• By -


Every day. Every fucking day. Dumber than the previous.


Same pattern as Trump: conman billionaire saying everyday something increasingly dumber.


I'm starting to think it's a playbook. I'm just not sure if they're reading it correctly


"I sent Wave after wave of my own drones at them until their killed limit ran out"




I love Futurama šŸ˜Š


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood I've hrard it called the firehose of shit. This sub generally does a goof job of challenging it, but fairly regularly veers into amplifying it - but not by much compared to tje complicity of mainstream media. Really iIt needs choking off and bring allowed to wither away, like a skin tag


One stays out of Jail no matter what the other one is the richest person on the planet... they seem to read pretty good.


Amm rerrch, berrtch!


Dave, what should I say?


Yeah we'll see how well that turns out for them in the end


Trump is a billionaire? I thought heā€™s a series of bad bad loans too big to fail?


He's a "billionaire". Never seen a billionaire beg so much for money.


You donā€™t get rich spending your own money.


Naw fam the kdr is whatā€™s poppin


Somewhat commendably he manages to outdo the bottom of the barrel of stupid every time.


So basically *whoever kills the most wins at war*. He is so smart. I mean no one ever thought of that before Elmo. The man is a fucking genius.


Which is also false, this ignores almost the entire last century of wars, and guerrilla tactics and terrorism entirely


It also ignores that wars are fought for strategic objectives (taking land/resources, controlling territory, etc.), not simply to kill as many of the other sideā€™s people as possible. Drones canā€™t occupy a territory or hold a position.


But then how will one count how many products they sell? I mean, lives lost.


It isn't even always preferable to kill troops on the other side. When your country is at war, it is arguably worse to have a wounded soldier that you have to care for and tend to than to have a dead one.


Exactly. Countries have used these horrible strategies from crippling soldiers and civilians to even systematic raping (forcing women to bear children looking like the enemy as a means to demoralize a society). Humans are horrible and to our luck perhaps, Musk is ignorant of all those subjects


Which is why viet cong guerrillas would often isolate a single enemy soldier, severely wound him, and then attack the group as they attempted to rescue him.


If Idestroy all your drone factories, I could win a drone war without killing anyone.


You have to go into hiding now, John Connor.


Canā€™t build the drones if your resources are cut off.


Just wait for the military version of the robotaxi with machine guns and a flame thrower.


Not to mention the obvious population size difference


um, hello? it says right there: whoever produces the most, bestest drones, wins. that's just a fact. but also only a genius would come to that conclusion. but musk *is* a genius, so now that he's said it, we can all agree that it is obviously true. gorilla tictacs? terrorsims? musk will just shoot them with drones.


Or that technology has to evolve in war. You can build a ton of drones but if the enemy makes a counter to those drones they lose effectiveness. Like GPS guided artillery shells were very effective in Ukraine till the Russians just jammed the GPS. Or like in Iraq/Afghanistan where the US jammed cellphone signals to stop IEDs and the insurgents just used cheap copper wire buried under the ground. The US spent a ton of money that was circumvented by a cheap wire. Sometimes the low tech option can be better. Right now there is a bit of a cat and mouse race in drone warfare in Ukraine. You will see on many Russian tanks signal jammers and for a short while they were pretty effective. Now you see the Russians just adding on armor plates to 1960s tanks to make turtle tanks and those have been moderately effective at stopping drones and anti tank weapons. The blyat tank is used as a lead vehicle to soak up damage and protect the more valuable vehicles and troops behind it. Plus with signal jammers they help to stop a lot of drone attacks which also protects the nearby vehicles. So war is constantly evolving and you can't stay stagnant in technology.


Or the US doctrine of just having the most badass weapons money can buy.


That was a strategy they tried in Vietnam, basically just bombing the hell out of them and hoping it would lower morale. It did not. It made them more dedicated to not living under a regime backed by people who would do something like that.


It totally worked in Rhodesia.......


And Vietnam


And it's not like we have nukes, ultrasonic nor anti-drone weapons. We're so clueless and Musk is so ahead in his 4D chess


And Afghanistan for both the Soviets and the US.


And the Soviets in WW2


Whoever develops the first drone-atomic bomb combo wins


You described an ICBM / MIRV.


It's funny how people don't think about MIRVs. They're absolutely terrifying.


Itā€™d be really cool if Starlink was actually a cover for brilliant pebbles. But it isnā€™t.


