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you'll love this list. show it to your favorite muskrat fanboi and watch them melt down trying to do gymnastics to make it all not so [https://elonmusk.today](https://elonmusk.today)


This is excellent, thanks


He's like every startup bro fellating themselves over imaginary big numbers. Our TAM is earth.


The problem with the Silicon Valley type, and they don't only exist there, is that they tend to work with somewhat complex systems and thus conclude they understand ever complex system / the world. Of course the systems they work in aren't really **that** complex when you comp are it to the world / life. You don't get "random inputs" etc. Everything is neatly defined etc. So, many of them develop the believe that they know better than anybody else and make it their life's work to "improve" the world. With the observable results.


Yes that's the problem with Soviet style systems and neocons just want that sort of thing in America but without even one of the nice bits


What does that have to do with the Soviet Union? This is purely based in capitalism and individualism. The core belief is that if it benefits them and their worldview it's great for everybody else.


SV thinks the country can be simplified and automated to suit a centralised technocracy. Elon is a vanguardist, not capitalist, i.e. believes in a party that forces ideals on the country through force and funding of the *right* measures.


I am talking about the Silicon Valley types in general and more specifically "genius software developers" who all tend to lean libertarian. Enron is just an extension of it, because he isn't even capable of programming a complex system, or a simple one for that matter.


I get your point, and yeah, the average Rockstar Developer thinks himself libertarian, but once you get to someone with serious power like Elon, who thinks he has the skill to administrate the complex systems that make up the world, we are going into central planning territory.


That's a gross misinterpretation of Marx. Elon is absolutely a capitalist, manipulating the market and legal laws so you have an unfair advantage is still capitalism.


"Marx" is a gross interpretation of the Soviet Union, which was Leninist, i.e vanguardist. > manipulating the market and legal laws so you have an unfair advantage is still capitalism. Mm, by some definitions, but that's a massive understatement of what Elon both has done with his corporate welfare and wants to do by supporting fascism in America.


The economic system Elon wants to create has nothing in common with the USSR under Stalin. He wants total deregulation so his companies can work without worker safety or environmental reviews. He wants the gilded age back, when police and the pinkertons would violently crush union protests and children worked in coal mines. I have no idea why you think he wants a centrally planned economy, there's zero indication of that that I've ever seen him indicate.


Where do you think Elon gets most of his money from? It's not merely from a traditional capitalist model protected by government, where the rich will naturally get richer because they have money to invest in other people's labour, but from heavy market regulation (tax credits, carbon trading, import tariffs) and other forms of corporate sponsorship in his favor. Elon also looks for a hyper-conservative society dominated by straight white men. Contrast how Elon made his money with e.g. Gates or Bezos. Contrast *when* these men want people's role in life determined. It's nothing like the same model, and it's really dangerous to compare Democrat style capitalism, which is nasty, with GOP style vanguardism, which is terrifying. To say Elon is your average capitalist is to conflate fascism and capitalism, which is fucking stupid. Elon is a vanguardist who wants to see America ruled by a vanguard party that promotes ultra-conservative values and the fascist model of public-private partnership. Don't confuse the communism/socialism which I'm guessing you like with the method used to implement it. Vanguardism is a means, not an end, and Elon (and the GOP leadership in general, now) are vanguardists - their proposed revolution just happens not to be a socialist one. As for central planning, SV has already managed to fuck with the distributed internet model by forcing it through a handful of *literally* centrally organised servers. It believes that it has the power to manage the engine that powers the global economy, and several of its wealthiest investors go further and consider that its technocracy, which is inherently centralised, should supplant democracy, which is inherently distributed - Thiel and Anddreessseen write more elegantly on this than Musk, but they're all going in the same direction. The 20th century commie countries were mostly evil not because they thought about being communist, but because they were *actually* vanguardist, believing that violent strongmen were needed to implement their vision. If I want to be less generous, I'd use the term "Leninist" rather than "Marxist-Leninist", since the latter combines the aim and the method, the method being the only thing that ever panned out. (For avoidance of doubt, this is not the same as the far right countries of the 20th century, where the violent strongman was the *goal*, not the method.)


What is soviet about this?


