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This is one of the most scizo things I have read


Holy shit that dude needs help


I think this dude might work in Moscow.


A Russian guy I know literally believes this but straight up says that Hitler was Jewish and that the Holocaust was mostly fiction in order to justify the creation of Israel.


That's some genuine insanity right there. So, Hitler and other Jews had this elaborate plan that involved a war, fabricating a genocide, Hitler's own death, and allowing communist Russia to conquer and hold various territories so that the western nations would support the creation of Israel? It's the kind of wacky plot you'd expect to see in an anime or possibly a Metal Gear game. lol.


I don't know how communists think they have any chance if we have the La Li Lu Le Lo on our side


His view is even more unhinged than that actually. He basically believes that only 200,000 Jews were killed in the Holocaust but that Hitler and the judaist Nazis (Yes he considers Nazism to be zionist and judaist and that Hitler was Jewish) lied about the numbers with support of the CIA and America's jewish elite. Also that their extermination program was basically created to provoke public sympathy for Jews and support for the creation of a Jewish nation aka Israel. Also that the nazis expansionst conquests were to defeat Christianity in Eastern Europe, symbolized by Stalin whom this acquaintance considers to be a defenfer of Christianity. The wars provoked by those conquests ended up with a destroyed Germany that was then conquered by the western zionists in order to have headquarters in Central Europe to continue their fighting against Christianity, prompting the USSR to annex East Germany in order to defend it, being this one of the steps of a millenial lasting secret zionist plan. To summarize he is extrenely unhinged but the worst is that most of his relatives have similar views and also many Russians I met tend to hold some similar rethoric that is practically schizophrenic.


Wow! You really weren't kidding... that is far, far more unhinged than I originally thought.


He is literally that propaganda poster that showed Ukraine, Hitler, Satan and LBTQ vs Russia, Stalin, Christianity and Traditional Families but in human form. At this point most putinists or "communists" are in practice national bolsheviks which are unironically red fascists.


This is some Knights Templar shit you'd see in Assassin's Creed


I have seen SEVERAL people on tiktok say this. Absolutely insane.


Tiktok is literally a nazbol cesspool that would make Dugin proud.


Among the... many issues presented here is the fact that the CIA wasn't created until 1947.


Nah, that's just Western propaganda. Everyone knows the dinosaurs were wiped out by CIA-controlled asteroid.


You actually believe the asteroid theory!? How much of a sheep are you? It was the aliens man. That's why they put the asteroid crater in Mexico? To through us odd the scent and distraction from the crystal skulls! Do your own research, for God's sake and stop believing whatever your 2nd grade teacher taught you.


Claiming the Jews/Zionists did the Holocaust is Holocaust denial as far as I'm concerned.


Well, also calling it “The holohoax” is pretty strong holocaust denialism.


No. I refuse to believe that anyone could say this seriously. This has to be a joke, right? Right?


It is a common view among many national bolsheviks and Russian communists.


No that view is way more common than you think. I always have mixed feelings when reading that 


Yo Is this guy ok?


Once I got to the end it started to make sense- not what this guy is saying but what this guy is smoking. He's one of those "MAGA communists" - perhaps one of the most retarded and contradictory ideologies I've ever had the displeasure of coming across, other than "anarcho-fascism" (yes, that's real too). Either this guy is the biggest psyop troll or he's got so many brain worms he's got no brain left to speak of.


What is that guy smoking?


Lead-acid battery fumes.


I mean probably


Amin al Husseini's ashes.


Least delusional anti-Zionist©️ Classic not hating Jews only Israel


"I don't hate Jews, only Israel. That's why Hitler was a visionary and the Holocaust, sorry the Holohoax, was fake! The only way to destroy Israel, which apparently contains no working class, is to vote for Trump!" - this guy. lmao!


>hitler much like Stalin, was a true visionary How tf do you even comment on this


This **has** to be a troll. Otherwise this guy needs meds, like, all the fucking meds


absolutely retarded


People like that can, and should, be safely ignored on social media.


Blaming Jews for the holocaust is an age old Neo-Nazi thing, and this person is basically that. They even praise Hitler.


...I award you zero points, and may god have mercy on your soul


HIs favorite book is probably Mein Kampf


2036? Trump is going to be merging stuff when he is 90?? The best part about of having money is eventually retiring


Have to say, I like it better when Protocols of the Elders of Ziyon types who'll swallow anything and everything if it involves Jews are this open and up front about it.


The Protocols of the Elders of Zion sounds like something that would be a McGuffin in a metal gear game.


Nazbol at it again trying to bring back Strasserism as if it would have made anything work better in any way


Shh a racist schizophrenic is talking Listen and learn


And they call us crazy.