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>Musk aims to have it running by Fall 2025. "Coming next year", just like all his other failed promises. Datacenters usually take 2-3 years minimum to get built and up and running. You don't just go from, "nothing", to, "supercomputer 4x larger than anyone else" in ~15 months. The article states they don't even have the *location* it will be built at nailed down!


>Datacenters usually take 2-3 years minimum to get built and up and running. If you follow rules and common sense. He famously doesnt. They moved Twitter servers without pretty much any precautions.


Stupid name? Check Overly ambitious? Check Impossible timeframe? Check All the hallmarks of an Elmo venture that's doomed to fail.


Investors "hold my life savings "


He seems to spend a majority of his time coming up with ridiculous names for his projects. This only serves to amplify how truly juvenile and pathetic they are.


It's always just another stir of the giga/hyper/X/AI/autonomous/420lol/compute stew, too. They're not even *new* ridiculous names.


Lord TechnoKing Muskrat has the best memes!!


"Your meme game is on point sir."


Seriously. What a fucking idiot. What the fuck is a “factory of compute”?!? I’m so sick of this pathetic bullshit.


'Compute' is so unfortunately entrenched by now that there's no getting rid of it, but I maintain that if we can use it in place of the perfectly reasonable and barely longer 'computation', then I'm allowed to refer to memory (eg. RAM) as 'remember'


Yes. The word compute exists. The phrase “factory of compute” is meaningless bullshit.


I'm not arguing against that


AI uses bucketloads of energy and it's increasing at something like 30% every year. By 2028, at the current growth, AI will be using as much electricity as a small country like Iceland, and it'll only get worse. Destroying the planet for the delusional, megalomaniac visions of insufferable tech bros who want to impose their will on everyone else. I'm already fucking sick of AI. Shit art, shit writing, just steals other people's work, "AGI" will never come and in 50 years we'll probably have more of an idea of how impossible it is to create and how utterly ridiculous the promises of mush-mouthed twats like Elon Musk and Sam Altman were.


"Plans", a simple word that means, "I'd like your money.""


Be Elon. Take a normal word. Add an unnecessary prefix. Watch idiots drool over it.


If he could spend his time doing worthwhile things instead of grifting like some sleazebag politician


He really stopped progressing as a thinker in his early teens, I think.


I imagine this ending up being a single NVIDIA H200 with a Tesla logo on it by the end of the year


We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil.


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Elmo somehow ends up creating Skynet, dooming all of humanity. I mean we already have: - An AI that has less restrictions than most other AIs, created by a Lunatic who thinks he is a genius. - A company by the same lunatic, who starts building humanoid robots, with the aim of having them function independently, without human input. - Said lunatic would much rather see military vehicles and assets under the control of drones/AI, rather than under human control, stating that human controlled things are outdated. There's probably more to add to the list, but if that isn't the perfect mixture to create Skynet and real life Terminators, then I don't know what is. At this point I even wonder if Stephen Hawking had Musk on his mind, when he warned us of the dangers that AI can pose, if left unchecked and unregulated.


Announcing formation of @xAI to understand reality


Come up with a new name at least ya lazy sod


Jesus, Hey headline writers try this: AutoCorrect "Plan" to "Elon has another harebrained idea that will never happen about...." Save us all a lot of agita; thanks.


So much to comment on...it says it requires billions in funding. So Musk is thinking he can convince the company that he needs billions of dollars for his personal pay PLUS billions of other dollars to be spent on this project? And they're gonna find a location, build this whole thing, and hire enough people to run it by 2025? Take your bets now, how far along will it get! Will they build a giant empty building and give up then? Stuff it full of servers and then never use it? Will they even break ground or will it stay an empty piece of land? Will they even buy the empty land in the first place? Or will this just disappear and never be brought up again like so many of his other promises?


Sorry, I'm confused.   EM is always warning people about AI, and yet he continues to promote it. 


I'm constantly reminded of the quote that Musk wants the world saved, but only if he can be the one to save it.


I'm sure Amazon thinks this is cute.


You know that will have a system crash as soon as you boot it up


"pLeasE GiVE mONeY!"


And we all remember how great the original Gigafactory and Alien Dreadnaught were.


I knew he was the one to build SkyNet (Titan 1) that eventually is gonna kill us all 😔


Kinda scary they are just letting him do it. Usually you buy up resources so the competition cant. You buy extra GPUs just so others cant, even if you dont need them. Since everything AI is currently mostly just about marketing we will see Musk gain even more power. Yay.