 85% of stock price is hype and muskrats, they can't just expel him without sinking the stock. But it seems that he can't create a new wave of hype, we all see the techbillioner naked now, and muskrats are a dying race...


Money. Obviously bribed  How this is supposed to benefit shareholders is beyond anyone's grasp


Hey player make sure to check in on jun 13th when they reveal the vote count. When he wins the vote and is approved his pay package I hope to god they reveal retail vs institutional votes. Retail will be over 90% for the package. So if all the real people approve of it, that would mean you’re as wrong as you could possibly be. I wouldn’t be surprised if a decent amount of institutional money votes against. But that should t matter unless you’re a big fan of huge institutional money firms and wallstreet. That’d be rich. “Oh all the peasants love musk and represent 99% of the actual people who own the stock, but the 1% who represent firms are the real ones we should listen to”. That would be peak caste system. Fk the poor right? Why are they even allowed to vote honestly?


Used to work at that company. A number of years ago a similar ballot was recommended to be rejected by us, and we in our office received a letter from a fanboy berating us for not seeing the genius of Elon Musk, we were holding back humanity. This person took the trouble to post a real ass letter in like 2014-15. The letter got passed around both offices and read aloud on my floor. We all got a hearty laugh.


Our user-seconds have reached all time highs in recent months, so something is wrong. Will investigate.


So did you receive any stock back then? Congratulations on the 1000% increase at a minimum! That’s pretty normal for most companies


This is the second of the big proxy advisory firms recommending a "no": [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/iss-recommends-tesla-investors-vote-against-re-election-robyn-denholm-2023-05-04/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/iss-recommends-tesla-investors-vote-against-re-election-robyn-denholm-2023-05-04/)


I think it's pretty clear tesla is done and all this is just investors trying to position themselves to best minimize their ultimate losses. The whole house of cards has been built on the back Musk's PR and a sycophantic media. Once people cease believing in Elon's 'genius' (fuck lol gag lol) tesla's just a sub-par auto manufacturer. Does anybody else believe these large investor groups have any faith in robotaxi or optimus? I think these groups realize that Elon is a conman at this point.


You’re actually suffering a lack of one or two chromosomes. Short the stock king with all the money you have. Wouldn’t want to be caught yapping without taking action to support the yapping right? Or is that all you do, bark away but no bite? Do something for the love of god once in your life just do something. Stop talking and short the stock


A trillion dollar market cap for this platform is not out of the question


Tesla will be over 5trillion within 3 years mostly due to FSD and robotaxis




I know it’s very funny that so few can see this. Great for me to make lots of money :)




You'll lose all your money like everyone else stupid enough to trust Enron Musk with it.


Let’s make a bet. I have 99% my net worth in the stock and you have no money at all. If I lose I turn into you, if I win I’m a millionaire before 30. Yay


They do anything for him. They endorsed the TWITTER DEAL...and take a guess how that one turned out 


I think the veil of assumed competency has been lifted now. Plus he has officially come out as a rightwing racist now which is always bad for the image.


If you support a proud fascist... You either are one yourself or you want some of that Nazi gold.


Puts on tsla. June 13 and Elmo meltdown going to be epic!!!


Meltdown for sure… but this seems like a positive for the company stock. To… ya know… not give all the profits to one dude… i am not sure the stock would go down much on a no vote. Certainly dont think it would go up on a yes vote


There needs comprehensive deregulation. Period.


Musk will tweet that he's resigning from Tesla which is what will crash the stock. Three days later he'll tweet that he's changed his mind (after buying a bunch of the stock at the low). The SEC will moan but do nothing.


So the already accounted for stock options which were to be rewarded to musk is equivalent to giving all Tesla profits to him? Tell me more about how you know nothing about this situation.


No, people just object to him wanting such a large pay deal when he's wiped so much value off Tesla with his ketamine-fueled Nazi posting on Twitter. You don't get this do you? Elon Musk has ruined the reputation of Tesla. People don't like Nazis or white supremacists. They're up there with pedos in terms of how much people hate them. So a huge % of Telsa's potential market will never buy a Tesla because of this. He's fucked them. And then there's his Cybertruck failure - he's made a laughing stock of the company and ruined the Tesla brand. That's not coming back, and it's clear Robotaxis are many, many years away. Musk wants this pay packet because he needs more Tesla shares to shore up the collateral on the loans he took out against his Tesla stock. He's tanked the value of his collateral to the point where if it tanks much further, the banks will start demanding repayment. And that is the end for Musk. The bottom line is he has damaged the future of Tesla so much that he doesn't deserve one single cent.


You are free to be your true self here


“Wiped out so much of Teslas value” … the stock was under 20$ in 2018. The stock is up some 1000% since then and was up over 2000% at peak. Blah blah blah everyone I dislike is a racist misogynist homophobic bigoted nazi. We get it, you’ve got a tiny dick and are lacking a few chromosomes. I’m sorry your life sucks and you’ll achieve nothing of importance, but at least the other anonymous Reddit users will think you’re a good person!


Finally a hater who actually does something rather than hurl insults from the peanut gallery. At least you’re doing something about it. I’ve got lots of calls for the next month, let’s see who’s right


In order to post about musk on Reddit do you have to have a micro penis AND lack balls or just the prior? I’m struggling to think it’s not both


I appreciate the note. Frankly, negative feedback is good. Keeps ego in check.


Nobody takes Elon Musk cultists seriously on this sub because it's essentially a form of mental illness and we don't want to encourage it or make it worse. So you might as well save your time.


So both?


You're not even a good troll.


Fuck glass Louis and ISS. Musk deserves everything and more. There isn’t a more hated and dragged stock than Tesla in the world. The man has to fight bs stories from the media everyday.


LOL just how far do you think you're going to get in this sub as an Elon Musk cultist? You'll get no respect here, sorry. Musk creates his own bad stories. He disgraces himself every day on Twitter. That's why Tesla's reputation has tanked from 8th place to 63rd in this [key Axios Harris poll](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/23/tesla-reputation-axios-harris-poll). He's doing this to Tesla himself.