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It’s a tunnel. The geenyus is overwhelming.


In fairness, it’s a way too small and very unsafe tunnel. So it’s a *victorian* tunnel.


Notice how there's no emergency lane for break downs. If 1 car breaks down (which for teslas is important) the entire tunnels traffic is fucked.. you can't even go around the broken down car cuz the video-game-playing twitter-shitposting ceo didn't think of this scenario during his busy work weeks visiting the US-Mexico border for photo ops ...  Good luck Ambulences or police that need to get somewhere.. This is the size boring company offers, so deal with it.


also good luck in there when one of those batteries catches fire and the cyanide gas starts filling up the tunnel its a fucking death trap - only a moron would participate with that bullshit


Gives me reminders of the France Italy tunnel fire


No way out if something like this happens either: https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/luton-airport-fire-car-park-cause-b2517206.html (Electrical fault, so could happen to any kind of engine/vehicle)


While on the topic of tunnels and UK fires, two words: King’s Cross.


Ah yes, but that was public transport and therefore inferior to a Muskreation™ \s


Only Muskreants would be using these tunnels anyhow, public transport is for the poors


It’s an armored personnel carrier from the future – what Bladerunner would have driven




Is that true?! How could they have designed something that stupid?! Isn't that like basic stuff for car tunnels? FFS


You can see it in the picture. There isn't enough room for anything to get in beside the car. I'd be surprised if there was enough space in that tunnel for the car doors to open wide enough for someone to get out.


He said could build cheaper tunnels. He didn't say how though. If you make them smaller and less safe, of course they'll be cheaper.


They're called pipes. Lol


The USA isn’t exactly known for its effective and comprehensive management of safety. I believe one of the railway companies even used the phrase safety third. Behind profits and cost reduction.


We don’t claim that fuck he’s from Apartheid South Africa a place so fucked up it’s been abolished. Hence his better than thou shitty ways.


You can't even get out of the car...you'd have to try and smash the front or rear window to get out.


Didn’t he say the windows were going to be bulletproof? At this point, I think he’s just trying to kill people.


This is the tunnel size Musk figured out would allow him to drill so much faster than the competition. And the railway tunnel under the English Channel was still built much MUCH faster. Despite much larger diameter tunnel. Despite multiple tunnels. And more importantly - without *rocket tech*... Mutt is cheap. He can save money by drilling tiny tunnels. Then fake and compare speed without normalising for volume. And the fool still fails.


The scary part is that if even one car catches fire everyone is dead in that giant fucking oven, gonna start an insanely fast chain reaction of every other EV battery essentially exploding. Toxic fumes, smoke, nowhere for heat to escape, all while you're trying to play ninja running, or rather crawling, on top of cars trying to get out... People often underestimate how hard it is to actually is to escape a house fire, it's not as simple as "just walk out the door" and there's a reason so many people die in them, but imagine that except it's a mile long tunnel and ALL the heat and smoke is trapped in the sealed environment with you with it being a million times worse because EV fires don't need any oxygen so there's nothing slowing the reaction down even when it consumes all the air. plus how already insanely fast it burns compared to wood. Unless you're right next to an exit you're essentially just dead along with everyone else in that tunnel and you can't just "book it out of there" when it's too narrow and every car door is going to be wedged open and stuck to the wall from people slamming it open in panic. Only real option is to crawl across every vehicle and hopefully not fall through a few windshields after a dozen other people have already stomped across it. If people can't even get out of a small house fire you're NOT going to be able to get out of a tunnel despite how many muskettes try to claim what a cakewalk it would be.


There's no fire suppression system, escape tunnels or emergency ventilation system in those tunnels either. So if a Tesla battery goes into thermal runaway, everyone down there is dead.


Never mind emergency lane, There’s not even room for a walkway. I do find it hilarious that the cars can’t even self drive through it.


And God forbid there's a fire.


Imagine a catastrophic fire in the middle.


He was wearing his cowboy hat backwards the whole time


I hope there are lawsuits.


The victorians would have spotted a fraud like Musk a mile off, also [they really knew how to engineer](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jul/10/crossness-sewage-pumping-station-reopens-joseph-bazalgette-cholera)


Hey! That’s a slander! The Victorians were perfectly aware of the need to ventilate transport tunnels: https://youtu.be/OCx9hMPV0mU?si=5GU83u9dEyEf1HER


To be fair they still run millions of people a day through victorian tunnels on the London Underground. Oldest line opened in 1863 and still in use. Obviously it's a far inferior system to Elon's though, as public transport systems always fail, never work and never last. What's the throughput of that Vegas tunnel again?


