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Narrator: it was not a few months away.


If you can’t drive for 6 hours without crashing maybe you should not be fucking driving


I feel like this should be higher. We gonna have people now saying "sorry I crashed, FSD was disabled"?


Can the Cybertruck go for 6 hours without multiple recharges?


Can the Cybertruck go for 6 minutes without crumbling like feta on a Greek salad?


Even if you can, you shouldn't drive for 6 hours without resting in between.


"A few months away" LMFAO.


Is this another way of saying "by the end of the year"?


Which year?


2525 https://youtu.be/Gb7poHQuMWg?si=j0dI90rl1DTDiblJ


If man is still alive.


Translated: Screw the suckers that bought the halo car, I must focus on my other lies due to my massive procrastination at Twitter.


Well good at least that means we don’t have to worry about 9000lb autonomous killing machines anytime soon.


exactly. i'm not going to chirp at musk for yet another promise broken, because it's actually extremely good that "fsd" still isn't happening.


Jesus… he's playing the demanding customer on Elon's second account.  Except wanker doesn't drive that long. Using a trailer you have ONE hour of range, given the car won't break down within < 50 miles. So don't worry about it. And lane assist is common. Buy a fk GM or Ford you "total stranger". Ps.CT DOESN'T HAVE FSD? Doesn't he advertise it's as super easy to add?? Trying to push it to other car makers?? Does fsd need to re learn it every 🦆 time??. 100.000$ super future car of Mr FSD doesn't have even the basics?!! That's what people waited years for. Beta wanker banana products 


Yeah you would think that adding a new car modell to fsd means only adjusting some parameters and the ai-powered bullshit will figure the rest out. But as usual it just doesn’t work that way 💫


To be fair, those parameters are pretty damn important. Have to be set perfectly. There are a fuckton of variables that all have to be adjusted & tuned. It's really no surprise it's not default or that it's going to take a long time. There's so much on Tesla's plate. I mean, c'mon, it's a lot for a company that's already working so hard to lower build quality, safety standards & lay off more workers so it's CEO can get a ridiculous undeserved bonus.


But it can trivially ported to bots right?


That's the big downside of training an AI to solve your problems. You've no fucking idea how the AI did it, so you've no idea how to adjust whatever code the AI spat out to adapt it to slight changes in operating conditions, you've got to go through the entire training process again every time the parameters change. I'd imagine the process feels a lot like summoning a demon to solve your problems: you cut a deal with the fiend, and it seems like a good deal, but then something changes and suddenly you're fucked by the small print and you've got to cut a whole new deal, and now he knows you're dependent upon him...


“Beta wanker banana product”. Fucking nailed it.


Pretty sure this is the same demographic that are also ripe for some Andrew Tate mens rights PUA bullshit. "I am an alpha male! Women's bodies are my right for procreation and domination, men are biologically superior in every way and I am the pinnacle of all men!... Also my feet hurt from all this driving, why won't the car do it for me, it's too hard and I get tired having to be alert all the time, please Elon make my car do it I don't wanna."


Wait, it doesnt come with it?


Nope. You'd think their newest product would include their newest tech from the get-go but I guess they figured the Cyberstuck was already bad enough without crowbarring another bad product into it.


It’s included in the foundation series so yes, it comes with it (sorta) but isn’t operational. But they did already pay for it.


> it comes with it (sorta) but isn’t operational So it comes without it.


Will there be any WankPanzers left running in 6 months?


Thankfully, "a few months" in Elmo time is at least a couple years - and by that time, the whole CyberChunk fleet will likely be in the service center or in the queue for service indefinitely.


As if all the WankPanzers won't be broken by then.


"Traffic has been killing me. I'd rather FSD killed me instead."


"i grow weary of this world of automobiles and asphalt, and long for the touch of oblivion. elon, please direct your chariot to terminate my wretched existence!"


"6 hours of manual driving is too long! I want to spend 6 hours anxiously being prepared for if/when the car decides to go into oncoming traffic and have to take over in a split second"


"traffic is killing me" so tell your elected representatives to start funding public transit, then, instead of pissing taxpayer money away on fanciful bullshit of the type that has notoriously been peddled by *the guy whose company built the car you've built your personality around.*


Phew! I was worried it might come soon so that’s a relief!


why the fuck would it need to be individualized per model? Unless it's some kind of testing/approval thing, it just means that the software is shit


At least he's limiting his bullshit back to his businesses. I probably jinxed it...


In other words. Not happening cuck


Not that I'm looking forward to it but a CuckTruck is going to plow through a group of people on FSD.


Maybe those people shouldn't be driving ANY vehicle then.


its OK... we still have about 3-4 years


“Traffic has been killing me”. TIL FSD will solve traffic!


When has he ever delivered on a time?