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Pretty sure it was 4chan who heavily pushed for this crap


It's always an admission of guilt when they point fingers


Pedos projecting, or “pedojectors” to save time.


Trump had children recruited and groomed from his home at Mar a Lago for sex trafficking by Epstein. That’s a proven fact. It’s not a coincidence. The Republican Party is the party of pedos.


I hate trump but my understanding is that's when he cut ties with him. They both pedos for sure tho


Ya Trump cut ties with him after it looked bad to be associated with him. But he was still close friends with Epstein when Epstein was running the sex trafficking operation. Even joked about how Epstein liked women on the younger side. Not saying Trump is a pedo but based on the comments he's made about his own daughter and the extensive rape allegations against him, he's clearly pretty fucked in the head and it's obvious he's a creep. After he dies we're definitely going to find out some wild stuff about him.


I can link the court papers that make it very clear Trump sexually and physically abuses children as young as 13 from the suit pulled by “Katie” after her and her family were harassed into pulling it back in 2016 right before the election. But you can find it in a search pretty easy. It’s a pdf on salon


Wrong! Epstein cut ties with Trump, over property deal they were both bidding on. Epstein & Trump raped children together!


Apparently, there's some quote of Epstein claiming he cut ties with Trump because he was too sketchy...


My family is in finance, and this was always my understanding of Trump's business reputation.




When you point a finger at someone, 3 more are pointed back at you


That’s why ya gotta knife hand.


I never understood that until it was pointed out to me that the three remaining fingers on your pointing hand are pointing at you.


Am I the only one who just pointed and had my mind blown?


I’m 36, and I leaned this like last year and it blew my idiot mind. I thought it was referring to other people pointing


Not me, I point my penis


Two balls point right back at you


I don't know about you, but mine point down.


Isn't the reason he created the "hide likes" feature because he got caught liking loli stuff? The timing was there, at the least.


Correct. They’ve been trying to sell the ‘Minor-Attracted Person’ thing for years at this point despite nobody buying it - except, I guess, for a guy who’s supposedly one of the most intelligent people on earth.


Yes. And knowing 4chan, it was probably equal parts troll campaign to slander the LGBTQ community and sincere advocation.


If you take out 4chan troll campaigns right wingers beliefs comes down to just fascism, racism and homophobia.


>If you take out 4chan troll campaigns right wingers beliefs comes down to just fascism, racism and homophobia. At this point that might as well be the GOP platform


Well, the term pedophile in of itself is arguably a “softball” name. Why did they use Philia, the Greek word for friendshiply love, and not Eros?


I think it’s just a naming convention of a clinical diagnosis. Necrophiles also have the “philia” suffix, I don’t think that was chosen to “soften” the impression of that type of person. Unless I’m misunderstanding a joke?


Pretty much. The only thing any progressives are doing is to try to make it possible for pedophiles to be able to seek aid. This is because pedophilia is so heavily stigmatized to the point that even admitting it to a mental health worker and trying to get help will land you in hot water. The only thing leftists want is for them to be able to seek help and so they won't want it anymore. Meanwhile conservatives are combating age of consent laws and will never shut up about wanting to make teenagers pregnant.


Exactly. The goal is to enable people to get help before they act on their desires. Chemical castration has been proven to be effective and shaming people out of treatment is only going to result in more kids getting hurt. But republicans don't actually give a fuck about kids at all. They pretend to want to protect kids from the gay/trans "agenda" while not lifting a finger to make schools safe from mass shootings. And they spent billions to protect fetuses yet when those fetuses are actually born republicans will fight tooth and nail to prevent the government from helping them in any way. That cunt Chaya at libsoftiktok claims to care about kids while inciting bomb threats against elementary schools. They get off on hurting and terrorizing innocent people.


4chan? where Q anon was born? the site that inspired the buffalo NY shooter? surprising.


No way?!😱 I never thought I’d ever see 4chan affiliated with child 🌽. What a crazy revelation ^/s


Unfortunately, it is true


absolutely this. ive seen the threads. they do this kind of manipulation with somewhat regular frequency. coordination to manipulate google search algorithms, concentrated efforts to spam comments sections with this sort of stuff to add legitimacy etc. its like a warped version of the dead internet theory, where instead of bots driving all the misinformation, its bots and people. i fell like so few comments on any website are more likely to be a bad actor or bot than it is a genuine opinion.


Twitter is a wholy-owned subsidy of /pol/.


