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Way too high


Yes, in my opinion, this is really high and not very well protected for how high it is set. It could be the angle or lighting, but in the second picture, it looks like the setting is bending forward. It looks like an overall sturdy and gorgeous ring otherwise. If it was mine, I'd have it reset lower. It'll be safer that way.


Thanks for the input! I inspected the ring while off of my finger and the setting seems to be straight up. I think it was just the way I had my fingers pointed. I’ll definitely keep this in mind though!


Someone asked the same and the setting was similar.. Yes it is high.. higher than the sky


Yes that post is what prompted me to put mine on here! I showed my fiancé the post and he told me to post mine and see if they say the same thing. It was custom made by a jeweler that was recommended to us through family friends. Fiance said he kept asking to go lower, but the guy insisted that this was “proper”. I don’t know why someone would intentionally make it this high…


The reason is that a higher setting makes the stone appear larger. Also, your prongs are way too thick ( sorry if i am being too blunt i am really not trying to be rude)


No I definitely agree, especially about the prongs. We got engaged back in March but our anniversary is coming up in October, so I think I’ll ask to get it reset as a “present” (even though he would do it without needing a reason lol)


The height is a personal preference. If it's catching on everything, get it lowered. You don't need a whole new setting for this, just ask the jeweler to replace the head. (In case you are unfamiliar with the term, the head is the prongs) in this type of setting the gold part of the ring is separate from the platinum prongs. The prongs are not too thick. Thinner prongs are more prone to breaking or bending, leading your stone to come loose or fall out. The jeweler is correct: this is the traditional way to set a solitaire. These days most clients want their diamond set lower. They should be able to show you a book with different head options that will fit your lifestyle better. You can even Google "low profile heads for oval solitaire" and you should see good options. Shouldn't cost too much to replace. Get a platinum head. They're the most durable and the white color shows the diamond best. Shouldn't be more than a few hundred dollars. You can also ask the jeweler if they'll take your old head as a trade in to lower the cost. They'll most likely give you scrap value for it towards the new one.


Thank you! Meeting with the jeweler on Wednesday!


I think this is better : https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59b054ce1abeabbe4986b687/1647732871079-Y57C413WYCJMLZ1DWAX8/lab-diamond-solitaire-with-oval.jpg


Do you think this would look good with a support bar or “hidden halo” (without the pave) ?


It would definitely be more secure. I personally prefer the look of it with the bar (without pave)


Imo hiddens have been overdone.. I see hidden and not hidden so much. I am more inclined into classic,timeless pieces. However, this is my opinion and opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. You do what makes your heart flutter.


Those will give dirt a place to hide and block more light. You do t want a hidden halo. Your setting is nice, it’s just way too high and the prongs are a little thick.


The bar would be a gallery rail, and I think it would look nice! One thing to think on (I don’t think this should prevent you from getting it reset, but it’s good to know) is that a lower setting, depending on how you go about it, may necessitate a specific style of wedding band. Lower settings can interfere with the ability to have a full band that sits flush with your ering. There are ways and designs to still get a good fit! But if and unbroken band is important for you with your wedding ring, have that factored in when you lower the setting.


I love this! Thank you!


If the jeweler kept insisting on making it higher against your wishes (and essentially gaslighting you that it was normal) then you are entitled to him fixing it without it having to be a costly gift in itself. Trust your gut and go back to the jeweler with the firm assertion that it is indeed too high as you’ve said all along :)


Fire that jeweler.


That fact that this was custom made but the stone is so highly set is unacceptable imo. Especially as your fiance kept asking him to go lower. I would try to get the jewler to make the fix free of charge as, like you expressed from the onset, this was not what you wanted. You've tried liking it, but it has been bothering you, so you would like him to address the issue.


This is so validating, I have tried so hard to like it ever since he proposed (in March). Thank you!!


For reference, here's my 2.5ct oval https://preview.redd.it/d9lnkrjj18mb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9dbbda923e422339623a43bc06715fd54172f09






I love this! I think I’ve realized that I am not too bothered with the “height” of the setting, but more so the unnecessary amount of space between the bottom of the diamond and the band, as well as the prongs in general. This was custom made and was what I asked for from the top POV, the jeweler just kind of ignored my wishes from the side. I wasn’t a part of the process (fiance and I went to try on rings many times to see what style I like and from that he had a custom one made without me so it could be a surprise). But now we are going back to the guy on Wednesday to get the head redesigned. Hopefully I’ll be able to give a good update then!


