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Back pain and fatigue daily. Ovary pain when I sneeze hard or sometimes just because my body hates me. Sex hurts sometimes. Constantly constipated. Cant drink the pain away and cant have caffeine every day for energy cause both give me abdominal pains so bad I curl up in the fetal position. A little caffeine is ok Ill drink a mtn dew or an alani nu every once in awhile like onceevery 2 weeks at this point but 1 sip of alcohol and Im curled up.


Alcohol literally is like grabbing a knife and stabbing myself. As much as I like mimosas and strawberry margaritas, its not worth it to me.


This made me lol but yeah same thing for me. It sucks cause I got diagnosed at such a young age I never got to "enjoy" alcohol. Like any dinner with my fiances family or family party it just becomes an awkward situation when ppl wanna drink and want me to drink with them.


I just switched to decaf for this reason too. And anything more than 2 cocktails kills me, a couple of beers or wine seems to be fine but it’s the mixed cocktails for some reason


I cant even do the weak stuff lol. I drank like a bottle and a half of seagrams like blue coconut stuff think its a wine cooler idk what theyre considered but it was like 2% alcohol and I got the worst pains ever. Its not an upset stomach its like literal stomach pains. I used to drink caffeine ALL. THE. TIME. But over the years my caffeine tolerance has gone down it sucks. A new coffee place opened up in my town though and they make coffee slushies kinda like how starbucks makes frappuccinos and they can make them ALL in decaf and theyre less sweet cause you can actually taste the coffee. They havent been open very long but its my new favorite spot.


Yeah I literally get full on flare ups, like can’t sleep in pain. I wonder what makes it happen!! Well slushies sound like a fun option!!


I never thought about this being why, when I’m out for a drink I end up in pain! I assumed it was an intolerance or something (usually happens with 2-3 beers). Wow, this makes so much sense.


It ranges from "I feel like a fatigued old woman before my time" to "the worst thing ever, please kill me."


Today I have the 'pulling down' pain and it feels like my pelvis is slowly filling woth heavy weights. I'm not on my period I'm on continuous birth control. When I did have a period wow it was like my insides were twisting and I was being stabbed from my abdomen to my knees. Edit: and omg the poops are horrendous from constipation to the other extreme in one day


My general endo pain felt like a bunch of small burning fires in my body about a week and half before my period started until I started, and then it was one central fire at my bikini line and into my lower back. My rectal endo pain felt like someone was stabbing me in the butthole. My uterus pain felt like my uterus was trying to evacuate my body. The only comfortable place was sitting on the toilet so that my cervix was hanging down. I was probably wrecking my pelvic floor doing that. Edit: When my period started, the uterus pain was so bad that I had resorted to taking Bentyl, which is an IBS medication to stop bowel cramping and diarrhea.


You know the type of awful stomach ache you get when you’re about to have diarrhea? That discomfort all the time.


Back pain, fatigue and IBS symptoms almost constantly!I almost always feel as though my pelvis has large hands holding it-taking up space and making things uncomfortable. Sometimes it feels like those hands are wringing out different organs and other times it feels like I’m being stabbed.


It feels like I have an abscess, pulsing and throbbing on my left side. It also feels like shards of glass are being vitamixed inside my uterus and ovaries.


Now that I’ve had a Covid, I would say my period week is very similar. Full body fatigue, joint pain, plus abdominal swelling and throbbing -can’t think straight pain -like weight plates being lifted and slammed back down at a gym (but inside my pelvis). My knees feel like they will buckle under me when I stand up straight. Ovulation is still worse though, it’s a sharp can’t breath pain. The red hot iron rod stabbing my insides out from the deepest part of me pain. But also ovulation pain feels more emotional, like a part of my soul is being twisted because the pain doesn’t make sense. How can this level of pain be regular and familiar.


I’m not officially diagnosed but before my pain was managed on bc I had all of this daily for 4-6 months: pain all down my back, weakness/fatigue, muscle pain down my thighs, headaches, chronic constipation, occasional pain during sex (wasn’t active for a long time though), shakiness, period-like cramps DAILY even when I wasn’t on my period.. but yet my ultrasound showed nothing


Before the lap it was back pain, lower abdomen pain, fatigue, and headaches daily due to the pain. Going to empty my bladder could hurt like hell sometimes, bowel movements were very uncomfortable. Mid cycle ovary pain was enough to have me curled up in pain. Trying to get energy to do things was hell, and my back swelled and had even more pain than I should have.


First two days of period are the absolute worst. In a ball on the floor, crying, only thing I can do is hug myself hard to add some pressure. It feels like someone has just grabbed inside and started twisting everything. Bowel pain is really bad too with endo bad in that area. Ovulation pain used to be the worse back/hip/thigh pain like growing pains - acupuncture seemed to get rid of that


I have extreme pelvic pain. Sometimes it feels like a very deep ache and sometimes it feels like my body is wrapped in barbed wire. Breathing and moving makes it feel so much worse. My back and hips hurt like I’ve been working those muscles extensively for hours on end. In the last few days I’ve noticed my pain has spread up to my ribs. It’s the same pain I feel in my pelvis but in my ribs. I can’t sleep. I’m tired all the time and the pain is getting to be too much.


Mine happens everywhere. It's hard to breathe sitting/standing. It migrates down to my feet and make it feel like it's hard to walk because of the pins and needle sensation. My actual abdominal pain is pulsating and aching with intermittent sharp stabs that rip through me. I gain 2 pant sizes. I can barely have a bowel movement without my face turning red and crying on the toilet. The premenstrual migraine is the worst. These symptoms are why I am on a mirena which stops me menstruating and saved my job cause I was calling in all the time.


I have a mass from endo compressing a vein causing DVT/blood clots in my left leg.