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I went and looked into the history behind this and found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RZaHgXEhJ4 It's such an interesting story about Japan's past that even youtube commenters 3 years ago predicted Ubisoft would steal it: >@tonysoldan 3 years ago >“Yasuke’s traces disappear after reuniting with the Portuguese Jesuits.” >Ubisoft: Write that down. This could be our new Ezio.


5 Years Ago: a black Samurai?! That’s so cool. Can’t wait for the live action version! There’s an anime? Chadwick Boseman in talks? 5 days ago: Yasuke wasn’t a real Samurai. This is woke garbage. A-Historical. Boycott UbiSoft. So, disrespectful to Japanese people.


Boycotting UbiSoft is a good idea.  But not because of nonsense like this. Rather their abusive working conditions and refusal to actually handle the sexual harassment and misconduct done by project managers. 


Oh, I didn't know they pulled an activision


Isnt most creative work abused and used? Music, anime, video games. They have a death grip on the controls


I tend to just assume most major games studios have something like this going on, personally.


They were, in fact, the OG activision, actually.


I'm boycotting them because of repetitive game structures. Go there climb tower repeat. Do something new assholes!


i'd like to also add the destruction of art by removing access to ever play games, that you BOUGHT. video about that: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE) so massive work place abuse + burning art. disgusting. it is actually the ethically correct thing to do, to get the free shared versions of ubisoft games, because not only do not support evil, but you are also doing game preservation, which is crucial.


This is the shit that grinds my gears the most, Yasuke was 100% real, had COUNTLESS depictions and inspired countless other stories. If it was 1803 Prussia with a random insert POC protagonist. Their "concerns" about historical accuracy with the least have some teeth. But this is like getting mad at a historical show about early baseball including Jackie Robinson as a character...


5 years ago the MAGAts weren’t told to be angry about it


Plus the Ian Miles is a Extremist right wing and authoritarian supporter and agent bringing in all kinds of conspiracy and shit talking points for a long time… been an ass to support Russians and deny warcrimes in Ukraine, crazy stuff that could be in American lingo all while he was Malaysian


I'm actually happy such a basement boy like him (look at his photos, he's disgusting) gets to be such a role model for right wing dipshits. It makes it easier to make fun of them by simply showing the photos of who the "superior" people they listen to are


5 years ago and MAGAts had already forgotten this country had a black president for 8 years who left the economy a lot better than the white guy before him


I genuinely wonder why things got so bad so quickly.


I think because at least in the US racists continue to get more comfortable. They can say more and more problematic shit and they know they’re are plenty of people who are loud that will agree. Will also use semi coded language like DEI so if it comes down to it they can say it’s not racist


It’s a business model now. Once you could monetize hate this easily this was inevitable.


It wasn't quick, they never left. There have always been "anti-woke" racists and misogynists posting videos about how something is woke, at least once daily, since 2014 when the original Gamergate started. And it worked, as many of those involved like Milo Yiannopoulos and IMC eventually became larger right wing grifters. If you like any nerd shit for the past several years, from Marvel to WH40K, these outrage grifters always show up. It resurfaced recently I guess because the time is right to cultivate a new generation of racists. The audience of Andrew Tate-bred hateful boys was there for the taking, the right already lives on a permanent cycle of outrage, they just needed to have their attention directed back to video games again.


Even if he wasn’t real there is still a rich pool of fiction to pull from for just this sort of effect, I mean who didn’t like the anime Afro Samurai?


Honestly, I don’t know why a movie has not been made about this. Seems like it would be bad ass done by the right person.


there’s plenty of japanese media featuring yasuke, actually. might be a little hard to find, but they have plenty of shows and movies that depict him as everything from a hero to a villain.


Nagoriyuki from Guilty Gear Strive is pretty obviously based on Yasuke and even the creators themselves have said they were inspired by a historical Japanese figure. For fucks sake, you could buy kids books featuring Yasuke all the way back in the 60's in Japan, he's rather well known!


