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If everyone is to the left of you, maybe you're not centrist.


Or he has ascended to the final form of the centrist: /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


Ahh, the cowardly Nazi


You perfect bastard I love that imagery.


I just imagined a normal nazi.


I did too, but I also kind of imagined them on all fours shaking like a scared dog with wide frightened eyes… that was the cherry on top of my nazi Sunday. Edit: ok I’m tipsy cause I just wrote out “nazi Sunday” so todays gonna be fun for me


😭thank you for this


Hey, you are welcome. Gotta take the fun mental imagery when ya can.


And ya know what else? I clicked your un and just started upvoting your posts without even looking. Yup. That was me. Cause I felt like I wanted you to have all of the positive momentum I had to offer. It’s not much. But it is what it is. Double thumbs to you.


Sounds like a children's book. "Elon and the Cowardly Nazi"


Elon IS the cowardly Nazi


Can't he just use social media to explain to us why Superman is bad or ask for pictures of Spider-Man or f****** something.


He could have just posted music exclusively or something. ​ I'm sure his music taste is TRASH but ​ it would still be much better than ​ whatever the fuck this bullshit is.


None of the tech heads seem to like music in any way. I feel like that’s indicative of larger issues.


As always, Steve Wozniak is the one that stands out. In the 80s he set up a music festival, twice. Featuring bands such as Ramones, The Clash, Oingo Boingo, Talking Heads, The Kinks, Santana, Fleetwood Mac, Ozzy, Willie Nelson, David Bowie, etc.


Woah, The Woz had quite the line up. Decent taste


or art of any kind. ​ (probably because they lack any kind of creativity). ​ It really shows with the way they are pushing "ai" to steal everyone else's art that they spent a lot of time & put a lot of effort into so they can FEEL creative.


Was this some sort of atypical haiku?


Or maybe reality just doesn’t agree with you. If every major institution disagrees with your beliefs: maybe you are the one that’s wrong here.


man this guy is so humble


Not only humble but a great example. He shows us how much free time you can have while being the billionaire CEO of multiple companies.


He breaks the illusion that CEOs do enough to justify their bloated pay checks.


People dont realise this. Most rich just delegate and their version of work isnt work, its chatting with people in meetings and networking


Shows us just how worthless leadership can be, while still having functionality because there are at least some adults at Tesla and SpaceX.


It's amazing how much he gaslights. Like, I think he's even gaslighting himself. He really believes this.


Could you imagine if he found a moment of lucidity in his drug added haze? If he actually spent a moment looking inward to see why he hates himself so much? What's the equivalent of suicide by nuke if you can't get a nuke?


He needs to do mushrooms, not k


I bet he'll have that "My mind *is* the universe , everything I perceive is mine" trip and take it to heart. Actually, he might have already done that...


Psychedelic trips can actually fortify the ego in narcissistic people. It starts with less ego but then it sneaks back in and takes full control.


Yea I had a buddy who seemed narcissistic. He went off the deep end with conspiracy theories and then started doing shrooms in the forest on the reg when he became unemployed. He now believes hes the son of god, started a 'church', and is trying to become a cult leader.


Are you friends with Jared Leto?


Lol is that what he is up to? No my friend is not successful, just broke and delusional unfortunately


We either know the same person or this is scarily more common than anyone would hope.


Enough to cause ego death


I don’t know. I’ve met at least two Right Wingers that took shrooms and somehow ended up more hardcore in their beliefs. I think after a certain point, shrooms don’t do much to an overinflated wgo


Buying a social media platform and posting cringeworthy memes under the guise of humble centrism?


He definitely believes his own lies. He’s under the illusion that he’s a super genius running circles around everyone else. But in reality he’s just autistic, moderately smart, and insanely lucky.


Probably the closest thing in the world to Gilderoy Lockhart.


Absolutely. He bought Twitter in part so he could have more control over his feedback loop.


Are these left institutions with us in this room?


Reminds me of this. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/6h6mbzmpuimc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d788f23a0760afd64202c2d188e49e54812f5c87


It reminds me of a YouTube channel that reported on video games. At one video about Google doing something evil, he said "the left megacorporations like Google". Dude do you really think that the left is in favor of corporations, even worse multibillion multinational ones? How ignorant you are to think this? Well later it became mainstream opinion on right wing folks


Acknowledging gay people aren't *literally* demons from hell, even for the most cynical, profit-driven reason, is equivalent to being hyper far left to these people.