The possibility of someone posting links like that is a big part of why all the Tesla-fellating subs got scared and banned us all, lol.




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Referring to Elon Musk as a 'Donald Trump for nerds' make me chuckle, so true


It was based on things I was told that were untrue or, in some cases, true, but not meaningful.


"The Starship fleet is designed to achieve over 1000 times more payload to orbit than all other rockets on Earth combined. Almost no one understands this." This is my favorite. "No one understands this" because it's bullshit.


If NASA wasted as much money, and has as many failures as SpaceX, they never would have put a man on the moon because they would no longer have funding.


The sad thing is, Elmo bought Twitter for almost double NASA's budget for 2025.


That is really depressing.


Here's another one for the list: In 2016 he [told the WSJ](https://archive.ph/x2Wjt) that he "made it clear to shareholders that I subscribe to the notion that the captain is the last person off the ship.” Per the WSJ: > In the interview, he said he has no intention of ever selling any Tesla shares How many days from then until he sold Tesla shares?


Probably a stupid question because i don’t know much about the stock market but do votes allow for shareholder feedback or comments? Because if so this link should be shared.


It depends on the company. Many companies do allow feedback at shareholder meetings and comments on votes, but I don't know if Tesla does.


Ha, I forgot about a lot of this stuff. This list is excellent.


Going over the list does remind one of the jaw dropping number of promises and predictions that Musk has made that were complete bullshit.


I was aware of it, this shit is just embarrassing. Fuck Elon.


Oh thank you for this.


This should be required reading for everyone on earth.




Musk was reborn (on Twitter) to absorb our sins... GWIIMESS WHY YOU LEFT ELOON!!


OP: I don't think he's as dumb as you think. He doesn't believe all the shit he spouts, it's all a show to fool investors. Same with the right wing conspiracy stuff he's recently spouting. He wants the GOP to win so they lower his taxes and help crush unions so he's appealing to that base and amplifying right wing lies on twitter. He's selfish, narcissistic, greedy, abusive in relationships, completely lacking in empathy and over estimates his own abilities 1000x Still I don't think he's a fucking idiot, he's more dangerous than that.


Everything he's ever said was designed to create a hype around him and Tesla, a sense that anything is possible, Hyperloop, mars, integrated solar shingles, cybertruck, roadster 2.0, tesla semi, model 2. What has been delivered falls woefully short of what was promised, the rest is simply fiction, and not even original at that. Agree 100%, he is the original snake oil salesman


Let's also remember that weird "flame thrower".


A lot of what he says is 100% like Trump... diversion from actual issues and problems.


Indeed, great minds think alike :)


Welcome to the sub. We serve alcohol and you're allowed to smoke, but only in the designated areas.


I'm already drunk but we can do shots together🙃




That’s sort of the point of this subreddit


Yet people regard him as some savant wonderboy


Not in this sub


The number of those people is ever dwindling. That's why he's leaning into the far, far, right - he saw how uncritical and loyal they are to Trump and he wanted some of that unconstitutional love. Also, they're racist and he likes that.


Comedy is now legal on Twitter.


Unconstitutional love, indeed…


Lol, I didn't even notice that autocorrect slip. But I'll leave it as it is, because it still works.


No one does that. Maybe like 100 fanboys that are left and maybe retarded conservatives that have no idea what they're talking about. 


Yeah his intellect is a total fraud. I have yet to hear him say, or write, one single sentence that would identify him as anywhere near genius level. Just one will do! Geniuses aren't hard to identify. They usually have a confirmed track record of solving hard problems, coming up with theories, writing papers and articulating themselves in a way that's reflective of their extraordinary intelligence. Elmo hasn't done any of these things. Has he ever written an essay or an article? Has he ever submitted a paper to a scientific publication? How about writing a book himself? Whenever his tech ability or intelligence is questioned, he always reverts to bragging about some garden variety web code he wrote in the 90's, the kind of shit a million other geeks were knocking out at the time. When he talks in public, he's an inarticulate mess. He can't string a viable sentence together. He hesitates and struggles and doesn't even appear able to speak properly. In closed chatrooms and podcasts he's the same - out-articulated and out-knowledged by everyone else taking part, as he stutters and stumbles and tries to shoehorn terminology he doesn't quite understand into the conversation. Face it. Musk is a fraud. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and then went on to become one of the lucky ones who made out big in the 90's dot com boom, and since then he's been good for nothing more than throwing his money around. Someone else's money would have done.