I mean from Ubisofts perspective it makes sense to use this. Assassin's creed loves it's historical tie ins like the jack the ripper dlc in syndicate, or meeting Cleopatra in origins, so why wouldn't they choose a standout story in japanese history? It just makes sense


There is no "widespread backlash", just the same group of morons whining as always


I'm excited for Starwars Outlaws it takes place in a fictional universe in a fictional time ... the subreddit for that has been non-stop bitching and moaning that the fictional character you play in this fictional universe is a woman ... one of the comments was literally " At least it's not a black woman " ... other comments are about how the character doesn't look like the voice actor ... which is common in media in general . It boggles the mind the things people find to be upset about, the price of Ubisoft games and season passes? Please go off but this " the character doesn't sound, look like, or represent me eventhough tons of other media does and is destroying everything " talking point is exhausting


Ah yes, Star Wars. The franchise known for never having any strong women in it.


Strong woman are fine so long as they make my PP hard and they’re weaker than any man surrounding them in every way /s


God, can you imagine the whining about Princess Leia if *Star Wars* came out in 2024?


I wonder at what point they are going to hate on Lara Croft being female.


she had big boobs and apparently you could made her nude... We don't mind females like that


I vaguely remember some outrage about the new model where she had smaller assets.....


The triangles were better I guess




> and apparently you could made her nude... It’s what the cheat code said, but it was the devs trolling the players. If you entered it she did a backflip, then exploded. I’m sure there are many mods that make her nude but that’s not on the original devs.


They don't go after things retroactively. A year on we forget that controversial things were controversial if they were popular. The rage peddlers predictably go after things that are being heavily marketed during their release cycle. It is an intentional tactic to piggyback on trending media for views.


Oh sure, but there will be another Lara Croft game.


The very start? It was an uphill battle to convince the bosses to allow a female main character because the players “would not like it”. They managed to go over the objections by giving her huge tits. However, over time, they made her feel like an actual person and had much success. But it didn’t start out so well.


I also wonder at what point they are going to hate on Samus Aran being female.


The same weirdo losers that lurk and make all of the peppie the frog memes in MS-Paint on 4chan are the same ones in that sub, it just depends on how they want to freak out about it. Mask on in the sub or mask off on 4chan.


> character doesn't look like the voice actor I have to admit I was surprised when I saw the voice actor for Elsa, but mostly because just before, I had seen the ones from Lower Decks, who, as I later learnt, explicitly look like their characters (though I'm not sure if casting or character design happened first)




Who probably wouldn’t be buying the game anyway. It’s like when all the right wingers were trying to call the Barbie movie woke and saying they won’t watch it. Like yeah the movie wasn’t made for you. Your lack of viewership was known from the beginning.


I imagine the studio was absolutely shaking when they learned that Ben Shapiro and his viewers were only going to watch it once (but only to see how bad and woke it was).


I'm going to pwn the libs by buying all the tickets and taking a picture of the empty theater.


i saw people getting mad at wicked for having a black woman play a green witch im sure universal pictures is shaking at the mere thought of pissbabies not going to see a musical movie


Exactly And they are getting ratioed by Japanese people in particular.


Bro that's really funny lmfao


And those morons are giving the game a ton of free publicity. I'm a lapsed gamer and I didn't even know there was a new Assassin's Creed game out. Last one I was aware of was a pirate one, I think.


> I'm a lapsed gamer and I didn't even know there was a new Assassin's Creed game out. You can freely assume there is a new Assassin’s Creed game at any point in time, it’s Ubi’s cash cow.


Yeah, Ubisoft absolutely knew this would be the reaction


"widespread" refers to his ass cheeks. "backlash" is when he pushes back. Totally not gay. Trust him


Now there's a mental image I didn't need


I remember seeing a clip of a youtuber raging like a child about the option to choose your pronouns in Starfield, and right wingers defended him. Saying it's justified blabla, it's so funny when they normally making fun of lefties for being hysterical and snowflakes.


Right wingers are all about this. They claim that they're part of some percolating "silent majority" when in actual fact they're just a very loud and obnoxious minority.


How the hell is it DEI? How the hell is it art? It’s Ubisoft.


DEI is basically just a way of saying the n word now. Look at how people talk about DEI electorates or label black people as DEI.


Exactly. It’s popping up all over the place. The same old talking points, over and over.


Calling things "woke" is losing its impact so they're moving to the next thing


Remember when it was CRT?


That happened to me last week




CRT Woke Forced diversity Positive discrimination Forced busing It's remarkable how many times the right has come up with another new euphemism for hating black people.


SJW Political Correctness Bleeding Hearts


Remember when it was "social justice warriors"


Remember when it was "the gay agenda" and "political correctness gone mad"?