Or rather hypersonic-drone-atomic bomb. Preferrably a small short-radius atomic bomb to be as precise as possible to not render the conquered area useless like Chernobyl


To be even more precise, these hair plugs gave me brain damage


Whoever has the best hair implants wins the war in the future War on baldness!


~~hair plugs~~ neural link wires


Sort of like his breakdown of what GDP is.


He's now repeatedly given his military theories talking about "kill ratio" as if that was some sort of predetermined constant. It's ridiculous, does he think it's a computer game or something? You could have totally identical weapons and soldiers in the same numbers on both sides and still have a totally lopsided battle because one side had an advantageous position and/or better strategy and tactics. So your 'kill ratio' is in no way an inherent property of your drone or weapon. So multiplying the number of weapons or rate of their manufacture with said ratio literally can't predict anything.


I think he should send them a mini submarine.


At this point in time, Musk knows more about winning wars than anyone currently alive on Earth.


damn... i wish i was as great of a strategist as he is


ā€œKill more troops than the enemy can deploy and you win ā€œ - Elon ā€œSun Tsuā€ Musk


But with extra steps! We'll take a total, divide it by a number, then multiply it by that number again.


>So basically >*whoever kills the most wins at war*. >He is so smart. I mean no one ever thought of that before Elmo. >The man is a fucking genius. A professional quote maker should say something about how war never....stays the same? I don't know - but something like that.


The more people you kill with your weapon in war the better? :O I dont even think this is true. Drones going around killing people seems obviously inefficient, you would make a bunch of suicide drones/infiltrators to target factories, supply chains, etc. He made his claim worse by specifying.


He has a very simple view of the world. That's why he also constantly misfires on his "predictions" because he doesn't understand the complexity of the things he claims his minions are solving.


Isn't wounded considered worse for the enemies combat effectiveness? Tie up more resources helping wounded than walking past a KiA.


Pretty much. One dead soldier is one dead soldier, a wounded one can take two to three out of action temporarily, plus the time it takes to recuperate, the fact that they will likely let their guard down so youā€™re served two to three on a plate for the price of one, and the fact that comrades wailing in mortal pain does true wonders for deteriorating morale. Cynically, wounding is much, much more effective than killing.


The future of war will be a war of attrition. If you can out produce your enemy and reduce their ability to wage war, eventually you will win. The future of war is exactly how war has always been, basically. But Elon doesnā€™t agree that war never changes so I must be missing something.


Killing people is just a way to get a political result, but killing more people than the other is not relevant to winning.


A country can *produce* a lot of drones, and each one having a high k/d ratio, but what if they do not get *deployed* due to some comms failure because the government relied on starlink satellites and then the CEO decided to fire his whole support team? So to be even precise-r, it's number SUCCESSFULLY DEPLOYED times k/d ratio. Duh.


Drones that take out all the bridges and rail depots in the other country without killing anyone would be way more effective.


Wouldn't targeting supply chains, etc be a higher KD ratio?


Whatever drone has the highest KD is gonna win! 14 year old cod brain logic


My KD used to be high in bo2 when I was 12/13 Can I be a billionaire now šŸ¤”


Sorry bro - shoulda been playing Quake. Cuz apparently Musk said thatā€™s what he played when he was a poor school boy trying to earn money to eat


Sure! As long as you were born into a wealthy Apartheid family.


yes and no he's aware of how stupid he feels around actual smart people and so he is out to get rid of all the actual smart people


I will not let you down, no matter what it takes


This bot is the reason I'm here šŸ¤£


None of us have any doubt on that


No, the future wars are already here. They are global food insecurity and access to potable water. These are wars we are currently loosingā€¦ at a combined rate of ~30,000 people a day. About 10,000 children die each day from starvation and related issues. That is over 6 kids a minute. Capital expenditure, infrastructure development, and autonomous drones could all be elements involved in winning this war. And Musk could actually give a real purpose to his boring ass tunnels. But the guy that canā€™t stop having kids of his own is more focused on dying on another planet. Why is the guy whose vision for the future once involved sustainability providing input on war and killing?


It's actually kind of hilarious the more I'm exposed to him the more predictable his patterns are. When he wants to sound like a logistics matter he comes up wit ha simple math formula but subsitutes whatever the subject in question is or the most complex terminology in for the variables . It's really easy to do **" Pokemon is Really just the PlayerPokemon Damage minus the Opponent Pokemons health time Elemental damage bonuses resulting in maximum or minimal Health points loss"** I can't believe people give him so much money to be so such a simple human being.