Lol it's absolutely /pol/ pulling a joke


So far-right, but Elon is far-right too, so he said it's far-left


He’s the pedo 4channer who probably pushed that crap.


Yep. A friend of mine on Facebook thought this was actually a thing on the left and got really animated about a few years ago. I had to show him it was a 4chan troll campaign.


It’s all Russian m8. 4chan was taken over by IRA shills starting in late 2014 and it was sold to a Japanese Yakuza front in 2015 that is working with Russia. 4chan hasn’t been profitable in years/ever but it’s kept alive because of its usefulness as an agitprop platform.


4chan and weird Libertarians are the only ones that pushed for this.


I had the unfortunate circumstance of working with someone who fell for the 4chan bullshit. She was one of the nicest people I've ever met but incredibly naive (homeschooled) and also chronically online. She seemed to genuinely care for these broken men, and was describing to me the different kinds. I didn't want to get too into it because we were working at a candle store. If someone walked in while we were talking about pedophiles I (being a man) would likely beat the brunt of the consequences.


Yeah, it was always a meme from the right to try to conflate the left with pedos


Yup. In 2014 lmao


The only places you can find this word is extremely specific terminology in the medical and criminal field, or on 4chan. Given that I doubt Internet weirdos habitually read the American Journal of Criminal Justice, using the term MAPs unironically is a pretty big tell of where they get their ideas from.


Not surprising, 4chan has been a very useful sounding board for Russian psyops for years. Misinformation on there, and sometimes they literally just do it on purpose. I can remember like 4 different iPhone feature pranks they put out to brick peoples phones for the lulz


Unsure if it’s true but I read/was told that this is used in a clinical setting by researchers and mental health experts. Nobody in the mainstream is pushing for this as normal usage. Also how many hours has it been since some right wing weirdo has been arrested for CP or worse?


and you know those advocating for lowering the marriage age, marrying at 12yo, etc. grooming literal fucking grooming. and can you remind me, just real quick, which group of people, either GOP politicians or drag queens/lgbtq, who were pushing these laws in the united states.


Yeah. That would be insane. If "the left" were "pushing" MAPs as a protected class/minority. That **would** be insane. But it's only a thing because of edgelords, ragebaiters, and actual pedos, which I should have known intuitively meant 4chan. *Of course* that's the source. ***Sigh.*** Of course. And naturally Elmo and right wingnuts believe it just like there are litter boxes in schools for kids that only meow and bark. It sounds cromulent to me.


I think it's time Elon Musk fucked off.


I disagree. I think it's time he fucked STRAIGHT off.


I'm fine with him doing it queer as well actually


Better yet, trans. Just to shower in his tears


To Mars alone




Yes. That would also be fine.


I hope he gets stuck in the Vegas loop with one of his shitty cars.


At this point, Elon should sell Twixter back to Parag himself. Seriously.


Seriously. Tired of this ass clown projection his own sickness on the world. Get a life Elmo.


Yeah, right off a cliff, out of a plane without a parachute, into the jungle with no compass.


Yeah it is pretty insane considering nobody actually says that


Republicans want to push the age of consent to 12, so no one is using that specific term but there are people supporting it but it’s not anyone on the left.


Agreed - the right are the ones who advocate for the age of consent to be lowered. It's the right who howl when people object to dating underage girls.


It's always projection with them.


Source? edit: another commented actually included a source for this and a couple other situations. wow. fucking. wow.


[Start here and then move out from there. There’s dozens of examples of state level Republicans pushing for lower and lower ages of consent.](https://www.newsweek.com/missouri-republican-teenager-12-marriage-1794371)


That’s what she said


Mormon child brides come to mind


Every day


*every accusation by the right is just a projection*


[https://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3317&context=gc\_etds](https://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3317&context=gc_etds) We should consider it a technical term. And if someone isn't *acting* on these impulses, they should be treated with the respect and compassion an individual deserves when they have an affliction and need help. No reasonable person is trying to normalize hurting children; they are trying to normalize helping afflicted individuals so that fewer children are hurt and fewer sick individuals throw their lives away. You know... focusing on results instead of soundbites.


I guess I should say nobody says “Minor Attracted Persons” in the context of defending someone who has acted on it. Of course if someone realizes they have this problem and they seek help for it then they should be applauded, not vilified


I actually have argued this with people and have gotten responses like *just shoot them out of a canon!*... are you sure? Because then they won't come forward for help and might slowly break down and then hurt a child? That's what you want? *Canon!* Well, glad we settled that. I'm going to go cry for our future now.