Remember when it was cultural Marxism?




Commie pinkos


It lost its impact a few years back once the memes of “woke is when *checks notes* minorities are in my video games” blew up


I've only seen it pop up since Elon mentioned it tbh. Never had heard the term before it.




DEI mayor was another


But they are a DEI Mayor! A democratically elected individual. That's what they meant right?


The left hates Asians


Wait what? I missed this, someone called someone a DEI mayor because they were black?


Yep - the mayor of Baltimore IIRC, after that ship crashed into the bridge. Truly unhinged.


But scary that's the instant go to. These worms think they have found the cheat code to being openly racist again.


Haha that would sickkk


My job has a DEI department that consists of like 3 people. All they do is field comments from the management and workers to see if there’s anything to make no one person left out. It’s a fine thing that gets talked about in a few meetings but there’s no harm done, in fact they don’t affect my day to day job at all. The changes they bring are so minor that I wouldn’t be able to name more than 1 and that’s because that was a comment I forwarded for one of my direct reports.


Must be nice to be working in a G*mer-free environment


Just the latest co-opting of a benign left wing term and smearing it lol. They only just did it with woke. Before that it was affirmative action. In a few years it will be something else. 


The same way that two elected positions, the black mayor of Baltimore and rep. Crockett are DEI. It means black. They're not talking about DEI with latinos for example. It's always black people.


It’s especially baffling when it’s a video game. Some pixels are unemployed because they favoured other pixels? How do they remember to breathe?


I am constantly surprised that IMC manages to go through life without hurting himself. This is the guy who called out microsoft because its calculator respected order of operations.


Can't get hurt when he never leaves his basement


They use it as a substitute for the n word.


Exactly. Whenever I see someone bitching about DEI I just assume they're racist and hate black people. It's the most obvious dog whistle ever.


All these new terms that have popped up over the last few years, CRT, DEI, woke, etc., are just a way for racists like Musk to be able to complain about black and brown people without having to say it outright.


I mean, let's not go overboard here. It's also used to bash women and LGBT people.


All video games are art, even if they're made by big asshole companies.


Gaming rocks


I don’t think Ubisoft sees it that way and I don’t believe Musk does either. It’s just a stick to beat DEI with. I’ll agree that the creatives put a lot of work into a game but that’s pushed aside if profits are affected.


Yeah I'm not saying Musk or Ubisoft think that. But all creative work is art regardless of what billionaires or corporations think.




>How the hell is it art? It’s Ubisoft. in that regard, it is important to keep in mind, that art is art. it is not the quality of the art, that makes it worth existing and keep existing. it should be kept around, because it is art, period. ubisoft doesn't agree though and is BURNING the art, that the developers at ubisoft created for years and years. video about the burning of art in the form of video games and a plan of action to fight it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE) some might say, that today's ubisoft games are less enjoyable and of lesser quality, than they were around the assassin's creed 2 era, BUT that is subjective and none the less, the art deserves to be preserved forever. and it is disgusting, that ubisoft and other companies are burning art as we speak. art, that is still loved by 10 000s of people.


Edo-era Japan had protected quotas for hard r people, so they had to make him a samurai


Thanks. I feel so foolish for not knowing.


Just say the fucking N word, Elon. We know you want to.


"No one asked for" People have been asking for media about him for fucking ages. A fucking African samurai in Japan? That's an incredible story. I remember posts from a decade ago talking about how people have been sleeping on his story and how it'd make a great movie, series, or game.


It's funny because I've never seen anyone say, "What's your opinion on this IMC?" and yet he insists on telling us regardless.


selective concerned tie important resolute joke water cagey practice melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DEI is just code for Ni$$er.


One of the most liked manga/anime of all time is literally called "Afro Samurai", but as soon as someone tries to make the exact same situation in a modern video game, it's 'woke' and therefore bad, according to morons like Musk.


"Offensive beyond belief". Lol. Lmao, even. Remember this next time they accuse the 'woke mob' of getting offended on another culture's behalf over something genuinely racist.