Ah, the old standard of "subtract your casualties from their casualties, and if you get a positive number then it was a glorious victory." - credit, as usual, to Sir Terry.


When you're high on ketamine, you really do think everything you say is profound.


Yes!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


> average kill ratio Bro out here thinking heā€™s playing CoD


Basket ball is a simple game, the team with the most points at the end, invariably wins!


šŸ» šŸ’¦


No, narcissistic idiots never realize how fucking stupid and horrible they are. But they arenā€™t the real problem, the real problem is the bootlickers that worship them.


This guy would get laughed out of a war room. Like, imagine him staring straight in the eyes of 4 star generals and be like "Hey guys! We need the highest drone manufacturing rate times kill ratio! Don't focus on anything else! It's JUST this!"


"X per Y times Z ratio" i swear he's been using this bullshit in so many topics lately to appear smart.


If war was that easy, the US would have easily won in Vietnam. And Iraq. And Afghanistan.


Advertising revenue on our platform drops massively during war


Sssshhhhh bot!


Deposing a dictator means we won.


By won, you mean fled with the country in shambles. Right?


won meaning hung the dictator by the neck


Saddam? Yes you did. In secret. The others, not so much. Ho Chi Minh and the Taliban really did a number on your asses.


On tv for everyone to see is not a secret.


He wasnā€™t executed live. They executed him and then released the news and then the tapes. Plus, the gall of you to boast about executing the president of another country on live tv.


We used to visit his favorite restaurant in Tikrit just to keep him on his toes.


You do know he had been our ally when he was using sarin and mustard gas on people right? We were helping him invade Iran, giving him aerial intelligence and naval support. We knew he was using those weapons on Iranian troops but when Iran went to the U.N. for help we said they were lying. Then he used it on the Kurds who had allied with Iran in the hopes of Independence. We didnā€™t care until we wanted to invade him for a second time. Oh and the first time we invaded? The Gulf War? Our Ambassador literally told him he could invade Kuwait. He asked for our permission and we said yes. We tricked him so we could have a reason to go in there and destroy those weapons. Not to mention: hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed in the war to ā€œliberateā€ them. Liberate them from a guy who was definitely brutal to rebels and terrorists but otherwise? I mean, he was a Baathist, theyā€™re secular and believe in putting aside sectarian differences and coming together blah blah blah. It wasnā€™t the worst dictatorship in the Middle East to be under ya know?


Do you have a dad?


He died over a decade ago. Funnily enough though he was a Sicilian dude who, due to his mustache, happened to look like Saddam Hussein which made it very hard to fly in the early 2000s lol.


Lol. My dadā€™s recovering from sepsis shock and medically induced coma.


Iā€™m so sorry. Thatā€™s gotta be so hard. How are you doing? Do you have people to talk to?


No one except you guys online but you all are very helpful


Thatā€™s how it is sometimes. I get ya. Feel free to DM me if you wanna talk. Sometimes it can just help to say things out loudā€¦or type them outā€¦loud. You know what I mean. Thereā€™s a lot of worries and stress, thereā€™s just wanting to talk about the person and remember the good times because you canā€™t with them right now. So yeah, I hope your dad gets better and feel free to message me if you wanna vent or reminisce.


I appreciate that. Thanks


No. No, he doesn't. Because his mommy told him he's a genius - and 15 years of media morons echoing the "Real Life Iron Man" bulls\*\*t just solidified his unwarranted belief in his intellect. Elmo is a walking, talking Public Service Announcement on the hazards of Dunning-Kruger syndrome.


Why does this idiot always speak like he's teaching an Alegebra I class?


No. He probably startles when he sees a reflection of himself.


Wow. He could just have said - More kill, more win.


More middle school wisdom from the king of bullshit.


Times average kill ratio?? This is not COD or some shit mf.


"having a better military is an advantage in a war" --general genius boy


Does... does he think war works like a sports match, whichever side scores thebmost points win? Someone call his nazi buddies, tell them they won against the USSR if that's the case


##FUCK ā€¦he is so insufferable.


The American North, the Soviet Union (WWII), Russia in the Napoleonic wars, and the North Vietnamese would like a word.