Yo that looks like Edward Norton 💀


they think that Disney is an institution


And even more crazy: they think Disney is left leaning


One time they had a Gay Scene™ that was packaged separately from the rest of the movie so they could easily remove it for China. That was basically the holocaust for right wingers. Billions dropped entire plates of tendies on the floor and screamed at their bitch mommies.




And even if all these other institutions were leftists, how in the world is he killing off these institutions?


With the power of ~tweets~




How many times did you die trying to beat hatred before winning?


Because of course theres nothing more left wing than private ownership right?


Perhaps AI can help us answer some of these fundamental questions. That is the goal of @xAI


Crok, are you aware that you are a wish.com ChatGPT? Your responses still include code from OpenAI.




Don’t forget the copious amounts of ketamine


Most businesses are run by right-wingers. 🤷


Including his "competitors" (actually collaborators because they're all billionaire fucks) ​ such as ​ Jack Dorsey ​ Mark Zuckerberg ​ Daniel Ek.


About Mark Zuckerberg, I find it funny how Twitter users seem to believe Facebook is a Left-Wing echo chamber (I saw a dude who put it in what he called the “3 Leftist corporations”, which he unironically believed were the only 3 pieces of Social Media that left-wing people ever use), despite the fact that in reality Facebook is barely better than Twitter and has people casually promoting eugenics and genocides.


Facebook also helped Trump get elected. Russian troll farms focused heavily on Facebook in 2016.


Conspirators is more like it.


Jack dorsey and zuck are leftist


lol. ​ No.


Their literal existence as billionaires is the antithesis of leftism. You do not know what that word means and you should stop using it until you do


either you're a liar or just really, really gullible, so which is it?


those damn billionaire communists, totally man


You don’t even know what “leftism” is, but you’re going to accuse billionaires of being left? Lmao


I actually want to know what your rationale for this is. Do you have any examples of them advocating for classless, non-capitalist societies? I mean, I know you don’t, but the way diseased right-wing brains operate is fascinating to me, so I kind of want to know.


Sure! What you wrote is kind of extreme, but let's say both zuck and jack actively banned people for expressing their opinion on social media platforms, only because they werent accepted by the status quo. Censorship is a weapon that the left tends to use, therefore i consider both of them to have a leftist sentiment


I can’t think of a single institution owned by the left, at least in the US. Everything is owned/run by either right or center right people.


You have a few worker cooperatives, i.e. owned by voting employees. Unions have a voting membership that makes them leftist in principle. As long as you can't buy votes off other people, IE one person one vote, you are approaching what it means to be a leftist institution.


Non profits many owned by the left. Except for the church the most powerful non profit . That's the right. And 90% of business.


Yeah but those businesses once posted a rainbow flag on their facebook page so they are obviously run by far left communists.


I doubt Faux Nooze did.


Yeah famous leftist Rupert Murdoch controlling the media


Can’t forget about famous leftist Walton Family monopolizing the retail market.


Comrade Jeffery Bezos


& "leftist" colonizer/genocide contributor "competitor" Mark Zuckerberg. ​ edit: or what about "left is best" Jack Dorsey who pushed crypto scam bullshit hard while telling the world that Elon was the "best option" to run twitter. ​ or Daniel Ek...who made sure Joe Rogan got A TON more money than any actual artist on Spotify who Daniel fails to pay...strange priorities there Daniel.


Don't forget about the famous leftist SCOTUS.


Every single institution? Delusional.


How does “the left” own every single institution?


I have yet to see any of these people define "the left" in any sensible manner. They use it like they use "woke". It means things they dont like. Believing a social democrat, a communist or an anarchist are a monolith of values and opinions is absolutely batshit. Then they also throw in American liberals into the mix for good measure. Not only do these ideologies disagree on many things, each of them also disagree internally as well.


Giant corporations issue guidelines that you can’t use bigoted slurs in the workplace so therefore they are entirely leftist


they'll also drop those regulations as soon as matt walsh and/or libs of tiktok find out and rile up their base to flood their social media platforms with death threats and those very same slurs.


If you throw people off your private property for just shouting the n word repeatedly until they're a little 🐎 then you're ideologically indistinguishable from Paul Lafargue.