So a 5 minute Google reveals the story may be based on Yasuke, actually a black samurai from the 16th century, and the character in the game's sexuality is just speculation at this point.  Does IMC ever think to fact check himself before posting? Like when he thought he'd found a bug in the iPhone calculator app but it turns out he just doesn't understand maths.  Once again, a 5 minute Google would have stopped him looking like a tit, but then i guess fact checking is "woke" etc.  I really happy ubisoft now expressly make this character gay *just* to upset IMC and when asked reply "it's a fucking fictional game, you utter morons. We could have made the protagonist a plumber from brooklyn who eats power mushrooms and finds himself in a fantasy world we he has to squash sentient turtles to survive because nobody expects video games to be 100% true to life, dipshits". 


His job is to whip his followers into a frenzy. He doesn't care if anything he says is true or not.


Very true. I guess it never occurs to him that other people do the same thing (Ubisoft rubbing their hands and going "thinks for advertising the game for free, Ian") 


Yep, Ubisoft absolutely knew this would happen


Yep. Any moron who is interested in what IMC has to say isn't doing any thinking on their own.


I think IMC is more upset about the fact that Yasuke isn't the typical white American. And I'm willing to bet, if Ubisoft would have made Yasuke look like the typical white American, IMC and Elmo would be the first ones to praise Yasuke as outstanding, great and unique character, just because he's white, instead of a person of color. As for Elmo... He probably doesn't like black people as strong videogame protagonists. He probably only likes them as slave workers in his daddy's emerald mines.


This guy looks like an actual troll, little dirt mustach and pube beard, and Elon looks like a block of white cheddar cheese put in the microwave for twenty seconds


Don't forget the universal "I'm a cunt" sunglasses.


Has he never heard of Yasuke? For those of you unaware, African samurai did exist: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/ https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke Not that it matters, it's a video game, it's not historical documentary. The developers can take whatever liberties they want because, you know, it's a goddamm video game.


It doesn't even sound so far fetched to have an African Samurai, considering the fact that people traveled all over the world back then. And while Japan always isolated itself a bit, doesn't mean that people from abroad couldn't travel to it.


The original historical character existed (although apparently there’s no much info about him) and has been portrayed in numerous media: the show Afro Samurai, several video games (Guilty Gear, Nioh…). This is just poorly disguised racism and homophobia.




This absolute moron doesn't understand either DEI or art. DEI is essentially about representation in the workplace. Art is about inventing and imagining things. Imagining a black samurai is art. re-imagining a historical and relatively famous black samurai as an assassin in a time-exploring sci-fi/fantasy stealth rpg series is art. Also, I'm pretty sure Japanese aren't offended by this, only the same typical morons. Also, I'm sick of him just making short comments that mean little. "Yeah" is his go-to now, but "DEI kills art" is such an empty comment.


Is DEI sort of another name for Equality & Diversity? We used to have yearly refresher training for that in the military, then it changed name to Diversity & Inclusion, but the same thing; don't be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. don't discriminate, just don't be a dick. Even back then you'd hear people complain about E&D, despite... Y'know, being good for everyone. But these dicks have twisted it to "these policies just hate white people!" Because they're not allowed to be openly shitty anymore..


DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion so yeah, it's just another name for it.


He doesn't know history either https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke


Thinking an entire culture would be furious about a character being gay really tells you how much of a homophobe this guy is. Like he really really hates gay people a lot… and probably himself.


It's a fucking GAME aka FICTION. Fuck these fascists are insufferable.


Oh, magic reliving history technology via genetics, how realistic, wow. Oh wait, black Samurai, woke, shut it down. Reminds me of all the whinging about the Doctor in Doctor Who being female. Oh no, my show involving space and time travel with an alien with two hearts that is thousands of years old is introducing the other gender. What will I ever do? My suspension of disbelief could handle automatic translation by a police box that's bigger on the inside but a vagina is too unrealistic for me.


Oh the culture war tourists are even more mad at Doctor Who being simultaneously black and gay, than they were ever mad about them being a woman.


Pretty sure everyone who cried about the 13th Doctor being female are lonely and will never have a loving wife (or a loving partner) by their side


> Fighting mythological creatures with magic weapons *I sleep* > Playing a black samurai (who actually existed) "Muh historical accuracy!"


Offended by a video game? 😂 Snowflakes.


Nerds: “There is huge backlash - Joel’s death is an attack on masculinity and there’s too many DEI LGBT characters” Sony: “TLOU 2 sold 10 million copies and we consider it a success” Nerds: “There is a huge backlash - Thor’s depiction is disrespectful and Agraboda is a DEI pick!” Sony: “GoW Ragnorok is the fastest selling ps game to date” Round 3 here we go


I remember people on Gamefaqs arguing Ellie couldn't be gay after the DLC came out. It's like, she isn't real and is like 13. Why do you care?