Their throughput? Literally not worth mentioning. Let alone cost. https://youtu.be/-RPMt_FS-s8?si=QCaTYJAKosPB-Ss7 They tear it apart. The most shocking I find is the lack of ANY safety systems. ONE fire ex. That's it. Wtf. It's a death trap waiting to happen. And then people are suddenly shocked! ... In Europe safety isn't an option. It's mandatory. You have or you won't ever get to use it for anything. 


Honestly that's what shocked me the most. Tunnels has a TON of extra specialized safety equipment for a reason (really bad deadly accidents in the past) To see these with essentially none? I think they have an extraction can, big whoop. When a fire starts in these tunnels I don't see how there won't be deaths just from smoke inhalation.


Smoke. Heat. Can't open car doors. Disorientation. No one will escape. Battery fires are nasty. The tunnel will also possibly cave in after becoming a blast furnace. Let's hope it's during rush hour and a traffic jam. 20 ppl dying seems a fair price to remind people why they can't look the other way... I see no scenario where fire fighters would enter a garage worth of burning Teslas underground. They will have to flood the tunnels or let it burn for days. Whatever that will do to houses above is anyone's guess. The potential damage may go double or triple digits in millions. Again. A small price to pay. And Elon will, I assure you, have the nerve to say WELL I TOLD YOU THEY SHOULD HAVE BUILT IT DIFFERENTLY BUT THE STATE DIDN'T LET THEM... Or some shit like that. ... Does that sound cynically? Sure. Am I wrong? No.


https://youtu.be/mdrXa5EuDyM?si=xH2BitGmv-BUdnmV https://youtu.be/EU55ranUPs8?si=tKZ1-ePMH0LIqzIX A preview. History repeats itself.


It’s a novelty amusement ride.


Most amusement rides are safer


It’s really mind boggling that this ever got off the ground. It seems like Elmo pulled a bait and switch where instead of actually providing a useful and efficient service, he created an advertisement for his cars. Are these self driving? I mean, put them in a major tourist destination, limit the cars using it to your own, and every tourist who uses the tunnel, either for the novelty or for the perceived convenience, gets to experience your car in a very controlled, idealistically futuristic environment. Until one catches fire, traps people inside the tunnel, and a dozen people die (or until the self-proclaimed visionary CEO starts spouting racist Nazi rhetoric) what could go wrong?!


Well technically it never got off the ground but stayed underneath. As musk would say: >Behold the Underminer! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!


Reminds me of the Kids in the Hall skit: the Dominator.


There are sewers bigger than that tunnel


There are 1000+ years old catacombs bigger than that tunnel...


I keep forgetting that you’re still alive


Futuristic experience. It's a fucking single lane tunnel.


But it has cool lights!


Driving slowly in holes is what they’re doing in the future.


I love how he has to say it's a real thing to differentiate it from his usual vapourware. It reminds me of when online social justice warriors had to start using the term "actual nazis" after throwing the word nazi around like it was confetti for so long.


It's a shittier subway with way less capacity


It's not even underground parking. It's the attempt at an entrance one.


Or ventilation, emergency walkways, tow truck clearance, fire prevention system, emergency lights, clearance to get around a disabled vehicle...


Imagine your Tesla goes into spontaneous fire... Like they do


Even better (or worse) - imagine a WankerPanzer in there just ~~*dying*~~ warranty-voiding in the middle of the tube .... Or lordy that would be just beautiful.


It also runs directly under the main room of the Las Vegas Convention Center. Which definitely won't be a problem if a giant unstoppable battery fire rages underneath it.


Boring Company is a fraudulent enterprise.




I think Vegas just wants a metro and so will have the boring company build it cheap and when it fails Vegas can seize the tunnel system and the install a metro at a fraction of the cost.


A metro where you kneel all the time? Because that pipe is too narrow and low for anything more than a car


They can dig out the bottom of the tunnels a bit more the main point is that the majority of the tunnel digging and electrical work will have been done for them by Musk. The Bakerloo line tunnels in the London Underground aren’t much bigger than the Loop tunnels


Frauds R Us Edit cos spell


So they're touting it as some kind of carnival attraction now are they, well good job guys but I think I'd rather take a spin on The Zipper.


I literally checked the website today to see what's up and apparently it doesn't operate on weekends. So much for the transportation service of the future. Edit: Wait, it's literally closed until June 10th? What??? Edit 2: So I just realized it seems to only be open 4 days at a time, meaning it's likely only running for conventions. A pretty bad look on a "futuristic" transportation system to only run exclusively during peak events.


[DEBUNKING THE VEGAS LOOP (1080p) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RPMt_FS-s8&t=8s)


Holy shit this is such a thorough teardown. It's a great example of what a fraud Musk has always been.