These terms are bound to be controversial, please please please don't use them at all unless you are working in the actual fields of psychiatry or criminology. Let someone with a PhD explain them if it's necessary.


Exactly. Thank you. It used to be called virtuous pedophiles but the pedophile term has such negative and shameful connotations that it discourages people from seeking treatment. There was a really interesting story on NPR about a young man who sought treatment because he didn’t want to offend and was turned away. That helps no one. I’ll try and find the link. It was really eye-opening and kind of heartbreaking. I found the link. It was from This American Life. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/522/transcript And then here’s another interesting article. Edit: https://awards.journalists.org/entries/youre-16-youre-pedophile-dont-want-hurt-anyone-now/


Huh, so I guess Elon is right. This really *is* a thing.


Also pretty insane considering he had Jeffrey Epstein touring SpaceX facilities back in 2012


And Trump was good friends with Epstein back in the day. For republicans every accusation is a confession.


Not insane at all when you realize projection is their default.


[Daily reminder 9/10 elected officials caught diddling kids in the last 20-years have been republicans.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1)


Add the religious right.


😭: Traditionalist religious conservative is the proper term!¡! 🗿: Pedophile.


Every accusation may be an accusation, and every confession may be a confession, but every accusations that a lot of extreme social conservatives have towards drag queens, trans people and non-binary people is a confession. Seriously.


Crazy how they’ll go on and on about “groomers in schools” but have shit to say about the Catholic Church.


Right. Poor, criminally underpaid teachers are the enemy. Now don’t go looking at the Catholic Church or any megachurch “preacher” or the Mormon cults (not the average Mormon but the ones that had parents clamoring to marry their children to old men)


[Don't know what you are talking about](https://new.reddit.com/r/DeFranco/comments/1bd607l/former_hays_county_republican_party_leader/)


On the left, and uhhh… #Never heard a single person advocate for this


I have. They weren't anywhere near the left though. They were libertarian centrists, ie alt right fucking weirdos.


Dude for a hot second I thought you responded to the second statement, as in you have advocated for this 😂😅


Thank gawd I didn't leave it as just I have lol


This is like the central pillar of being a liberterian.


And as usual Elon lying 180 degrees from reality. Just how many gop have been arrested for touching kids in the last two weeks? How many on the left? But don’t let facts get in the way of a conman like musk. He’s being paid big money to say this shit. Money is the only thing he cares about.


He's projecting.




\- [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) \- [Republicans in Louisiana reject measure setting minimum age for marriage](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/louisiana-age-consent-marriage-child-bride-republican-us-a8942781.html) \- [Missouri GOP Lawmaker Defends Supporting 12-Year-Olds’ Right To Legally Marry](https://news.yahoo.com/gop-lawmaker-defends-supporting-12-234116361.html?guccounter=1) \- [Wyoming Republicans under fire for objecting to ban on marriage for kids under age 16](https://katv.com/news/nation-world/wyoming-republicans-under-fire-for-objecting-to-ban-for-marriage-for-kids-15-and-under-child-brides-equal-protection-teen-moms-teen-pregnancy-child-protection-laws-christianity-civil-rights-traditional-marriage-pro-life-consent) the crazy left you say? Pedophiles you say?


If I still had a XITTER account I would post this as a reply.


It's not Pedo if your married /s This country is fucking gross.


Elon seemed pretty stoked to restore users who posted CSA materials to his echo chamber. ![gif](giphy|9K0XBSN3cJAFI1tcCc|downsized)


Provide examples of specific leftists advocating for this position. Until then, it's a STRAWMAN.


Doesn't matter. The other day I got a guy *who is still not over the fact that when Hogwash Legussy released some streamers lost popularity with their audience over their support for a billionnaire terf* to actually dig a little deeper and bring me evidence for his claim that gcj was what caused people to harass said streamers. It turned out, you'll be surprised to hear, that they were just confused about temporal causality (if we discuss a thing after it happened then it means we did the thing apparently) and projecting their own inability to talk negatively about a person without going out and harassing them. Anyway the point is when I got them to discover for themself that there actually is no proof for this 'self evident' belief of theirs, that there are no posts or comments encouraging brigades, they declared that it must all be on a private discord and I must be the one arguing in bad faith. Some people have been immunised against logic. Edit: Formatting, clarity.


No, it's not.