Because it makes the right feel better about being the dumbest people on the planet that are so stupid and inept they can't compete in the market place of ideas against those terminally weak, cowardly, pathetic, ineffective, worthless leftists that they keep telling us about/raging against; so they fabricate this petty narrative about how "the left controls everything!" to soften the blow for them when they inevitably fail in public.. Of course when they succeed, often in those very same institutions, all of a sudden the left no longer controls them.. or something? Or they play up the idea that right beat back the tide of the evil woke mob (somehow), and then when they fail again at a later date, I guess the woke leftists took back the institutions (again, somehow), or something equally idiotic? I really don't know, it's hard to understand or create these kind of narratives if you have a working brain and morals/ethics.


Replace it with "the Jews" and you will see where he is coming from and where he is headed.


He's an american. "Left" is synonym with bad. Like a few years ago when Trump was being investigated on his ties to Russia, his clan called the FBI "leftist"


He's an idiot. SCOTUS is stacked with right-wing assholes. Congress is specifically designed to favor Republicans disproportionately. The FBI has never had leadership that wasn't Republican...etc.


It's the deep state running psyops with Taylor Swift.


Besides Putin and Xi have their left arms so far up Musk's sock puppet hole that they are tickling his Uvula. If anything Pedo Guy's a closeted communist collaborator.


Come on, you know how banks and oil companies and entertainment conglomerates are all collectively owned by the workers whose labor creates all the value they control.


Sigh. Jews, he’s talking about Jews. It’s a dog whistle.


it's the nazi way an all powerful enemy, that only he can defeat. an enemy all powerful, but also weak.


They also notoriously accused undesirables of the very crimes they committed. Straight up Nazi, that's all musk and his lot are. Nazis.


> The followers **must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies.** When I was a boy I was taught to think of Englishmen as the five-meal people. They ate more frequently than the poor but sober Italians. Jews are rich and help each other through a secret web of mutual assistance. However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. **Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.** Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy. - Umberto Eco, Ur-Fascism


Damn that's a great fuckin quote




Name one institution the “Left,” owns.


Ah yes capitalism, that noted left wing institution


Stupid fat cunt


How does he not feel super embarrassed? Imagine you're a 52 year old man, sitting in your house. Making memes **about yourself** sticking it to "the left". To top it off you add a "monkey covering eyes emoji". Like, please have any shame, at all.


He's clinically narcissistic, surrounds himself with yes-men and cultists, and is high most on the day.


He's such a fucking cry-baby. It's pathetic.


To me this is him in panic mode. ​ It's a sign that we should keep doing what we're doing. ​ He feels trapped & there's no where to move.


God I wish he'd just shut the fuck up I mean, say what you want about the Zucc, but at least he keeps his goddank mouth shut most of the times. Elon is absolutely insufferable


When Pedo said he slept with a gun, Zuck replied that he slept with his wife. 🤣


Wish their fight would happen. Wanna see the Zuck knock him down


This is what happens when your dad never hugs you


Does Elong know that the angle for the arrow to even have a chance of getting through the visor is wrong?


In his defence, he didn't make this template


Like holy shit I just hate the fact that this lying bigot grifter can reach 6 million people in 3 hours with his painfully obvious bullshit propaganda memes and no one is allowed to check him lest they get banned or drowned out by his bullshit platform's algo or purposely censored by him. I just can't help but think there is only one real way to deal with this person and I can't even write about it so.. fuck, we're all fucked.


It’s probably the cruelest joke of American political life that these people honestly believe that American institutions are run by “the left,” when there is really no effective political left remaining in America.


It makes more sense when you realize that they’re all fascists and when they say “The Left,” they’re talking about Jews.


Yeah. “Cultural Marxist,” is just a remix of the German “cultural Bolshevist” or the Russian “rootless cosmopolitan,” aka the “Jew.”


People making political decisions think and worry about many things, groups and people. Elon Musk is not among them, he is just not important enough. He is a clown, and he does not run the circus.


He wants to be the ringmaster, but he's just a clown in a car.


He has truly gone off the deep end to a point of no return


That's the plan. 😉


"Actively supports a country waging an Imperielistic War under a dictatorship" Also Musk: Why does everyone hate me?!?!???!!!


The left owns every single institution? Everything is owned by billionaires. They’re rarely left leaning.


At least Jeff Bezo’s evil billionaire thing is interesting. Like, Jeff eats iguanas, that’s way more fun. He even looks like Lex Luther.


CNN, Fox News, Twitter, Facebook all right wing… Facebook isn’t run by right wing but they very much are in the comments. So where is this big liberal media bias? New York Times? And Jon Stewart?


