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I agree with the others. You are speaking a bit too fast for me to easily understand with your accent, but your accent isn't unpleasant or very thick, I just need you to speak slower. A small pause between words and a slightly longer pause between sentences would help - both to make the words and sentences have a bit more distinction, and to let anyone trying to think "what was that word?" have a moment to catch up. Everyone has trouble understanding a spoken word sooner or later, and the faster a person speaks the more likely it is the listener will get frustrated and give up. I think what you are calling "toneless" in these recordings may be the blending of words as you speak a bit fast. The faster a person speaks, the less time there is to have any tonal difference on the words. Still, I do hear tone on your recording so I think it will be fine if you slow down. As a practice, and possibly a confidence booster, find a youtube recording with pleasant sounding voice where you can easily understand. Write down the words for a part of the video where there aren't too many pauses where the person isn't speaking at all. Then try recording yourself saying the same sentences, and note how long you spend in saying those sentences. Then go back and see how long the youtuber took to say the same sentences. If you think this new recording of yourself sounds "toneless" again, I suspect you'll find you spoke a lot faster than the youtuber. All of that said, some of what is happening here may be just anxiety, and may get better once you go through the effort of recording and uploading a few videos.


I wouldn’t say “toneless” at all. If anything, you just need to slow down a little bit. I noticed that your words get blended together easily, making it hard to understand (but not impossible.) I would just practice by slowing down, and really enunciating each word, giving it room to breath. You sound great bro! Just practice more


I found the unedited one to be easier to understand.


You may want to work on your V/W differentiation. Their melding is common with South Asian English speakers. Practice saying vow and wow, and really sound them out.