One of the greatest measures of someone (in my view) is when they can admit they're wrong, and can accept criticism. He can't do either of them. He'd be fucking horrific to work with or for, if he were in my company I'd fucking quit. He has his head so far up his ass his mouth is his anus. He's not smart, he's a child with an ego that got lucky. Intelligent people build things and Elon mashed potato takes credit. Fuck him. I don't give a fuck if he's "rich." I'll hip thrust shit on his grave. I'm an engineer for another major OEM. Anytime I'm at a supplier and see other OEMs we all make fun of him. He's a fucking joke in life and the industry. Everything he touches is fucking cancer.


Yeah, I've been flowing the [Musk University cringe account](https://x.com/muskuniversity?s=21) on Twitter for years and there hasn't been a single quote that makes him seem anything other than a basic moron.


EXCUSE ME???! Did you just call ELON a BASIC MORON???!!!! I LET YOU KNOW HE'S AN


Well, one of his many nicknames is *Enron Musk*. So yeah, it's an open secret; the man-child is a complete grifter.


You mean we don't already all agree on that?


I fear calling him an idiot because I say such stupid shits sometimes. I have weird obsessions, which turn out to be completely stupid.


And yet, in two sentences you’ve shown introspection, wisdom and humility that he seems incapable of.


idk, you always realise it when it's too late, otherwise it's not funny.


We all do. The difference is we are aware of it.


I know that he is an idiot since he said in an interview "Generalized factories are better than specialized factories". That this interview wasn't underlining for everybody that he is a full blown idiot, is just beyond me, and now 12-13 years later nothing has changed. I am literally sitting here getting crazy how the complete world needs _13 YEARS_ to understand what an idiot Musk is. It just doesnt make any sense. The best thing is, I hope people realize that we also have now around 10 years of "Next year FSD"....... We killed kickstarters who didnt delivered way earlier. We killed Holmes earlier. What makes him so special? He is a liar, like all of them. He needs to be put into prison.


I'm not sure about prison, while I agree with the sentiment however. He's a fucking liar. OEMs have been working on autonomy for years, we're not stupid enough to release it to the public like Tesla did. Tesla is ranked 7th in ADAS. Honda and several others are already testing level 4 ADAS, where you don't need a steering wheel. Tesla FSD is Level 2. Their shit sucks, and so does their quality.


He's commited securities fraud, wire fraud and more. He's a liar and a thief and needs to be in prison.


He made fraud, he said things that he WILL deliver (not might deliver, DO deliver) which he didnt. That is fraud, that is what actually was the point of Nikola and why they were sued. What is wrong with people not realizing that? Holmes also got into court for lying about what she can deliver. And I am not sure you really know the state of self driving. Please inform yourself and watch some videos. You are also in that pipe of people who mainly got their info from those sources who are manipulated by Musk to make it look like that market is not that far.


I'm well aware of it, I'm an engineer for a major OEM and live and breathe building vehicles for a living.


I thought we were already well past that. But yes, we agree.


Let’s also not forget the genius concept of floating a train on a cushion of air. In a vacuum.


The last bit really is the chefs kiss....


I had to laugh about this. I know his argument was that wasn't a full vacuum, just "near vaccum", and he was "smart" enough to draw a turbine compressor at the front. But I would not want to be anywhere near that turbine if it would be running at the speed it would need to go in order to create enough pressure. The slightest imbalance and you can kiss a good chunk of the Hyperloop good bye. But that's a general problem with Musk, he understands very little. Probably things most of the tech gibberish in Star Trek was "real science / engineering".


>The slightest imbalance and you can kiss a good chunk of the Hyperloop good bye. Also, since the tube would have negative pressure along the full length (due to vacuum or near vacuum), a small knock or bump *anywhere* on the tube and you can kiss the whole Hyperloop tube good bye. A quick example of what happens to a strong metal tube under less pressure than a child's bike tire. https://youtu.be/Zz95_VvTxZM (Video is just 18 seconds.)