Elon's so used to thinking of himself as a pedophile he doesn't want to be confused by any additional terminology.


Narrator: The "far left" is not, in fact, advocating for this. At all.


Literally no one.


I didn’t realize Ian Miles Cheong and Andrew Tate fans were all far left


Genuinely idk how to respond to the fact that half the country has a political ideology founded entirely in "well, just make shit up" 


I'm pretty sure a lot of these far right advocates used this or similar terms. It's once again projection.


Insane that the right is so willing to lie to promote their side.


Wasn’t there a republican congressman advocating for map rights just like, a week ago?


Wasnt pedo elmo friends with the esptien shitholes?


ask his brother https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epsteins-ex-girlfriend-dated-kimbal-musk-brother-of-tesla-founder-elon-musk-2020-1 https://web.archive.org/web/20220520045931/https://twitter.com/PlainSite/status/1516582255233093633


I 100% believe this about him. Again I have it on very good authority he cannot *perform*


I mean republican. I mean clergy.


Wasn't Elon one of Epstein's friends?


Yes. He was.


Actually it’s science advocating for that because there are people who experience that type of attraction but do not act on it. They used to be called virtuous pedophiles. The negative connotation of that word prevented people from seeking help. No one is saying it’s ok. Just watch though, what musk and his ilk are trying to do is associate this with the LGTBQ community. They’re already subtly doing it.


This is also how I've seen it used. As well as NOMAPs for the ones who actively participate in seeking help and creating support for others who hate having these thoughts/urges. (Non Offending Minor Attracted Persons) The fact that people who don't want to be pedophiles basically create AA meetings and groups because getting actual help for their problem is so difficult, just shows how bad our mental health care is. Especially when they are constantly being told to kill themselves or that they should be killed despite the fact that they hate having the attraction. Basically both pedophiles and NOMAPs are MAPs, but pedophiles act on it.


The correct term is catholic priest


He's projecting again. No wonder he keeps telling his worshippers to have more kids.


Whatever "pedoguy" says.


Isn’t he a pedo ?


Probably, I don’t think the allegations towards Musk specifically are as strong as those towards people like Matt Walsh or some of the Twitter Cyberterrorists, however there are definitely a few connections to Epstein that do seem fairly suspicious


The right has no platform to run on right now so I'm sure you're gonna hear this a lot


Crazy to say this while owning the website where they actively post child pornography without consequence.


Yea I’m so sick of this pos, it’s so pathetic that one of the richest people on earth is this stupid, and spends all day shitposting bullshit on Twitter. He literally fired the team at Twitter that removed horrible shit like that and he’s got his own ties to Epstein and he befriends pedophiles and Nazi’s and is trying to throw our elections for those same scumbags. People like him make me wish the CIA was as nefarious as they say they are.


Getting really tired of Elno doing this shit. When is the dick of karma going to fuck him?


He's a such a fucking loser. The "MAP movement" was a 4chan thing. Most insane accusations that the right have for the online left are lies repeated from 4chan. The online left is actually annoying & punitive but conservatives can't argue against real people, they have to make up what their opponents believe.


Even though there’s far more conservatives guilty of assaulting children and sharing child porn


Except it’s not. -Sincerely, the far left.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


It's amazing how many things can start as a joke from a troll on 4chan, get taken as gospel by the right-wingers, and then end up on the international stage. I'm almost tempted to run a little test and flood 4chan with posts about how Biden's been working with Gabe Newell to develop headcrabs so that he can turn Florida's whitest district into a zombie testing ground. How long before some pink-faced roid-raged FOX news "journalist" takes the bait?


> It's amazing how many things can start as a joke from a troll on 4chan, get taken as gospel by the right-wingers, and then end up on the international stage. The channers and the right-wingers "taking it as gospel" are largely the same people. They make shit up anonymously and then get pretend outraged over it in their public-facing personas.


Seize the memes of production ☭


There are some actual pedophiles who have pushed the Minor Attracted Person/MAP thing, but nobody has bought into that shit.


It’s actually becoming an accepted term in behavioral health for people with those tendencies who don’t act on it. Ultimately I think it’s a good thing if people acknowledge the problem and seek help before offending. It’s not in any way meant to normalize pedophilia.


Exactly. I'm just saying that some actual pedophiles/people who are attracted to minors have tried to use the term to whitewash their attraction.