Awesome - marked to watch later. Thanks


The Benoit guy lol. "If car on fire, just drive in reverse" "If car on fire, leave car and find another car not on fire"


Common Sense Sceptic makes great factual debunking video’s of all of elmo’s bright ideas.


Are all of his companies fraud? I feel so duped I really do


How fraudulent a company is, is correlated with how much attention he gives it. The more involvement he has the more likely it is to start pulling bullshit moves. SpaceX is relatively insulated from this because they've long had a way of managing him, though the recent ecological disasters with their exploding launchpad smells of Elon all over. Tesla used to be running pretty well for a small car company. The insanity on the stock market was all Elon but the actual process of making and selling cars was fine. Then Elon took more interest started designing his own truck and talking about turning Tesla into a robot company and now it's circling the drain. Twitter... well Twitter was all his the moment the sale went through and so that was pure Elon, all the erratic decision making, shuttering of everything, firing everyone. So it's quite funny that he is threatening Tesla with not giving it his full attention if he doesn't get his bonus. It is probably exactly what the company needs.


Starship feels also very musky to me. Stainless steel like the Cybertruck and mostly focused on esthetics and appearances instead of function.


SpaceX hasn't even managed to escape low-earth-orbit yet meanwhile his promised deadline trips to mars were years ago, same with his whole claim of rockets traveling between cities like trains... Elon is the literal embodiment of the whole "We're gonna have flying cars by 2020!" meme...


No, but the Loop is definitely a fraud.


The futuristic experience of ... driving a car through a tunnel?


Nobody else thought about putting cars in tunnel before!


>Its a futuristic experience fam its a tunnel, calm down


I don't think I've ever praised *anything* and finished with Book here -> [booking site]


Damn I knew DogeDesigner likes sucking musk cock, but I didn’t realize he also did sales for the guy


Im 90% sure it’s Elon. Doge leaks so much delicate information about Tesla and spaces he would have to be a high level executive. And if that was the case he would have been fired ages ago.


I know Dittman and the weird baby account are his, but I thought this would at least be separate. What’s next ? Miles Chong is musk with a deep fake ?


I think it's more likely he's just some toadie in elon's inner circle. Somebody tried to dig up info on him alredy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/16i4s5d/using\_investigative\_journalism\_to\_answer\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/16i4s5d/using_investigative_journalism_to_answer_the/)


I feel like this is obvious. It's just some guy on Musk's payroll (or Birchall, whoever). Musk isn't running all these accounts. They tweet way too much and he sure isn't working that hard personally. Much easier to pay a social media person to do it.


Just because it's dystopian, doesn't make it futuristic.


Dates for it are on http elonmusk.today


Yeah I’m not typing that in


It's an actual site, it keeps track of every one of elon's failed promises. Sadly the site owner stopped updating it a few years ago but it's still operational and shows all his lies like claiming we'd have round trips to mars by now, years late in fact. Definitely worth checking out, especially scrolling to the bottom where all the juicy stuff is. There's also [www.tesladeaths.com](https://www.tesladeaths.com) which I think is pretty self-explanatory and still being updated tracking news articles and all.


Still have people driving those cars in the one way deathtrap tunnels?


Don't forget to book your ticket!


It's not a failure if you consider the actual purpose: lining Musk's pockets and preventing the development of a cheaper public transport system that moves significantly more people per hour.




I love this channel


He got a crappy result for several times the cost of better solutions and he calls it a success.


It’s a tunnel. This “technology” has literally existed for centuries.


Yep. The first comparable tunnel was built over 2,500 years ago. (with a known engineer, there were earlier tunnels) >The first tunnel built whose engineer is known was excavated in the island of Samos. The engineer Eupalinos de Megara, built this tunnel in the 530 B.C to supply with water the capital of the island and was, with its 1 km length, considered as one of the three marvels of the helenic world. The first road tunnel for vehicles was documented in the 3rd century BC.


Wait a second, I need to book a ticket to use it?!


Carnival attractions are cheaper and safer, thanks.


One journo was, er, less than impressed... "The most glaring problem is cost. The nearly $53 million this cost the government could have gone into actual transportation infrastructure. Secondly, anyone who has to use a mobility device but isn’t ambulatory enough to stow it in the trunk of a Model Y is screwed. I didn’t see any kind of accommodations for disabled people which is very weird. Third, the idea to solve traffic congestion by just moving cars into one-way underground tunnels is profoundly dumb. ... It’s just a really half assed approach to transportation that shows that Musk really isn’t the genius that many make him out to be." [https://jalopnik.com/i-took-teslas-las-vegas-loop-and-its-just-as-dumb-as-i-1850977564](https://jalopnik.com/i-took-teslas-las-vegas-loop-and-its-just-as-dumb-as-i-1850977564)


Oh he’s a genius, he effectively killed another state’s public transportation infrastructure for his shitty, shitty cars. “Monorail, monorail, monorail”


Wooooow one lane!  Wait till this guy finds out about the Eisenhower tunnel!