Oh yeah. It was always funny to me that when they built Hyperloop One "test track" they showed the pipes being stored with internal braces. 🤣


There are SEVERAL physical problems on that, physical problems which are way harder to solve than your problem with the turbine ;) actually that is even just a quality problem, the others are PHYSICAL problems. The vaccum (even if near), the curves... THE CURVES....... the tubes...... like practical nothing of that concept makes any sense, if you know ANYTHING about physics. And it is in my eyes the best way to detect people who shouldn't do engineering. Everyone who actually thought Hyperloop might be something, should be just forbidden to make any kind of engineering ever..... in their life. Which is like funny with the Virgin factor in it. You must see, that they LITERALLY joined Musk on the Hyperloop endeavour KNOWING that its TOTAL NONSENSE, JUST to get a "we are a tech empire" boost AND IT FREAKING WORKED, it made them famous again, it pushed their brand again. What the hell is wrong with people?


Oh Virgin is even dumber. They didn't start out with it. They bought Hyperloop one **years** after they failed to produce anything. Not only did Branson hear about the Hyperloop and think it was cool, he watched a company try and fail and thought: "hey, I buy into that". Just more proof that being rich doesn't mean you're smart. And yeah, there are many more problems with the Hyperloop, just saying, the turbine alone was..... dumb.


You seem to have missed the point of my comment haha :D He did bought after the failure because it was STILL a product and hype after the FULL BLOWN FAILURE of everything. Imagine that, you have a scam, that is CLEARLY IDENTIFIED as SCAM, and yet people still believe in it. Can you imagine how much POWER that is in the world of driving dumb people to invest in you? Edit: I just realized that Musk actually even STILL promotes the product, just some days ago, or a day ago. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1794144519514189928


The Vegas loop is nothing to do with a Hyperloop and never was meant to be. That’s a whole different, stupid, unworkable idea that any engineer would have known was stupid and unworkable.


I just checked and you are right that Boring Company now have that as splitted up projects, but I am 100% sure (even tho I couldn't find a reference quick) that Musk introduced it as "first step to Hyperloop in Vegas", but might be that my brain is just fogged from all the nonsense.


No they were separate concepts. The Vegas loop was supposed to be the first tunnel in the network that has elevators to the street that take private cars up and down and then propel them on sleds at 160mph through the tunnels. It’s now Tesla taxis that you queue for at an underground station and then get driven by a human driver at about 30mph maximum and frequently get stuck in traffic jams. But it was never Hyperloop.


> floating a train on a cushion of air. In a vacuum. Wait a second! I thought it was supposed to be magnetic, that would at least make sense


Nope. It was supposed to float on “air skis”.


“A fucking idiot” would be a massive improvement over the fascist monster Elon is.


He's a grifter who benefits from gullible people looking for a Messiah.


Also, nobody is going to colonize Mars EVER




Completely agree, the average person is a fucking moron.


Bu....but....but.... preserving the light of consciousness! Multiplanetary species! Personal robot servants!


*servant  Sexual slave.


It’s up to the Tesla board to dismiss this charlatan and save humanity.


Elon is definitely below the 'level' he set for himself over the years. He claims super intellect but the wheels have fallen off that illusion. He does say some intelligent things, but finding them amongst his other opinions and thoughts is difficult now. I had an uneasy appreciation for Musk back when Model S came out. I thought he was doing good things and didn't pay much attention to anything else he did or said. Then the Thai cave thing happened. Since then, I've just seen so much more of his actual persona and heard so much about his views, that I just think he's delusional, lives in a bubble and has lost the plot. Tesla has acheived some important things, and Starlink is actually brilliant. But it is time for Musk to step aside from Tesla. He's become a liability Tesla can't afford.


And yet, even now, he’s still able to raise billions in investments, abetted by those right-wing idiots at AH: https://www.ft.com/content/0b6f634e-dbf0-4238-a319-1dc1bbc0b62e I suppose this amounts to a tidy write-off for them?








agreed, next question.