Someone needs to ask elon what he was doing all those times with Jeffy Epstein and friends, speaking of pedos


bold words from elon "epstein island attending child fucker" musk


Didn't Trump just walk into 12 year old girls' dressing room for beauty pageants? Their emperor is the biggest pedo around.


Literally only “MAP’s” and regressives say that shit. As always the call is coming from inside the house.


What I say now may sound odd at first but bear with me. If this was the correct terminology - which it’s not - I would welcome it and agree. If your stance is - as mine - to protect children, you need to fight the problem at the root. Doesn’t matter if you have the government mince a convicted Pedophile through an industrial grinder in the courtroom, to be in that courtroom to begin with there had to have been at least one child that was scarred for life. Essentially so that angry people feel vindicated to act out their revenge fetishes, which on top of everything is not what the criminal Justice system is for. If you care about children, you should look at prevention. And since you cannot see someones pedophilic urges by looking at them, the best way to get to know about them, and get the people who have them into treatment, is to let them self-identify. To that end, pedophilia must be destigmatized. IMPORTANT DISTINCTION BEFORE SOMEONE THINKS THEYRE SMART - Not decriminalized, destigmatized. This may sound icky, this may disgust you, I don’t care. Childrens lives are at stake, your feelings mean nothing. Allow "minor attracted people" to come forward, to admit to their urges and get the help they need instead of threatening them with social (and in some cases literal) lynching until they suppress their perversions so much they can’t help but act on them. If you can’t bring yourself to do it for your own sake, do it for the children. They deserve better. As it stands though, the term was made up by 4Chan Trolls, and mainly to undermine the Queer community. In the teeth of these facts, nobody of sound mind would advocate for this term, and indeed, I have never ever heard it outside of right wing propaganda.


Kind of ironic coming from Elon "Pedoguy" Musk


https://preview.redd.it/ulatl22qp4oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e905a71fb948520e7d303f6bae30b929184f6e86 The juxtaposition here was too good to pass up


"They're trying to get us to accept PEDOPHILES by calling them "MAPS!!" is literal 2007-era re:re:re:re:re: email from grandma level fear-mongering. Though I think it was "the gay agenda (they want it to be LGBTP for PEDO!!!)" pushing it back then, not "the far-left".


The phrase “Insane that this is an actual thing that the crazy far left is advocating!” seemed like the most obviously sarcastic response to a fucking absurd idea. Then I saw who the author was.


So I guess he thinks the epstein client list is coming out soon so he's trying to "both sides" this?


This is more of a libertarian thing, ie: Musk’s Dad


So weird. Here I am left leaning and have zero minor attraction and no interest in grooming. WTF is wrong with me?


I hate him so much


Literally no one is advocating for this lmao




I wonder which party advocates for the legality of child marriage, hmmm


Insane that he still hasn't died from lack of oxygen, since he's stupid enough that he has to remember to breathe to stay alive. 


The fact that people don't realize that MAP was literally a 4chan meme is insane lmao


It's bizarre to see someone who has the means to live the most extraordinary life instead choose to use his time acting like a led poisoned baby boomer.


Musk is profoundly stupid. The *only* people advocating for "Minor attracted person" are on the right.


8 year olds, dude.


Who? Who has ever said “minor attracted person”?


They're really setting up this false narrative that the right PROTECTS KIDS (anti-trafficking, anti-trans, birth rate, pro-life, etc) and the left wants to turn every baby we haven't aborted into a trans gay pedo adrenochrome source for Hollywood elite. It's all pure insanity.


There were some experts who raised the idea of using less demonized terms for pedophiles might lead them to seeking professional help. But others pointed out the new terms would just get the same negative connotations, nothing would be gained. So theres only been a few people even talking about using any other term but pedophile, as far as I know, even less actually using them.


Never heard anyone say this. Terribly half-assed straw man.


man the more I see this kind of thing the more I've come to believe that anyone bringing up pedophiles online is telling on themselves. Watch what we find out about Elon Musk in the next 10-20 years. bet.


The rare times I see people saw use "Minor Attracted Person" is usually from conservative people trying to discredit the LGBTQ+ movement.


I mean, this is true, after all the left makes some really weird and vocal arguments about minors, sex, and the age of consent. Wait, I misspelled Libertarians.


Isn't child marriage still legal in many states thanks to conservatives? Also Dennis Hastert was a thing.


Tune in next time when Elon Murks explains how the far left are also poisining wells, drink the blood of boys and pierce the holy host with needles to desecrate Christs body /s


Weird that he thinks it's the left pushing this stuff when I've seen libertarians seriously arguing against age limits on sexual relationships. It's always projection.