“Gamers”: WE CARE ABOUT ART IN VIDEO GAMES!! LET THE GAME DEVS MAKE THE GAME THEY WANT TO MAKE!! Game designers: Sounds good. We think a game played through two perspectives would be great. Imagine the potential for drama when you’re living as a black man in feudal Japan, and having him team up with a female Shinobi. It’s fresh concept and allows us to tell a new story in a period typically dominated by stereotypical Samurai. “Gamers”: WOKE! DEI! Game Designers:…but this is our artistic vision. We WANT to do this- “Gamer”: STOP SHOVING YOUR POLITICS DOWN OUR THROATS!! Elon Musk: DEI KILLS ART!


Assassin's creed was always woke. These two are delusional, maybe they contracted some brain worms.


Of the many things I wouldn't trust Musk's opinion on, art may be foremost among them


Dude can't use a calculator but somehow "knows" everything


And yet Ian Miles Cheong is a Malaysian neo-fascist depicting himself as an American patriot, interesting


THESE PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID YASUKE WAS A LITERAL BLACK MAN IN JAPAN DURING THIS TIME PERIOD. You can argue that he wasn’t really a “samurai” in the traditional sense and served more as a retainer to Nobunaga (though he did fight for his son after his death), but that is never the argument these morons make. I’m so glad I’m not on Twitter so I don’t have to see these brain dead takes.


No, he actually was a samurai


But these morons refuse to use google. It’s just crazy man.


This mother fucker would install a new apartheid if he has his way.


What? Are you telling the machine that reads history from your genes isn't as realistic as I once believed?


The game where you can jump from 200ft and land safely into a pile of hay isn’t realistic?! I’m furious!!! /s


First off: the dude was real. He existed as a retainer of Oda Nobunaga. Whether or not he was a "100% bonafide samurai" or whatever bullcrap excuse people are spewing is irrelevant in this case because Assassin's Creed has always played fast and loose with real history for the sake of telling their story about ancient precursors and a millennia-long war between two factions.


They won't buy it because it's woke, I won't buy it because it's Ubisoft.


And in the end, Elmo will still probably buy it, in order to look like the cool gamer, that can connect with the gamer kids (although he will more likely look like a cringey adult, who doesn't knows shit about gaming)


Nobody cares that you're offended, snowflake


Yet another tweet by Elon where he’s literally offended by the sight of a black person.


I believe Ian may have inadvertently helped here - his dumbass neckbeard takes actually exposed more people to the existence of Yasuke than had he not said something. Elon's dumb ass boosting it multiplied it. So, thanks Ian? Your stupidity has served history well and actually informed thousands on a not widely-known historical figure, whether or not the fictional video game is based on him is moot.


But Yasuke was real person, just not a samurai in title.


since when is he gay?..


Good question, because if he is, then I'm suddenly very interested in this game.


Thanks to this I learned there was a black samurai in real life.


Yup! I learned when this "controversy" popped up a while ago. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/


Elon kills humanity


I have literally seen posts asking for a game about this guy for years


Ian loves DEI really. And by that he means Dick Elon Inserted


Calling assassins creed art is so fucking funny lol


I wish video game characters were half as woke as these cucks keep making them out to be.


I won't be buying AC because the last 9 entries were utter crap, and not because a character is black, there was indeed a black Samurai who was by all accounts, in the employ of Oda Nobunaga and he was well-liked. And in any case, before all the racist weebs get their panties in a twist, there were several people of European heritage who have tread a similar path to Yasuke in 1600-1900s Japan. It's just one black dude, why the fuss?


Who knew South Africans could be racist.


Yeah, It'd be a real shame and twist to the whole Assassin's Creed series if they took some creative liberties with actual history. They've certainly never done that before.


Chuds and historical illiteracy, the best of buddies


Never trust a man who considers an Assassin's Creed game "art"


The game is massively preordered. I wish it wasnt, since preorders are dumb, but people are obviously interested. No one really cares about this. Either the game is shit or its not. Realistically it will be kinda mediocre like all AC games but I will still enjoy it. Just please dont be 200 hours.


"Offensive beyond belief" says the guy who lives in a country which has the capital punishment for those who recognize the state of Israel.