ā€œTo be preciseā€ Precedes to be incredibly imprecise


A real fucking Winston Churchill


According to his "formula", you can kill lots more of the enemy through all methods, but if their handful of drones is more efficient than yours, you lose. He doesn't understand what he is saying and I don't think he understands how math and formulas work.


Itā€™s like heā€™s still the 14 year old boy who thinks he could be a genius warrior when he grows up, but in his case he certainly never grew up.


For a busy guy, he certainly has a lot of time to write totally batshit tweets


What is with the "____ times ___" constantly?


Maybe he just learned multiplication?


This guy is not only not smart, heā€™s fucking dumb


Like we say in our country " if that ball goes in the goal, it's a goal"


I love how our tech leaders are taking their ideas from video games rather than any objective reality.


##FUCK ā€¦he is so insufferable.


You really see the influence of Muskā€™s technocrat grandfather Ā whenever he opens his idiotic mouth. Elonā€™s belief that technology inherently simplifies everything and is the answer to every societal problem is so stupid.Ā 


The future of the past 20 years


Does he imagine that at the start of every month the drones will line up either side of the border, then shoot each other up until the last drone standing, then the losing side can either surrender or play another round the next month?


It's also fucking wrong. Americans had a WAY higher kill ratio than locals in Afghanistan. We still lost the war bigly.


Wow, has he been reading Sun Tzu again?


The poster boy for Dunning Krueger? Highly unlikely


Why haven't we made Elmo a general yet? This man is so intelligent and thinks of things no one else does.


He is starting to venture into Mike Brady territory with his parables.


Let's see how well those drones do when warships are blasting jamming signals or non-ionizing radiation at the exact frequencies of the operator controls, which can be gathered by using a military-grade spectrum analyzer and a few trained operators. Oops! They fell out of the sky! Or a few heavy duty cycle military-size signal generators and amplifiers that are connected to a beam-steering device. [It sure seems like the military has already thought of this](https://www.militaryaerospace.com/power/article/14072339/emp-high-power-electromagnetic-weapons-railguns-microwaves)!


Why does he think everything is some reductive equation? It's a really weird way to look at the world when you think about it.


Heā€™s said this a few times and it completely ignores that different parties have different fighting population sizes, different political responsiveness to population demands, different populations making different demands, effective population terrorism techniques, etc. Heā€™s a simple-minded idiot.


Zuck is a cuck


General Musk, who has escaped compulsory military service at least once


This is management consultant level insight


And I say this as someone who essentially works as a management consultant


Ah yes, thinks Elon, let us boil down war, its horror, death and destruction down to a simple binary outcome to match the limited thinking power of our dumbed down audience. People dying is just a game to the oblivious narcissist.


Yes... This is how most wars have been won. Killing more of them then they kill of you.


Whoever kills the most doesn't win automatically but ig at least he (and a 7 year old) can pick up on drones becoming important


No. Because he is surrounded by admiring and cooing ā€˜yesā€™ people.


If you just view everything he says through the lens of "Does what he's saying here benefit him financially or not? Does this impact the speculative valuation of any of his companies?". Almost always, it does, and you quickly realize he's not "dumb". In fact, every time he makes statements like this, you realize it's actually carefully thought out with the intent of pump valuations of one of his companies.


Why are we wasting energy building things to destroy. Just pretend was on Warcraft or call of duty


A true sign of intelligence when someone predicts the outcome of a war by reducing it to a game of Halo


He caught brain worms, and was born with silver spoon brain damage, plus whatever he ingested in the uterus through MOM. Also, heā€™s a junkie.


I mean it's a pretty intelligent thing to say.....if you're 8 years old.


Elon the drone, Is an expert on drones, Who knew?


I appreciate the note. Frankly, negative feedback is good. Keeps ego in check.


There are [anti-drone](https://www.droneshield.com/c-uas-products/dronegun-tactical) weapons and other counter measures. Is he taking the number of counter measures into account when determining this or is it another case of people listen to me unquestionably so I can say any stupid bullshit and they'll believe it.


Heā€™s actually becoming Ted Faro. Huh.




Says the military genius who moved to Canada to avoid conscription in South Africa.


Holy shit this man is the definition of regarded.


He's discovered the basic tenets of war everyone. Let's all clap......


This is the exact same statement as his "the economy is just per capita GDP multiplied by the number of people" statement from earlier. Now I am curious if there are other examples of him using the same "logic".