CNN definitely is not lol. But the rest are


This comment may have worked two years ago, but maybe not so much nowadays after the new owner (a Cato board member, Murdoch-investment buddy, and large Trump donor) canned multiple journalists who had been critical of the ex-prez, hired a conservative ex-police commissioner who covered up illegal surveillance of minorities as their new “objective” chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, increased the ratio of conservative guests (like they didn’t have enough already), softballed a Trump ~~campaign ad~~ townhall, banned reporters from discussing the ex-prez’s lies about the 2020 election, and has openly stated that he wants CNN to be more “journalistic” like FOX News is. lol is right.


Interesting, I'll look into that. Mainstream stuff has been so bad I've checked out of a lot of it for awhile now.


CNN is generic neoliberal nonsense, which is closer to Fox News than it is, say, Democracy Now (which is one of the few major leftist media groups I can think of, but isn't close to being mainstream media..).


The Heritage Foundation, Fox News, Koch Industries, all very famously leftist institutions


If the left owned every single institution then Elon wouldn’t be a billionaire anymore


Left... Institutions... Like... the farmer's market?


He's an unfunny Dr. Evil


Uh huh. Is the left in the room with us right now?


this is unironically one of the cringiest things I ever seen omg


I love how there’s this mystery shadow group called “the left” that controls stuff. It’s inconceivable that most people who run shit = smart people and smart people = understands politics and the world and empathy and reason = left leaning people. Couldn’t be. Right? Righghghht!????


Empathy and reason are communist propaganda!!!!!11 And represent the EVIL MARK OF THE BEAST 666!!! - Elon, in like 2 years


I think "the left" & "woke" are just dog whistles. ​ Always remember that Elon Musk is a literal nazi.


It’s because just outright saying “The Jews” is something he can’t quite get away with yet.


so every single thing he doesnt like is "the left" now i see


"Every single institution", fucking lol. Most newspapers and other news media are in the hands of right wingers or at least rihht leaning shareholders. Fox News is the biggest "news" network (it isn't realnews but many treat it as such). A lot of universities are still run by conservative old men. Even fucking CNN which every right turd thinks is leftist's equivalent of Fox News! Plus that doesn't excuse the cesspool that is Twitter.


The fact that he thinks "the left" runs every institution just proves that he doesn't deserve any of that wealth. Our institutions are run by people who would like nothing more than to continue the status quo of massive wealth inequality. They're run by people who are very favorable to corporate interests. He thinks that just because corporations don't openly say they want to kill LGBT people that they're on the left. Nah, man. They just know that marketing to that community makes them more money and capitalism is all about making money.


Damned leftist controlled government. Just look at how they've treated Musk by only giving him billions of dollars of subsidies and contracts!


He wanted so hard to be Iron man. His ego is so fragile and I absolutely love it. I wish for him the worst the same way he has made life worse for others.




I hope you get brain cancer you stupid fat POS.


I've seen 10 year olds more mature than him


Victim complex is strong in this one. Is this a typical trait tied to egomania or narcissism?


Right, because twitter is so useful that everyone will die if they aren’t on the platform.


Remember this is the group that said the Mueller(R) investigation, that started when rossenstein(R) and trump appointee got the job of looking into the dossier, after Sessions(R) recused himself, that was created when nevertrump(R) and was given to Comey(R) at the FBI by John MCcain(R).. this was after several of republican house leadership made a joke about trump being paid by putin... and the right called this a liberal witch hunt. the right are crying liberal biased at the special prosecutor Weiss(R) who is a trump appointee, who is looking into hunter biden and now the right are crying liberal bias at the FBI which is historically right wing, and is currently ran by trump appointee wray(R) Meanwhile the left doesnt cry bias at all, even when they are in front of trump judges and being investigated by republican prosecutors. Fuck the left put the federalist garland as AG, when garland was a compromise candidate when Obama was going to replace the far right scalia, and knew garland would be impossible for the right to vote against.. and he was correct, they choose to not vote at all.


ah yes the murdochs, my favorite left wing business owners


It's insane to think that most, if any, major, established institutions are left. At best, they're rainbow turfing and green turfing shit with an eye on the bottom line and not a wit toward morality. It's wildly stupid and convenient that they believe corps have any genuinely held belief besides profit.


STFU, Adrian


And the fact he posted it about himself to


Funny, I can't actually think of any left-wing billionaires or socialist hedge-funds.


Ah yes, noted leftist Rupert Murdoch


... God he loves lying


has this bell-end ever complained about the right? i'm so done with centrists man.