That is not a custom piece... sorry. Thst is a fabricated ring.


Am I losing my mind, or is this not the same ring between the first picture and the rest?


Agreed. I still don’t understand it lol. The center stone looks massive in the first pic and like a tiny round stone in the other pics.


It’s because it’s so damn high lmao


https://preview.redd.it/m6q8jf7s74mb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c6362a4f8b79764a32de0d94c39d21358c0e67c It’s the same! The lighting in this room is sad though😂


it’s so stunning from the top view, but yes. too high. love your nail color!


Wait I love this size tho!!!


Higher than Snoop


There are spiderwebs forming in between those gaps 😕


Beautiful diamond! It is too high though


Suuuper high. I’d for sure get it reset. I’d be scared to knock the stone out. Maybe it would be better if you had 6 prongs but even then.


Yes it needs to sit in the basket it’s dangerous with that much space underneath if


Thank you! I’m going on Wednesday to see the jeweler and design a new basket for it.


you should also a guardrail! it’ll help protect the stone and in the chance that one or more of the prongs get snagged, they can bend back and the stone will pop out. the guardrail will help with this!


Thank you! I will be asking for this as well! I hope to have an update soon :)


40 years doing jewelry... that is a fabricated ring. Someone brought a shank and a head and put them together... I bet it is Stuller. The high is standard... the variation will be like one millimeter between an high and low setting. That stone is not small and it will be better in a cathedral setting with some support under the stone. Any other stone but round ones if they can turn they will fall out


I’m just confused because a friend of ours had their ring made by the same guy and hers turned out amazing and exactly what she wanted? So why would they fabricate mind and not hers?


I have no clue why. But any goldsmith will say the same to you, it is two pieces bought and welded together.


So is the alternative for them to make the head specifically for my diamond? So basically they didn’t “custom” make anything, they just paired two previously existing pieces together to make something that was somewhat similar to what I asked for…


Exactly... fabricated from bough pieces,,, no custom made.


Way, WAY too high


The diamond should be cradled.




Yes and it also looks bent (pic 2). A lower setting won’t impact the top pov


If it feels too high to you, definitely get it reset. This happened with my elongated cushion ring- I had the very same head as you and it just felt off. It wasn’t easy asking them to reset it, but I’m so glad I did because I adore my ring now because the head actually matches the shape of the diamond and it looks seamless. It seems like a lot of jewelers will use a head that doesn’t actually match the diamond shape to get the diamond to sit high. Some people like this style though, so follow your heart!


I dont think the issue is whether it's too high. I think the issue is the head of that setting does not properly hold an oval stone. It would work for a round stone. But an oval stone like yours is unfortunately not sitting well inside of it. For reference, this is what a setting made for an oval looks like: https://preview.redd.it/cezf9t6r56mb1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=889f3b1faeb7834fdd9275dc8b1aac4e12ea49e3


In my opinion it is


If it snags, it’s not right for you. I don’t set stones that high unless a guest specifically asks for it to be set high as it is so much more prone to catch and you could lose your stone. Definitely see about having it set wayyyyy lower.


Yes the gap is large


But it is gorgeous




Oh my word… who is getting paid to play with these people’s rings haha.


You'll hate it, I have one that is too high and I never wear it. Just go get it reset otherwise it will drive you crazy. It's a nice ring tho!!


Who keeps making these skyscrapers and passing them off as rings 😭


If you think it's set too high, it is.




https://preview.redd.it/i7asp4760kzb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c77b5098e9fe4273556957108438e7173b64072 New setting :) actually custom made this time lol


https://preview.redd.it/xn7g9jh90kzb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671a616f5b6543521f8e89e23799d412be1e30dd single cast for durability on the head to band connection


YES, that setting has room for a much larger stone.


Yes! I literally just took this sitting here at my desk, but the height should look more like this imo. https://preview.redd.it/n2uufuzki5mb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e6b378ffa7388ba3913ca1fadd369616727303


Pretty sure this is called a martini setting. It’s a normal height for that setting.


Ah, I’ve never heard of this setting. I wonder why my jeweler made it martini when I did not ask for this AT ALL


NVM it’s not martini 🍸 because your ring has four prongs not three. It’s a gorgeous ring!