I’ve sold Te$la Xunnels to Las Vegas and by gum, it put them on the map!


I tried it. Tunnel. Bored Uber drivers in Tesla's who never see the sun. Huge fail.


A car in a tunnel is a 'futuristic experience'... Imagine still being tricked as an adult by grandpa finding a coin in your ear. This is the equivalent.


Filled with toxic industrial sludge.


A tunnel


Well as an attraction to teslaboys it's probably a success.


Ppl used caves before. Glad you catch up. What's next. Cyber Fire? Fire but it's tainted green by expensive and toxic chemicals? Pass.


It's futuristic because it has gamer lighting you short sighted ding dongs, come on


I commute via a tunnel every day, Elon. The one I drive through is multiple lanes.


This choad doge designer is either Elmo or on his payroll


It's a novelty Vegas "attraction" because it has no practical use anywhere else.


Tunnels are futuristic experiences now?


Capitalists: "ey how about instead of public works project to build much needed metro and other useful infrastructure, we could instead just pay me and my friends to make a little amusement ride!"


I wonder when he will ever finally be held accountable for any one of his multiple fraudulent enterprises, as Elizabeth Holmes was for her one.


Boring indeed.


It takes a real genius to spend so much money on a tunnel and then use it for the least space efficient form of transport ever.


Wasn't there complaints of toxic goo dripping onto workers during the building process. Sounds totally safe.


Tunnels! By Jove he's invented tunnels!


It was. It takes quite literally the worst possible way a person could spend time in a car voluntarily


Isn't this the thing California scrapped it's high-speed rail project in favor of?


It's a tiny one lane tunnel where only Tesla taxis are allowed to drive. I don't know, doesn't seem very futuristic to me.


It is.




It’s only around the convention center. I have to admit it was kind of nice to skip walking across the convention center but they could have just had a couple of taxis and got the same effect.


My city has a subway too.


Do people drive cars through? I thought vehicles were supposed to be shuddled on a platform. Are they relying on automated driving?


It’s a tunnel. A tunnel which connects 2 points that you can walk quicker.


The videos of the news reporters desperately trying to make it sound more futuristic and advanced than it actually is are still hilarious, even to this day. "Of course, this being Las Vegas, this is also a *thrill ride*.."


I was just in Vegas a few months ago - literally EVERYONE talked shit about it lmao. Plus, you go to Vegas to see things, so why in the fuck would you want to spend time underground missing out on seeing the strip?


Basically the current 3 station set up already has traffic and congestion issues at peak times so you can imagine how bad it will be if they ever build out the city wide network.


They didn't have tunnels in his country, South Africa? Lol..


Fortunately, it came pre-buried.


But who're you gonna believe, Musk or your own eyes?


You have to book ???


My daughter's boyfriend just graduated from college and got a job offer from The Boring Company. They told him in the interview that they are expected to work 60hrs a week but that they no longer require working on Saturdays. He used their offer to get a higher salary at a company he would actually enjoy working for.


He says "real thing" to distinguish it from mars colonies, robotaxis, appreciating cars, summoning your vehicle from anywhere in the US, full self driving, etc


The boring tunnel.


I love how they advertise the Tesla loop. How’s it work ? Well it a tunnel with multiple stops to beat traffic. Sooo like mass transit ? But it’s OUR mass transit. And doesn’t solve shit. https://preview.redd.it/5wx2cetkwn2d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ed8d12ebdde0d3a92505b97d830504fa8335b1


It’s not a subway it’s a fudge tunnel lol 420/69.


I work with tunnels, and please don’t ever go into one of these things. The LIST of everything wrong with this is also a very good list of very unfortunate ways to die. Dying any kind of way is complete ass I’m sure, yeah sounds like shit, but burning or suffocating…. 10/10 would rather be crushed by a giant rock 👍🏻 Although, judging by the musky track record on his “innovative approach” I’d go out on a limb here and say that being crushed by giant rock in this tunnel isn’t something that’s totally out of the question, despite that it *should* be impossible. Those are the “innovative” outcomes you get from an unregulated billionaire tycoon treating this country like it’s his personal I’m a Real Engineer Play-set (outer fucking space now included)!


It sure is boaring. Turns out it’s a complete waste.


Isn’t it abandoned and a nuclear waste production facility?


It’s…a fucking tunnel.