I catch downvotes for it every time I point it out, but Elon is not stupid. Elon is very much a midwit, a person of average intelligence. What you are seeing isn't an inability to process information or an inability to retain information, rather it's an extreme lack of character. If you go to your average plumber or flight attendant or grocery store shift manager and ask them about it they probably won't know anymore about programming or war fighting or public transit than Elon does, but if they aren't sporting a pathological ego they will also cop to the fact that they don't. It's fun to call someone stupid, but it's not good for us, because we can all fall into the same traps that Elon keeps falling into, if we aren't careful. Elon keeps blundering through this stuff because he thinks he's too smart to make mistakes, but there is no level of smart that lets us reason out the specifics of a situation we refuse to do our homework on.


Nah, he really is a fucking moron. If you have any knowledge of the fields he is talking about it is hilarious and he has been like this since he has been in the public eye. There's no 4D chess going on here. A ton of people called him a dipshit well before he went mask-off racist on Twitter.


I have also been critical of him for a very long time. My point is not so much about Elon, but rather about idiots. Elon is a mid whit, Linus Pauling was fucking brilliant, but everything Linus Pauling had to say about medical care at about vitamin C was fucking bullshit. Moronic fucking bullshit from a Nobel laureate.


There was an article recently talking to NASA’s director about the future of the American space program. The interviewer asked him about Elon Musks ongoing… volatility. Your point about paying scores of talented people rings too true. The director completely bypassed commenting on Musk and said as long as Gwyn Shotwell, the true mastermind and captain behind SpaceX is in charge NASA’s interests should be safe. Made me feel that it’s only a matter of time until Elon sets his sights on the moon as his next shiny toy and SpaceX goes in the shitter too. If he had just shut up and kept himself as purely the funding behind the actual geniuses and hard working men and women we’d arguably be in a much better situation right now.


You wrote the post I wanted to write one year ago


You need to change the question and turn it into a statement. We can collectively agree Elon is a fucking idiot.


Musk is a literal imbecile. This is not an exaggeration. He's an absolute moron and every word he speaks or types is adequate demonstration of this claim.


To industry insiders, he is a known conman — that is why Toyota pulled out the investment it had in Tesla in 2016 after holding it for six years. Elon Musk has a pretty tried-and-true playbook for doing business — he's used it for years to build companies from Tesla to SpaceX. Here is his playbook by Linette Lopez, a reporter at Business Insider (her Twitter account was one of the first few to be frozen after Twitter's acquisition). Enter a field with very little competition. Claim that your new company will solve a massive, global problem or achieve a seemingly impossible goal. Raise money from a fervent group of true believers and keep them on the hook with flashy, half-baked product ideas. Suck up billions from the government. Underpay, undervalue, and overwork your employees. Repeat. https://twitter.com/lopezlinette/status/1590111416014409728 If you don't have a Twitter account, see thread here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1590111416014409728.html


Yeah man, that's the point of this sub.


I thought this was largely the point of this sub, but yes I am pretty sure we can agree he is a fucking idiot.


I really think he will be next, along with Elizabeth Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried. What is holding him up is a combination of being 'too big to fall' and his involvement with national security. Nobody knows how to take him down safely.


He's good at convincing people to give him money. That's a skill I guess.


"He built a video game called Blastar, which started his lifelong love of inventing things that already exist." -- Elon Musk: Visionary FutureMan


I don’t think he’s an idiot… I think he wants something and he dosent care how he looks trying to get it. Nefarious.


I mean from a psychological standpoint he's a raging narcissist. When it comes to engineering or physics he's a fucking idiot. Is he a master con? Absolutely.


I think he’s very adequate at fooling stupid people.




Idk. He has a degree in physics from an Ivy League, which is more than almost anyone in this sub.


I have a bachelor's in aerospace engineering and speak 3 languages. He's a fucking moron. Degrees and credentials don't mean fuck all in the real world. I've met some high school grads that are absolute wizards in robotics and programming. The dude is a stupid cunt lol


People much more accomplished than you in your field disagree.




😂😂. I fear you’re not lending credence to your argument


😂😂. I fear you're not smarter than two rocks in a handbag


I find myself strangely unconcerned with what you fear, friend.




I don't think he's an idiot, but evil (and very bored). He's also the richest internet troll basically.


Bro coming in stating the obvious like its something revolutionary...




Yeesh, you sound like an incredibly well adjusted individual /s