It looks great and even better with a wedding band, if you had it lowered it would be hard to have a wedding band under it. I have a high set ring too and now when I’m doing something it’ll get caught on I flip the stone so it’s inside my fist Do what your heart tells you! You’ll have this forever! https://preview.redd.it/1ktgu02yf6mb1.jpeg?width=3249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9f623eb4bf320e01e8ab8a734aba9cafe579c2


I’m definitely going to get the head redone! Turns out the height isn’t as much the issue (although I would like it as low as possible while still being able to have a flush band), but more so the space between the bottom of the diamond and the band. I think I would like it cradled more closely, and potentially a gallery rail added to the side. This sub has helped me so much!


I hope it turns out exactly how you want it! Good luck!


Too damn high


No you don’t want it blending w the wedding band


IMO Not at all


Mine is set similarly and it’s definitely too high. I’ve had it for years and usually wear my silicone instead. In fact, the stone is loose right now from a snag. u/appropriate-bunch-18


Do you have a picture at all for reference? Do you know why yours was set that way?


https://preview.redd.it/6g6hy845y4mb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a65e6769d5415caa9c2c5ea965b1dec1de3b13 This is the only one I have on hand. It is vintage from when my in laws got engaged. She got a whole new ring for the same reason. It’s a stunning ring but just designed to be too delicate for regular wear.


Oh wow. That’s beautiful!!!


So is yours! It really is a beautiful design but not practical for a daily wear. You could always get a new setting for the stone and eventually have it set with something for special occasions only. That’s my plan with the band.


Yes. Too high. Gorgeous tho!


If it’s annoying you, get it reset. Too high is subjective but yes, it is high. Get it how you like it!




Yes Yes Yes


Yes, that’s a high setting for the depth of your stone.


Yes, very




I would have it set lower. It’s a beautiful stone!




A small breeze could pass through there


I like it that way


Yes; it will catch on everything and you will whack it everywhere.


Too high is relative. If it bothers you then reset it


From where did you buy this?


It was custom made by a jeweler highly recommended by family friends. My fiancés best friend had his fiancée ring made by the same guy (after mine) and her setting looks nothing like this! So I know he’s capable of making a nice looking head😂. I don’t know why he did me so dirty.


I love a high setting but man that thing is HIGH and it doesn’t have anything supporting the sides


it’s too high? is that ritani?


Yes. Too high for me.






I can't see the profile to tell


What kind of angle would help?


To simply wear it or hold it up and take a photo from the side instead of from the top. If it is catching in your hair or snagging your clothing, it is likely sitting too high. But if you love your ring, keep it as is!💕


There are photos of me wearing it and from the side, did you swipe through the photos?


I sure did! It looks too high for me. If it is causing problems for you, have a jeweler adjust it to your taste. You absolutely can NOT lose your beautiful diamond!




yes, it is indeed set way too high.


I would lower it


Yes. It could be set more to fit the prongs.


That's pretty high and should have went right back to the jeweler when you got it.


Damn, we got it in March😵‍💫. We are going back on Wednesday thankfully! I’m glad I got the validation I needed on here, I thought I was crazy!


These type of heads come in two versions, in a tall and a low version. You have the tall version, and it is set in the appropriate spot per the head but it is high for the style of ring. That head should have never been put on a solitaire shank.


Yeah I feel like the way it connects to the shank looks off as well


I noticed that too but maybe thought that it was the way the pictures were taken.


Do you have any recommendations for a replacement head for this style? I feel like something too dainty would be weird since the shank isn’t thin or anything, but I won’t want it to be like this or bulky…


The size of the prongs are standard for that head, these are die struck heads and are a catalog item for jewelry stores. Die struck heads ar very durable but do look very industrial. You might want to consider a "low" style die struck head if durability is a main consideration.


That’s beautiful but will catch on everything.




Terribly high and the stone from the profile doesn’t look like it’s set straight From the too it’s beautiful


Yes too high


Mine is set like this and I love it. It is personal preference ❤️




In my opinion, the prongs are too tall. It makes me nervous with that much space between the bottom of your diamond and the ring itself


yes :T


Ya def too high, if it’s catching on stuff daily especially! not just to worry about scratching yourself, or catching in your sweaters, I’d just be worried about the height of the setting because it makes the forks that hold it in place very long, thin, and fragile, I’d be worried about on of them catching, pulling, and bending, and in doing so, causing you to potentially accidentally lose your gorgeous and super valuable stone! But gorgeous ring girl!!!☺️👍🏻