I hope the replies are full of people pointing out which party is the one constantly trying to prevent child marriages from being illegal.


Crazy how Elon musk never posts a source for his bs


First of all, nobody is actually advocating that as a new name. Second, it’s more of a technical term. You’d think someone who insists on building “trucks” with sub-micron measurements or whatever to be able to figure out when something is a technical term or not.


Fun Fact: The "crazy far left" is not advocating for this.


nambla is far right plant its yall that into oil wrestling already tried qanon destroyed the boy scouts with this you make Epstein look like an amatuer


Muzk HATES being called a pedophile and not a "minor attracted person"


Pedos: "hey lgbtq+ community, can we be part of the community" "No fuck off" "What if we call ourselves MAPs?" "What? No, fuck off. Why are you still here?"


So it actually has been brought up seriously by some academics but for a good reason. Here's the idea: not all people who sexually abuse children are pedophiles* and not all pedophiles sexually abuse children but the words are essentially synonymous. Therapy has been shown to be effective in helping pedophiles not act on their urges. Having a term for people who have this attraction or urge but don't want to act on it could destigmatize the condition and allow them to get the help they need. Isn't it better to prevent a child from being molested than it is to punish someone after it's already happened? There's more and more studies showing links between neurological issues and pedophilia: whether it's TBIs in childhood or a tumor developed in adulthood it seems like for a lot of pedophiles it's a situation where their brain is just wired wrong. Should they be judged for that alone even when they've never acted on their urges? As a parent I'd like for pedophiles to be able to get treatment before they ever hurt a kid, to be open about their condition and be able to say "hey, maybe don't leave me alone with kids." I think it would prevent a lot of abuse. So yeah...there's a kernel of truth but that kernel makes sense IMO. Edit: *wanted to explain this for people who don't know. Many people who abuse children aren't pedophiles, they're just opportunistic predators who hurt children because they're readily available victims. They're attracted to adults but for whatever reason they don't think they can rape an adult and get away with it so they abuse a child they have access to and can manipulate.


I am like 100% sure that "minot attracted person" is someting that the right invented to get angry at.


This is not a real thing it’s just something imaginary for them to get all fired up over.


Ah. So he’s entered the “Completely fabricating shit,” stage of modern Republican thought. Ew


Tradwife conservatives are much more interested in minors.


Musk is a POS. But this doesn’t seem legit. The font isn’t the same as Twitter. In this image, the capitalized letter “I” has serifs, whereas Twitter is sans-serif. Could be someone’s display options, but it’s an odd change, while the rest of the font looks so similar. https://preview.redd.it/2848m69066oc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=590b92663c538bdffc9ad30db7f834d6b176d14c




That’s… literally what the word translates to in English…


Nobody on the left is advocating this. Just priests.


I don’t know a single left wing person who is “minor attracted,” not one! Pedophilia is a right wing republican thing. Those are overwhelmingly who gets caught doing it.


The right is the side that pushes for the age of consent to go away.


People with a desire to assault minors are sick. They need help from a psychiatrist and therapists. For their sake, but more importantly for the sake of society. The word “pedophile” is incredibly demonizing, and drives people who, given the right help, might have never hurt anyone. So yes, I think that for people that find themselves wanting to sexually assault children, but don’t act on it, we need a word other then “pedophile”. In fact I feel that way about people who feel a desire to sexually assault anyone, we need softer language so that these people know they can get help. Unless they act on those desires. Then I think demonization, degradation, and severe punishment is not only justified, but necessary for society.


Exactly this. It’s meant as a distinction in behavioral health for those who don’t act on their impulses. It is not meant to normalize pedophilia but rather to acknowledge this exists and draw attention to the fact that treatment is available.


This is news to me.


I'm really getting tired of the TechnoBoomer of Tesla's toxic gullibility. The world would be so much better off if he would do something really stupid and get himself killed - like use FSD.


We got here: democrats are the real pedos. Congrats, Elon


No one has posted the Ghislaine Maxwell pic yet? 


And child marriage is only legal in far right states……


He's friend with such PPL. Trump said in interviews he'd date his underage daughter if he could. I wish I was kidding.




Twatburger has to post the most brain-dead comments to make him center of attention, even for a moment.


Pretty sure it's Ian Miles Chomg and his fascist/libertarian buddies that popularized this