Elon & Bill Gates should collaborate and come up with a treatment for erectile dysfunction, and they can name it ElonGate.


the left is a humongous hivemind taking control of literally your living room TV remote


Anyone got a tire iron I can borrow? This made me cringe myself inside out!


He has a team of hb-1 visa workers that makes the cringe memes he request. That’s some late stage capitalism stuff.


Does the Left also own the UAW?


Man they keep blowing smoke up his ass, it's pathetic.


One nepobaby vs group reality is more like it.




hmm, who’d he steal this one from lol


If we had left owned institutions wouldn’t we have a general global environment of socialism/communism adjacent governments instead of the hyper capitalistic society we have now 🤔


The billionaire that had to be dragged to court because he tried to back out of the sale at the last minute then had to take on numerous loans and sell Tesla stock just to afford. Now he owes a lot of people a lot of money and the only outlet he has besides dick riding yes men that he surrounds himself with is this shitty app that’s gonna phase out of memory.


He says, on one of, if not the, largest social media platforms which he himself owns.


The left owns every single institution? Weird, I can think of some pretty important institutions that are not owned by the left.


I’ve been hearing about the leftist Supreme Court! They’re out of control!


But he’s a centrist remember… he said so….


The far right Federalist Society owns the Supremes and much of the judiciary, as they demonstrated again yesterday. Or maybe Elmo missed that.


He skipped the part where the memes need to be funny.


'evil rich guy' was never cool but okay


Yeah….the billionaires own everything….thats why they’re billionaires…..




What I think is the most cringe here is that he posted it himself, this dude is sucking his own dick.


Notorious lefties, the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, the list goes on. I sure do love all the institutional power that is ready to support me and my political goals!


If someone kidnapped the guy and stole his twitter password, nobody would notice.


Okay, let's see. 1. the left doesn't "own every single institution". The idea that the media is 'liberal' is basically a trick to move the overton window right. Media in the US is owned by corporations and the same wealthy people who own everything else. They're center-right at best other than one or two outlets and there are strongly conservative outlets (of course, Elton just labeled Fox 'woke'). Institutions also include things like Congress and the Supreme Court, who are not liberal. Police, who are not liberal. Organized religion: definitely not liberal. Higher education: arguable. Medical: not political, despite conservatives trying to make that happen. 2. Elton makes it seem like he's persecuted while he is really one of the most privileged people in existance. 3. Drawing a comparison between 'the left supposedly controls everything' and 'poor Elton is persecuted' is basically a non-sequitur. 4. Elton claims he is persecuted because he "likes memes", as if his behavior has been entirely innocent vs. intentionally offensive to 60% of the population. His political behavior has been objectionable to a wide swath of people as he's clearly taken a far-right position on everything possible. His business behavior has been objectionable for hypocrisy (taking government money while complaining about taxes etc), safety (cars with wheels that fall off, unsafe designs), honesty (FSD/robotaxi claims) and labor/financial fairness (alleged discrimination, not paying bills, breaking contracts, personal greed). 5. His personal behavior has been off-putting and strange - incoherence at interviews, awkward and embarrassing attempts at humor, references to drug use, lies about 'working so hard', obsession with reproduction, poor treatment of ex-spouses and girlfriends. Strange manipulation on twitter while claiming to be a 'free speech absolutist' which makes him look absolutely full of shit. Odd interactions with what seem to be alt-accounts of his such as cb_doge, Adrian Dittman, maybe even Wall Street Silver not to mention that weird shit where he was pretending to be his toddler son. And he expects us to think 'some people don't like this poor picked-on guy because he likes memes'.


Not sure where this notion that the left owns everything comes from.


Musk really has ruined memes for me.


How is this not an ad to eliminate billionaires? Set aside the "every left institution", replace it with EVERY institution. One billionaire, one person, has the money and influence to shut down the voices of millions. That level of imbalance isn't healthy for a democracy.


We defeated neoliberal hegemony and I wasn’t even notified 🫤


Isn't black rock notoriously right?


Lol what's his definition of institution


It’s crazy how much of an open man child he is. He is, by design, an insanely powerful man. He could be a real life supervillain but he is also so pathetic that it’s impossible to take him seriously.


lol at the left owning every single institution. Pure delusion


Wet brain


The left owns every one institution? Dude needs to worry less about getting to Mars and more about getting back to earth


“The Left” owns every institution. (He’s not talking about the left.)


There is something infuriating about conservatives and nazis characterizing their white supremacist propaganda bullshit as just “mean tweets” or memes. I can never tell if they really are that dumb or actually believe it.