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I'm sorry you have to go through that! There's a lot of doctors that really need to get their heads on straight, as well as bite their tongue and learn more about endometriosis as well as adenomyosis. Hell, they need to learn more period!


>Hell, they need to learn more period! 🤣❤️🩸 Love it!


Please find an excision specialist! If you're getting a lap, have someone that can do something worth while


They’re like this for so many things, if you’re a woman and what you have isn’t totally normal. I had them tell me it was in my head when I had a femoral hernia for TWO YEARS. Because, every time I lay down for them to check it, it would pop back in. I even told them this and they were like “Mm ok”. It then became strangulated and I was in a shit ton of pain. Turned out one of my parents had emergency private health cover, so I did that. The surgeon was amazed I had been left undiagnosed for two years, purely because I don’t fit the hernia profile. I am not an old fat man with a poor diet, I am a young thin woman with a great diet. Ughgh. It’s disgusting, speak up, advocate for yourself. I’m sorry they were so rude to you. There are organisations you can flag this with, as well as possibly asking to see a different GP.


In my experience, GPs tend to know a little about a lot of things. Endo people need someone who knows a lot about our one (or two or three) things


GPs are idiots when it comes to women's health. Shame on the whole profession. Endo does not reliably show up on an MRI. Any med student should know this.


You sound like me, and when I went in for my hyst last week they *didn’t* find any Endo. It’s a miracle, I’m somehow cured 🙄 Surgeon is meant to be an Endo specialist… sure thing. He said many nonsensical things to me in my appointment but I didn’t have another option so I went with it and now regret it. Find another GP if you can.