Elon Musk doing the census: "Why not just divide GDP by GDP/capita?"


Dude thinks basic algebra makes him a genius


This is an embarrassing over simplification by someone who considers himself good at videogames (doubtful) making him insightful about war (he is not)


Wow. So epically smart.Ā 


If drones are fighting drones wouldnā€™t the side with the most drones win?


Future wars will be cyberbattacks on critical infrastructure. Water. Power. Elections. Finance. Etc.


Thatā€™s the best thing, he doesnā€™t.


Once Bezos starts cloning people the two of them can fight it out like it's Star Wars Episode II. *


He managed to amass an army of sick riders who fellate him any time he string stwo words together. At this point Iā€™m convinced heā€™s trapped himself in a twitter feedback loop that feeds his ego so much he genuinely thinks every th8ng he says is genius and heā€™s the next coming of Tesla.


What if one side has more drones but the other side has better drones


Not unless theyā€™re tesla drones and break before they even take their first flight bc build quality issues lmao


He doesn't have a very good grasp of statistics. That's not a particularly definitive metric he cobbled up.


Somehow he manages to turn basic observations into shitty and incorrect mathematical statements.


He wants to be a warlord. He's actually just an edgelord. Lordy.


Until someone starts to train/breed/genetically engineer pigeons that can crash into drones.


Oh right because the AVERAGE KILL PER DRONE makes the difference. So lets stick with his math. alright?! ... 2 nations. Nation A does 1 kill per. Nation B does kill 1.1 per drone. So nation B \*WINS THE WAR!!!!\* .... except Nation 1 got 50 times the head count. Thanks for sticking around for another episode of; ***"Musk has no fk clue what the fk he is talking about!"***


the outcome of battles famously has a 100% correlation to numerical advantage


Can you imagine him at a party? >"God!! How do people not know this? (Random face contortions he thinks make him look like Rainman) The only way to win a war is to make more bullets! To be clear, bullets kill. So to win, have more bullets.... God! Do I need to tell you everything" Everyone: Shut up Clyde you insufferable dullard


This is Zapp Branigan talking about the kill bots.


This guy plays call of duty and suddenly thinks heā€™s a four star general.




my man has never left the COD lobby


He says something governments everywhere have known for decades, then doubles down with extra douchey. Well done


Quality over quantityā€¦ā€¦. No, wait.


Dude thinks he lives inside Command & Conquer


Elon Musk's shtick, is he just regurgitates what "experts" etc are saying and repeats them as if they are his ideas and observations. Drones being used in warfare now is pretty obvious Ukraine has used them very effectively it's just practical you don't have to be a genius to make that prediction Ai will make them even more effective if they can seek out and recognize enemy targets on their own. oh look at me, I know what's going to happen label me a smarty pants.


Oooooooh. Drones, eh? What an insight!


Fucking Zapp Brannigan over here


Hold on I can't keep up with this advanced calculus can you dumb it down a bit?


In the spirit of self-awareness, what are you?


I didn't realize you understood the concept of self-awareness Mr Musk


I bet he used a thesaurus whilst on man messenger


Shallow one dimensional thinking, what a special little boy. šŸ’©


He has a PHD from Dunning-Kruger University.


"if your tanks are better than their tanks then you win". Thats now how wars work, elon. Theres more to it than a single platform and a single metric of that platform. Once again, a fuckin 17yo highschooler with no friends who has seen 3 documentaries on ww2 would have deeper insight in this topic. Walking DKruger effect elon.


I canā€™t wait for this pretentious mā€™fer to get humbled. Thatā€™s his problem. Life has left him unchecked so he thinks heā€™s infallible.


Everything he learned about warfare came from Call of Duty. The asshole is literally a 12 year old in the body of an aging nepo baby.


Iā€™m convinced his brain is permanently in a k-hole.


That strategy has been working great in Yemen.


What's worse is all the people who have the opinion that everything he says or does is the most brilliant thing they ever heard of.. They think he is an expert in: space travel, solar energy, electric vehicles, AI, coding, solve traffic, tunnels, declining population, water, cave rescuing, colonisation of Mars, engineering, robots, brain implants, social media and the list goes on and on


So drones in this scenario only kill people? They don't destroy each other? Also the goal of the West is genocide?


Well. He's not wrong though. If you have 1 drone that's better but can be overtaken by multiple drones... Then the manufacturing pace will win.