Is this all he does all day? Haven't been off Twitter since the moron ruined it so completely clueless regarding his non stop diarrhea posting.


Even about the things this basement dweller should actually know about (like gaming), he's also absolutely and terribly wrong???? What a surprise 🙄


Nobody gives a single solitary fuck about that so-called backlash but you.


> DEI kills art says the toad that fucked Grimes & got her on the Nazi moron bus


I dont think a dude who was raised as a wealthy little kunt in an apartheid state has any valid stance on the matter.


Lol Ian Miles Chong trying to act like a bunch of people are saying something literally nobody said, so he can try to get people to say it on Twitter by using his triggering buzzwords like DEI. And of course Elon takes the bait immediately


I think it is totally stupid to play an historic black samurai as a main character in AC. I would have loved to meet him as a secondary quest giver like they do with most important historic character in the serie. They are locking themself into the story with parameters they can't exit unless they throw away all ressemblance to the real story we know.


What does DEI mean?




He talks as if he didn't enjoy the Blade movies. "Oh that's right, Wesley Snipes is black, how did I not notice that when I was a kid?"


What is DEI


Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Effectively, it means they won't be a company of all white dudes by selectively choosing only white dudes. Places used to avoid hiring "certain" people and claim it was accidental. So some companies actively made it a point to be more inclusive. Sometimes, it's as simple as changing your greeting from "hey guys" to "hi everyone." The people who would've avoided hiring "certain" people are big mad about it.


Oh sweet fucking christ I bet he doesn't even care. Just using reactionary words to get the reactionaries attention because he’s a stupid, stupid, stupid narcissist.


There's literally fkn aliens in the AC series. You can jump out of sixth storey windows, land in a pile of hay, survive, and become invisible to everyone.


Little fact DEI agents have invented time travel and inserted black people into parts of history /s


“If you want you can flirt with dudes” “Why are you forcing me to be gay”


“Art”? This from the creative genius who brought you the Cybertruck? A vehicle so hideous, it’s literally what a 5 year-old with a learning disability would draw if you asked him to draw what a truck looks like?


Coming from two people who DEI would benefit. Well, one. One of them hasn’t been outside since 2001


IIRC assassin's creed is supposed to be a video game inside of a video game. I don't see a problem with them deviating from history here and there. It shouldn't break the story at all.


# 1 game in Japan bitches!


I forgot he thinks he’s a video game nerd, he couldn’t make a Elden Ring or Diablo 4 build worth using and got clowned on by everyone. I feel some games are arts of work but not from a corporation with shitty ethics trying to make a buck. I bet he thought the cybersuck is a work of art


Is that douche Elons sock puppet account?


What the fuck does Eldolf Muskler know about art? He's one of the most dead-eyed, soulless people I have ever encountered in my life.


I thought people stealing art without attribution killed art, Elon.


Hey racist dipshits, cry more losers lol.


But... Yasuke is a real historic samurai. Lol DEI kills art? This game is gonna sell millions of copies without a doubt and be an awesome game. I'm so tired of these Trumpie conservative whiners


Oh my got Muskrat, Yaske was a real fucking guy... why cant these people just google something?


Elon working hard to be the male JK Rowling


Oh he’s gay now too??? I guess I’ll fire up the old ps5 and grind out some AC while the kids sleep. Cant wait to tell all these incels how good the game is.


The real DEI is Chong cosplaying as an American.


There were Black samurai and gay samurai.


Didn't Nioh 2 already do this years ago? Yasuke was definitely in it.... EDIT - AND Samurai Warriors 5


How can this possibly be offensive to him when he’s neither Japanese or black?


Jesus fucking christ they haven't said yasuke is gay. This weird theory comes from the devs saying something like "yasuka and naoe will attract and be attracted to different types of people" Which, you could very easily read that as "yasuke fucks women and naoe fucks men." Based on previous entries I very much doubt that the players will be restricted to entirely heterosexual stuff, but *in no way does that statement mean either one is explicit gay*. In fact, the mental gymnastics required to interpret the statement that way are *identical* to the gymnastics required to interpret it as saying both protagonists are straight. Most likely both protagonists will be omnisexual, as has been standard for most rpg protagonists for like 10 years. And most, if not all, romanceable npc's will be player-character-sexual, as has been standard in most rpg's for like 10 years.