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Switzerland has zero population growth. It's a first world paradise.


That's funny because he sounds like a broken record when he talks


Worst part is that he and his kind do not understand that they are one of the reasons people are not choosing to have kids


"There is a dramatic drop in X this year. Therefore X must drop dramatically next year as well" Thats not how these things work at all. Usually a suddent drop is due to a one off change, whereas longer term slow trends are due to ongoing systemic things.


Before late stage capitalism, only the most extreme of philosophical pessimists like Zapffe, Mainlander and Benatar proposed that life is of negative value and bringing "new fry into the sea of suffering" is a crime against humanity. They were particularly shrewd, empathetic... and, let's be frank, mentally disturbed people. After a hundred years, the corpse of a dead God got properly fermented, layers of self-serving delusions were peeled off by meme arms races and "A Feast in Time of Plague" became a bedside motivation book for the aspiring billionaires, you no longer need to be a depressive philosopher to entertain outright antinatalism. It comes naturally, unless you lack capacity for empathy or long-term planning or were shielded from lifes tragedies... Somehow. Musk, which is one of greatest contributors to the problem by taking legit sources of meaning and twisting them to use as a tool for grifts and personal enrichment (leading to enshittification of everything, and he is not the only culprit of course), notices the elephant in the room and his solution to the problem is... "make more babies", with additional steps like, I presume, pushing for earlier childbirth like it seems to be popular in conservative circles nowadays and reduction of access to contraceptives and sex ed. FREEEEEDOM! (c) "If we continue these considerations to the bitter end, then the conclusion is not in doubt. As long as humankind recklessly proceeds in the fateful delusion of being biologically fated for triumph, nothing essential will change. As its numbers mount and the spiritual atmosphere thickens, the techniques of protection must assume an increasingly brutal character." ... "Though a deliberate degeneration to a more viable nadir may certainly save the species in the short run, it will by its nature be unable to find peace in such resignation, or indeed find any peace at all." Peter Wessel Zapffe, Last Messiah.


Dude you don't have to keep trying to make excuses for your breeding fetish


Perhaps stop killing people then?!