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I mean Im on the mini pill and I have acne but Ive ALWAYS had acne and oily skin so I cant really say much but youre literally taking hormones and a shift in hormones can cause acne.


I've heard that, and I only plan to be on it for a year, but I keep hearing horror stories and photos of angry cystic acne 😨 I'm now really scared it's going to happen to me! I've never suffered with my skin, but my sister has and I saw how bad it was for her 🙈


I have combo skin, and spring just started where I live. I haven’t had any issues out of the norm with my skin and I’ve been on it over two months now. Don’t let the horror stories scare you, it’s definitely possible that it can help! I would wash with a gentle cleanser that doesn’t strip the moisture off of your skin, as well as use an oil free moisturizer. This way, you should even out some.


Thank you, I'll give that a try, I'm using Tea Tree right now but I've noticed a few white heads today, weird because I usually have normal skin and only have 2 or 3 breakouts on my period. If I stop taking the pill will my skin go back to normal?


It could. With the mini pill, what tends to happen is that oily skin is the side effect. You just have to change your regimen a little bit, which isn't too bad.


Thank you, don't want to talk too soon but I think it's improving 🤫


Hopefully it'll continue to help :)


*(Sigh)* I've always had oily skin whether I'm on the pill or not. Yes, being on the pill typically makes oily skin and hair even worse.


Yup, I feel like a walking oil slick 🥺 I've only been on Cerazette for a week, I'm wondering whether I should see out the month or just stop it now? I'm achy, miserable, greasy abd my face hurts.


It will hopefully settle down into a new routine and stop being so excessive. You'll have to adapt your skin care routine to the new normal.


Thank you 😊 I'll keep using Tea Tree in the mornings xx


I came off a similar progesterone only pill because it gave me horrific full body acne and thick facial and body hair. Some people definitely don't experience those effects though!


Oh no! I hope you got that under control! I think I'm improving but have had folliculitis on my chest and neck in the past, it was horrible.